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Search: ge=Mali | ||||||||
Found: 3721 | Record 1-100 |
Echeverría Jesús, Carlos (2023) | |
La desestabilización del Sahel Occidental se proyecta hacia el Golfo de Guinea | |
Revista general de marina. Volume 284 #5. p. 663-672. |
Poudiougou, Ibrahima (2023) | |
Appropriation foncière, migrations agricoles et conflits armés en pays Dogon (Mali) | |
Ph.D. dissertation (2023-10-12). Leiden; Turin, Italy: Leiden University; University of Turin, Italy. 337p. |
Anderson, Samuel D. (2022) | |
From Algiers to Timbuktu: Multi-Local Research in Colonial History Across the Saharan Divide | |
History in Africa. Volume 49. p. 277-299. |
Baba, Ahmed Salem Ould Mohamed; Castro-Martínez, Pedro V. (2022) | |
O processo de islamização da África Ocidental sob o Império Mali | |
Mirabilia: Electronic Journal of Antiquity, Middle & Modern Ages. Volume 34. p. 142-179. |
Franco, Ana Carina S.; Ajú, Miguel Mbiavanga (2022) | |
Response to the Somali and Malian Jihadist Movements: What Lessons for Mozambique? | |
Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política. Volume 17. p. 91-105. |
Gary-Tounkara, Daouda (2022) | |
Quand les anciens maîtres du pays conservent le pouvoir; Les chefs de quartier d'une ville sans municipalité: Sikasso (Mali), 1875-1959 | |
Histoire urbaine. Volume 63. p. 83-101. |
Burrill, Emily (2021) | |
Sorting and Seeing: Digitization and Ways of Reading the Archives of French West Africa | |
Journal of World History. Volume 32 #2. p. 199-217. |
Chebli, Denia (2021) | |
Comment la violence politique pénètre-t-elle l'intimité d'un foyer? Conversations sur une terrasse bamakoise (mai 2016) | |
20 & 21: Revue d'histoire. Volume 151. p. 35-48. |
Diagayété, Mohamed (2021) | |
A note on Mawlay 'Abd al-Qadir b. Muhammad al-Sanusi and his relationship with the Caliphate of Hamdallahi | |
Afriques. Volume 12. |
Guignard, Lison (2021) | |
Mobilisation du Protocole de Maputo. Le nouveau Code malien des personnes et de la famille en procès | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 242. p. 439-445. |
Koné, Ousmane; Calvès, Anne-E. (2021) | |
La mobilisation des organisations féminines en faveur du Code de la famille au Mali: Autopsie d'une défaite | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 242. p. 321-354. |
Nobili, Mauro; Syed, Amir (2021) | |
Introduction. The Caliphate of Hamdallahi: A history from within | |
Afriques. Volume 12. |
Salvaing, Bernard (2021) | |
La question de l'influence de la Qadiriyya sur les débuts du califat de Hamdallahi, à l'épreuve de nouvelles sources | |
Afriques. Volume 12. |
Stewart, Charles C. (2021) | |
What's In the Manuscripts of Timbuktu? A Survey of the Contents of 31 Private Libraries | |
History in Africa. Volume 48. p. 279-308. |
Vliet, Martin T. van (2021) | |
Beyond Institutional Blueprints: Hybrid Security Provision and Democratic Practice in Mali | |
Ph.D. dissertation (2021-04-21). Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL), Leiden University. 253p. |
Warscheid, Ismail (2021) | |
Quand le droit pense la politique: à propos de deux lettres d'al-Muhtar al-Sagir al-Kunti (m. 1847) à l'imam de Hamdallahi | |
Afriques. Volume 12. |
Zuidberg, Lida; Kortbeek, Simone; Kingma, Koos; Koning, Ans (2021) | |
Femmes du Mali-Sud: changements de vie entre la tradition et le développement: un tissage de mémoires et d'images, 1980-2012 | |
Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #38. 192p. |
Beek, Walter E.A. van; Saye, Atimè Dogolu; Ongoiba, Oumarou Sambo (2020) | |
Chanter le baja ni: Abirè le Voyant Dogon | |
Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #37. 288p. |
Castro Martínez, Vicente (2020) | |
El Imperio songay y su papel en la difusión del islam por África occidental | |
De Medio Aevo. Volume 14. p. 131-145. |
Dougnon, Isaie (2020) | |
'Être chez-soi' à Bamako ou la vie après la mort. 'To Be at Home' in Bamako, or Life after Death | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #237. p. 115-140. |
Golaszweski, Devon (2020) | |
Last Acts of Mothering: Nuptial Counselling in Late Colonial French Soudan (Mali) | |
Past and Present. Volume 246 #15 Supplement. p. 239-262. |
Krulisova, Katerina; Kolmasova, Sarka (2020) | |
Vulnerable women and barbaric rapists: legitimisation of UN interventionism in Mali | |
African Security Review. Volume 29 #2. p. 175-201. |
Rodet, Marie (2020) | |
Documenting the History of Slavery on Film in Kayes, Mali | |
Journal of Global Slavery. Volume 5 #1. p. 89-104. |
Stockreiter, Elke E. (2020) | |
Preserving and Digitizing Djenné's Manuscript Collections: The Politics of Space and Agency in Central Mali | |
History in Africa. Volume 47. p. 119-142. |
Adnane, Mahfouz Ag (2019) | |
Pulular sob o rolo compressor: sobre a resistência Kel Tamacheque à agressão colonial francesa (1881-1919) | |
Anos 90. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Volume 26. p. 115-17. |
Aly, Barry Nouhoum (2019) | |
Notes sur les finances publiques | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 6 #4. p. 450-456. |
Bagayoko, Niagalé (2019) | |
La réforme du système de sécurité malien à l'épreuve des mutations du nexus 'défense/sécurité intérieure' dans l'espace sahélien | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 463-468. |
Bencherif, Adib (2019) | |
Récits du conflit entre les Ifoghas et les Imghad: (Re-)positionnement, grammaire de la parenté et compétition entre élites politiques touarègues | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #234. p. 427-451. |
Bencherif, Adib (2019) | |
Pour une (re-)lecture des rébellions touarègues au Mali: mémoires et représentations dans l'assemblage politique touareg | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #2. p. 195-214. |
Boilley, Pierre (2019) | |
Nord-Mali: les frontières coloniales de l'Azawad | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 469-484. |
Brunet-Jailly, Joseph (2019) | |
L'évolution des niveaux de vie au Mali: promesses politiques et incertitudes statistiques | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 485-494. |
Carayol, Rémi (2019) | |
Entre massacre et lutte antiterroriste: l'armée malienne à l'épreuve du feu | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 495-503. |
Charbonneau, Bruno (2019) | |
Introduction au dossier 'Mali: les défis de la résolution des conflits' | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 403-413. |
Charbonneau, Bruno (2019) | |
Faire la paix au Mali: les limites de l'acharnement contre-terroriste | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 447-462. |
Chebli, Denia (2019) | |
La révolte en héritage: Militantisme en famille et fragmentation au Nord-Mali (MNLA) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #234. p. 453-481. |
Collet, Hadrien (2019) | |
Échos d'Arabie. Le Pèlerinage à La Mecque de Mansa Musa (724-725/1324-1325) d'après des Nouvelles Sources | |
History in Africa. Volume 46. p. 105-135. |
Jourde, Cédric; Brossier, Marie; Cissé, Modibo Ghaly (2019) | |
Prédation et violence au Mali: élites statutaires peules et logiques de domination dans la région de Mopti | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 431-445. |
Karambé, Youssouf (2019) | |
Le Parcours Professionnel des Jeunes au Mali vers l'Auto-entrepreneuriat | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #37. p. 89-112. |
Norris, Harry T. (2019) | |
Arabic Historical Literature from Ghadamis and Mali: Documents from the 18th to 20th Century | |
Leiden: Brill. Islam in Africa #22. 284p. |
Pérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine (2019) | |
Le scientifique, le politique, le Mali et la France: la quadrature du cercle? | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 397-402. |
Sandor, Adam; Campana, Aurélie (2019) | |
Les groupes djihadistes au Mali, entre violence, recherche de légitimité et politiques locales | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 415-430. |
Scheele, Judith (2019) | |
Saharan prisons | |
History and Anthropology. Volume 30 #5. p. 509-514. |
Schultz, Susanne U. (2019) | |
Unfulfilled Expectations for Making a Better Life: Young Malian men coping with their post deportation adventures | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #37. p. 159-181. |
Traoré, N'gna (2019) | |
Vers une gouvernance par la mosquée: Le recours à l'islam dans les cérémonies sociales et dans l'information publique à Sénou (Mali) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #233. p. 47-73. |
Yengué, Jean-Louis (2019) | |
Colonisations et végétation en Afrique | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #32. p. 11-26. |
Diakite, Hienin Ali (2018) | |
An Inventory of Arabic Manuscripts from Dalla, Central Mali (1800-1980s) | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 9 #2. p. 256-268. |
Jolly, Éric (2018) | |
Une femme dogon face à la justice malienne: du soupçon de sorcellerie à la disculpation | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. #231-232. p. 623-645. |
Lydon, Ghislaine (2018) | |
Inventions and Reinventions of Sharia in African History and the Recent Experiences of Nigeria, Somalia and Mali | |
Ufahamu. Volume 40 #1. p. 67-107. |
Soares, Mariza de Carvalho (2018) | |
O comércio dos Wangara e as mantas mandês no Daomé (1810) | |
AbeÁfrica: revista da associação brasileira de estudos africanos. Volume 1. p. 15-40. |
Tjassing, Mirjam (2018) | |
Mali, een kaartenhuis. Getuigenis van een crisis | |
Lm Publishers. 216p. |
Bere, Mathieu (2017) | |
Armed Rebellion, Violent Extremism, and the Challenges of International Intervention in Mali | |
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 7 #2. p. 60-84. |
Bruijn, Mirjam de; Both, Jonna (2017) | |
Youth between State and Rebel (Dis)Orders: Contesting Legitimacy from Below in Sub-Sahara Africa | |
Small Wars and Insurgencies. Volume 28 #4-5. p. 779-798. |
Camara, Bacary (ed.) (2017) | |
La lettre du maire: mensuel d'information communale | |
Bamako: BAMA Impression. |
Charbonneau, Bruno; Chafer, Tony; Wyss, Marco (2017) | |
Whose 'West Africa'? The regional dynamics of peace and security | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 405-406. |
Charbonneau, Bruno (2017) | |
Intervention in Mali: building peace between peacekeeping and counterterrorism | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 415-431. |
Chuhan-Pole, Punam; Dabalen, Andrew; Land, Bryan C.; Lewin, Michael; Sanoh, Aly; Smith, Gregory; Tolonen, Anja (2017) | |
Mining in Africa: are local communities better off? | |
Washington, DC: World Bank. Africa development forum. 183p. |
Dias, Alexandra Magnólia (2017) | |
Radicalization Processes in the Sahel and the Trajectory of Militant Islamist Movements in Mali (2012-2018) | |
Nação e Defesa. Volume 148. p. 82-94. |
Frey, Marc (2017) | |
Doctrines and Practices of Agrarian Development: The Case of the Office du Niger in Mali | |
Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. Volume 27 #2. p. 15-34. |
Jansen, Jan (ed.) (2017) | |
Sunjata: roem duurt langer dan een leven: het verhaal over koning Sunjata zoals verteld door de familie Diabate uit Kela (Mali) | |
Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC occasional publications #29. 131p. |
Jedlowski, Alessandro; Röschenthaler, Ute (eds.) (2017) | |
China-Africa media interactions: media and popular culture between business and state intervention | |
Journal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 29. p. 1-147. |
Jourde, Cédric (2017) | |
How Islam intersects ethnicity and social status in the Sahel | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 432-450. |
Merolla, Daniela; Turin, Mark (eds.) (2017) | |
Searching for sharing: heritage and multimedia in Africa | |
Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. World Oral Literature Series #7. 149p. |
Moseley, William G.; Hoffman, Barbara G. (eds.) (2017) | |
Hope, despair, and the future of Mali | |
African Studies Review. Volume 60 #1. p. 5-122. |
Odusola, Ayodele (ed.) (2017) | |
Addressing poverty and inequality in the post 2015 development agenda | |
African Development Review. Volume 29 #1. p. 1-72. |
Ogorodnikova, Darya (2017) | |
'Ajami Annotations in Multilingual Manuscripts from Mande Speaking Areas: Visual and Linguistic Features | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 8 #1-2. p. 111-143. |
Paquin, Jonathan; Massie, Justin; Beauregard, Philippe (2017) | |
Obama's leadership style: enabling transatlantic allies in Libya and Mali | |
Journal of Transatlantic Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 184-206. |
Wyss, Marco (2017) | |
France and the economic community of West African states: peacekeeping partnership in theory and practice | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 487-505. |
Yengo, Patrice (ed.) (2017) | |
Élites de retour de l'Est | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 57 #226. p. 231-452. |
Amico, Marta (2016) | |
La résistance des Touaregs au prisme de la 'World Music' | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 56 #224. p. 821-844. |
Barbet, Clotilde (2016) | |
Les rébellions touarègues au Nord-Mali: entre idées reçues et réalités | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série politique. 171p. |
Bonte, Pierre (2016) | |
Récits d'origine: contribution à la connaissance du passé ouest-saharien (Mauritanie, Maroc, Sahara occidental, Algérie et Mali) | |
Paris: Éditions Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 807p. |
Bratton, Michael (2016) | |
Violence, displacement and democracy in post-conflict societies: evidence from Mali | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 34 #4. p. 437-458. |
Colleyn, Jean-Paul (2016) | |
Architectures de terre dans l'Ouest africain: bleu à l'ombre, ocre au soleil | |
Arles: Actes sud/Imprimerie nationale. 196p. |
Dembele, Mamadou Bakaye (2016) | |
Réflexion du droit malien des successions | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 70 #3. p. 436-464. |
Dougnon, Isaie (2016) | |
Reinterpreting Labor Migration as Initiation Rite: 'Ghana Boys' and European Clothing in Dogon Country (Mali), 1920-1960 | |
African Economic History. Volume 44. p. 73-90. |
Falconnier, Gatien Noël (2016) | |
Trajectories of agricultural change in southern Mali | |
Wageningen: Wageningen University. 206p. |
Gyan, Nana Baah (2016) | |
The Web, speech technologies and rural development in West Africa: an ICT4D approach | |
The Netherlands. 136p. |
Hahonou, Eric Komlavi; Pelckmans, Lotte (eds.) (2016) | |
River nomads = Les nomades du fleuve | |
Hannoum, Abdelmajid (ed.) (2016) | |
Practicing Sufism: Sufi politics and performance in Africa | |
Abingdon: Routledge. RoutledgeCurzon Sufi series. 254p. |
Hernann, Andrew (2016) | |
Joking through hardship: humor and truth-telling among displaced Timbuktians | |
African Studies Review. Volume 59 #1. p. 57-76. |
Hilali, Benazir (2016) | |
Vers une sortie de crise du Mali, la restructuration d'un territoire en déshérence | |
Territoires d'Afrique. #8. p. 99-108. |
Hofbauer, Martin; Münch, Philipp; Konopka, Torsten (eds.) (2016) | |
Mali | |
Paderborn: Schöningh. Wegweiser zur Geschichte. 272p. |
International Crisis Group (2016) | |
Central Mali: An Uprising in the Making | |
Brussels: International Crisis Group. ICG Africa report #238. 28p. |
Jansen, Jan (2016) | |
When marrying a Muslim: the social code of political elites in the Western Sudan, c. 1600-c. 1850 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 57 #1. p. 25-45. |
Janson, Marloes; Schulz, Dorothea (eds.) (2016) | |
Religion and masculinities in Africa | |
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 46 #2-3. p. 121-347. |
Kane, Ousmane Oumar (2016) | |
Beyond Timbuktu: an intellectual history of Muslim West Africa | |
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 282p. |
Konaré, Alpha Oumar (2016) | |
Histoire des partis politiques au Mali: du pluralisme politique au parti unique, 1946-1968 | |
Bamako: Cauris Editions. Documents d'histoire. 607p. |
Konaté, Famagan-Oulé; Gonin, Patrick (eds.) (2016) | |
Le rôle des migrations au Mali: cercles de Kita, Banamba et district de Bamako | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 286p. |
Leblon, Anaïs (2016) | |
'Is pastoralism dead?': between nostalgia, transmission and maintenance of the practice of transhumant cattle herding in Mali | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 20 #2. p. 216-244. |
Leube, Georg (2016) | |
Sacred Topography: A Spatial Approach to the stelae of Gao-Saney | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 7 #1. p. 44-59. |
Masquelier, Adeline; Soares, Benjamin F. (eds.) (2016) | |
Muslim youth and the 9/11 generation | |
Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press. School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series. 295p. |
Mathee, Mohamed Shahid (2016) | |
Probing the Theological Resources of a Seventeenth-Century tarikh: the Tarikh al-Sudan and Ash'ari kalam | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 7 #2. p. 159-184. |
Merolla, Daniela (ed.) (2016) | |
African oral literature and education: interactions and intersections | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 25 #3-4. 59p. |
Mosses, Sarah; Schwartz, Johanna; Morgan, Andy (eds.) (2016) | |
They will have to kill us first: Malian music in exile | |
London: Mojo Music in association with Together Films and Spring Films. |
Mucha, Witold (2016) | |
Enable and enhance - that's it? European Union peace building and the enable and enhance initiative | |
ASPJ: Africa and Francophonie. Volume 7 #3. p. 50-66. |
Nobili, Mauro (2016) | |
'Letter on the appearance of the twelfth caliph' (Risala fi zuhur al-khalifa al-thani 'ashar). Edition of the Arabic Text with English Translation | |
Afriques. Volume 7. |
Rubino, Roberta (2016) | |
Outils de recherche: étude du projet Coton bio-équitable du Mali | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Ethnographiques. 144p. |
Röschenthaler, Ute; Diawara, Mamadou (eds.) (2016) | |
Copyright Africa: how intellectual property, media and markets transform immaterial cultural goods | |
Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing. 393p. |
Röschenthaler, Ute; Schulz, Dorothea Elisabeth (eds.) (2016) | |
Cultural entrepreneurship in Africa | |
New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Routledge African studies #20. 317p. |
Search: ge=Mali | ||||||||
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