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Search: pr=0000000398290407
Found: 7 Record 1-7

BookFalconbridge, Anna Marie (British)(1769-1816?) (2000)
Anna Maria Falconbridge: Narrative of Two Voyages to the River Sierra Leone during the Years 1791-1792-1793 and the Journal of Isaac Dubois with Alexander Falconbridge: An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa
Edited by Christopher Fyfe. Liverpool, Great Britain: Liverpool University Press. 238p.

BookColeman, Deirdre (ed.) (1999)
Maiden Voyages and Infant Colonies: Two Women's Travel Narratives of the 1790s (Anna Falconbridge)
Leicester, Great Britain: Leister University Press. 247p.

Periodical articleHarrow, Sharon (1998)
Trading in the Blush: Domesticating the Colony in Anna Maria Falconbridge's Narrative
Journal of African Travel-Writing. #5. October. p. 25-37.

Periodical articleO'Loughlin, Katrina (1998)
'Our Floating Prison': Anna Maria Falconbridge and Travel to the River Sierra Leone
Journal of African Travel-Writing. #5. October. p. 38-49.

Book chapterFerguson, Moira (1997)
Anna Maria Falconbridge and Sierra Leone: 'The Reality of a Coloniser'
In: Ansell-Pearson, Keith and Parry, Benita and Squires, Judith (eds.). Cultural Readings of Imperialism: Edward Said and the Gravity of History. London/New York: Lawrence and Wishart/ St. Martin's Press. p. 247-266.

Periodical articleColeman, Deirdre (1995)
Sierra Leone, Slavery, and Sexual Politics: Anna Maria Falconbridge and the 'Swarthy Daughter' of Late 18th Century Abolitionism
Women's Writing: The Elizabethan to Victorian Period. Volume 2 #1. p. 3-25.

Book chapterFerguson, Moira (1992)
Anna Maria Falconbridge
In: Ferguson, Moira. Subject to Others: British Women Writers and Colonial Slavery, 1670-1834. New York/London: Routledge. p. 198-208.

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Found: 7 Record 1-7

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