AALAE | African Association for Literacy and Adult Education |
ACP | African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries |
AEGIS | Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies |
AfCFTA | African Continental Free Trade Area |
AFRA | Association for Rural Advancement |
AFRODAD | African Forum and Network on Debt and Development |
AGRA | Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa |
AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
ALA | African Literature Association |
AMISOM | African Union Mission in Somalia |
AMISOM | African Union Mission to Somalia |
AMU | Arab Maghreb Union |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANC | Antenatal Care |
APLA | Azania People's Liberation Army |
APLF | Azanian Peoples' Liberation Front |
ASA | African Studies Association |
ASM | Artisanal and Small-scale Mining |
AU | African Union |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
BEE | Black Economic Empowerment |
BIEA | British Institute in Eastern Africa |
BLS | Botswana-Lesotho-Swaziland |
BNF | Botswana National Front |
BPP | Bechuanaland Peoples Party |
CAMPFIRE | Communal Areas Management Programme For Indigenous Resources |
CAURWA | Communauté des Autochtones Rwandais |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |
CBNRM | Community Based Natural Resource Management |
CBRN | Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear |
CEDEAO | Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest |
CEEAC | Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique Centrale |
CEMAC | Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale |
CEPSI | Centre d'Etudes des Problemes Sociaux Indigenes |
CERLESHS | Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales |
CHRAJ | Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CJTF | Civilian Joint Task Force |
CKGR | Central Kalahari Game Reserve |
CMEA | Council of Mutual Economic Assistance |
CMS | Church Missionary Society |
CODESRIA | Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa |
COMESA | Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa |
CONSAS | Constellation of Southern African States |
COSATU | Congress of South African Trade Unions |
COVAW | Coalition on Violence Against Women |
CPA | Comprehensive Peace Agreement |
CRRF | Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework |
DDR | Demobilisation, Disarmament and Reintegration |
DRC | Democratic Republic of Congo |
EAC | East African Community |
EASF | East African Standby Force |
EC | European Community |
ECCAS | Economic Community of Central African States |
ECOMOG | Economic Community Monitoring Group |
ECOSOCC | Economic, Social and Cultural Council |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EiE | Education in Emergencies |
EMPI | Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Initiative |
ENSO | El Nino-Southern Oscillation |
EPLF | Eritrean People's Liberation Front |
EPRDF | Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front |
ESAP | Economic Structural Adjustment Programme |
EU | European Union |
FAL | Functional Adult Literacy |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDLR | Forces démocratiques de libération de Rwanda |
FGM | Female Genital Mutilation |
Frelimo | Frente de Libertação de Moçambique |
FTLRP | Fast Track Land Reform Programme |
GCC | Gulf Cooperative Council |
GERA | Gender and Economic Reforms in Africa |
GESS | Growth Enhancement Support Scheme |
GEV | Global Electronic Village |
GMOs | Genetically Modified Organisms |
HIPC | Heavily Indebted Poor Country |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HSRC | Human Sciences Research Council |
ICC | International Criminal Court |
ICEWS | Integrated Crisis Early Warning System |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
ICTR | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
ICU | Islamic Courts Union |
IDE | Investissements Directs Étrangers |
IDPs | Internally Displaced Persons |
IEBC | Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission |
IFGs | Informal Financial Groups |
IGAD | Intergovernmental Authority on Development |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
KPF | Kalahari Peoples Fund |
LAPSSET | Lamu Port and South Sudan Ethiopia Transport |
LDCs | Less Developed Countries |
LP | Linear Programming |
LRA | Lord's Resistance Army |
MDC | Movement for Democratic Change |
MDGs | Millennium Development Goals |
MENA | Middle East and North Africa |
MENA | Middle Eastern and North African |
MINUSMA | United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission |
MNJTF | Multinational Joint Task Force |
MNR | Mozambique National Resistance Movement |
MPLA | Movemento Popular de Libertação de Angola |
MPLA | People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola |
MSMEs | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises |
NALEDI | National Labour and Economic Development Institute |
NARC | National Rainbow Coalition |
NCDDP | National Community-Driven Development Programme |
NDRS | National Digital Registry System |
NEPAD | New Partnership for Africa's Development |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
NIF | National Islamic Front |
NISA | National Intelligence and Security Agency |
NP | National Party |
NPKF | National Peacekeeping Force |
NRM | National Resistance Movement |
NUMSA | National Union of Metal Workers in South Africa |
OAU | Organization of African Unity |
ONUCI | Opération des Nations Unies en Côte d'Ivoire |
OSBPs | One-Stop Border Posts |
OSINT | Open Source Intelligence |
PAGAD | People Against Gangsterism and Drugs |
PMAC | Provisional Military Administrative Council |
PME | Petite et Moyenne Entreprise |
PNDC | Provisional National Defence Council |
RAMONA | Rahimtulla Museum of Modern Art |
RDP | Reconstruction and Development Programme |
REDD | Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation |
RENAMO | Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana |
RGS | Royal Geographical Society |
ROSCAs | Rotating Savings and Credit Associations |
SACC | South African Council of Churches |
SADC | Southern African Development Community |
SADCC | Southern African Development Coordination Conference |
SADF | South African Defence Force |
SAGCOT | Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania |
SAHRC | South African Human Rights Commission |
SANCO | South African National Civic Organisation |
SANDF | South African National Defence Force |
SAP | Structural Adjustment Programme |
SASL | South African Sign Language |
SDGs | Sustainable Development Goals |
SICAP | Société Immobilière du Cap Vert |
SIDA | Swedish International Development Agency |
SIDA | Syndrome d'Immunodéficience Acquise [AIDS] |
SME | Small to Medium Enterprises |
SOAS | School of Oriental and African Studies |
SRC | Student Representative Councils |
SSA | Sub-Saharan Africa |
STDs | Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
STUC | Scottish Trades Union Congress |
SWAPO | South West Africa People's Organisation |
SWATF | South West African Territorial Force |
TAMWA | Tanzanian Media Women's Association |
TANU | Tanganyika African National Union |
TICAD | Tokyo International Conference on African Development |
TRC | Truth and Reconciliation Commission |
TRIP | Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights |
TRIPS | Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
UDI | Unilateral Declaration of Independence |
UEMOA | Union Économique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine |
UHRC | Uganda Human Rights Commission |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
UPC | Uganda People's Congress |
UPDF | Ugandan People's Defence Force |
USAID | United States Agency For International Development |
USTN | Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger |
UWC | University of Western Cape |
UWT | Women's Union of Tanzania |
WAEMU | West African Economic and Monetary Union |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WIMSA | Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa |
WMC | White Monopoly Capital |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
ZANU | Zimbabwe African National Union |
ZAPU | Zimbabwe African People's Union |
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