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Search: ge=Western Sahara | ||||||||
Found: 303 | Record 1-100 |
Cordero, Inmaculada; Lemus, Encarnación (2022) | |
Sahara Occidental: Actores y dinámicas regionales en los orígenes del conflicto (1974-1979) | |
Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Volume 52 #2. |
Fernández Álvaro, Alfonso (2022) | |
La Participación de Estados Unidos en la crisis del Sáhara español la Marcha Verde | |
Historia Digital. Volume 22 #40. p. 111-148. |
Rodríguez Plaza, Miguel Angel (2022) | |
Agrupación de tropas nómadas | |
O Pelourinho: Boletin de Relaciones transfronterizas. Volume 26. p. 445-454. |
Stucki, Andreas (2022) | |
'The Beauty of the Desert': Of Soldiers and Tourists in the Spanish Sahara, 1960s-1970s | |
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History. Volume 23 #3. |
Bengochea Tirado, Enrique; Gimeno Martín, Juan Carlos; Medina Martín, Rocío (2021) | |
Mujeres, colonialismo y nacionalismo saharaui: hilvanando historia(s) | |
Ayer. Volume 124. p. 81-107. |
Lafontaine Carboni, Julien; Gimeno Martín, Juan Carlos (2021) | |
Inmóviles, pero no quietos. La sedentarización de los saharauis como estrategia de adaptación y respuesta a la supervivencia. Sobre la posibilidad de un nomadismo inmóvil | |
Tabula Rasa: revista de humanidades. Volume 37. p. 17-48. |
Molina Otárola, Raúl (2021) | |
Construcción del tiempo entre los nómadas saharauis Sáhara Occidental - norte de África | |
Tabula Rasa: revista de humanidades. Volume 37. p. 49-70. |
Bengochea Tirado, Enrique; Correale, Francesco (2020) | |
Modernising Violence and Social Change in the Spanish Sahara (1957-1975) | |
Itinerario: Journal of Imperial and Global Interactions. Volume 44 #1. p. 33-54. |
Deubel, Tara F. (2020) | |
Gift-Giving as Social Capital: Changing Customs of Sahrawi Women's Gift Exchange in Laayoune | |
Hesperis Tamuda. Volume 55 #3. p. 305-321. |
García Martín, Juan Andrés (2020) | |
La Marcha Verde y el final de la presencia española en el Sahara: una visión desde la prensa semanal española | |
Guerra Colonial. Volume 6. p. 31-66. |
Agostinho, Issau (2018) | |
Sahara Ocidental, entre a ambiguidade internacional e o idealismo angolano | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 221-236. |
Barona Castañeda, Claudia; Arenas Basurto, Jorge Gamaliel (2018) | |
Modernization and tradition in the Western Sahara, the Sahrawi Constitution | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 263-276. |
Costa, Renatho; Estrada, Rodrigo Duque (2018) | |
À margem da margem: a retórica brasileira para não reconhecer a República Árabe Saaraui Democrática (RASD) | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 237-254. |
El Yattioui, Mohamed Batine (2018) | |
Le Mexique et les limites de la politique étrangère des grands principes à travers le cas de la RASD | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 169-182. |
Elaggoune, Abdelhak; Aty, Mourad (2018) | |
Explaining Algeria's Nationalist Foreign Policy on the Western Sahara Conflict | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 31-38. |
Ferreira, Luís Alberto (2018) | |
O dia-a-dia da Polisário há 40 anos pelo primeiro repórter português na RASD | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 211-220. |
Ferreira, Pedro (2018) | |
Sahara Ocidental: conflito diplomático (1991-2010) e os presumíveis interesses de Marrocos | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 11-30. |
Guedes, Ana Maria (2018) | |
Can public opinion about Western Sahara's Cause be revealed by Social Media data analysis? | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 277-290. |
Iratni, Belkacem (2018) | |
The Arab League and the Western Sahara Conflict: The politics of a sheer neglect | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 103-115. |
Jiménez Sánchez, Carolina (2018) | |
What role for the European Union in the Western Sahara Conflict? | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 65-78. |
Novais, Rui Alexandre (2018) | |
The Western Sahara never ending story: A case of organized hypocrisy | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 79-90. |
Omar, Sidi (2018) | |
The African Union policies towards the Western Sahara | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 91-102. |
Ribeiro, Jorge (2018) | |
O longo sequestro de pescadores portugueses em 1980 - Lisboa negoceia de má-fé e engana a Frente Polisário | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 205-210. |
Santos, Maciel (2018) | |
Portugal e o conflito do Saara - contributo para o estudo da 1.ª década | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 183-204. |
Siradag, Abdurrahim (2018) | |
The dynamics shaping Turkish African Policy and Turkey's Approach towards the Western Sahara Conflict | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 157-168. |
Smith, Jeffrey J. (2018) | |
Western Sahara and the United States: Clientelism and exceptionalism in Africa's last colony | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 39-54. |
Soares, Dionísio Babo (2018) | |
Para Timor-Leste, a independência do Sahara Ocidental é fundamental | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 255-262. |
Wanjun, Wu; Sobral, Pedro (2018) | |
China's Non-interference Policy towards Western Sahara Conflict | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 131-144. |
Zhou, Hang (2018) | |
China's Balancing Act in the Western Sahara Conflict | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 145-156. |
Zondi, Siphamandla (2018) | |
South Africa's Position on the Western Sahara and the right of Self-determination: An Afro-decolonial analysis | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 117-130. |
Zoubir, Yahia H. (2018) | |
The United States and the question of Western Sahara: A low priority in US Foreign Policy | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 55-64. |
Allan, Joanna (2016) | |
Natural resources and 'intifada': oil, phosphates and resistance to colonialism in Western Sahara | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #4. p. 645-666. |
Barreñada, Isaías; Ojeda García, Raquel (eds.) (2016) | |
Sáhara Occidental, 40 años después | |
Madrid: Catarata. Catarata #574. 317p. |
Birantamije, Gérard (2016) | |
La rhétorique autour des opérations internationales de maintien de la paix: changement de discours et changement par les discours? | |
Éthique & société. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 47-75. |
Bonte, Pierre (2016) | |
Récits d'origine: contribution à la connaissance du passé ouest-saharien (Mauritanie, Maroc, Sahara occidental, Algérie et Mali) | |
Paris: Éditions Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 807p. |
Boulay, Sébastien (2016) | |
'Returnees' and political poetry in Western Sahara: defamation, deterrence and mobilisation on the web and mobile phones | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #4. p. 667-686. |
Curtis, Mark (2016) | |
New colonialism: Britain's scramble for Africa's energy and mineral resources | |
London: War on Want. 69p. |
Contreras, Arnaud (2015) | |
Sahara rocks ! | |
Chantepie: Éditions de Juillet. 135p. |
Pélissier, René (2015) | |
Portugal, Afrique, Pacifique: une bibliographie internationale critique: 2005-2015 | |
Orgeval: Éditions Pélissier. Ibéro-Africana. 562p. |
Stewart, Charles C. (2015) | |
The writings of Mauritania and the Western Sahara | |
Leiden: Brill. Handbuch der Orientalistik. 1. Abt., Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. |
Chahal, Priti (2014) | |
Saharawi refugees: Western Sahara conflict | |
Delhi: Vista International Publishing House. |
Chatty, Dawn; Fratkin, Elliot; Sulek, Emilia Róza (eds.) (2014) | |
Special issue: The emerging world of pastoralists and nomads | |
Nomadic Peoples. Volume 18 #1. 145p. |
Morales Villena, Amalia; Vieitez Cerdeño, María Soledad (2014) | |
La Sección Femenina en la 'llamada de África' Saharauis y guineanas en el declive del colonialismo español | |
Vegueta: Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Volume 14. p. 117-133. |
Villasente Cervello, Mariella (ed.) (2014) | |
Le passé colonial et les héritages actuels en Mauritanie: état des lieux et recherches nouvelles en histoire et en anthropologie sociale | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 566p. |
Herz, Manuel (ed.) (2013) | |
From camp to city: refugee camps of the Western Sahara | |
Baden: Lars Müller. 511p. |
Mazauric, Catherine; Sow, Alioune (eds.) (2013) | |
Dossier littératures at migrations transafricaines | |
Études littéraires africaines. #36. p. 1-231. |
Naimi, Mustapha (2013) | |
L'Ouest saharien: la perception de l'espace dans la pensée politique tribale | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 509p. |
Sáenz de Buruaga, Andoni (2013) | |
Note préliminaire sur la découverte de tumulus 'géants' dans l'erg Azefal (Sahara occidental) | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 47-64. |
Wehrey, Frederic; Boukhars, Anouar (eds.) (2013) | |
Perilous desert: insecurity in the Sahara | |
Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 213p. |
Weischer, Bernd Manuel (2013) | |
Perception historique et culturelle du Maroc | |
Morocco: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. 110p. |
Kumar, Suresh (2012) | |
Geopolitics regionalism under new Moroccan constitution and autonomy of Sahara | |
Indian Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 89-102. |
Longoria, Alvaro; Bardem, Javier (eds.) (2012) | |
Hijos de las nubes: la última colonia = Sons of the clouds | |
Madrid: Cameo Media. |
Specken, Hendrik (2012) | |
'This is not our homeland': die alltägliche (Re-)Produktion von Nation in einem saharauischen Flüchtlingslager | |
Mainz: Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Arbeitspapiere #139. 74p. |
Wilson, Alice (2012) | |
Households and the production of public and private domains: revolutionary changes in Western Sahara's liberation movement | |
Paideuma. Volume 58. p. 19-43. |
Wippel, Steffen (2012) | |
Wirtschaft, Politik und Raum: territoriale und regionale Prozesse in der westlichen Sahara | |
Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler. |
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (2011) | |
Histories of displacement: intersections between ethnicity, gender and class | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 16 #1. p. 31-48. |
Freire, Francisco (2011) | |
The 'Narziguas', forgotten protagonists of Saharan history | |
Islamic Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 35-65. |
Vericel, Denis (ed.) (2011) | |
L'autre côté du mur: les indignés du Sahara Occidental | |
APSO (Amis du peuple du Sahara Occidental). |
Allan, J. (2010) | |
Imagining Saharawi women: the question of gender in Polisario discourse | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 189-202. |
Bahaijoub, Ali (2010) | |
Western Sahara conflict: historical, regional and international dimensions | |
London: North South Books. 488p. |
Campbell, Madeline Otis (2010) | |
Dissenting participation: unofficial politics in the 2007 Saharawi General Congress | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #4. p. 573-580. |
Gillespie, Richard (2010) | |
European Union responses to conflict in the western Mediterranean | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 85-103. |
Joffé, George (2010) | |
Sovereignty and the Western Sahara | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #3. p. 375-384. |
Wilson, Alice (2010) | |
Democratising elections without parties: reflections on the case of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #4. p. 423-438. |
Ag Mohamed, Ibrahim (ed.) (2009) | |
Mythes, conflits et décolonisation au Sahel | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. L'Ouest saharien, cahiers d'études pluridisciplinaires #7. 206p. |
Caratini, Sophie (ed.) (2009) | |
Du rapport colonial au rapport de développement | |
Paris: Harmattan. L'Ouest saharien, Hors série #9-1. 252p. |
Freire, Francisco Manuel Machado da Rosa da Silva (2009) | |
Narrativas naçrani-s entre os bidan do sudoeste da Mauritânia: a viagem europeia e suas reconfigurações tribais | |
Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 321p. |
Novais, Rui Alexandre (2009) | |
How the North pictures the neighbouring South: Portuguese press coverage of the Sahrawi conflict | |
Journal of African Media Studies. Volume 1 #3. p. 415-427. |
Novais, Rui Alexandre (2009) | |
An unfinished process: the Western Sahara as a post-scriptum of the colonial period | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #12. p. 59-66. |
Solà-Martín, Andreu (2009) | |
Conflict resolution in Western Sahara | |
African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 9 #3. p. 117-140. |
Campos, Alicia (2008) | |
Oil, sovereignty & self-determination: Equatorial Guinea & Western Sahara | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 35 #117. p. 435-447. |
Conti, Erika (2008) | |
The referendum for self-determination: is it still a solution? The never ending dispute over Western Sahara | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 16 #2. p. 178-196. |
Daadaoui, Mohamed (2008) | |
The Western Sahara conflict: towards a constructivist approach to self-determination | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 13 #2. p. 143-156. |
Fodha, Hassen (2008) | |
Impasse au Sahara occidental | |
Géopolitique africaine. #30. p. 165-175. |
Bank, Andre; Van Heur, Bas (2007) | |
Transnational Conflicts and the Politics of Scalar Networks: Evidence from Northern Africa | |
Third World Quarterly. Volume 28 #3. April. p. 593-612. |
Benjamin, Jesse; Slisli, Fouzi (eds.) (2007) | |
North Africa and the Horn in the vortex of the US war on terror | |
East Lansing: Association of Concerned Africa Scholars. Bulletin #77. 41p. |
Caratini, Sophie (2007) | |
La prison du temps: les mutations sociales à l'oeuvre dans les camps de réfugiés saharouis: première partie: la voie de la révolution; deuxième partie: l'impasse | |
Afrique contemporaine. #221. p. 153-172. |
Mundy, Jacob (2007) | |
Negotiations in Western Sahara: the UN's last chance? | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #114. p. 730-735. |
Mundy, Jacob (2007) | |
Performing the Nation, Pre-Figuring the State: The Western Sahara Refugees, Thirty Years Later | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 45 #2. June. p. 275-297. |
Roussellier, Jacques Eric (2007) | |
Elusive Sovereignty: People, Land and Frontiers of the Desert: The Case of the Western Sahara and the International Court of Justice | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 12 #1. March. p. 55-78. |
Aggad, Faten (2006) | |
Future Prospects for the Resolution of Conflict in the Western Sahara: Solution or Revolution? | |
Africa Insight. Volume 36 #2. p. 35-45. |
Brooks, Nick; Clarke, Joanne; Crisp, Jon; Crivellaro, Federica; Jousse, Helene; Markiewicz, Emma; Nichol, Matt; Raffin, Margaret; Robinson, Rachel (2006) | |
Funerary Sites in the 'Free Zone': Report on the Second and Third Seasons of Fieldwork of the Western Sahara Project | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 17. June. p. 73-94. |
Copete, Jose (2006) | |
Western Sahara: Time for a New Track? | |
Forced Migration Review. #25. May. p. 58-59. |
Lakhal, Malainin; Khalil, Ahmed; San Martin, Pablo (2006) | |
Moroccan autonomy for the Western Sahara: a solution to a decolonisation conflict or a prelude to the dismantling of a kingdom? | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 33 #108. p. 336-341. |
Mundy, Jacob (2006) | |
Neutrality or Complicity? The United States and the 1975 Moroccan Takeover of the Spanish Sahara | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 11 #3. September. p. 275-306. |
Mundy, Jacob (2006) | |
Autonomy and Intifadah: New Horizons in Western Sahara Nationalism | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 33 #108. June. p. 255-267. |
Olsson, Claes; Leite, Pedro Pinto (2006) | |
The Western Sahara conflict: the role of natural resources in decolonization | |
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Current African issues #33. 31p. |
Aggad, Faten; Du Toit Botha, Pierre (2005) | |
Revisiting the Western Sahara Conflict | |
Africa Insight. Volume 35 #1. p. 65-75. |
Brooks, Nick (2005) | |
Cultural Heritage and Conflict: The Threatened Archaeology of Western Sahara | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 10 #3-4. September-December. p. 413-439. |
Chatty, Dawn; Crivello, Gina; Hundt, Gillian L. (2005) | |
Theoretical and Methodological Challenges of Studying Refugee Children in the Middle East and North Africa: Young Palestinian, Afghan and Sahrawi Refugees | |
Journal of Refugee Studies. Volume 18 #4. December. p. 387-409. |
Keenan, Jeremy (ed.) (2005) | |
The Sahara: past, present and future | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 10 #3-4. p. 247-647. |
Martin, Bill; Turshen, Meredeth (eds.) (2005) | |
Africa and Iraq: making the connections | |
East Lansing: Association of Concerned Africa Scholars. Bulletin #70. 45p. |
Martin, Juan Carlos Gimeno (2005) | |
Resistencia y revolución en el Bidan | |
Studia Africana. #16. p. 34-50. |
Naldi, Gino (2005) | |
Western Sahara: suspended statehood or frustrated self-determination? | |
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 13. p. 11-41. |
San Martin, Pablo (2005) | |
Nationalism, Identity and Citizenship in the Western Sahara | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 10 #3-4. September-December. p. 565-592. |
Rguibi, M.; Belahsen, R. (2004) | |
Overweight and Obesity among Urban Sahraoui Women in Southern Morocco | |
Ethnicity and Disease. Volume 14 #4. Autumn. p. 542-547. |
Rguibi, M.; Belahsen, R. (2004) | |
Metabolic Syndrome among Moroccan Sahraoui Women | |
American Journal of Human Biology. Volume 16 #5. September-October. p. 598-601. |
San Martín, Pablo (2004) | |
Western Sahara: Road to Perdition? | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 103 #413. October. p. 651-660. |
Zoubir, Yahia H.; Benabdallah-Gambier, Karima (2004) | |
Morocco, Western Sahara and the Future of the Maghrib | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 9 #1. Spring. p. 49-77. |
Brooks, Nick; Di Lernia, Savino; Drake, Nick; Raffin, Margaret; Savage, Toby (2003) | |
The Geoarchaeology of Western Sahara: Preliminary Results of the First Anglo-Italian Expedition in the 'Free Zone' | |
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 14. July. p. 63-80. |
Search: ge=Western Sahara | ||||||||
Found: 303 | Record 1-100 |
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