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Search: su=1910-1919
Found: 69 Record 1-69

BookShadle, Brett Lindsay (2017)
The souls of white folk: white settlers in Kenya, 1900s-1920s
Manchester: Manchester University Press. Studies in imperialism. 180p.

BookEkanza, Simon Pierre (2016)
Mako, administrateur français en Côte d'Ivoire (1908-1939): un commandant à un poste colonial, au cœur des transformations économiques et sociales
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 435p.

BookJewell, Norman Parsons (2016)
On call in Africa: in war and peace, 1910-1932
Hove: Gillyflower Publishing. 318p.

Periodical articleBertoni, Angelo (2015)
Photographier la ville coloniale: les transformations de Casablanca, entre cartes postales et inventaire photographique (1912-1929)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 103 #388-389. p. 179-202.

Periodical articleMiddelmann, Temba John Dawson (2015)
See this publicationThe Hartebeestpoort Irrigation Scheme: a project of modernisation, segregation and white poverty alleviation, 1912-1926
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #2. p. 158-179.

Periodical articleReith, Wolfgang (2015)
'Per aspera ad astra': aus den Anfängen der südafrikanischen Luftfahrt
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 63. p. 161-179.

Periodical articleThompson, T. Jack (2015)
See this publicationPrester John, John Chilembwe and the European fear of Ethiopianism
Abstract presentThe Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 68 #2. p. 18-30.

BookKillander, Elise (2014)
Sista brevet från Kasempa
Malmö: Roos & Tegnér. 286p.

BookMama Debourou, Djibril (2014)
La guerre coloniale au nord du Dahomey: Bio Gera, entre mythe et réalité: le sens de son combat pour la liberté (1915-1917)
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 109p.

BookTemgoua, Albert Pascal (2014)
Le Cameroun à l'époque des Allemands: 1884-1916
Paris: L'Harmattan. 295p.

Periodical articleBonacci, Giulia (ed.) (2013)
Dossier Pouvoir et représentations: Tafari Makwannen, héritier du trône
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 28. p. 15-238.

Periodical articleGess, David W.; Swart, Sandra (2013)
Hunting status? Power and buffalo shooting in the Albany and Bathurst districts of the Cape Colony c. 1892-1916
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #67. p. 1-34.

Periodical articleRemmington, Janet (2013)
Solomon Plaatje's decade of creative mobility, 1912-1922: the politics of travel and writing in and beyond South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 39 #2. p. 425-446.

Periodical articleCombeau-Mari, Évelyne (2012)
Madagascar (1910-1915): l'après Victor Augagneur
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 93-106.

Periodical articleMouton, F.A. (2012)
'The sacred tie': Sir Thomas Smartt, the Unionist Party and the British Empire, 1912-1920
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 57 #2. p. 1-30.

Periodical articleGewald, Jan-Bart (2011)
See this publicationOn becoming a chief in the Kaokoveld, colonial Namibia, 1916-25
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 52 #1. p. 23-42.

Periodical articleGuerin, Adam (2011)
See this publicationRacial myth, colonial reform, and the invention of customary law in Morocco, 1912-1930
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 16 #3. p. 361-380.

Periodical articleRashid, Ismail (2011)
See this publicationEpidemics and resistance in colonial Sierra Leone during the First World War
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 45 #3. p. 415-439.

Periodical articleZimmerman, Sarah (2011)
'Mesdames tirailleurs' and indirect clients: West African women and the French colonial army, 1908-1918
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 44 #2. p. 299-322.

BookKuba, Richard; Hambolu, Musa O. (eds.) (2010)
Nigeria 100 years ago: through the eyes of Leo Frobenius and his expedition team
Frankfurt am Main: Frobenius Institute at the Goethe University. 81p.

BookNerín, Gustau (2010)
La última selva de España: antropófagos, misioneros y guardias civiles: crónica de la conquista de los Fang de la Guinea Española, 1914-1930
Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata. Catarata #21. 302p.

BookPereira, Ana Mafalda Gomes Furtado (2010)
Subsídios para a história da educação em Cabo Verde: organização e funcionamento do sector dos primórdios à Primeira República Portuguesa
Praia: Instituto do Arquivo Histórico Nacional. Colecção Estudos e Pesquisas. 385p.

Periodical articleVandenbergh, Stefanie (2010)
'The story of a disease': African horsesickness and its direct influence on the necessary development of veterinary science in South Africa c. 1890s-1920s
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 55 #2. p. 243-262.

Periodical articleFisher, John (2009)
See this publicationBritish Consular Representation in Morocco, 1912-24: 'A Question of Pounds, Shillings and Pence'
Maghreb Review. Volume 34 #2-3. p. 131-158.

Periodical articleMokoena, Hlonipha (2009)
See this publicationAn assembly of readers: Magema Fuze and his 'Ilanga lase Natal' readers
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 35 #3. p. 595-607.

Periodical articleSchirmer, Stefan (2009)
See this publicationManufacturers and the formulation of industrial policy in 1920s South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 41 #2. p. 1-27.

Periodical articleSimmons, David (2009)
See this publicationReligion and medicine at the crossroads: a re-examination of the Southern Rhodesian influenza epidemic of 1918
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 35 #1. p. 29-44.

Periodical articleFrankl, P.J.L. (2008)
See this publicationMombasa Cathedral and the CMS compound: the years of the East Africa Protectorate
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 35. p. 209-229.

Periodical articleZana Aziza Etambala (2008)
Mgr. Gabriel Grison et la Mission des Stanley-Falls (Haut-Congo): lettres et documents inédits (1897-1918)
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 29. p. 485-669.

Periodical articleAdeboye, Olufunke (2007)
See this publication'Iku ya j'esin': politically motivated suicide, social honor, and chieftaincy politics in early colonial Ibadan
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 41 #2. p. 189-225.

Periodical articleSbaï, Hussein (2006)
Les liaisons maritimes entre la France et le Maroc entre 1850-1912
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 33 #123. p. 171-183.

Periodical articleThakur, Mandar A. (2006)
The idea to make German East Africa as Indian colony
African Currents. Volume 25 #40. p. 43-48.

Periodical articleBadassy, Prinisha (2005)
'...And My Blood Became Hot!': Crimes of Passion, Crimes of Reason: An Analysis of the Crimes of Murder and Physical Assault against Masters and Mistresses by Their Indian Domestic Servants, Natal, 1880-1920
Abstract presentJournal of Natal and Zulu History. Volume 23. p. 64-93.

Periodical articleFelipe, Hélena de (2005)
Spain in Morocco in the 19th and 20th centuries: providentiality and colonization
Maghreb Review. Volume 30 #2. p. 198-208.

Periodical articleYearwood, Peter (2005)
'Undergoing Untold Hardships'? The 'Native Shippers' of Lagos and the Origins of West African Nationalism, 1914-20
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 27 #1. June. p. 9-25.

Periodical articleGewald, Jan-Bart (2003)
See this publicationNear Death in the Streets of Karibib: Famine, Migrant Labour and the Coming of Ovambo to Central Namibia
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 44 #2. July. p. 211-239.

Periodical articlePankhurst, Richard (2003)
Two early periodical publications: 'Djibouti' and 'Le Semeur d'Éthiopie' as sources for late 19th and early 20th century Ethiopian history
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 19. p. 231-256.

Periodical articleVahed, Goolam (2003)
Muslim Marriages in South Africa: The Limitations and Legacy of the Indian Relief Act of 1914
Abstract presentJournal of Natal and Zulu History. Volume 21. p. 1-40.

BookSaul, Mahir; Royer, Patrick (2001)
West African challenge to empire: culture and history in the Volta-Bani anti-colonial war
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. Western African studies. 404p.

Periodical articleMerrington, Peter (1998-1999)
See this publicationHeritage, Pageantry and Archivism: Creed Systems and Tropes of Public History in Imperial South Africa, circa 1910
Abstract presentKronos: Journal of Cape History. #25. p. 129-151.

Periodical articleGoody, Jack (1998)
See this publicationEstablishing Control: Violence along the Black Volta at the Beginning of Colonial Rule
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 38 #150-152. p. 227-244.

Periodical articleErhagbe, Edward O. (1996)
See this publicationAfrican-Americans and the Defense of African States against European Imperial Conquest: Booker T. Washington's Diplomatic Efforts to Guarantee Liberia's Independence, 1907-1911
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 39 #1. April. p. 55-65.

BookSpaulding, Jay; Kapteijns, Lidwien (1994)
An islamic alliance: Ali Dinar and the Sanusiyya, 1906-1916
Abstract presentEvanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. Series in Islam and society in Africa. 190p.

Periodical articleSchaar, Stuart (1993)
Creation of a mass political culture in Tunisia
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 18 #1-2. p. 2-17.

Periodical articleFine, Ben; Rustomjee, Zavareh (1992)
See this publicationThe Political Economy of South Africa in the Interwar Period
Abstract presentSocial Dynamics. Volume 18 #2. December. p. 26-54.

Periodical articleAbasiattai, M.B. (1989)
European Intervention in Liberia with Special Reference to the 'Cadell Incident' of 1908-1909
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 14 #1. p. 72-90.

Periodical articleFord, Martin (1989)
'Pacification' under Pressure: A Political Economy of Liberian Intervention in Nimba 1912-1918
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 14 #2. p. 44-63.

Periodical articleSullivan, Jo M. (1989)
The Kru Coast Revolt of 1915-1916
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 14 #1. p. 51-71.

Periodical articleZewde, Bahru (1984)
See this publicationEconomic Origins of the Absolutist State in Ethiopia (1916-1935)
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 17. p. 1-29.

Periodical articleMarcus, Harold G. (1983)
See this publicationThe Embargo on Arms Sales to Ethiopia, 1916-1930
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 16 #2. p. 263-279.

Periodical articleMerad, A. (1983)
La turcophilie dans le debat national en Algérie au debut du siècle (1911-1918)
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 10 #31-32. p. 337-354.

Periodical articlePollet, Maurice (1980)
Les Boers et les Britanniques en Afrique du Sud: de la guerre des Boers à l'Acte d'Union (1899-1910)
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 16 #188-189. p. 117-131.

Book chapterWilson, H.S. (1980)
Nation building, ethnicity, and the new imperialism: dilemmas of political development in Liberia
Abstract presentIn: West African culture dynamics: archaeological and historical perspectives. p. 563-586.

Periodical articleBourgeot, André (1978)
See this publicationLes échanges transsahariens, la Senusiya et les revoltes twareg de 1916-17
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 18 #69-70. p. 159-185.

Periodical articleTlili, Béchir (1975)
Syndicalisme revolutionnaire et questions tunisiennes a la veille de la Grande Guerre: le groupement de la bataille (1911-1912)
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Tunisie: revue de sciences humaines. Volume 23 #91-92. p. 133-233.

Periodical articleAleme Eshete (1974)
See this publicationEuropean Political Adventurers in Ethiopia at the Turn of the 20th Century
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 12 #1. January. p. 1-17.

Periodical articleKallaway, Peter (1974)
See this publicationF.S. Malan, the Cape Liberal Tradition in South African Politics, 1908-1924
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 15 #1. p. 113-129.

Periodical articleLee, Elaine (1974)
The trade union movement in Rhodesia, 1910-1924
Abstract presentRhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 8 #4. p. 215-237.

Periodical articleOsuntokun, Jide (1974)
The response of British Colonial Government in Nigeria to the Islamic insurgency in the French Sudan and the Sahara during the First World War
Abstract presentOdù: Journal of Yoruba and Related Studies. #10. p. 98-107.

Periodical articleFuglestad, Finn (1973)
See this publicationLes revoltes des Touareg du Niger (1916-17)
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 13 #49. p. 82-120.

Periodical articleWyse, Akintola J.G. (1973)
Anglo-Liberian relations, 1905-1912
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 4 #4. p. 14-40.

Periodical articleHodge, Alison (1971)
See this publicationThe training of missionaries for Africa: the Church Missionary Society's Training College at Islington, 1900-1915
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 4 #2. p. 81-96.

Periodical articleIgbafe, Philip A. (1971)
See this publicationWestern Igbo Society and Its Resistance to British Rule: The Ekumeku Movement, 1898-1911
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 12 #3. p. 441-459.

Periodical articleOsuntokun, Akinjide (1971)
See this publicationDisaffectation and Revolts in Nigeria during the First World War, 1914-1918
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 171-192.

Periodical articleTangri, Roger (1971)
See this publicationInter-War 'Native Associations' and the Formation of the Nyasaland African Congress
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 84-102.

Periodical articleTemu, A.J. (1971)
The Giriama war, 1914-1915
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 1 #2. p. 167-186.

Periodical articleGarcia, L. (1970)
See this publicationLes mouvements de resistance au Dahomey (1914-1917)
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 10 #37. p. 144-178.

Periodical articlePatterson, K. David (1970)
See this publicationThe Giriama Risings, 1913-1914
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 89-99.

Periodical articleAtanda, J.A. (1969)
The bakopi in the kingdom of Buganda, 1900-1912
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 33 #2. p. 151-162.

Search: su=1910-1919
Found: 69 Record 1-69

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