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Found: 243273 First Previous Record 243201-243273

Periodical articleWilson, J. Leighton; Wynkoop (1834)
Report of Messrs. Wilson and Wynkoop on Their Visit to Western Africa
Missionary Herald. Volume 30. p. 212-219.

Periodical articleBoteler, Thomas; Hay, R.W. (1833)
Supposed Junction of the Rivers Gambia and Casamanza, on the Western Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 3. p. 72-76.

Periodical articleCooley, William Desborough (1833)
A Memoir on the Civilization of the Tribes Inhabiting the Highlands Near Delagoa Bay
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 3. p. 310-324.

Periodical articleEmery, J. (1833)
A Short Account of the Mombas and the Neighbouring Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. Volume 3. p. 280-283.

Periodical articleEmery, R.N.L. (1833)
Short Account of Mombas and the Neighbouring Coast of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 3. p. 280-283.

BookOwen, W.F. (1833)
Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar in HM Ships Leven and Barracouta

Periodical articleOwen, William F.W. (1833)
Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 3. p. 223-231.

Periodical articleTaylor, Lieut. (1833)
Account of the Ascent of the Peter Botte Mountain, Mauritius, on the 7th September, 1832
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 3. p. 99-104.

Periodical articleBelcher, C. (1832)
Extracts from Observations on Various Points of the West Coast of Africa, Surveyed by His Majesty's Ship 'Aetua' in 1830-32
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 278-304.

Periodical articleBoteler, Thomas (1832)
Memoir Descriptive of Prince's Island and Anna Bom, in the Bight of Biafra
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 274-278.

BookKilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832) (1832)
Present State of the Colony of Sierra Leone: Being Extracts of Recent Letters from Hannah Kilham
Lindfield, Great Britain: C. Green. 26p.

Periodical articleLeake, W. Martin (1832)
Is the Quorra Which Has Lately Been Traced to its Discharge into the Sea, the Same River as the Nigir of the Ancients?
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 1-28.

Periodical articleLinant, M. Adolphe (1832)
Journal of a Voyage on the Bahr-Abiad or White Nile, with Some General Notes on That River, and Some Remarks on the District of Atbara, Made in a Tour from Hartoum
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 191-227.

Periodical articleNicolls, Edward; Calabar, Duke; Coulthurst, C.H. (1832)
Failure of Another Expedition to Explore the Interior of Africa
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 305-312.

Periodical articleOwen, William F.W. (1832)
Particulars of an Expedition up the Zambesi to Senna, Performed by Three Officers of His Majesty's Ship 'Leven', When Surveying the East Coast of Africa in 1823
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 136-152.

BookTuttle, Sarah (American) (1832)
The African Traveller, or Prospective Missions in Central Africa
Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. 150p.

Periodical articleWilkinson, J. (1832)
Notes on a Part of the Eastern Desert of Upper Egypt
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 2. p. 28-60.

Periodical (1831)
Grahamstown journal

Periodical articleLander, Richard; Lander, John (1831)
Extracts from the Journal of an Expedition Undertaken by Order of His Majesty's Government, to Determine the Course and Termination of the Niger, More Properly Named Quorra, from Yaoori to the Sea
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 1. p. 179-191.

Periodical articleMalta Government Gazette (1831)
Account of Operations to Find Water in the Desert between Cairo and Suez
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 1. p. 252-253.

Periodical articleWashington, Lieut. (1831)
Geographical Notice of the Empire of Marocco
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Volume 1. p. 123-155.

Periodical (1830)
De Zuid-Afrikaan
Kaapstad: Smuts.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1830)
Remarks on Delagoa Bay, a Large Harbour Situated on the South-East Coast of Africa, and on the Country and Nations Adjoining It
South African Quarterly Journal. Volume 2. p. 132-144.

BookBartram, Lady Alfred (British) (1830)
Recollections of Seven Years' Residence at the Mauritius, or Isle of France by a Lady
'By a Lady'. London: J. Cawthorn. 208p.

BookElwood, Anne Katharine (Curteis) (British)( -1873) (1830)
Narrative of a Journey Overland from England, by the Continent of Europe, Egypt, and the Red Sea, to India; Including a Residence There, and Voyage Home, in the Years 1825, 26, 27, and 28
Two Volumes. London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley. 429/400p.

Periodical articleTerao (1830)
Memoir Relative to the Captaincy of Rios de Senna, a Portuguese Settlement of the South-East Coast of Africa
South African Quarterly Journal. Volume 1. p. 49-71.

BookLushington, Sarah (Gascoyne) (British)( -1839) (1829)
Narrative of a Journey from Calcutta to Europe, by Way of Egypt, in the Years 1827 and 1828
London: John Murray. 280p.

Periodical articleAshmun, Jehudi (1828)
Letter of December, 1827, on State of Colony, Neighboring Tribes, etc
Missionary Herald. Volume 24. p. 186-190.

BookKilham, Hannah (British)(1774-1832) (1828)
Report on a Recent Visit to the Colony of Sierra Leone
London: William Phillips. 24p.

Periodical articleAshmun, Jehudi (1827)
Letter on Conditions in Liberia, and a Visit to the Vey
Missionary Herald. Volume 23. p. 389-393.

Periodical articleDard, Charlotte A.P. (1827)
History of the Sufferings and Misfortunes of the Picard Family, after the Shipwreck of the Medusa on the Western Coast of Africa, in the Year 1816
Constables' Miscellany. Volume 2. p. 13-197.

BookDard, Charlotte-Adelaide (Adele) Picard (French) (1827)
History of the Sufferings and Misfortunes of the Picard Family, after the Shipwreck of the Medusa on the Western Coast of Africa, in the Year 1816
#11. Edinburgh: Constable's Miscellany. p. 13-197.

BookMenu von Minutoli, Wolfradine (Prussian) (1827)
Recollections of Egypt: By the Baroness von Minutoli; with a Portrait of Mahomet Ali Pacha
London: Printed for Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter. 279p.

Periodical articleAshmun, Jehudi (1826)
American Colony at Liberia
Missionary Herald. Volume 22. p. 245-248.

Periodical articleMacQueen, James (1826)
Letter to R.W. Hay, Under-Secretary of State
Blackwood's Magazine. p. 871-892.

BookPringle, M.A. (Scottish) (1826)
Route to India, by Egypt and the Red Sea
Edinburgh; London: William Blackwood; T. Cadell. 243p.

BookLee, Sarah (Wallis) Bowdich (British)(1791-1856) (1825)
Excursions in Madeira and Porto-Santo during Autumn of 1823
London: G.B. Whittaker. 278p.

Periodical (1824)
The South African commercial advertiser
Cape Town: G. Grieg.

BookDupuis, Joseph (1824)
See this publicationJournal of a residence in Ashantee: illustrated with a map and plates
Abstract presentLondon: Printed for Henry Colburn.

BookDupuis, Joseph (1824)
Journal of a residence in Ashantee. Illustrated with a map and plates
Abstract presentLondon: Printed for Henry Colburn.

Periodical articleMorgan (1824)
From the Journal of the Rev. Mr. Morgan, on the River Gambia
Missionary Herald. Volume 20. p. 89.

BookPhilip, John (1824)
Memoir of Mrs. Matilda Smith, Late of Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope
London: F. Westley. 189p.

BookGraham, Maria (1823)
Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence There during ...1821-1823
London: Longman, Hurst.

Periodical articleJohnson, W. (1822)
Characters of the Youths in the Christian Institution in Sierra Leone
Missionary Herald. Volume 18. p. 303-304.

BookDemont, Louise (1821)
Journal of the Visit of Her Majesty the Queen, to Tunis, Greece, and Palestine
Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen, Consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821. London: Printed for T. and J. Allman. 84p.

BookLyon, George Francis (1821)
A Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa in the Years 1818, 1819, 1820
Abstract presentLondon: John Murray. 369p.

BookBarnard, Sophia (British) (1820?)
Travels in Algiers, Spain, & c, & c., with a Faithful and Interesting Account of the Algerines...
London: Goyder. 140p.

BookBradley, Eliza (British)(1783- ) (1820)
An Authentic Narrative of the Shipwreck and Sufferings of Mrs. Eliza Bradley, Wife of Captain James Bradley of Liverpool, Commander of the Ship Sally, Which Was Shipwrecked on the Coast of Barbary in June 1818 [etc]
Boston, MA: J. Wald. 108p.

BookHamilton, Ann Barlow (British) (1818)
Extracts from the Journal of a Female Missionary on Her Journies in South Africa, to and from Latakkoo
London: W. Kent. 35p.

BookPark, Mungo (1817)
See this publicationTweede of laatste reis van Mungo Park in de binnenlanden van Afrika: mitsgaders een beknopt verhaal van deszelfs leven
Abstract presentDordrecht: A. Blussé en zoon. 374p.

BookPark, Mungo (1817)
See this publicationTweede of laatste reis van Mungo Park in de binnenlanden van Afrika: mitsgaders een beknopt verhaal van deszelfs leven
Dordrecht: A. Blussé en zoon. 374p.

BookTully, Miss (British) (1816)
Narrative of a Ten Years' Residence at Tripoli: From the Original Correspondence in the Family of the Late Richard Tully, Esq., the British Consul. Comprising Authentic Memoirs and Anecdotes of the Reigning Bashaw, His Family, and Other Persons of Distinction; Also, an Account of the Domestic Manners of the Moors, Arabs, and the Turks
London: Henry Colburn. 376p.

Periodical articleFeijó, João da Silva (1815)
See this publicationEnsaio economico sobre as ilhas de Cabo Verde em 1797
Memorias economicas da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da agricultura, das artes, e da industria em Portugal, e suas conquistas. Volume 5. p. 171-193.

Periodical articleFeijó, João da Silva (1815)
See this publicationMemoria sobre a urzella de Cabo Verde
Memorias economicas da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da agricultura, das artes, e da industria em Portugal, e suas conquistas. Volume 5. p. 145-154.

BookGraham, Maria (1812)
Journal of a Residence in India
Edinburgh: George Ramsey for Archibald Constable. 211p.

Periodical articleVandelli, Domingos (1812)
See this publicationMemoria sobre o sal gemma das Ilhas de Cabo Verde
Memorias economicas da Academia real das sciencias de Lisboa, para o adiantamento da agricultura, das artes, e da industria em Portugal, e suas conquistas. Volume 4. p. 65-66.

Periodical articleSydenfaden (1810)
First Visit to the Great Namaquas
Missionary Herald. Volume 6. p. 465-468.

BookMartin, Maria (American)(1779- ) (1809)
An Historical Account of the Kingdom of Algiers: Including a Description of the Country, Manners and Customs of the Natives, Their Treatment of Their Slaves, Their Laws, Religion, etc. To Which is Annexed a History of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Maria Martin, Who Was Six Years a Slave in Algiers, Two of Which She Was Confined in a Dark and Dismal Dungeon, Loaded with Irons, by the Command of an Inhuman Turkish Officer
Philadelphia: Joseph Rakestraw. 107p.

BookVelmet, Mary (Italian)(1774- ) (1804)
An Affecting History of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Mary Velnet, an Italian Lady, Who Was Seven Years a Slave in Tripoli, Three of Which She Was Confined in a Dungeon, Loaded with Irons, and Four Times Put to the Most Cruel Tortures Ever Invented by Man
Boston: William Crary. 96p.

BookBruce, James (1801)
Reis naar Abyssinie, en te rug door de groote woestijn van Nubie
Abstract presentAmsteldam: bij Martinus de Bruijn.

BookKilham, Alexander (1797)
A Short Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. Sarah Kilham. To Which is Added, Three Sermons Preached on the Day She Was Interred
Leeds, Great Britain. 84p.

BookParker, Mary Ann (British)(ca. 1760- ) (1795)
A Voyage Round the World, in the Gordon Man of War: Captain John Parker
London: John Nichols. 149p.

BookFalconbridge, Anna Marie (British)(1769-1816?) (1794)
Two Voyages to Sierra Leone during the Years 1791-2-3: in a Series of Letters Narrative of Two Voyages to the River Sierra Leone during the Years 1791-1793
London: Printed for the author. 297p.

BookBruce, James (1790)
See this publicationTravels to discover the source of the Nile: in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773: in five volumes
Edinburgh: print by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, London.

BookGrasset-Saint Sauveur, J. (178*)
Mœurs, loix et costumes des habitans de la Côte des Esclaves: accompagnés de six figures dessinées caractéristiquement représentant les costumes....
Abstract presentParis. 20p.

BookKindersley, Jemima (British)(1741-1809) (1777)
Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies, 1772-1774
London: J. Nourse. 301p.

PeriodicalAmerican Philosophical Society (1771)
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge
Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society.

BookHippisley, John (1764)
Essays: I. On the populousness of Africa - II. On the trade at the forts on the Gold Coast - III. On the necessity of erecting a fort at Cape Appolonia; ill. with a new map of Africa, from Cape Blanco to the Kingdom of Angola
Abstract presentLondon: T. Lownds. 65p.

BookMontagu, Mary Wortley (British)(1689-1762) (1763)
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Written, during Her Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to Persons of Distinction, Men of Letters, & c. in Different Parts of Europe
Three volumes in one. London: Becket and P.A. Hondt. 466p.

BookSchley, J. van der; Prevost, Antoine François; Du Bois, J.P.J.; Meusnier de Querlon, A.G. (eds.) (1747)
Historische beschryving der reizen, of Nieuwe en volkoome verzameling van de aller-waardigste en zeldsaamste zee- en landtogten ... vervattende niet alleen ... de aanmerkenswaardigste ontmoetingen en gevallen, der ontdekkeren en reizigers ... maar inzonderheid, de nutste en verhevenste zaaken, van alle de tot nu toe ontdekte gewesten, in Europa, Azia, Afrika, en Amerika ...
's Gravenhage: by Pieter de Hondt.

BookRyser, Brandyn; Wilhem, H. de; Kuypers, Gerardus (eds.) (1742)
Gelukwenschingen aan den zeer geleerden heere, den heere J. E. J. Capitein, wanneer zyn edle onder de voorzitting van den wytberoemden hoogleeraar, Joan van den Honert, zyn onderzoek-schrivt, waar in zyn edle bewees, dat het regt der slaaven tegens de christelyke vryheyd niet strydig is, verdedigde
Leyden: by Samuel Luchtmans.

BookLobo, Hieronymus (1707)
Gedenk-waardige aanteekeningen, gehouden door den eerwaarden vader Hieronymus Lobo op sijn voyagie, gedaan in het jaar, 1636: aangaande het rijk der Abyssinen; de oorsprongen en overvloeyingen des Nijls; de oorsprong van den tijtel van Priester Jan, Koning der Abyssinen; oorsaak des naams van de Roode-Zee; beschrijving van den eenhoorn, de phænix, de pellikaan en de paradijs-vogel: waar by gevoegt zijn, de aanmerkingen op dese aanteekeningen, door den heer Thevenot, bibliothecaris van den Koning van Vrankrijk; strekkende tot beter verstand van vader Lobo
Leyden: by Pieter Vander Aa ....

BookDapper, Olfert (1686)
See this publicationDescription de l'Afrique, contenant les noms, la situation et les confins de toutes ses parties, ...
Amsterdam: chez Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom et van Someren.

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Found: 243273 First Previous Record 243201-243273

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