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Search: au=0000000038320254
Found: 10 Record 1-10

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (2010)
Secular states, Muslim law and Islamic religious culture: gender implications of legal struggles in hybrid legal systems in contemporary West Africa
Droit et cultures. #59. p. 97-120.

BookCooper, Barbara M. (2006)
Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. African systems of thought. 462p.

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (2003)
See this publicationAnatomy of a Riot: The Social Imaginary, Single Women, and Religious Violence in Niger
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 37 #2-3. p. 467-512.

Conference paperCooper, Barbara M. (2002)
The anatomy of a riot: single women and religious violence in Niger
This paper was presented in the Walter Rodney African Studies Seminar at Boston University on March 11, 2002. Boston, MA: African Studies Center, Boston University. Working papers; 241. 33p.

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (1999)
The strength in the song: Muslim personhood, audible capital and Hausa women's performance of the hajj
Social Text. Volume 17 #60. p. 1-23.

Book chapterCooper, Barbara M. (1998)
Gender and Religion in Hausaland: Variations in Islamic Practice in Niger and Nigeria
In: Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity within Unity. p. 21-37.

BookCooper, Barbara M. (1997)
Marriage in Maradi: gender and culture in a Hausa society in Niger, 1900-1989
Oxford: James Currey. Social history of Africa.

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (1995)
See this publicationWomen's Worth and Wedding Gift Exchange in Maradi, Niger, 1907-1989
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 36 #1. p. 121-140.

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (1994)
See this publicationReflections on Slavery, Seclusion and Female Labor in the Maradi Region of Niger in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 35 #1. p. 61-78.

Periodical articleCooper, Barbara M. (1993)
See this publicationCloth, Commodity Production, and Social Capital: Women in Maradi, Niger, 1890-1989
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 21. p. 51-71.

Search: au=0000000038320254
Found: 10 Record 1-10

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