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Periodical articleGastón-Guiu, Silvia; Bayona-i-Carrasco, Jordi (2023)
See this publicationAge, gender, and cohort in residential segregation: The case of African immigrants in Spain, 2000–2020
Population, Space and Place. Volume 29 #6. August.

Periodical articleAixelà-Cabré, Yolanda (2020)
See this publicationColonial Spain in Africa: Building a Shared History from Memories of the Spanish Protectorate and Spanish Guinea
Culture & History Digital Journal. Volume 9 #2.

Periodical articleAixelà-Cabré, Yolanda (2017)
See this publicationExploring Euro-African pasts through an analysis of Spanish colonial practices in Africa (Morocco and Spanish Guinea)
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 51 #1. p. 23-42.

BookKleist, Nauja; Thorsen, Dorte (eds.) (2017)
Hope and uncertainty in contemporary African migration
Abstract presentNew York, NY: Routledge. 199p.

Periodical articleAllan, Joanna (2016)
See this publicationNatural resources and 'intifada': oil, phosphates and resistance to colonialism in Western Sahara
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #4. p. 645-666.

BookBarreñada, Isaías; Ojeda García, Raquel (eds.) (2016)
Sáhara Occidental, 40 años después
Abstract presentMadrid: Catarata. Catarata #574. 317p.

Periodical articleHermes, Nizar F. (2016)
See this publicationNostalgia for al-Andalus in early modern Moroccan 'voyages en Espagne': al-Ghassani's 'Rihlat al-wazir fi iftikak al-asir (1690-91) as a case study
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #3. p. 433-452.

Periodical articleKamp, Linda van de (ed.) (2016)
See this publicationReligious circulation in Transatlantic Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 1-99.

Periodical articleBeck, Lauren (2015)
See this publicationThe travelogue of a Moroccan ambassador to Charles II, 1690-91: the Seville MS
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 20 #2. p. 284-302.

BookDíaz, Inmaculada (ed.) (2015)
Literaturas hispanoafricanas: realidades y contextos
Madrid: Verbum. Biblioteca hispanoafricana /dirigida por Landry-Wilfrid Miampika. 381p.

Periodical articleGonzález González, I. (2015)
See this publicationThe political instrumentalisation of an educational model in a colonial context: Spanish-Arab schools in Spanish Morocco (1912-1956)
Abstract presentThe Journal of North African Studies. Volume 20 #2. p. 265-283.

BookGómez-Rivas, Camilo (2015)
Law and the islamization of Morocco under the Almoravids: the fatwas of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the far Maghrib
Leiden: Brill. Studies in the history and society of the Maghrib 6. 207p.

BookNerín, Gustau (2015)
Corisco y el estuario del Muni: 1470-1931: del aislamiento a la globalización y de la globalización a la marginación
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection Guinée équatoriale. 311p.

Periodical articleSobczyk, Rita; Soriano, Rosa (2015)
See this publicationBeyond 'Mouridcentrism': lived Islam in the context of Senegalese migrations
Abstract presentAfrican Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World. Volume 8 #2. p. 174-199.

BookEl Adnan, Jillali (2014)
Le Sahara à l'épreuve de la colonisation: un nouveau regard sur les questions territoriales
Rabat: Éditions Bouregreg. 415p.

BookFerhat, Halima (2014)
Sabta des origines au XIVe siècle
Rabat: Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Mohammed V - Agdal. Essais et études #63. 415p.

Periodical articlePian, Anaïk (2014)
Des 'maux' de la migration à la promotion du développement local: de l'enjeu d'un cadre discursif
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 54 #213-214. p. 181-194.

BookCardeira da Silva, Maria (ed.) (2013)
Castelos a Bombordo: etnografias de patrimónios africanos e memórias portuguesas
Abstract presentLisbao: Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA). 287p.

Periodical articleCross, Hannah (2013)
See this publicationLabour and underdevelopment? Migration, dispossession and accumulation in West Africa and Europe
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 40 #136. p. 202-218.

Periodical articleDieste, Josep Lluís Mateo; Villanova, José Luis (2013)
Les 'interventores' du protectorat espagnol au Maroc: contextes de production d'une connaissance politique des 'cabilas'
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 53 #211. p. 595-624.

Dissertation / thesisMahiques Nunez, Alejandra (2013)
See this publicationThe hidden history of Equatorial Guinea: reasons behind the silence of the Spanish press around Macías Nguema's regime (1968-1979)

Periodical articleFerraz Torrão, Maria Manuel (2011)
See this publicationTraite négrière entre les îles du Cap-Vert et l'Amérique espagnole: formation et développement d'une route commerciale atlantique au seizième siècle
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 39. p. 1-34.

Periodical articleGutiérrez, José Carlos Sendín; García, Rainer Rubira (2011)
See this publicationAssessing the humanitarian framing of the Spanish press coverage of the Darfur crisis
Abstract presentEcquid Novi: African Journalism Studies. Volume 32 #1. p. 66-81.

Periodical articleBa, Daha Chérif (2010)
See this publicationLes colonies portuaires espagnoles au Maghreb du XVIe au XXe siècle: 2ème partie
Insaniyat: revue algérienne d'anthropologie et de sciences sociales. #49. p. 73-98.

Periodical articleBa, Daha Chérif (2010)
See this publicationLes colonies portuaires espagnoles au Maghreb du XVIe au XXe siècle
Insaniyat: revue algérienne d'anthropologie et de sciences sociales. #47-48. p. 159-191.

BookBahaijoub, Ali (2010)
Western Sahara conflict: historical, regional and international dimensions
London: North South Books. 488p.

Periodical articleGillespie, Richard (2010)
See this publicationEuropean Union responses to conflict in the western Mediterranean
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 85-103.

BookMessier, Ronald (2010)
The Almoravids and the meanings of jihad
Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

BookNerín, Gustau (2010)
La última selva de España: antropófagos, misioneros y guardias civiles: crónica de la conquista de los Fang de la Guinea Española, 1914-1930
Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata. Catarata #21. 302p.

Periodical articleBello, Iraxis (2009)
La construcción del imaginario colectivo sobre África en los medios en el siglo XXI
Studia Africana. #20. p. 104-110.

Periodical articleCross, Hannah (2009)
Migration, mobility and borders: the EU and West African migrant communities
African Studies Bulletin. #71. p. 46-51.

PeriodicalFundación España Guinea Ecuatorial (2009)
Palabras: revista de la cultura y de las ideas
Madrid: Fundación España Guinea Ecuatorial.

DVD / videoLaguna, Juan (ed.) (2009)
See this publicationPrincesa de África
Abstract presentBarcelona: Cameo Media.

Periodical articleAlonso Cabré, Marta (2008)
See this publicationMissatges autoreferencials dels actors del ritual de l'Id-al-ad·ha
Abstract present(Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social. #2. p. 73-92.

Periodical articleBa, Daha Chérif (2008)
L'Espagne coloniale: sites et places de souveraineté du Maghreb: réalités historiques et géopolitiques du XVIème au XXème siècle
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #38. p. 143-197.

Periodical articleBenjelloun, Abdelmajid (2008)
Les spécificités historiques du Nord marocain
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 35 #129. p. 9-26.

Book chapterBoulaich, K.; Dosenrode, S. (2008)
The alliance of civilizations: the Spanish approach to bridging the divide between Islam and the West
In: Clash or cooperation of civilizations? Overlapping integration and identities.

Periodical articleDotson-Renta, Lara N. (2008)
See this publicationTranslated identities: writing between Morocco and Spain
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 429-439.

Periodical articleGozalbes Cravioto, Enrique (2008)
La historia de Melilla: a propósito de una síntesis reciente
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 35 #129. p. 27-41.

Periodical articleLacroix, Thomas (2008)
Politiques de codéveloppement et le champ associatif immigré africain: un panorama européen
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 16. p. 79-98.

Conference paperLezcano, Víctor Morales; Marrero, Javier Ponce (eds.) (2008)
Una visión del Islam en África y desde Canarias: historia de una frontera
Abstract presentLas Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Cuadernos de estudios canario-africanos #2. 211p.

Periodical articleMarcusan, Adriana Kaplan (2008)
Conocer y actuar: un proyecto interdisciplinar de prevención de las mutilaciones genitales femeninas en Gambia y España
Studia Africana. #19. p. 42-52.

Periodical articleTrabelsi, Bouraoui (2008)
Échec du projet morisque à Mjaz Al-Bab: une ville face à la stratégie d'une communauté
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 35 #132. p. 47-67.

BookTroller, Simone (2008)
See this publicationReturns at any cost: Spain's push to repatriate unaccompanied children in the absence of safeguards
New York, NY: Human Rights Watch. 23p.

Periodical articleAworawo, David (2007)
Different Strokes: Spanish Policy Toward Cuba and Equatorial Guinea during the Colonial Period
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 7. p. 57-72.

Periodical articleAziza, Mimoun (2007)
La politique espagnole en matière d'aménagement des villes du nord marocain à l'époque du Protectorat: le cas de la ville de Tétouan
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 34 #128. p. 9-20.

DVD / videoDupont, Yves Sadurni (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationLe mar del silencio: la désertficación v nuestra era
Abstract presentIpade.

Periodical articleGonzález Enríquez, Carmen (2007)
See this publicationCeuta and Melilla: clouds over the African Spanish towns: Muslim minorities, Spaniards' fears and Morocco-Spain mutual dependence
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 12 #2. June. p. 223-238.

Conference paperMorales Lezcano, Víctor; Marrero, Javier Ponce (eds.) (2007)
Canarias y el noroeste de África: historia de una frontera
Abstract presentLas Palmas de Gran Canaria: Gobierno de Canarias, Presidencia del Gobierno, Dirección General de Relaciones con África. Cuadernos de estudios canario-africanos #1. 118p.

BookNsue Mibui, Rosendo-Ela (2007)
Historia de la colonización y de la descolonización de Guinea Ecuatorial por España
Equatorial Guinea. 494p.

DVD / videoPeralta García, Lidia (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationLa caravana del manuscrito andalusí (The caravan of the manuscripts from Al-Andalus)
Abstract presentCEDECOM.

BookElá Asama, Antolín-Elá (2006)
Viaje en patera ida y vuelta
Madrid: Antolín-Elá Elá Asama. 79p.

Periodical articleMundy, Jacob (2006)
See this publicationNeutrality or Complicity? The United States and the 1975 Moroccan Takeover of the Spanish Sahara
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 11 #3. September. p. 275-306.

Periodical articleViladrich, Mercè (2006)
'La constitución de los pueblos de Occidente': une proposition inédite du voyageur 'Alî Bey l'Abbasside pour le Maroc dans 'l'Arxiu històric de la ciutat de Barcelona' (AHCB, Col. Toda, Ms B.162-II)
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #113-114. p. 345-383.

Periodical articleFelipe, Hélena de (2005)
Spain in Morocco in the 19th and 20th centuries: providentiality and colonization
Maghreb Review. Volume 30 #2. p. 198-208.

Periodical articleMimoun, Aziza (2005)
Le protectorat espagnol au Maroc entre fraternalisme et colonialisme: étude sur les spécificités du colonialisme espagnol
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 32 #118. p. 193-205.

Book chapterEvers Rosander, E. (2004)
Going to Porokhane and not going to Porokhane: Mourid women in Senegal and Spain
In: Eade, J.; Coleman, S. (eds.), Reframing pilgrimage: Cultures in motion. London: Routledge.

BookSipi Mayo, Remei (2004)
Inmigración y género: el caso de Guinea Ecuatorial
San Sebastian: Tercera Prensa. Gak@a liburuak #58.

Periodical articleBokbot, Mohamed (2003)
La crise hispano-marocaine de 1790-92: enjeux et manoeuvres
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 30 #111. p. 259-265.

Periodical articleCampos, Alicia (2003)
See this publicationThe Decolonization of Equatorial Guinea: The Relevance of the International Factor
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 44 #1. p. 95-116.

Periodical articlePandey, Annarose (2003)
See this publicationNostalgic Lives: Memories of Maria in Sidi Ifni, Morocco
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 8 #2. Summer. p. 92-114.

Book chapterEvers Rosander, E. (2002)
El dinero, el matrimonio y la religión: las comerciantes senegalesas de Tenerife (España)
In: Gil, C.G.; Romero, B.A. (eds.), Mujeres de un solo mundo: Globalización y multiculturalismo. Granada: Universidad de Granada.

Periodical articleHickey, Raymond (2002)
Andalusia, Morocco and the Sahel region
Annals of Borno. Volume 19-20. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleEvers Rosander, E. (2001)
Human rights, Islam and caste: Senegalese women in Tenerife Spain
Swedish Missiological Themes. Volume 89 #4. p. 487-508.

Periodical articleIlahiane, Hsain (2000)
See this publicationEstevan De Dorantes, the Moor or the Slave? The Other Moroccan Explorer of New Spain
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 5 #3. Autumn. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleBenjelloun, Abdelmajid (1999)
Raissouni: brigand collaborateur ou résistant?
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 26 #93-94. p. 197-203.

Periodical articleAziza, Mimoun (1998)
L'histoire d'une migration: les Rifains en Algérie (1856-1956)
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 25 #91-92. p. 277-283.

Periodical articleBajo, Isaías Barreñada (1998)
La cooperación no gubernamental española en el Magreb
Nova Africa. #3. p. 7-29.

BookCastro Antolín, Mariano Luis de; Ndongo-Bidyongo, Donato (1998)
España en Guinea: construcción del desencuentro, 1778-1968
Madrid: Sequitur. 240p.

Periodical articleFleming, Shannon E. (1998)
Spain's 19th century Moroccan policy: an interpretation
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 25 #91-92. p. 313-320.

Periodical articleTordesillas, A. (1998)
A producer's view of the Spanish hake market
Namibia Brief. #20. January. p. 39-40.

Periodical articleAbi-Ayad, Ahmed (1997)
L'offensive de Hassan Pacha pour libérér Oran et Mers-El-Kébir et ses répercussions littéraires hispano-algériennes
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 24 #87-88. p. 239-251.

Periodical articleAlbet, Abel; Nogué, Joan; Riudor, Lluìs (1997)
Esploratori, militari, topografi: la cartografia spagnola del Marocco
Terra d'Africa. p. 15-39.

Periodical articleAziza, Mimoun (1997)
La présence espagnole au Maroc (1912-1956), une puissance coloniale marginale: bilan et évolution
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 24 #87-88. p. 275-283.

Periodical articleCreus, Jacint (1997)
Espansione missionaria e occupazione del territorio: il caso della Guinea Equatoriale
Abstract presentTerra d'Africa. p. 85-104.

Book chapterEvers Rosander, E. (1997)
Translocal Islam: Murid women in Senegal and Spain
In: Kastfelt, N.; Tvillinggaard, J.D.K. (eds.), Religion and politics in Africa and the Islamic world: Report from the 1997 conference of the University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen: North/South Priority Research Area. p. 243-262.

BookHaïdara, Ismaël Diadié (1997)
L'Espagne musulmane et l'Afrique subsaharienne
Bamako: Éditions Donniya. 144p.

Periodical articleWulf, Valérie de (1997)
Une étape dans la stratégie missionnaire clarétine: le déplacement du village principal d'Annobon, Guinée équatoriale (1892-1895)
Abstract presentStudia Africana. #8. p. 21-34.

Periodical articleFarouk, Ahmed (1996)
Échanges commerciaux entre le Maroc et l'Espagne à la fin du XVIIIe siècle: évolution et bilan
Maghreb Review. Volume 21 #1-2. p. 70-76.

Periodical articleBravo Nieto, Antonio (1994)
La genèse d'un style colonial: l'architecture rifaine dans le Maroc espagnol
Abstract presentRevue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #73-74. p. 167-182.

Periodical articleClarence-Smith, W.G. (1994)
See this publicationAfrican and European Cocoa Producers on Fernando Poo, 1880s to 1910s
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 35 #2. p. 179-199.

Periodical articleKharchich, Mohamed (1994)
Observations sur les causes de l'échec du mouvement rifain
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 21 #75-76. p. 219-235.

Periodical articleAlpert, Michael (1993)
The Spanish Zone of the Moroccan Protectorate during the Spanish civil war 1936-1939
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 34-44.

Periodical articleGarretson, Peter P. (1993)
A note on relations between Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Aragon in the fifteenth century
Abstract presentRassegna di studi etiopici. Volume 37. p. 37-44.

Periodical articleMarquina, A.; Echeverria, Carlos (1992)
La politique de l'Espagne au Maghreb
Abstract presentMonde arabe: Maghreb Machrek. #137. p. 43-55.

Periodical articleSaúte, N. (1992)
Expo 92 Sevilha: o adeus do milénio
Tempo. #1145. 1 de nov.. p. 14-18.

Periodical articleSilva-Pando, F.J.; González Hernández, M.P. (1992)
Agroforestry helps prevent forest fires
Agroforestry Today. Volume 4 #4. October-December. p. 7-8.

Periodical articleLópez García, B. (1991)
Entre Europe et Orient: Ceuta et Melilla
Abstract presentRevue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #59-60. p. 165-180.

Periodical articleMinney, T. (1991)
No more poached fish à l'Espagnole: Namibia fed up with Spanish pirate trawlers
Africa South. #11. June. p. 40-41.

Periodical articleArthur, H. (1990-1991)
Three innocents in the Pyrenees
Journal of the Mountain Club of Zimbabwe. Volume 15. p. 47-53.

Periodical articleCortés, J.L. (1990)
Aproximación a la vida del esclavo negro en la España de los siglos XV y XVI
Abstract presentStudia Africana. #1. p. 39-48.

Periodical articleLarramendi, Miguel Hernando de (1990)
Perception espagnole du Maghreb et politique étrangère de l'Espagne démocratique
Abstract presentAnnuaire de l'Afrique du Nord. Volume 29. p. 153-169.

Periodical articleLopez Garcia, Bernabé (1990)
L'Espagne entre le Maghreb et l'Europe: imaginaire et interférences de l'opinion dans la politique maghrébine de l'Espagne
Abstract presentAnnuaire de l'Afrique du Nord. Volume 29. p. 139-152.

BookTaha, 'Abdulwahid Dhanun (1989)
The Muslim conquest and settlement of North Africa and Spain
Abstract presentLondon; New York: Routledge. Exeter arabic and islamic series; 3. 280p.

Periodical articleGonzalez, Valérie (1988)
See this publicationNotes sur l'émigration des Hispano-Mauresques en Afrique du Nord et ses conséquences dans l'art industriel local
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 13 #3. p. 33-44.

Periodical articleNaylor, Phillip C. (1987)
See this publicationSpain and France and the Decolonization of Western Sahara: Parity and Paradox, 1975-1987
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 34 #3. 3rd Quarter. p. 7-16.

Periodical articleClarence-Smith, Gervase (1985)
See this publicationThe Impact of the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War on Portuguese and Spanish Africa
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 26 #4. p. 309-326.

Periodical articleGarcia-Arenal, Mercedes (1983)
Spanish literature on North Africa in the XVI century: Diego de Torres
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 8 #1-2. p. 53-59.

Periodical articleTemimi, Abdeljelil (1983)
L'arrière plan religieux du duel Hispano-Ottoman au Maghreb au XVIème siecle
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 10 #31-32. p. 373-382.

Periodical articleFleming, S.E. (1982)
Spanish Morocco and the Alzamiento Nacional 1936-1939: the military economic and political mobilization of a protectorate
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 9 #27-28. p. 225-236.

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