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Search: se=Epistemologies of healing
Found: 3 Record 1-3

BookLaplante, Julie (2015)
Healing roots: anthropology in life and medicine
New York: Berghahn Books. Epistemologies of healing #15. 289p.

BookStroeken, Koen (2010)
Moral power: the magic of witchcraft
Oxford: Berghahn. Epistemologies of healing #9. 269p.

Conference paperDilger, Hansjörg; Luig, Ute (eds.) (2010)
Morality, hope and grief: anthropologies of AIDS in Africa
Abstract presentNew York: Berghahn Books. Epistemologies of healing #7. 353p.

Search: se=Epistemologies of healing
Found: 3 Record 1-3

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