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Found: 243273 | Record 243101-243200 |
Tardieu, Amédée; Chérubini, S.; Desvergers, Noel (1847) | |
Sénégambie et Guinée | |
Paris: Firmin Didot. L'Univers pittoresque ou Histoire et description de tous les peuples, de leurs religions, moeurs, coutumes, industries, Afrique. |
Anonymous (1846) | |
Derrota da viagem por terra, feita por ***, da Villa de Quilimane á Capital de Moçambique, no anno de 1799 | |
O Gabinete Litterario das Fontainhas. Volume 1. p. 237-239. |
Clarke, John (1846) | |
On the Mouths of the Jamoor River, Western Africa; Being a Letter Addressed by the Rev. John Clarke to the Rev. Joseph Angas, Dated July 16, 1845 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 255-258. |
Cooley, W.D. (1846) | |
Further Explanations in Reference to the Geography of N'yassi | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 138-143. |
Cruttenden, Charles J. (1846) | |
Report on the Mijjertheyn Tribe of Somalis Inhabiting the District Forming the North East Point of Africa | |
Transactions of the Bombay Royal Geographical Society. Volume 7. p. 111-126. |
Duncan, John (1846) | |
Notice of a Journey from Whyddah on the West Coast of Africa to Adofoodiah in the Interior | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 154-162. |
Duncan, John (1846) | |
Note of a Journey from Cape Coast to Whyddah, on the West Coast of Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 143-153. |
Grover, John (1846) | |
An Account of the Island of Arguin, on the Western Coast of Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 162-167. |
Montauban, Mrs. Eliot (British) (1846) | |
A Year and a Day in the East, or, Wanderings over Land and Sea | |
London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans. 201p. |
Poole, Sophia Lane (British)(1804-1891) (1846) | |
The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo Written during a Residence There, 1845-1846 | |
London: C. Knight. 249p. |
Romer, Isabella Frances (British)( -1852) (1846) | |
A Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine in 1845-46 | |
Two Volumes. London: Richard Bentley. 375/390p. |
Thompson, William C. (1846) | |
Narrative of Mr. William Cooper Thomson's Journey from Sierra Leone to Timbo, Capital of Futah Jallo, in Western Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 16. p. 106-138. |
Anonymous (1845) | |
Sketches of Zanzibar: Written during a Sojourn on That Island, from May 20th to August 10th, 1843 | |
American Review: A Whig Journal. Volume 2. August. p. 154-162. |
Cooley, W.D. (1845) | |
The Geography of N'yassi, or the Great Lake of Southern Africa, Investigated; with an Account of the Overland Route from the Quanza in Angola to the Zambezi in the Government of Mozambique | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 15. p. 185-235. |
Griffith, Lucinda Darby (British) (1845) | |
A Journey across the Desert, from Ceylon to Marseilles: Comprising Sketches of Aden, the Red Sea, Lower Egypt, Malta, Sicily, and Italy | |
Two Volumes. By Major and Mrs. George Darby Griffith. London: Henry Colburn. |
Hahn-Hahn, Ida (1845) | |
Letters of a German Countess Written during Her Travels in Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Syria, Nubia, etc. in 1843-4 | |
Three Volumes. London: Coburn. |
Plumley, Matilda (British) (1845) | |
Days and Nights in the East: From the Original Notes of a Recent Traveller through Egypt, Arabia-Petra, Syria, Turkey and Greece | |
By Miss. Plumley. London: T.C. Newby. 187p. |
Stanhope, Hester Lucy (British)(1776-1839); Meryon, Charles L. (eds.) (1845) | |
Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, as Related by Herself in Conversations with Her Physician... Comprising Opinions and Anecdotes of Some of the Remarkable Persons of Her Time | |
Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn. 394/384/361p. |
Wilson, J.L.; Walker, Willam (1845) | |
Letters from Gaboon | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 41. p. 27-28. |
Beke, Charles T. (1844) | |
Abyssinia: Being a Contribution of Routes in That Country | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 1-76. |
Christopher, W. (1844) | |
Extracts from a Journal by Lt. W. Christopher, Commanding the H.C. Brig of War 'Tigris', on the East Coast of Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 76-103. |
Freeman, Thomas B. (1844) | |
Wesleyan Mission in Guinea (Dahomey) | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 40. p. 63-67. |
Gachet, Émile (1844) | |
Expédition de Charles-Quint contre Tunis, en 1535 | |
Bulletin de la Commission royale d'Histoire. Volume 8. p. 7-54. |
Garcia, João Francisco (1844) | |
Explorações no Sertão de Benguella | |
Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes. Volume 4. p. 240-254. |
Griswold, Benjamin (1844) | |
Superstition of the Natives | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 40. p. 239. |
King, J.B. (1844) | |
Details of Explorations of the Old Calabar River, in 1841 and 1842, by Captain Becroft, of the Merchant Steamer 'Ethiope', and Mr. J.B. King, Surgeon of That Vessel | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 260-283. |
Montefiore, Judith Cohen (British)(1784-1862) (1844) | |
Notes from a Private Journal of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine by Way of Italy and the Mediterranean | |
Second Trip. London: Joseph Rickerby. 410p. |
Poole, Sophia Lane (British)(1804-1891) (1844) | |
The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo Written during a Residence There in 1842, 3, 4, with E.W. Lane | |
Two Volumes. London: C. Knight. 232/240p. |
Sá da Bandeira, Visconde de (1844) | |
Observações sobre a viagem da costa d'Angola á costa de Moçambique, por José Maria de Lacerda | |
Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes. Volume 4. p. 188-214. |
Warrington, G.H. (1844) | |
Extract from 'A Short Account of Tripoli in the West' | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 14. p. 104-107. |
Allen, W. (1843) | |
Excursions Up the River of Cameroons and to the Bay of Amboises | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 1-17. |
Anonymous (1843) | |
Descripção da Capitania de Benguella, suas Provincias, Povos, Rios mais caudelosos, Minas de Ferro, e Enxofre, e outras particularidades que tem, mais consideraveis | |
Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes. Volume 4. p. 147-161. |
Beke, Charles T. (1843) | |
On the Countries South of Abyssinia | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 259-269. |
Beke, Charles T. (1843) | |
Map of the Route from Tajurrah to Ankobar. Letter from Dr. Beke | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 182-183. |
Freeman, Thomas B. (1843) | |
Commencing a Station at Kumasi | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 39. p. 37-40. |
Griswold, Benjamin (1843) | |
Visit to Corisco Island | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 39. p. 445-449. |
Kirk, R. (1843) | |
Report on the Route from Tajurra to Ankobar Travelled By the Mission to Shwa, under Charge of Captain W.C. Harris, Engineers, 1841 (Close of the Dry Season) | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 221-238. |
Londonderry, Frances Anne (Emily)(Vane-Tempest) (British)(1800-1865) (1843) | |
A Journal of a Three Months' Tour in Portugal, Spain, Africa, & c | |
London: J. Mitchell and Co. 94p. |
Wilkinson, Gardner (1843) | |
Some Accounts of the Natron Lakes of Egypt; In a Letter to W.R. Hamilton, Esq | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 13. p. 113-118. |
Avezac-Macaya, Marie A.P. d' (1842) | |
Afrique: tableau général | |
Paris: Firmin Didot frères. |
Bacon, Francis (1842) | |
Cape Palmas and the Mena, or Kroomen | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 196-206. |
Barker, W.C. (1842) | |
Extract Report on the Probable Geographical Position of Harrar; with Some Information Relative to the Various Tribes in the Vicinity | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 238-244. |
Beke, Charles T. (1842) | |
Route from Ankober to Dima | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 245-258. |
Beke, Charles T. (1842) | |
Communications Respecting the Geography of Southern Abyssinia | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 12. p. 84-102. |
Robertson, G.A. (1842) | |
Notes on Africa, between Cape Verde and the River Congo | |
Walckenaer's Voyages. Volume 11. p. 408-483. |
Wilson, J. Leighton (1842) | |
Report of the Mission for 1841 | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 38. p. 276-277. |
Tattam, Mrs. Henry (British); Platt, Miss (British) (1841-1842) | |
Journal of a Tour through Egypt, the Peninsula of Sinai, and the Holy Land in 1838, 1839 | |
Two Volumes. London: R. Watts. |
Becroft, J. (1841) | |
On Benin and the Upper Course of the River Quorra, or Niger | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 11. p. 184-192. |
Damer, Mary Georgina L. Emma (Seymour) Dawson (British)( -1848) (1841) | |
Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land | |
Two Volumes. By Mrs. G.L. Dawson Damer. London: Henry Colburn. 324/304p. |
De Macedo, J.J. Da Costa (1841) | |
Ethnographical Remarks on the Original Languages of the Inhabitants of the Canary Isles | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 11. p. 171-183. |
Roberts, Emma (British)(ca. 1794-1840) (1841) | |
Notes of an Overland Journey through France and Egypt to Bombay | |
London: William H. Allen. 333p. |
Wilson, J. Leighton (1841) | |
Letters from Cape Palmas and Fish Town | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 37. p. 138-139. |
Beke, Charles T. (1840) | |
Appendix to Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf's Journal. Routes in Abyssinia and the Neighboring Countries Collected from Natives | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 10. p. 580-586. |
Burgess, Ebenezer (1840) | |
Probable Opening for Missionaries at Zanzibar and Accounts Received Concerning the Continental Tribes | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 36. p. 118-121. |
Isenberg, Karl W.; Krapf, Johann L. (1840) | |
Abstract of a Journal Kept by the Reverend Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, on Their Route from Cairo, through Zeila to Shwa and I'fat, between the Twenty-First of January and the Twelfth of June, 1839 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 10. p. 455-468. |
Krapf, Johann L. (1840) | |
Extracts from a Journal, Kept at Ankobar from 7th June to 2nd October, 1839 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 10. p. 469-488. |
Broughton, Elizabeth (British) (1839) | |
Six Years Residence in Algiers | |
London: Saunders and Otley. 452p. |
D'Abbadie, A. Thomson (1839) | |
Note on Some Names of Places on the Shores of the Red Sea | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 9. p. 317-324. |
Haight, Sarah Rogers (American)(1808-1891) (1839) | |
Letters from the Old World | |
Two Volumes. By A Lady of New-York. New York: Harper and Brothers. |
Holroyd, Arthur T. (1839) | |
Notes on a Journey to Kordofan in 1836-7 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 9. p. 163-191. |
Lindley, Daniel (1839) | |
Fort, Trade, Population, and Language at Delagoa. Letter Dated December 31, 1838 | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 35. p. 193-195. |
Wilkinson, J. Gardner (1839) | |
On the Nile, and the Present and Former Levels of Egypt | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 9. p. 431-441. |
Wilson, J. Leighton (1839) | |
Journal on a Voyage along the Coast | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 35. p. 352-359. |
Alexander, John E (1838) | |
Report of an Expedition of Discovery through the Countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans, and Hill Damaras, South Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 1-28. |
Allen, W. (1838) | |
On a New Construction of a Map of a Portion of Western Africa, Showing the Possibility of the Rivers Yeu and Chadda Being the Outlet of the Lake Chad | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 289-307. |
Allen, William (1838) | |
Records of an Expedition up the Quorra with Lander | |
United Service Magazine. Volume 30. p. 310-325. |
De Falbe, Monsieur; Temple, Grenville T. (1838) | |
Heights Obtained during the Campaign to Kostantinah, in September, 1837 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 226-227. |
Rüppell, Eduard (1838) | |
Reise in Abyssinien | |
Frankfurt am Main: Schmerber (Commission). |
Temple, Grenville (1838) | |
Extracts from Notes, Made during the Campaign to Kostantinah, in September, 1837 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 39-53. |
Washington, Captain (1838) | |
Some Account of Mohammedu-Sisei, a Mandingo, of Nyani-Maru on the Gambia | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 8. p. 448-454. |
Alexander, John E. (1837) | |
Latest Intelligence from Captain Alexander | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 439-446. |
Allen, William (1837) | |
Is the Old Calabar a Branch of the River Quorra? | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 198-203. |
Davidson, John; Willshire, William (1837) | |
Extracts from the Correspondence of the Late Mr. Davidson, during His Residence in Morocco; with an Account of His Further Progress in the Desert | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 144-172. |
Graberg, Chevalier (1837) | |
Vocabulary of Names of Places, &c. in Moghribu-l-Aksa, or the Empire of Marocco | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 243-270. |
Hennessy, John P. (1837) | |
British Settlements in West Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. Volume 21. p. 436-449. |
Kilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832); Biller, Sarah (eds.) (1837) | |
Memoir of the Late Hannah Kilham: Chiefly Compiled from Her Journal | |
Editor was Hannah Kilham's Daughter. London: Darton and Harvey. 506p. |
Oldfield, R.K. (1837) | |
A Brief Account of an Ascent of the Old Calabar River in 1836 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 7. p. 195-198. |
Wilson, J. Leighton (1837) | |
Journal on a Tour to grabbo | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 33. p. 385-393. |
Wilson, J. Leighton (1837) | |
Journal of Mr. Wilson on an Excursion from Cape Palmas to Bolobo, in October, 1836 | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 33. p. 242-248. |
Alexander, Jas. E. (1836) | |
Captain Alexander's Intended Visit to the Damaras, South Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 443-445. |
Arlett, W. (1836) | |
Survey of Some of the Canary Islands, and of Part of the Western Coast of Africa, in 1835 | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 285-310. |
Becroft, J. (1836) | |
Substance of a Letter Received from J. Becroft, Esq., Relative to His Recent Ascent of the Quorra | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 424-426. |
Hall. (1836) | |
Tour of Doctor Hall up the Cavally River | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 32. p. 312-314. |
Michell, C.C. (1836) | |
On the Roads and Kloofs in the Cape Colony | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 168-174. |
Montefiore, Judith Cohen (British)(1784-1862) (1836) | |
Private Journal of a Visit to Egypt and Palestine by Way of Italy and the Mediterranean | |
London: Joseph Rickerby. 322p. |
Shaw, William (1836) | |
Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Hodgson; Compiled from Materials Furnished by Her Husband | |
London: Sold by J. Mason. 252p. |
Siddik, Abu B. (1836) | |
Routes in North Africa, by Abu Bekr es Siddik | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 100-113. |
Smith, Andrew (1836) | |
Report of the Expedition for Exploring Central Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 6. p. 394-413. |
Church, Mary (British) (1835) | |
Sierra Leone: or, the Liberated Africans, in a Series of Letters from a Young Lady to Her Sister in 1832 and 1834 | |
Authored anonymously. London: Longmans. 49p. |
Lee, Sarah (Wallis) Bowdich (British)(1791-1856) (1835) | |
Stories from Strange Lands; and Fragments from the Notes of a Traveller | |
By Mrs. R. Lee. London: E. Moxon. 366p. |
Lewis, Locke (1835) | |
An Account of the Ovahs, a Race of People Residing in the Interior of Madagascar: With a Sketch of Their Country, Appearance, Dress, Language | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 5. p. 230-242. |
Prudhoe, Algernon P. (1835) | |
Extracts from Private Memoranda Kept on a Journey from Cairo to Sennar, in 1829, Describing the Peninsula of Sennar | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 5. p. 35-58. |
Anonymous (1834) | |
Expedition into the Interior of South Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 363-374. |
Bartholomew, C. (1834) | |
Extracts from a Private Journal on Board H.M.S. Leven, When Surveying the Coast of Africa | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 229-239. |
Bourchier, W. (1834) | |
Narrative of a Passage from Bombay to England; Describing the Author's Shipwreck in the Red Sea, and Subsequent Journeys Across the Nubian Desert | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 318-319. |
Gobat, Samuel (1834) | |
Journal of a Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia, in Furtherance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 268-277. |
Temple, Grenville (1834) | |
Journal of Travels in the Beylik of Tunis | |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 4. p. 255-258. |
Wilson, J. Leighton; Wynkoop (1834) | |
Extracts from the Journals of Messrs. Wilson and Wynkoop | |
Missionary Herald. Volume 30. p. 335-338. |
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Found: 243273 | Record 243101-243200 |
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