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BookTardieu, Amédée; Chérubini, S.; Desvergers, Noel (1847)
See this publicationSénégambie et Guinée
Abstract presentParis: Firmin Didot. L'Univers pittoresque ou Histoire et description de tous les peuples, de leurs religions, moeurs, coutumes, industries, Afrique.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1846)
Derrota da viagem por terra, feita por ***, da Villa de Quilimane á Capital de Moçambique, no anno de 1799
O Gabinete Litterario das Fontainhas. Volume 1. p. 237-239.

Periodical articleClarke, John (1846)
On the Mouths of the Jamoor River, Western Africa; Being a Letter Addressed by the Rev. John Clarke to the Rev. Joseph Angas, Dated July 16, 1845
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 255-258.

Periodical articleCooley, W.D. (1846)
Further Explanations in Reference to the Geography of N'yassi
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 138-143.

Periodical articleCruttenden, Charles J. (1846)
Report on the Mijjertheyn Tribe of Somalis Inhabiting the District Forming the North East Point of Africa
Transactions of the Bombay Royal Geographical Society. Volume 7. p. 111-126.

Periodical articleDuncan, John (1846)
Notice of a Journey from Whyddah on the West Coast of Africa to Adofoodiah in the Interior
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 154-162.

Periodical articleDuncan, John (1846)
Note of a Journey from Cape Coast to Whyddah, on the West Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 143-153.

Periodical articleGrover, John (1846)
An Account of the Island of Arguin, on the Western Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 162-167.

BookMontauban, Mrs. Eliot (British) (1846)
A Year and a Day in the East, or, Wanderings over Land and Sea
London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans. 201p.

BookPoole, Sophia Lane (British)(1804-1891) (1846)
The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo Written during a Residence There, 1845-1846
London: C. Knight. 249p.

BookRomer, Isabella Frances (British)( -1852) (1846)
A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine in 1845-46
Two Volumes. London: Richard Bentley. 375/390p.

Periodical articleThompson, William C. (1846)
Narrative of Mr. William Cooper Thomson's Journey from Sierra Leone to Timbo, Capital of Futah Jallo, in Western Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 106-138.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1845)
Sketches of Zanzibar: Written during a Sojourn on That Island, from May 20th to August 10th, 1843
American Review: A Whig Journal. Volume 2. August. p. 154-162.

Periodical articleCooley, W.D. (1845)
The Geography of N'yassi, or the Great Lake of Southern Africa, Investigated; with an Account of the Overland Route from the Quanza in Angola to the Zambezi in the Government of Mozambique
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 15. p. 185-235.

BookGriffith, Lucinda Darby (British) (1845)
A Journey across the Desert, from Ceylon to Marseilles: Comprising Sketches of Aden, the Red Sea, Lower Egypt, Malta, Sicily, and Italy
Two Volumes. By Major and Mrs. George Darby Griffith. London: Henry Colburn.

BookHahn-Hahn, Ida (1845)
Letters of a German Countess Written during Her Travels in Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, Nubia, etc. in 1843-4
Three Volumes. London: Coburn.

BookPlumley, Matilda (British) (1845)
Days and Nights in the East: From the Original Notes of a Recent Traveller through Egypt, Arabia-Petra, Syria, Turkey and Greece
By Miss. Plumley. London: T.C. Newby. 187p.

BookStanhope, Hester Lucy (British)(1776-1839); Meryon, Charles L. (eds.) (1845)
Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, as Related by Herself in Conversations with Her Physician... Comprising Opinions and Anecdotes of Some of the Remarkable Persons of Her Time
Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn. 394/384/361p.

Periodical articleWilson, J.L.; Walker, Willam (1845)
Letters from Gaboon
Missionary Herald. Volume 41. p. 27-28.

Periodical articleBeke, Charles T. (1844)
Abyssinia: Being a Contribution of Routes in That Country
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 1-76.

Periodical articleChristopher, W. (1844)
Extracts from a Journal by Lt. W. Christopher, Commanding the H.C. Brig of War 'Tigris', on the East Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 76-103.

Periodical articleFreeman, Thomas B. (1844)
Wesleyan Mission in Guinea (Dahomey)
Missionary Herald. Volume 40. p. 63-67.

Periodical articleGachet, Émile (1844)
See this publicationExpédition de Charles-Quint contre Tunis, en 1535
Bulletin de la Commission royale d'Histoire. Volume 8. p. 7-54.

Periodical articleGarcia, João Francisco (1844)
See this publicationExplorações no Sertão de Benguella
Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes. Volume 4. p. 240-254.

Periodical articleGriswold, Benjamin (1844)
Superstition of the Natives
Missionary Herald. Volume 40. p. 239.

Periodical articleKing, J.B. (1844)
Details of Explorations of the Old Calabar River, in 1841 and 1842, by Captain Becroft, of the Merchant Steamer 'Ethiope', and Mr. J.B. King, Surgeon of That Vessel
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 260-283.

BookMontefiore, Judith Cohen (British)(1784-1862) (1844)
Notes from a Private Journal of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine by Way of Italy and the Mediterranean
Second Trip. London: Joseph Rickerby. 410p.

BookPoole, Sophia Lane (British)(1804-1891) (1844)
The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo Written during a Residence There in 1842, 3, 4, with E.W. Lane
Two Volumes. London: C. Knight. 232/240p.

Periodical articleSá da Bandeira, Visconde de (1844)
See this publicationObservações sobre a viagem da costa d'Angola á costa de Moçambique, por José Maria de Lacerda
Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes. Volume 4. p. 188-214.

Periodical articleWarrington, G.H. (1844)
Extract from 'A Short Account of Tripoli in the West'
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 104-107.

Periodical articleAllen, W. (1843)
Excursions Up the River of Cameroons and to the Bay of Amboises
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 1-17.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1843)
See this publicationDescripção da Capitania de Benguella, suas Provincias, Povos, Rios mais caudelosos, Minas de Ferro, e Enxofre, e outras particularidades que tem, mais consideraveis
Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes. Volume 4. p. 147-161.

Periodical articleBeke, Charles T. (1843)
On the Countries South of Abyssinia
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 259-269.

Periodical articleBeke, Charles T. (1843)
Map of the Route from Tajurrah to Ankobar. Letter from Dr. Beke
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 182-183.

Periodical articleFreeman, Thomas B. (1843)
Commencing a Station at Kumasi
Missionary Herald. Volume 39. p. 37-40.

Periodical articleGriswold, Benjamin (1843)
Visit to Corisco Island
Missionary Herald. Volume 39. p. 445-449.

Periodical articleKirk, R. (1843)
Report on the Route from Tajurra to Ankobar Travelled By the Mission to Shwa, under Charge of Captain W.C. Harris, Engineers, 1841 (Close of the Dry Season)
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 221-238.

BookLondonderry, Frances Anne (Emily)(Vane-Tempest) (British)(1800-1865) (1843)
A Journal of a Three Months' Tour in Portugal, Spain, Africa, & c
London: J. Mitchell and Co. 94p.

Periodical articleWilkinson, Gardner (1843)
Some Accounts of the Natron Lakes of Egypt; In a Letter to W.R. Hamilton, Esq
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 113-118.

BookAvezac-Macaya, Marie A.P. d' (1842)
Afrique: tableau général
Abstract presentParis: Firmin Didot frères.

Periodical articleBacon, Francis (1842)
Cape Palmas and the Mena, or Kroomen
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 196-206.

Periodical articleBarker, W.C. (1842)
Extract Report on the Probable Geographical Position of Harrar; with Some Information Relative to the Various Tribes in the Vicinity
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 238-244.

Periodical articleBeke, Charles T. (1842)
Route from Ankober to Dima
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 245-258.

Periodical articleBeke, Charles T. (1842)
Communications Respecting the Geography of Southern Abyssinia
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 84-102.

BookPel, H.J. (1842)
See this publicationAanteekeningen gehouden op eene reis van St. George Delmina naar Comassie, hoofdstad van het Ashantijnsche Rijk, en gedurende een kort verblijf aldaar: medegedeeld van wege het bestuur van 's Rijks-Museum van Natuurlijke historie te Leiden
Abstract present26p.

Periodical articleRobertson, G.A. (1842)
Notes on Africa, between Cape Verde and the River Congo
Walckenaer's Voyages. Volume 11. p. 408-483.

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton (1842)
Report of the Mission for 1841
Missionary Herald. Volume 38. p. 276-277.

BookTattam, Mrs. Henry (British); Platt, Miss (British) (1841-1842)
Journal of a Tour through Egypt, the Peninsula of Sinai, and the Holy Land in 1838, 1839
Two Volumes. London: R. Watts.

Periodical articleBecroft, J. (1841)
On Benin and the Upper Course of the River Quorra, or Niger
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 11. p. 184-192.

BookDamer, Mary Georgina L. Emma (Seymour) Dawson (British)( -1848) (1841)
Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land
Two Volumes. By Mrs. G.L. Dawson Damer. London: Henry Colburn. 324/304p.

Periodical articleDe Macedo, J.J. Da Costa (1841)
Ethnographical Remarks on the Original Languages of the Inhabitants of the Canary Isles
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 11. p. 171-183.

BookRoberts, Emma (British)(ca. 1794-1840) (1841)
Notes of an Overland Journey through France and Egypt to Bombay
London: William H. Allen. 333p.

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton (1841)
Letters from Cape Palmas and Fish Town
Missionary Herald. Volume 37. p. 138-139.

Periodical articleBeke, Charles T. (1840)
Appendix to Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf's Journal. Routes in Abyssinia and the Neighboring Countries Collected from Natives
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 10. p. 580-586.

Periodical articleBurgess, Ebenezer (1840)
Probable Opening for Missionaries at Zanzibar and Accounts Received Concerning the Continental Tribes
Missionary Herald. Volume 36. p. 118-121.

Periodical articleIsenberg, Karl W.; Krapf, Johann L. (1840)
Abstract of a Journal Kept by the Reverend Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, on Their Route from Cairo, through Zeila to Shwa and I'fat, between the Twenty-First of January and the Twelfth of June, 1839
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 10. p. 455-468.

Periodical articleKrapf, Johann L. (1840)
Extracts from a Journal, Kept at Ankobar from 7th June to 2nd October, 1839
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 10. p. 469-488.

BookBroughton, Elizabeth (British) (1839)
Six Years Residence in Algiers
London: Saunders and Otley. 452p.

Periodical articleD'Abbadie, A. Thomson (1839)
Note on Some Names of Places on the Shores of the Red Sea
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 9. p. 317-324.

BookHaight, Sarah Rogers (American)(1808-1891) (1839)
Letters from the Old World
Two Volumes. By A Lady of New-York. New York: Harper and Brothers.

Periodical articleHolroyd, Arthur T. (1839)
Notes on a Journey to Kordofan in 1836-7
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 9. p. 163-191.

Periodical articleLindley, Daniel (1839)
Fort, Trade, Population, and Language at Delagoa. Letter Dated December 31, 1838
Missionary Herald. Volume 35. p. 193-195.

Periodical articleWilkinson, J. Gardner (1839)
On the Nile, and the Present and Former Levels of Egypt
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 9. p. 431-441.

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton (1839)
Journal on a Voyage along the Coast
Missionary Herald. Volume 35. p. 352-359.

BookWolff, Georgiana (British) (1839)
Journal of the Missionary Labours of Dr. and Lady Georgiana Wolff, Including Travels in Holland, Germany, Malta, Egypt, Jerusalem, and the Island of Cyprus, Abyssinia, America, etc

Periodical articleAlexander, John E (1838)
Report of an Expedition of Discovery through the Countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans, and Hill Damaras, South Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 1-28.

Periodical articleAllen, W. (1838)
On a New Construction of a Map of a Portion of Western Africa, Showing the Possibility of the Rivers Yeu and Chadda Being the Outlet of the Lake Chad
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 289-307.

Periodical articleAllen, William (1838)
Records of an Expedition up the Quorra with Lander
United Service Magazine. Volume 30. p. 310-325.

Periodical articleDe Falbe, Monsieur; Temple, Grenville T. (1838)
Heights Obtained during the Campaign to Kostantinah, in September, 1837
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 226-227.

BookRüppell, Eduard (1838)
See this publicationReise in Abyssinien
Frankfurt am Main: Schmerber (Commission).

Periodical articleTemple, Grenville (1838)
Extracts from Notes, Made during the Campaign to Kostantinah, in September, 1837
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 39-53.

Periodical articleWashington, Captain (1838)
Some Account of Mohammedu-Sisei, a Mandingo, of Nyani-Maru on the Gambia
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 448-454.

Periodical articleAlexander, John E. (1837)
Latest Intelligence from Captain Alexander
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 439-446.

Periodical articleAllen, William (1837)
Is the Old Calabar a Branch of the River Quorra?
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 198-203.

Periodical articleDavidson, John; Willshire, William (1837)
Extracts from the Correspondence of the Late Mr. Davidson, during His Residence in Morocco; with an Account of His Further Progress in the Desert
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 144-172.

Periodical articleGraberg, Chevalier (1837)
See this publicationVocabulary of Names of Places, &c. in Moghribu-l-Aksa, or the Empire of Marocco
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 243-270.

Periodical articleHennessy, John P. (1837)
British Settlements in West Africa
Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. Volume 21. p. 436-449.

BookKilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832); Biller, Sarah (eds.) (1837)
Memoir of the Late Hannah Kilham: Chiefly Compiled from Her Journal
Editor was Hannah Kilham's Daughter. London: Darton and Harvey. 506p.

Periodical articleOldfield, R.K. (1837)
A Brief Account of an Ascent of the Old Calabar River in 1836
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 195-198.

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton (1837)
Journal on a Tour to grabbo
Missionary Herald. Volume 33. p. 385-393.

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton (1837)
Journal of Mr. Wilson on an Excursion from Cape Palmas to Bolobo, in October, 1836
Missionary Herald. Volume 33. p. 242-248.

Periodical articleAlexander, Jas. E. (1836)
Captain Alexander's Intended Visit to the Damaras, South Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 443-445.

Periodical articleArlett, W. (1836)
Survey of Some of the Canary Islands, and of Part of the Western Coast of Africa, in 1835
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 285-310.

Periodical articleBecroft, J. (1836)
Substance of a Letter Received from J. Becroft, Esq., Relative to His Recent Ascent of the Quorra
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 424-426.

Periodical articleHall. (1836)
Tour of Doctor Hall up the Cavally River
Missionary Herald. Volume 32. p. 312-314.

Periodical articleMichell, C.C. (1836)
On the Roads and Kloofs in the Cape Colony
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 168-174.

BookMontefiore, Judith Cohen (British)(1784-1862) (1836)
Private Journal of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine by Way of Italy and the Mediterranean
London: Joseph Rickerby. 322p.

BookShaw, William (1836)
Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Hodgson; Compiled from Materials Furnished by Her Husband
London: Sold by J. Mason. 252p.

Periodical articleSiddik, Abu B. (1836)
Routes in North Africa, by Abu Bekr es Siddik
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 100-113.

Periodical articleSmith, Andrew (1836)
Report of the Expedition for Exploring Central Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 394-413.

BookChurch, Mary (British) (1835)
Sierra Leone: or, the Liberated Africans, in a Series of Letters from a Young Lady to Her Sister in 1832 and 1834
Authored anonymously. London: Longmans. 49p.

BookLee, Sarah (Wallis) Bowdich (British)(1791-1856) (1835)
Stories from Strange Lands; and Fragments from the Notes of a Traveller
By Mrs. R. Lee. London: E. Moxon. 366p.

Periodical articleLewis, Locke (1835)
An Account of the Ovahs, a Race of People Residing in the Interior of Madagascar: With a Sketch of Their Country, Appearance, Dress, Language
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 5. p. 230-242.

Periodical articlePrudhoe, Algernon P. (1835)
Extracts from Private Memoranda Kept on a Journey from Cairo to Sennar, in 1829, Describing the Peninsula of Sennar
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 5. p. 35-58.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1834)
Expedition into the Interior of South Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 363-374.

Periodical articleBartholomew, C. (1834)
Extracts from a Private Journal on Board H.M.S. Leven, When Surveying the Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 229-239.

Periodical articleBourchier, W. (1834)
Narrative of a Passage from Bombay to England; Describing the Author's Shipwreck in the Red Sea, and Subsequent Journeys Across the Nubian Desert
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 318-319.

Periodical articleGobat, Samuel (1834)
Journal of a Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia, in Furtherance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 268-277.

Periodical articleTemple, Grenville (1834)
Journal of Travels in the Beylik of Tunis
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 255-258.

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton; Wynkoop (1834)
Extracts from the Journals of Messrs. Wilson and Wynkoop
Missionary Herald. Volume 30. p. 335-338.

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