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Periodical articleBloom, Molly (2020)
See this publicationToward a Disability Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #4. p. 273-291.

Periodical articleSridi, Dorsaf; Guetat, Imene (2020)
See this publicationThe direct and indirect risk impacts on remittances: A cross-regional specific effects
African Development Review. Volume 32 #3. p. 288-302.

BookSadoff, Claudia (ed.) (2017)
See this publicationBeyond scarcity: water security in the Middle East and North Africa: conference edition
Washington, DC: World Bank. MENA development report.

BookThépaut, Charles (2017)
Le monde arabe en morceaux: des printemps arabes à Daech
Malakoff: Armand Colin. Collection U. 287p.

BookBarthèlemy, Guy (ed.) (2016)
L'orientalisme après la querelle: dans les pas de François Pouillon
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 385p.

Periodical issueMenu, Bernadette (ed.) (2016)
Dossier: Le juste et le sacré: les territoires de la faute dans l'Égypte ancienne, en Mésopotamie et dans la Bible = Just and sacred: the fault territoiries in Ancient Egypte, in Mesopotamia and in the Bible
Abstract presentDroit et cultures. #71. 216p.

Periodical articleTella, Oluwaseun (2016)
See this publicationWielding soft power in strategic regions: an analysis of China's power of attraction in Africa and the Middle East
Africa Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 8 #2. p. 133-144.

Periodical articleAkacem, Mohammed; Miller, Dennis D. (2015)
Oil as the path to institutional change in the oil-exporting Middle East and North Africa
ASPJ: Africa and Francophonie. Volume 6 #4. p. 46-62.

BookBennafla, Karine (ed.) (2015)
Acteurs et pouvoirs dans les villes du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 361p.

Periodical articleKayikçi, Fazil; Bildirici, Melike (2015)
See this publicationEconomic growth and electricity consumption in GCC and MENA Countries
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 83 #2. p. 303-316.

BookAbiola, Jamiu (2014)
The prisoner of conscience
Jamiu Abiola. 304p.

BookAbis, Sébastien; Bennafla, Karine (eds.) (2014)
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Confluences Méditerranée #90. 205p.

Periodical articleBayart, Jean-François (2014)
Retour sur les Printemps arabes
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #133. p. 153-175.

Periodical issueDumreicher, Heidi (ed.) (2014)
Le Hammam en Méditerranée
Abstract presentInsaniyat: revue algérienne d'anthropologie et de sciences sociales. #63-64. 337p.

Periodical articleGreffrath, Wynand; Duvenhage, André (2014)
See this publicationThe Arab Spring: theoretical perspectives on the regimes of North Africa and the Middle East
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 21 #1. p. 27-44.

Periodical articleLittle, Douglas (2013)
See this publicationTo the Shores of Tripoli: America, Qaddafi, and Libyan Revolution 1969-89
The International History Review. Volume 35 #1. p. 70-99.

Conference paperAgoumy, Taoufik; Refass, Mohammed (eds.) (2012)
Ville et environnement durable en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient
Abstract presentRabat: Université Mohammed V. Publications de la Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Rabat, Série: Colloques et séminaires #171. 294p.

BookDenécé, Eric (ed.) (2012)
La face cachée des 'révolutions' arabes
Abstract presentParis: Ellipses. 528p.

BookVolpi, Frédéric (ed.) (2012)
Political civility in the Middle East
Abstract presentLondon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Thirdworlds. 201p.

Periodical articleBishku, Michael B. (2011)
See this publicationEgyptian-Iranian relations and the politics of the Middle East during the Cold War
Maghreb Review. Volume 36 #1. p. 3-21.

Conference paperBoughzala, Mongi; Cobham, David (eds.) (2011)
Inflation targeting in MENA countries: an unfinished journey
Abstract presentBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 326p.

BookDavis, Diana K.; Burke, Edmund (eds.) (2011)
Environmental imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentAthens, OH: Ohio University Press. Ohio University Press series in ecology and history. 286p.

BookFernández-Galiano, Luis (ed.) (2011)
Atlas: architectures of the 21st century Africa and the Middle East
Bilbao: Fundación BBVA. 317p.

Periodical articlePons, Frédéric (2011)
2011, l'année des révolutions arabes
Mondes et cultures. Volume 71. p. 295-306.

BookTessler, Mark (2011)
Public opinion in the Middle East: survey research and the political orientations of ordinary citizens
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Indiana series in Middle East studies. 372p.

Periodical issueZoubir, Yahia H. (ed.) (2011)
See this publicationSpecial issue on Russian policy toward the Middle East and North Africa, including Iran and Turkey
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 36 #2. p. 99-203.

Book chapterAmghar, Samir (2010)
Les trois visages de l'islam politique en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient: essai de typologie
In: L'année du Maghreb. p. 529-541.

BookBrown, Nathan J.; Hamzawy, Amr (2010)
Between religion and politics
Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 213p.

BookBudge, E.A. Wallis (2010)
By Nile and Tigris: a narrative of journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1886 and 1913
Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing.

Periodical articleDaguzan, Jean-François (2010)
Le monde arabe dans la crise
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek. #206. p. 9-139.

BookDevlin, Julia C. (2010)
Challenges of economic development in the Middle East and North Africa region
Singapore: World scientific. World Scientific studies in international economics #8. 557p.

BookGarcea, Elena A.A. (ed.) (2010)
South-eastern Mediterranean peoples between 130,000 and 10,000 years ago
Abstract presentOxford: Oxbow. 188p.

BookHaghighat-Sordellini, Elhum (2010)
Women in the Middle East and North Africa: change and continuity
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 216p.

Periodical articleArvanitis, Rigas; M'henni, Hatem; Tsipouri, Lena (2009)
Existe-t-il une gouvernance des systèmes d'innovation en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient?
Maghreb Machrek. #202. p. 65-84.

BookDirani, Omar Hassan El (2009)
See this publicationConstraints in the market chains for export of Sudanese sheep and sheep meat to the Middle East
Khartoum: International Livestock Research Institute. Research report #16. 83p.

BookDoppler, Werner; Majdalawi, Mohammad; Almohamed, Salwa (eds.) (2009)
Economics of resources use and farming systems development in the Middle East and East Africa
Abstract presentWeikersheim: Margraf Publishers. 298p.

Periodical articleHarabi, Najib (2009)
See this publicationEconomic performance of the Arabic book translation industry in Arab countries
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 203-219.

BookHarrigan, Jane; El-Said, Hamed (2009)
Aid and power in the Arab world: IMF and World bank policy-based lending in the Middle East and North Africa
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 224p.

BookKing, Stephen Juan (2009)
The new authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Indiana series in Middle East studies. 279p.

Conference paperMirzai, Behnaz A.; Montana, Ismael Musah; Lovejoy, Paul E.; Harriet Tubman Resource Centre on the African Diaspora (2009)
Slavery, Islam and diaspora
Abstract presentTrenton, NJ: Africa World Press.

Periodical articlePellicer, Miquel; Wegner, Eva (2009)
See this publicationAltruism and its limits: the role of civil and political rights for American and French aid towards the Middle East and North Africa
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 109-121.

BookTamcke, Martin; Manukyan, Arthur (2009)
Protestanten im Orient
Abstract presentWürzburg: Ergon Verlag. Orthodoxie, Orient und Europa #1. 209p.

BookWasem, Erich (2009)
Durch den Orient als freier Mensch: die Maximumkarten des Afrika-Reisenden Josef Steinlehner 1909-1926
München: Herbert Utz Verlag. 124p.

BookAhmed, Allam (ed.) (2008)
Business excellence and competitiveness in the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentGeneva: Interscience Enterprises Ltd. Globalisation, technology and sustainable development book series 2.

BookAlbrecht, Holger; Köhler, Kevin (eds.) (2008)
Politischer Islam im Vorderen Orient: zwischen Sozialbewegung, Opposition und Widerstand
Baden-Baden: Nomos. 231p.

BookSabri, Nidal Rashid (2008)
Financial markets and institutions in the Arab economy
New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers. 176p.

BookAhmed, Allam (ed.) (2007)
Science, technology and sustainability in the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentGenève: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 380p.

BookAlterman, Jon B.; Hippel, Karin von (eds.) (2007)
Understanding Islamic charities
Abstract presentWashington, DC: CSIS press. Significant issues series 29. 186p.

Periodical issueLe Houérou, Fabienne (ed.) (2007)
Migrations Sud-Sud
Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée. #119-120. 320p.

BookMaitland, Alexander (2007)
Wilfred Thesiger: the life of the great explorer
London: Harper Perennial. 528p.

Dissertation / thesisStachowski, Natalie (2007)
An examination of NGOs: the state and women's rights in the Middle East
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 67p.

Periodical articleBeyin, Amanuel (2006)
See this publicationThe Bab al Mandab versus the Nile-Levant: An Appraisal of the Two Dispersal Routes for Early Modern Humans Out of Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Archaeological Review. Volume 23 #1-2. March. p. 5-30.

BookBinder, Georges (ed.) (2006)
Tall buildings of Europe, Middle East and Africa
Mulgrave: Images Publishing. 240p.

Periodical articleKienle, Eberhard (2006)
The political corollaries of economic reform in the Arab Middle East and North Africa
Hemispheres: Studies on Cultures and Societies. #21. p. 83-95.

BookLandau, Emily B. (2006)
Arms control in the Middle East: cooperative security dialogue and regional constraints
Brighton: Sussex Academic Press. 253p.

BookLevtzion, Nehemia; Abitbol, Michel; Nadan, Amos (eds.) (2006)
Islam in Africa and the Middle East: studies on conversion and renewal
Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum. Collected studies series #844. 304p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2005)
Developments of the Euro-Mediterranean relationships 'ten years after Barcelona Declaration'
Economic Bulletin - National Bank of Egypt. Volume 58 #3. p. 22-52.

Periodical issueBernard-Maugiron, Nathalie; Ferrié, Jean-Noël (eds.) (2005)
Les architectures constitutionnelles des régimes politiques arabes: de l'autoritarisme à la démocratisation
Égypte/Monde arabe: Droit, économie, société. #2. 270p.

BookGraincourt, Mehdi de; Ciannella, Stefano; Boulblah, Faouzi (eds.) (2005)
On the path of Ibn al-Arabi: the revelations in Fez and Marrakesh
Mohammedia: Senso Unico Editions. 237p.

BookLange, Dierk (2005)
Ancient kingdoms of West Africa: Africa centred and Canaanite Israelite perspectives; a collection of published and unpublished studies in English and French
Dettelbach: Röll. 586p.

BookPrah, Kwesi Kwaa (2005)
Reflections on Arab-led slavery of Africans
Abstract presentCape Town, South Africa: Centre for the Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS).

Periodical articleSoliman, Motazz A. (2005)
Libyan Foreign Policy from the Middle East to Africa: History, Transition and Implication
Maghreb Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 73-97.

Periodical articleMenu, Bernadette (2004)
La function de juger: Égypte ancienne et Mésopotamie
Droit et cultures. #47. p. 11-188.

BookHamzah, Sharifah (ed.) (2003)
Strategy for Africa and West Asia 2002-2006
Penang: WorldFish center. WorldFish Center contribution #1682. 63p.

Conference paperKastfelt, Niels (ed.) (2003)
Scriptural Politics: The Bible and the Koran as political models in the Middle East and Africa
Abstract presentLondon: Hurst. 226p.

BookPetras, James F. (2003)
A system in crisis: the dynamics of free market capitalism
Black Point, Nova Scotia: Fernwood. 260p.

Periodical articleChami, Felix A. (2002)
East Africa and the Middle East relationship from the first millennium BC to about 1500 AD
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 72 #2. p. 21-37.

BookFay, Mary Ann (ed.) (2002)
Auto/biography and the construction of identity and community in the Middle East
Abstract presentNew York, NY: Palgrave. 245p.

BookHitchcock, Robert K.; Osborn, Alan J. (eds.) (2002)
Endangered peoples of Africa and the Middle East: struggles to survive and thrive
Abstract presentWestport, CT: Greenwood Press. Endangered peoples of the world. 299p.

BookHunwick, John; Powell, Eve Troutt (2002)
The African diaspora in the Mediterranean lands of Islam
Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener. Princeton series on the Middle East. 246p.

Dissertation / thesisVanDenBerg, Jeffrey Allan (2002)
Democratization and foreign policy in the Middle East: a case study of Jordan and Egypt
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 445p.

BookCelasun, Merih (ed.) (2001)
State-owned enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa: privatization, performance and reform
Abstract presentLondon: Routledge. Routledge studies in development economics #18. 300p.

Periodical issueClancy-Smith, Julia (ed.) (2001)
See this publicationNorth Africa, Islam and the Mediterranean world: from the Almoravids to the Algerian war
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 6 #1. 195p.

BookGilsenan, Michael; Kennedy, Marianne; Depaule, Jean-Charles (eds.) (2001)
Connaissance de l'islam
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 244p.

BookShami, Seteney (ed.) (2001)
Capital cities: ethnographies of urban governance in the Middle East
Toronto: Centre for Urban & Community Studies, University of Toronto. 243p.

BookTuchscherer, Michel (ed.) (2001)
Le commerce du café avant l'ère des plantations coloniales: espaces, réseaux, sociétés (XVe-XIXe siècle)
Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale. Annales islamologiques, Supplément #20. 410p.

BookZuhur, Sherifa (2001)
Asmahan's secrets: woman, war and song
London: Saqi Books. 247p.

Periodical articleDervis, Kemal; Shafik, Nemat (1998)
See this publicationThe Middle East and North Africa: a tale of two futures
Middle East Journal. Volume 52 #4. p. 505-516.

Periodical articleLaskier, Michael M. (1998)
In the Aftermath of Israel's Sinai Campaign: The Leadership Crisis and Political and Economic Decline of Egypt's Jewish Communities during the Late 1950s and 1960s
Africana Journal. Volume 17. p. 289-306.

Periodical articleVenditto, Bruno (1998)
Is the Euromediteranean Free Trade Area Still a Convincing Instrument for Regional Co-Operation?
Maghreb Review. Volume 23 #1-4. p. 87-101.

Conference paperBrooks, David B.; Rached, Eglal; Saade, Maurice (eds.) (1997)
Management of water demand in Africa and the Middle East: current practices and future needs
Abstract presentOttawa: IDRC. 78p.

Periodical articleLefebvre, Jeffrey A. (1996)
See this publicationMiddle East conflicts and middle level power intervention in the Horn of Africa
Abstract presentMiddle East Journal. Volume 50 #3. p. 387-404.

BookBerkoff, Jeremy (1994)
A strategy for managing water in the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentWashington, DC: The World Bank. Directions in development, Private sector development. 72p.

BookAhmed, Leila (1992)
Women and gender in Islam: historical roots of a modern debate
Abstract presentNew Haven: Yale University Press. 296p.

Book chapterAusten, Ralph A. (1992)
The Mediterranean Islamic slave trade out of Africa: a tentative census
Abstract presentIn: The Human Commodity: Perspectives on the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade. p. 214-248.

BookChapman, Graham P.; Baker, Kathleen M. (eds.) (1992)
The changing geography of Africa and the Middle East
Abstract presentLondon: Routledge. 252p.

Book chapterHunwick, J.O. (1992)
Black slaves in the Mediterranean world: introduction to a neglected aspect of the African diaspora
Abstract presentIn: The Human Commodity: Perspectives on the Trans-Saharan Slave Trade. p. 5-38.

Periodical articleShettima, Kole Ahmed (1991)
Islam and Africa in the Gulf crisis
Abstract presentZeitschrift für Afrikastudien. #9-10. p. 83-99.

BookBennassar, Bartolomé; Bennassar, Lucile (1989)
Les chrétiens d'Allah: l'histoire extraordinaire des renégats, XVIe et XVIIe siècles
Abstract presentParis: Perrin. 493p.

Periodical articleLiauzu, Claude (1986)
Sociétés urbaines et mouvements sociaux: état des recherches en langue anglaise sur le 'Middle East'
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #111. p. 24-56.

Periodical articleSerageldin, I.; Socknat, J.; Birks a.o., J. Stace (1984)
See this publicationSome issues related to labor migration in the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentMiddle East Journal. Volume 38 #4. p. 615-642.

Periodical articleLiebesny, Herbert J. (1983)
See this publicationJudicial systems in the Near and Middle East: evolutionary development and Islamic revival
Abstract presentMiddle East Journal. Volume 37 #2. p. 202-217.

Periodical articlePower, Paul F. (1983)
See this publicationPreventing nuclear conflict in the Middle East: the free-zone strategy
Abstract presentMiddle East Journal. Volume 37 #4. p. 617-635.

Periodical articleTibi, Bassam (1983)
See this publicationThe renewed role of Islam in the political and social development of the middle east
Abstract presentMiddle East Journal. Volume 37 #1. p. 3-13.

BookIssawi, Charles (1982)
An economic history of the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentNew York: Columbia University Press. The Columbia economic history of the modern world. 304p.

Periodical articleIshow, Habib (1981)
Reflexions sur l'industrialisation et le développement des pays du proche-orient et de l'Afrique du Nord
Abstract presentL'Afrique et l'Asie modernes. #130. p. 3-19.

BookLong, David E.; Reich, Bernard (eds.) (1980)
The government and politics of the Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentBoulder, CO: Westview Press. 480p.

Periodical articleMiette, Roland (1980)
Les echanges agricoles et agro-alimentaires de la France avec les pays du Maghreb et du Proche-Orient
Abstract presentL'Afrique et l'Asie modernes. #124. p. 49-60.

BookBulliet, Richard W. (1979)
Conversion to Islam in the medieval period: an essay in quantitative history
Abstract presentCambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press.

BookGischler, Christiaan E. (1979)
Water resources in the Arab Middle East and North Africa
Abstract presentCambridge: Middle East and North African Studies Press. 132p.

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