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Found: 213 | Record 1-100 |
Glick, Peter J.; Sahn, David E. (2008) | |
Are Africans Practicing Safer Sex? Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys for Eight Countries | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 56 #2. January. p. 397-440. |
Luke, Nancy (2008) | |
Economic Status, Informal Exchange, and Sexual Risk in Kisumu, Kenya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 56 #2. January. p. 375-396. |
Chapoto, Antony; Jayne, T.S. (2008) | |
Impact of AIDS-Related Mortality on Farm Household Welfare in Zambia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 56 #2. January. p. 327-374. |
Beegle, Kathleen; De Weerdt, Joachim; Dercon, Stefan (2008) | |
Adult Mortality and Consumption Growth in the Age of HIV/AIDS | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 56 #2. January. p. 299-326. |
Anderson, Kym; Valenzuela, Ernesto (2008) | |
Recent and Prospective Adoption of Genetically Modified Cotton: A Global Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Economic Impacts | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 56 #2. January. p. 265-296. |
Bigsten, Arne; Gebreeyesus, Mulu (2007) | |
The Small, the Young, and the Productive: Determinants of Manufacturing Firm Growth in Ethiopia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #4. July. p. 813-840. |
DeRose, Laurie F. (2007) | |
Women's Work and Breastfeeding Simultaneously Rise in Ghana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #3. April. p. 583-612. |
Leonard, Kenneth L. (2007) | |
Learning in Health Care: Evidence of Learning about Clinician Quality in Tanzania | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #3. April. p. 531-555. |
Ozler, Berk (2007) | |
Not Separate, Not Equal: Poverty and Inequality in Post-Apartheid South Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #3. April. p. 487-530. |
Shiferaw, Admasu (2007) | |
From Heterogeneity and Market Selection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does it Spur Industrial Progress? | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #2. January. p. 393-423. |
Baland, Jean-Marie; Gaspart, Frederic; Platteau, Jean-Philippe; Place, Frank (2007) | |
The Distributive Impact of Land Markets in Uganda | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #2. January. p. 283-311. |
Gugerty, Mary Kay (2007) | |
You Can't Save Alone: Commitment in Rotating Savings and Credit Associations in Kenya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 55 #2. January. p. 251-282. |
Yamano, Takashi; Shimamura, Yasuharu; Sserunkuuma, Dick (2006) | |
Living Arrangements and Schooling of Orphaned Children and Adolescents in Uganda | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 54 #4. July. p. 833-856. |
Fafchamps, Marcel; Minten, Bart (2006) | |
Crime, Transitory Poverty and Isolation: Evidence from Madagascar | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 54 #3. April. p. 579-604. |
Söderbom, Måns; Teal, Francis; Harding, Alan (2006) | |
The Determinants of Survival among African Manufacturing Firms | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 54 #3. April. p. 533-556. |
Kauffman, Kyle; Weerapana, Akila (2006) | |
The Impact of AIDS-Related News on Exchange Rates in South Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 54 #2. January. p. 349-368. |
Luke, Nancy (2006) | |
Exchange and Condom Use in Informal Sexual Relationships in Urban Kenya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 54 #2. January. p. 319-348. |
Beegle, Kathleen (2005) | |
Labor Effects of Adult Mortality in Tanzanian Households | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #3. April. p. 655-683. |
Yamano, Takashi; Jayne, T.S. (2005) | |
Working-Age Adult Mortality and Primary School Attendance in Rural Kenya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #3. April. p. 619-654. |
Frazer, Garth (2005) | |
Which Firms Die? A Look at Manufacturing Firm Exit in Ghana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #3. April. p. 585-617. |
Van Biesebroeck, Johannes (2005) | |
Firm Size Matters: Growth and Productivity Growth in African Manufacturing | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #3. April. p. 545-584. |
Ayalew, Tekabe (2005) | |
Parental Preference, Heterogeneity, and Human Capital Inequality | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #2. January. p. 381-407. |
Fafchamps, Marcel; Quisumbing, Agnes R. (2005) | |
Marriage, Bequest, and Assortive Matching in Rural Ethiopia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #2. January. p. 347-380. |
Datt, Gaurav; Jolliffe, Dean (2005) | |
Poverty in Egypt: Modeling and Policy Simulations | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #2. January. p. 327-346. |
Asfaw, Abay; Von Braun, Joachim (2004) | |
Is Consumption Insured against Illness? Evidence on Vulnerability of Households to Health Shocks in Rural Ethiopia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #1. October. p. 115-129. |
Weir, Sharada; Knight, John (2004) | |
Externality Effects of Education: Dynamics of the Adoption and Diffusion of an Innovation in Rural Ethiopia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 53 #1. October. p. 93-113. |
Osili, Una Okonkwo (2004) | |
Migrants and Housing Investments: Theory and Evidence from Nigeria | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 52 #4. July. p. 821-849. |
Adegbidi, Anselme; Gandonou, Esaie; Oostendorp, Remco H. (2004) | |
Measuring the Productivity from Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Technologies with Household Fixed Effects: A Case Study of Hilly Mountainous Areas of Benin | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 52 #2. January. p. 313-346. |
Christiaensen, Luc; Alderman, Harold (2004) | |
Child Malnutrition in Ethiopia: Can Maternal Knowledge Augment the Role of Income? | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 52 #2. January. p. 287-312. |
Bräutigam, Deborah A.; Knack, Stephen (2004) | |
Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 52 #2. January. p. 255-285. |
Ersado, Lire; Alderman, Harold; Alwang, Jeffrey (2003) | |
Changes in Consumption and Saving Behavior before and after Economic Shocks: Evidence from Zimbabwe | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 52 #1. October. p. 187-215. |
Vavrus, Frances; Larsen, Ulla (2003) | |
Girls' Education and Fertility Transitions: An Analysis of Recent Trends in Tanzania and Uganda | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #4. July. p. 945-975. |
Audibert, Martine; Etard, Jean-Francois (2003) | |
Productive Benefits after Investment in Health in Mali | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #3. April. p. 769-782. |
Lassibille, Gerard; Tan, Jee-Peng (2003) | |
Student Learning in Public and Private Primary Schools in Madagascar | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #3. April. p. 699-717. |
Michaud, Pierre-Carl; Vencatachellum, Desire (2003) | |
Human Capital Externalities in South Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #3. April. p. 603-628. |
Haddad, Lawrence; Maluccio, John A. (2003) | |
Trust, Membership in Groups, and Household Welfare: Evidence from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #3. April. p. 573-601. |
Devarajan, Shantayanan; Easterly, William R.; Pack, Howard (2003) | |
Low Investment is Not the Constraint on African Development | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #3. April. p. 547-572. |
Foltz, Jeremy D. (2003) | |
The Economics of Water-Conserving Technology Adoption in Tunisia: An Empirical Estimation of Farmer Technology Choice | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #2. January. p. 359-373. |
Owens, Trudy; Hoddinott, John; Kinsey, Bill (2003) | |
The Impact of Agricultural Extension on Farm Production in Resettlement Areas of Zimbabwe | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #2. January. p. 337-357. |
Fedderke, Johannes W.; Luiz, John M. (2002) | |
Production of Educational Output: Time-Series Evidence from Socioeconomically Heterogeneous Populations: The Case of South Africa, 1927-1993 | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #1. October. p. 161-187. |
Tarp, Finn; Simler, Kenneth; Matusse, Cristina; Heltberg, Rasmus; Dava, Gabriel (2002) | |
The Robustness of Poverty Profiles Reconsidered | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 51 #1. p. 77-108. |
Arabsheibani, G. Reza; Manfor, Lamine (2002) | |
From Farashia to Military Uniform: Male-Female Wage Differentials in Libya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #4. July. p. 1007-1020. |
Chamlee-Wright, Emily (2002) | |
Savings and Accumulation Strategies of Urban Market Women in Harare, Zimbabwe | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #4. July. p. 979-1006. |
Adenikinju, Adeola; Soderling, Ludvig; Soludo, Charles; Varoudakis, Aristomene (2002) | |
Manufacturing Competitiveness in Africa: Evidence from Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Senegal | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #3. April. p. 643-666. |
Klasen, Stephan (2002) | |
Social, Economic, and Environmental Limits for the Newly Enfranchised in South Africa? | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #3. April. p. 607-642. |
Sunderlin, William D.; Pokam, Jacques (2002) | |
Economic Crisis and Forest Cover Change in Cameroon: The Roles of Migration, Crop Diversification, and Gender Division of Labor | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #3. April. p. 581-606. |
Adams, Richard H. (2002) | |
Nonfarm Income, Inequality, and Land in Rural Egypt | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #2. January. p. 339-363. |
Jolliffe, Dean (2002) | |
Whose Education Matters in the Determination of Household Income? Evidence from a Developing Country | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #2. p. 287-312. |
Gangadharan, Lata; Maitra, Pushkar (2001) | |
Two Aspects of Fertility Behavior in South Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #1. October. p. 183-200. |
Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Payongayong, Elllen; Aidoo, J.B.; Otsuka, Keijiro (2001) | |
Women's Land Rights in the Transition to Individualized Ownership: Implications for Tree-Resource Management in Western Ghana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #1. October. p. 157-181. |
Doss, Cheryl R. (2001) | |
Is Risk Fully Pooled within the Household? Evidence from Ghana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #1. October. p. 101-130. |
Place, Frank; Otsuka, Keijiro (2001) | |
Tenure, Agricultural Investment, and Productivity in the Customary Tenure Sector of Malawi | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 50 #1. October. p. 77-99. |
Agesa, Richard U. (2001) | |
Migration and the Urban to Rural Earnings Difference: A Sample Selection Approach | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #4. July. p. 847-865. |
Sserunkuuma, Dick; Olson, Kent (2001) | |
Private Property Rights and Overgrazing: An Empirical Assessment of Pastoralists in Nyabushozi County, Western Uganda | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #4. July. p. 769-792. |
Gray, Clive; McPherson, Malcolm (2001) | |
The Leadership Factor in African Policy Reform and Growth | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #4. July. p. 707-740. |
Nielsen, Helena Skyt; Westergard-Nielsen, Niels (2001) | |
Returns to Schooling in Less Developed Countries: New Evidence from Zambia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #2. January. p. 365-394. |
Fafchamps, Marcel; Minten, Bart (2001) | |
Property Rights in a Flea Market Economy | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #2. January. p. 229-267. |
Adams, Richard H. (2000) | |
Self-Targeted Subsidies: The Political and Distributional Impact of the Egyptian Food Subsidy System | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #1. October. p. 115-136. |
Berhanu, Betemariam; White, Michael (2000) | |
War, Famine, and Female Migration in Ethiopia, 1960-1989 | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 49 #1. October. p. 91-113. |
Bigsten, Arne; Isaksson, Anders; Söderbom, Måns; Collier, Paul; Zeufack, Albert; Dercon, Stefan; Fafchamps, Marcel; Gunning, Jan W.; Teal, Francis (2000) | |
Rates of Return on Physical and Human Capital in Africa's Manufacturing Sector | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 48 #4. July. p. 801-827. |
Mohieldin, Mahmoud S.; Wright, Peter W. (2000) | |
Formal and Informal Credit Markets in Egypt | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 48 #3. April. p. 657-670. |
Paxton, Julia; Graham, Douglas; Thraen, Cameron (2000) | |
Modeling Group Loan Repayment Behavior: New Insights from Burkina Faso | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 48 #3. April. p. 639-655. |
Abdulai, Awudu; Huffman, Wallace (2000) | |
Structural Adjustment and Economic Efficiency of Rice Farmers in Northern Ghana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 48 #3. April. p. 503-520. |
Croppenstedt, Andre; Muller, Christophe (2000) | |
The Impact of Farmers' Health and Nutritional Status on Their Productivity and Efficiency: Evidence from Ethiopia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 48 #3. April. p. 475-502. |
Mwabu, Germano M.; Schultz, T. Paul (2000) | |
Wage Premiums for Education and Location of South African Workers, by Gender and Race | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 48 #2. January. p. 307-334. |
Narayan, Deepa; Pritchett, Lant (1999) | |
Cents and Sociability: Household Income and Social Capital in Rural Tanzania | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 47 #4. p. 871-897. |
Raturi, Mayank; Swamy, Anand V. (1999) | |
Explaining Ethnic Differentials in Credit Market Outcomes in Zimbabwe | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 47 #3. April. p. 585-604. |
Appleton, Simon (1999) | |
The Gender Wage Gap in Three African Countries | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 47 #2. January. p. 289-312. |
Daniels, Lisa; Mead, Donald C. (1998) | |
The Contribution of Small Enterprise to Household and National Income in Kenya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 47 #1. October. p. 45-71. |
Zaibet, Lokman T.; Dunn, Elizabeth G. (1998) | |
Land Tenure, Farm Size, and Rural Market Participation in Developing Countries: The Case of the Tunisian Olive Sector | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 46 #4. July. p. 831-848. |
Minot, Nicholas W. (1998) | |
Distributional and Nutritional Impact of Devaluation in Rwanda | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 46 #2. January. p. 379-402. |
Clay, Daniel C.; Reardon, Thomas; Kangasniemi, Jaakko (1998) | |
Sustainable Intensification in the Highland Tropics: Rwandan Farmers' Investments in Land Conservation and Soil Fertility | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 46 #2. January. p. 351-377. |
Teklu, Tesfaye; Asefa, Sisay (1997) | |
Factors Affecting Employment Choice in a Labor-Intensive Public Works Scheme in Rural Botswana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 46 #1. October. p. 175-186. |
Tansel, Aysit (1997) | |
Schooling Attainment, Parental Education, and Gender in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #4. July. p. 825-856. |
Glick, Peter J.; Sahn, David E. (1997) | |
Gender and Education Impacts on Employment and Earnings in West Africa: Evidence from Guinea | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #4. July. p. 793-824. |
Renne, Elisha P. (1997) | |
'Traditional Modernity' and the Economics of Handwoven Cloth Production in Southwestern Nigeria | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #4. July. p. 773-792. |
Van den Brink, Rogier; Chavas, Jean-Paul (1997) | |
The Microeconomics of an Indigenous African Institution: The Rotating Savings and Credit Association | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #4. July. p. 745-772. |
Carter, Michael R. (1997) | |
Environment, Technology, and the Social Articulation of Risk in West African Agriculture | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #3. p. 557-590. |
Buvinic, Mayra; Gupta, Geeta R. (1997) | |
Female-Headed Households and Female-Maintained Families: Are They Worth Targeting to Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries? | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #2. January. p. 259-280. |
Neitzert, Monica (1996) | |
Human Capital in the Hot Sun | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 45 #1. October. p. 69-87. |
Cohen, Barney; House, William J. (1996) | |
Labor Market Choices, Earnings, and Informal Networks in Khartoum, Sudan | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 44 #3. April. p. 589-618. |
Ball, Richard; Johnson, Christopher (1996) | |
Political, Economic, and Humanitarian Motivations for PL 480 Food Aid: Evidence from Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 44 #3. April. p. 515-537. |
Dercon, Stefan (1996) | |
Risk, Crop Choice, and Savings: Evidence from Tanzania | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 44 #3. April. p. 485-513. |
Rauniyar, Ganesh P.; Goode, Frank M. (1996) | |
Managing Green Revolution Technology: An Analysis of a Differential Practice Combination in Swaziland | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 44 #2. January. p. 413-437. |
Cochrane, Susan H.; Guilkey, David K. (1995) | |
The Effects of Fertility Intentions and Access to Services on Contraceptive Use in Tunisia | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 43 #4. July. p. 779-804. |
Ghura, Dhaneshwar (1995) | |
Macro Policies, External Forces, and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 43 #4. July. p. 759-778. |
Deininger, Klaus; Binswanger, Hans P. (1995) | |
Rent Seeking and the Development of Large-Scale Agriculture in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 43 #3. April. p. 493-522. |
Smale, Melinda; Heisey, Paul W.; Leathers, Howard D. (1995) | |
Maize of the Ancestors and Modern Varieties: The Microeconomics of High-Yielding Variety Adoption in Malawi | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 43 #2. January. p. 351-368. |
Sahn, David E.; Van Frausum, Yves; Shively, Gerald (1994) | |
Modeling the Nutritional and Distributional Effects of Taxing Export Crops | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 42 #4. July. p. 773-793. |
Maglad, Nour E.A. (1994) | |
Fertility in Rural Sudan: The Effect of Landholding and Child Mortality | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 42 #4. July. p. 761-772. |
Oshikoya, Temitope W. (1994) | |
Macroeconomic Determinants of Domestic Private Investment in Africa: An Empirical Analysis | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 42 #3. April. p. 573-596. |
Smith, Joyotee; Barau, Anthony D.; Goldman, Abraham; Mareck, James H. (1994) | |
The Role of Technology in Agricultural Intensification: The Evolution of Maize Production in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 42 #3. April. p. 537-554. |
Jayne, Thomas S. (1994) | |
Do High Food Marketing Costs Constrain Cash Crop Production? Evidence from Zimbabwe | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 42 #2. January. p. 387-402. |
Morris, Michael L.; Byerlee, Derek (1993) | |
Narrowing the Wheat Gap in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review of Consumption and Production Issues | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 41 #4. July. p. 737-761. |
Budd, John W. (1993) | |
Changing Food Prices and Rural Welfare: A Nonparametric Examination of the Côte d'Ivoire | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 41 #3. April. p. 587-603. |
Locke, Christopher G.; Ahmadi-Esfahani, Fredoun Z. (1993) | |
Famine Analysis: Study of Entitlements in Sudan, 1984-1985 | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 41 #2. January. p. 363-376. |
Goetz, Stephan J. (1993) | |
Interlinked Markets and Cash Crop - Food Crop Debate in Land-Abundant Tropical Agriculture | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 41 #2. p. 343-361. |
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (1992) | |
Political Instability and Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 40 #4. July. p. 829-841. |
Thomas-Slayter, Barbara P. (1992) | |
Politics, Class, and Gender in African Resource Management: The Case of Rural Kenya | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 40 #4. July. p. 809-828. |
Hoddinott, John (1992) | |
Rotten Kids or Manipulative Parents: Are Children Old Age Security in Western Kenya? | |
Economic Development and Cultural Change. Volume 40 #3. April. p. 545-565. |
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