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Search: su=agricultural mechanization
Found: 58 Record 1-58

Periodical articleBowman, Andrew (2011)
See this publicationMass production or production by the masses? Tractors, cooperatives, and the politics of rural development in post-independence Zambia
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 52 #2. p. 201-221.

Periodical articleSchirmer, Stefan (2004)
See this publicationMotives for mechanisation in South African agriculture, c. 1940-1980
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 63 #1. July. p. 3-28.

Dissertation / thesisHoag, Heather J. (2003)
Designing the delta: a history of water and development in the lower Rufiji river basin, Tanzania, 1945-1985
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 238p.

BookFrick, Thomas (2001)
Animal drawn mechanisation of field work for subsistence based small farms in South-West Niger: technical and interdisciplinary investigations
Beuren: Verlag Grauer. 142p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
CEAL et SMAG au service de la mécanoculture, récolteuse mécanique et ULM en démonstration
Prosi. Volume 28 #333. October. p. 30,33-34.

Periodical articleShabangu, S.S.; Dlamini, B.M. (1996)
Usefulness of land use and mechanization skills to secondary school students as perceived by agriculture teachers in Swaziland
BOLESWA Educational Research Journal. Volume 13. p. 14-25.

Periodical articleCourcier, R. (1995)
A pequena mecanizaçao da agricultura uma prioridade de investigaçao-difusao
Extra (Maputo, Mozambique). #16. January-April. p. 24-28.

Periodical articleJacquin, E.; McIntyre, G.; Rivière, V.; Pyneeandee, D.; Chunen, R.; Claite, G. (1995)
Bilan des travaux de recherche en machinisme agricole
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 74 #1-2. janv.-août. p. 45-53.

Periodical articleMcIntyre, G.; Seeruttun, S.; Barbe, C. (1995)
La plantation partiellement mécanisée de la canne à sucre
Prosi. #320. September. p. 12-14.

Periodical articleSavadogo, Kimseyinga; Reardon, Thomas; Pietola, Kyosti (1995)
See this publicationMechanisation and Agricultural Supply Response in the Sahel: A Farm-Level Profit Function Analysis
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 4 #3. December. p. 336-377.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
L'approche F.U.E.L
Prosi. #310. November. p. 22-24.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
La mécanisation agricole, un entretien avec M. J. Colin Hudson de la Carib Agro Industries Ltd. de la Barbade
Prosi. #283. août. p. 47-48, 51.

Periodical articleJacquin, E.; McIntyre, G.; Tonta, J.; Riviere, V. (1992)
Plantation mécanique de la canne à sucre
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 71 #2-3. mai-décembre. p. 297-305.

Periodical articleNicolin, G.; Siegmund, B. (1992)
Epierrage fin: indispensable développement de la coupe mécanique de la canne à sucre
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 71 #2-3. mai-décembre. p. 306-311.

Periodical articleSumberg, J.; Gilbert, E. (1992)
Agricultural mechanisation in the Gambia: drought, donkeys and minimum tillage
African Livestock Research. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
La planification, condition essentielle é la mécanisation
Prosi. #274. November. p. 48-50.

Book chapterHaaland, G. (1991)
Systems of agricultural production in western Sudan
Abstract presentIn: The Agriculture of the Sudan. p. 230-251.

Periodical articleJacquin, E. (1991)
Nouveaux équipements pour la cellule mécanisation du MSIRI
Prosi. #273. October. p. 38-40, 43.

Periodical articlePilot, D. (1991)
Les solutions d'engrais et l'épandage mécanique
Prosi. #275. déc.. p. 22-24.

Periodical articleChastel, J.-M.; Siegmund, B. (1990)
La mécanisation de la récolte de la canne à sucre à la Réunion: situation et perspectives
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 45 #4. p. 311-319.

Periodical articleFashina, A.B. (1990)
Agricultural mechanization as a nucleus of a developing country's agricultural industrial take off: a case study of Nigeria
African Journal of Science and Technology. Series C, General. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 22-27.

Book chapterSalih, M.A. Mohamed (1989)
Ecological stress, political coercion and the limits of State intervention: Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Ecology and politics: environmental stress and security in Africa / ed. by Anders Hjort af Ornäs and M.A. Mohamed Salih. - Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. p. 101-115.

Periodical articlePilot, D. (1988)
L'evolution de la mécanisation agricole é l'île Maurice
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 67 #1-3. janvier-décembre. p. 48-52.

Periodical articleGermain, Nicolas; Poussin, Jean-Christophe (1987)
Les exploitations de moyenne Cote d'Ivoire utilisant la motorisation intermediaire: point de vue d'agronomes
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 23 #3-4. p. 555-566.

BookHopkins, Nicholas S. (1987)
Agrarian Transformation in Egypt
Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Westview special studies in social, political, and economic development. 215p.

Periodical articleMbaya Mudimba; Ngandu Kanda Mukendi (1986)
Les Ngiti face a l'assistance technique
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 56 #2. p. 131-138.

Periodical articleOluoch-Kosura, Willis (1986)
The Evolution and Prospects for Farm Mechanization in Kenya
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 2 #1. June. p. 85-93.

Periodical articleBender, Filmore E.; Waly, Nagla M. (1984)
The impact of mechanization in multiple cropping systems
Abstract presentL'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 75 #397. p. 191-218.

Periodical articleCharrière, Georges (1984)
La culture attelee: un progrès dangereux
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 20 #3-4. p. 647-656.

Periodical articleDe Klerk, Michael (1984)
See this publicationSeasons That Will Never Return: The Impact of Farm Mechanization on Employment, Incomes and Population Distribution in the Western Transvaal
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 11 #1. October. p. 84-105.

Periodical articleRoupsard, Marcel (1984)
Le point sur la culture attelee et la motorisation au Nord-Cameroun
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 20 #3-4. p. 613-631.

Book chapterAdam, Farah Hassan; Mohammed, El Tayeb El Amin; Hassan, Kamil Ibrahim (1983)
Mechanized agriculture in the central rainlands of the Sudan
Abstract presentIn: The development perspectives of the Democratic Republic of Sudan. p. 54-80.

Periodical articleJedrej, M. Charles (1983)
See this publicationThe Growth and Decline of a Mechanical Agriculture Scheme in West Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 82 #329. October. p. 541-558.

Periodical articleKlerk, M. de (1983)
Maize farm technology and employment
Abstract presentSouth African Labour Bulletin. Volume 9 #2. p. 19-46.

Book chapterSaeed, Mohamed H. (1982)
Economic effects of agricultural mechanization in rural Sudan: the case of Habila, southern Kordofan
Abstract presentIn: Problems of Savannah Development: The Sudan Case. p. 167-184.

Periodical articleAffan, Khalid (1981)
An Analytical Framework of the Relationship between Migration to Mechanized Farming and Peasant Labour Supply in the Rainfed Savannah Belt of the Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 62. p. 82-97.

Periodical articleLe Buanec, B.; Jacob, B. (1981)
Dix-sept ans de culture motorisee sur un bassin versant du centre Cote d'Ivoire: évolution des sols et des rendements
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 36 #3. p. 203-211.

Periodical articleSavignac, Chantal (1979)
Approche des conditions de travail en agriculture dans le nord de la Côte-d'Ivoire
Abstract presentCahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #22. p. 13-38.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1978)
Mécanisation et développement agricole en Côte d'Ivoire ou les conditions nécessaires à la réussite de la mécanisation des exploitations agricoles
Abstract presentCahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #Special issue. p. 1-122.

Periodical articleBonnefond, Philippe (1978)
Motorisation et plantations en zone forestière ivoirienne: quelques données globales
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 15 #3. p. 245-259.

Periodical articleKinsey, Bill H. (1977)
Economic Research and Farm Machinery Design in Eastern Africa
Abstract presentEastern Africa Journal of Rural Development. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 137-157.

Periodical articleBigot, Y.; N'Daw, P.; Pretot, C. (1976)
Structures de production et évolution de la mecanisation chez les premiers planteurs de coton en culture attelée dans le nord-ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentCahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #11-12. p. 7-27.

Periodical articleChataigner, Jean (1976)
Motorisation et développement rural intégré dans le nord de la Côte d'Ivoire - essai
Abstract presentCahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #11-12. p. 29-51.

Periodical articleSimpson, Morag C.; Khalifa, Ahmed H. (1976)
Some Thoughts on Agricultural Development in the Rainlands of the Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 57. p. 99-106.

Periodical articleMaitha, J.K. (1973)
Demand for tractors in Kenya agriculture
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 3 #1. p. 31-38.

Periodical articleMorel, R.; Quantin, P. (1972)
Observations sur l'évolution à long terme de la fertilité des sols cultivés à Grimari (Rép. Centrafricaine): résultats d'essais de culture mécanisée semi-intensive, sur des sols rouges ferrallitiques moyennement désaturés en climat soudano-guinéen d'Afrique Centrale
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale, Série 3. Volume 27 #6. p. 667-739.

Periodical articleBonnefond, Philippe (1970)
L'introduction de la motorisation en agriculture traditionnelle
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 7 #4. p. 21-33.

Periodical articleDavies, H.R.J. (1964)
An agricultural revolution in the African tropics - the development of mechanised agriculture on the clay plains of the republic Sudan
Abstract presentTijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. Volume 55 #4. p. 101-108.

Periodical articleOjo, G.J.A. (1963)
Trends towards mechanized agriculture in Yorubaland
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 6 #2. p. 116-129.

Periodical articleKnani, M. (1961)
L'elaboration d'un programme decennal de mecanisation et de motorisation agricoles en Tunisie
Abstract presentEurope France outremer: revue internationale. Volume 38 #375. p. 33-34.

Periodical articleClerc, Fr. (1959)
Rentabilité de l'opération-labour
Abstract presentBulletin économique et social du Maroc. Volume 23 #82. p. 165-172.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1958)
Mechanization problems in the colonies
Abstract presentThe Times British Colonies Review. #31. p. 12.

Periodical articleMiette, R. (1957)
Le probleme de la traction, CLEF du developpement agricole chez les musulmans d'Algérie
Abstract presentL'Afrique et l'Asie. #40. p. 43-48.

Periodical articleZeiensky, V. (1957)
Un essai de cafeiculture mécanisée en moyennne Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 12. p. 7-60.

Periodical articleGourou, P. (1955)
Une expérience d'agriculture mécanisée en Afrique orientale: le 'plan des arachides'
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 8. p. 105-118.

Periodical articleStaner, P. (1955)
La mécanisation de l'agriculture au Congo
Abstract presentBulletin des séances. Volume 1 #2. p. 258-264.

BookMinistry of Agriculture, Sudan (1954)
Working party's report on the mechanical crop production scheme
Khartoum: Sudan Survey Department. 48p.

BookLaing, R.G. (1953)
Mechanisation in agriculture in the rainlands of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Abstract presentSudan: Survey Department. 82p.

Search: su=agricultural mechanization
Found: 58 Record 1-58

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