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Search: ge=Portugal | ||||||||
Found: 350 | Record 201-300 |
Alpers, Edward A. (1988) | |
Representation and Historical Consciousness in the Art of Modern Mozambique | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 22 #1. p. 73-94. |
Axelson, E. (1988) | |
The voyage of Bartolomeu Dias 1487-1488 | |
Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. #1-6. p. 5-13. |
Bennani, Aziza (1988) | |
Trois grands volets d'une actualité portugaise au Maroc | |
Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. #1-6. p. 15-37. |
Freudenthal, Aida (1988) | |
Um partido colonial - Partido Reformista de Angola - 1910-1912 | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #8-9. p. 13-57. |
Isaacman, Allen F. (1988) | |
Colonial Mozambique, an Inside View: The Life History of Raul Honwana | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 28 #109. p. 59-88. |
Patterson, K. David (1988) | |
Epidemics, Famines, and Population in the Cape Verde Islands, 1580-1900 | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 21 #2. p. 291-313. |
Puna, Mbambi (1988) | |
A colaboração Belgo-Portuguesa em questões coloniais: a troca dos territórios Dilolo-Mpozo entre Angola e o Congo Belga | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #8-9. p. 59-92. |
Bowman, Joye L. (1987) | |
'Legitimate Commerce' and Peanut Production in Portuguese Guinea, 1840s-1880s | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 28 #1. p. 87-106. |
Heywood, L.; Thornton, J.K. (1987) | |
Demography, production, and labor: Central Angola, 1890-1950 | |
In: African population and capitalism: historical perspectives. p. 241-254. |
Heywood, Linda M. (1987) | |
The Growth and Decline of African Agriculture in Central Angola, 1890-1950 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 13 #3. April. p. 355-371. |
Martin, Phyllis M. (1987) | |
Family Strategies in Nineteenth Century Cabinda | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 28 #1. p. 65-86. |
Schoenmakers, Hans (1987) | |
Old men and new State structures in Guinea-Bissau | |
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. #25-26. p. 99-138. |
Bowman, Joye L. (1986) | |
Abdul Njai: Ally and Enemy of the Portuguese in Guinea-Bissau, 1895-1910 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 27 #3. p. 463-479. |
Cahen, Michel (1986) | |
Le Portugal et l'Afrique: le cas des relations luso-mozambicaines (1965-1985): étude politique et bibliographique | |
Afrique contemporaine. Volume 25 #137. p. 3-55. |
Dias, Jill R. (1986) | |
Changing Patterns of Power in the Luanda Hinterland: The Impact of Trade and Colonisation on the Mbundu ca. 1845-1920 | |
Paideuma. Volume 32. p. 285-318. |
Ramos, Rui (1986) | |
Rebeliao e sociedade colonial: 'alvoroços' e 'levantamentos' em Sao Tomé (1545-1555) | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #4-5. p. 17-74. |
Schoenmakers, H. (1986) | |
The establishment of the colonial economy in Guinea Bissau: the colonial state, trade and agriculture, 1815-1926: review of a development | |
Les cahiers du CEDAF. #2-4. p. 3-29. |
Szyma'nski, Edward (1986) | |
Africa and the Portuguese Colonisation | |
Africana Bulletin. #33. p. 37-50. |
Clarence-Smith, Gervase (1985) | |
Business Empires in Angola under Salazar, 1930-1961 | |
African Economic History. Volume 14. p. 1-13. |
Clarence-Smith, Gervase (1985) | |
The Impact of the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War on Portuguese and Spanish Africa | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 26 #4. p. 309-326. |
Isaacman, Allen F. (1985) | |
Chiefs, Rural Differentiation and Peasant Protest: The Mozambican Forced Cotton Regime, 1938-1961 | |
African Economic History. Volume 14. p. 15-56. |
MacQueen, Norman (1985) | |
Portugal and Africa: The Politics of Re-Engagement | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 23 #1. March. p. 31-51. |
Stuart, Richard (1985) | |
Os Nyanja, o U.M.C.A. e a companhia do Niassa, 1880-1930 | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #3. p. 9-44. |
Dias, Jill R. (1984) | |
Uma questao de identidade: respostas intelectuais as transformaçoes economicas no seio da elite Crioula da Angola Portuguesa entre 1870 e 1930 | |
Revista internacional de estudos Africanos. #1. p. 61-94. |
Kennedy, James H. (1984) | |
Colonialism and Literary Production in Guinea-Bissau | |
Current Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 17 #2. p. 155-165. |
Miller, Joseph C. (1984) | |
Capitalism and Slaving: The Financial and Commercial Organization to the Angolan Slave Trade, According to the Accounts of Antonio Coelho Guerreiro (1684-1692) | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 17 #1. p. 1-56. |
Cahen, Michel (1983) | |
Corporatisme et colonialisme: approche du cas mozambicain 1933-1979 | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 23 #92. p. 383-417. |
Guimaraes, A. (1983) | |
Le chemin de fer de Luanda à Ambaca | |
African Economic History. Volume 12. p. 109-124. |
Kirkman, J. (1983) | |
The Muzungulos of Mombasa | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 16 #1. p. 73-82. |
Torres, A. (1983) | |
Le rôle du capital bancaire dans les colonies portugaises de l'Angola et de St. Tomé de 1864 au début du XXe siècle | |
African Economic History. Volume 12. p. 227-240. |
Ijoma, J.O. (1982) | |
Portuguese Activities in West Africa before 1600: The Consequences | |
Transafrican Journal of History. Volume 11. p. 136-146. |
Isaacman, Allen F. (1982) | |
The Mozambican Cotton Cooperative: The Creation of a Grassroots Alternative to Forced Commodity Production | |
African Studies Review. Volume 25 #2-3. July-September. p. 5-25. |
Newitt, M.D.D. (1982) | |
The Early History of the Maravi | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 23 #2. p. 145-162. |
Davies, R. (1981) | |
The Portugal/Rhodesia joint trade and economic liaison committee, 1965-1970 | |
Mozambican Studies: Journal of Social Science. #2. p. 71-76. |
Geffray, Christian (1981) | |
Nobles, bourgeois, inquisition: les prémisses de l'expansion coloniale portugaise au XVIe siècle | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 21 #84. p. 523-546. |
Matthews, T.I. (1981) | |
Portuguese, Chiunda, and the Peoples of the Gwembe Valley: The Impact of the 'Lower Zambezi Complex' on Southern Zambia | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 22 #1. p. 23-41. |
Natsoulas, Theodore (1981) | |
Race Relations in Portuguese Africa: A Bibliographic Inquiry | |
Journal of African Studies (UCLA). Volume 8 #2. Summer. p. 79-84. |
Thornton, John K. (1981) | |
Early Kongo-Portuguese Relations: A New Interpretation | |
History in Africa. Volume 8. p. 183-204. |
Brett, Michael; Forman, Werner (eds.) (1980) | |
The Moors: Islam in the West | |
London: Orbis. Echoes of the ancient world. 128p. |
Brito, Luís de (1980) | |
Colonial dependence and regional integration | |
Mozambican Studies: Journal of Social Science. #1. p. 23-32. |
Chalender, Pierrette; Chalender, Gérard (1980) | |
La cooperation entre le Portugal et ses anciennes colonies | |
Le mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 16 #184-185. p. 62-64. |
Gana, A.T. (1980) | |
The political economy of international trade: Mozambique and Portuguese colonialism | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 22 #3. p. 457-480. |
Isaacman, Allen F.; Stephen, Michael; Adam, Yussuf; Homen, Maria J.; Macamo, Eugenio; Pililao, Augustinho (1980) | |
'Cotton is the Mother of Poverty': Peasant Resistance against Forced Cotton Cultivation in Mozambique, 1938-1961 | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 581-615. |
Mwaka, G.I. (1980) | |
Cadburys and the dilemma of colonial trade in Africa: 1901-1910 | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 42 #4. p. 780-793. |
Serra, Carlos (1980) | |
Colonial capitalism in Zambezia 1855-1930 | |
Mozambican Studies: Journal of Social Science. #1. p. 33-52. |
Wuyts, Marc (1980) | |
The political economy of Portuguese colonialism in Mozambique | |
Mozambican Studies: Journal of Social Science. #1. p. 10-22. |
Bwendelele Mwana-Wuta (1979) | |
L'idéologie coloniale portugaise sous le régime de Salazar | |
Problèmes sociaux zaïrois. #126-127. septembre-décembre. p. 83-100. |
Clarence-Smith, W.G. (1979) | |
The Myth of Uneconomic Imperialism: The Portuguese in Angola, 1836-1926 | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 5 #2. April. p. 165-180. |
Taapopi, Leonard; Keenleyside, T.A. (1979) | |
The West and Southern Africa: Economic Involvement and Support for Liberation, 1960-1974 | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 13 #3. p. 347-370. |
Clarence-Smith, W.G. (1978) | |
Capitalist penetration among the Nyaneka of southern Angola, 1760s to 1920s | |
African Studies. Volume 37 #2. p. 163-176. |
Gana, A.T. (1978) | |
The political economy of international trade: Mozambique under Portuguese colonialism | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 8 #3-4. p. 22-36. |
Mittelman, James (1978) | |
Portugal's counter-revolution | |
Journal of Southern African Affairs. Volume 3 #2. p. 153-158. |
Moraes, Nize Izabel de (1978) | |
La campagne negrière du Sam-Antonio-e-as-Almas (1670) | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 40 #4. p. 708-717. |
Newitt, M.D.D. (1978) | |
The Southern Swahili Coast in the First Century of European Expansion | |
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 13. p. 111-126. |
Vail, Leroy; White, Landeg (1978) | |
Tawani, Machambero!: Forced Cotton and Rice Growing on the Zambezi | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 19 #2. p. 239-263. |
Collemacine, Joan E. (1977) | |
A look at african literature in the Portuguese language | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 32 #2. p. 283-292. |
Ferreira, E.S. de (1977) | |
Portugal's efforts towards neocolonialism | |
Utafiti. Volume 2 #2. p. 229-246. |
Ryder, A.F.C. (1977) | |
Portuguese and Dutch in West Africa before 1800 | |
In: A thousand years of West African history: a handbook for teachers and students. p. 217-236. |
Heintze, Beatrix (1976) | |
Das alte 'Königreich Angola' und der beginn des Portugiesischen engagements, 1500-1580 | |
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 12 #1. p. 67-74. |
Henriksen, Thomas H. (1976) | |
People's War in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 14 #3. September. p. 377-399. |
Kiraithe, Jacqueline M.; Baden, Nancy T. (1976) | |
Portuguese influences in East African languages | |
African Studies. Volume 35 #1. p. 3-31. |
Malowist, Marian (1976) | |
Some aspects of the early colonial expansion as presented by Zurara in the chronicle of Guinea | |
Africana Bulletin. #25. p. 75-93. |
Udokang, Okon (1976) | |
Portuguese african policy: a critical re-appraisal | |
The African Review: A Journal of African Politics, Development and International Affairs. Volume 6 #3. p. 289-312. |
Anonymous (1975) | |
Mozambique | |
Africa Report. Volume 20 #3. p. 2-17. |
Gann, Lewis H. (1975) | |
Portugal, Africa, and the Future | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 13 #1. March. p. 1-18. |
Isaacman, Allen F.; Isaacman, Barbara (1975) | |
The Prazeros as Transfrontiersmen: A Study in Social and Cultural Change | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 8 #1. p. 1-39. |
Miller, Joseph C. (1975) | |
The Politics of Decolonization in Portuguese Africa | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 74 #295. April. p. 135-147. |
Saul, John S. (1975) | |
The revolution in Portugal's African colonies: a review essay | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 315-336. |
Vellut, Jean-Luc (1975) | |
Le royaume de cassange et les reseaux lusoafricains (ca. 1750-1810) | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 15 #57. p. 117-136. |
Anonymous (1974) | |
Statement by Frelimo Executive Committee on the events in Portugal | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 1 #1. p. 77-80. |
Anonymous (1974) | |
Portugal and Africa: after the Lisbon Coup | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 1 #1. p. 70-77. |
Pelissier, René (1974) | |
L'Atlantique Sud, Lac Lusitan | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 9 #105. p. 34-42. |
Rose, John la (1974) | |
Africa and Portugal | |
Race. Volume 16 #1. p. 1-28. |
Sibeko, Alexander (1974) | |
Portugal and Africa: breaking the chains | |
The African Communist. #59. p. 29-47. |
Smith, Alan K. (1974) | |
Antonio Salazar and the Reversal of Portuguese Colonial Policy | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 15 #4. p. 653-667. |
Chirenje, J. Mutero (1973) | |
Portuguese Priests and Soldiers in Zimbabwe, 1560-1572: The Interplay between Evangelism and Trade | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 6 #1. p. 36-48. |
Durieux, A. (1973) | |
La nouvelle loi organique de l'outre-mer portugais du 23 juin 1972 | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. #2. p. 241-274. |
Henriksen, Thomas H. (1973) | |
Portugal in Africa: A Non-Economic Interpretation | |
African Studies Review. Volume 16 #3. December. p. 405-416. |
Löwis, Hennig von (1973) | |
Portugal in Africa: eine kritische Literaturübersicht | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 8 #1. p. 108-112. |
Marcum, J. (1973) | |
De politiek van de onverschilligheid: Portugal en Afrika | |
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 27 #3. p. 97-106. |
Sagay, I. (1973) | |
The legal status of freedom fighters in Africa | |
Eastern Africa Law Review. Volume 6 #1. p. 15-29. |
Vogt, John L. (1973) | |
The Early Sao Tome-Principe Slave Trade with Mina, 1500-1540 | |
International Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 6 #3. p. 453-467. |
Axelson, E. (1972) | |
Portugals attitude to Nyasaland during the period of the partition of Africa | |
In: The early history of Malawi. p. 252-262. |
Fernandes, G. (1972) | |
The Azores over Africa | |
Africa Today. Volume 19 #1. p. 3-6. |
McCrystal, L.P. (1972) | |
Angola and Mozambique: Prospects for Economic Cooperation in Southern Africa | |
South African Journal of African Affairs. Volume 2. p. 85-92. |
Newitt, M.D.D. (1972) | |
Angoche, the Slave Trade and the Portuguese, 1844-1910 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 13 #4. p. 659-672. |
Hacker, Susan (1971) | |
Violent and non-violent approaches to revolution | |
Mawazo. Volume 3 #3. p. 1-11. |
MacKay, V. (1971) | |
The propaganda battle for Zambia | |
Africa Today. Volume 18 #2. p. 18-26. |
Marcum, J. (1971) | |
The United States and Portuguese Africa: a perspective on American foreign policy | |
Africa Today. Volume 18 #4. p. 23-37. |
Margarido, A. (1971) | |
L'eglise catholique en Afrique 'Portugaise' | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. #61. p. 87-112. |
Matznetter, J. (1971) | |
Urbanisierung in Portugiesisch-Afrika | |
Afrika Spectrum. #2. p. 60-76. |
Tau, B. (1971) | |
The imperialist threat to Africa: Guinea | |
The African Communist. #45. p. 45-50. |
Anonymous (1970) | |
U.S. trade with Angola and Mozambique | |
Africa Today. Volume 17 #4. p. 16-18. |
Davis, Jennifer (1970) | |
Allies in empire: Part 1 - U.S. economic involvement | |
Africa Today. Volume 17 #4. p. 1-15. |
Diamond, R.A. (1970) | |
Portugal and the United States: end of an era | |
Africa Report. Volume 15 #5. p. 15-17. |
Margarido, A. (1970) | |
L'enseignement en Afrique dite portugaise | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. #56. p. 62-85. |
Minter, W. (1970) | |
Allies in empire: Part 3 - American foreign policy and Portuguese colonialism | |
Africa Today. Volume 17 #4. p. 34-36. |
Minter, W. (1970) | |
Allies in empire: Part 2 - U.S. military involvement | |
Africa Today. Volume 17 #4. p. 28-32. |
Whitaker, Paul M. (1970) | |
Revolutions of Portuguese Africa | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 8 #1. April. p. 15-35. |
Bontinck, F. (1969) | |
Notes complémentaires sur dom Nicolau Agua Rosada e Sardonia | |
African Historical Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 101-119. |
Search: ge=Portugal | ||||||||
Found: 350 | Record 201-300 |
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