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Periodical articleConz, Christopher R. (2020)
See this publication(Un)Cultivating the Disease of Maize: Pellagra, Policy and Nutrition Practice in Lesotho, c.1933-1963
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 46 #3. p. 509-526.

Periodical articleLämmert, Stephanie (2020)
See this publicationFear and mockery: the story of Osale and Paulo in Tanganyika
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 14 #4. p. 633-650.

Periodical articleAjl, Max (2018)
See this publicationDelinking, food sovereignty, and populist agronomy: notes on an intellectual history of the peasant path in the global South
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 45 #155. p. 64-84.

Periodical articleDonkor, Emmanuel; Matthews, Nicolette; Ogundeji, Abiodun A. (2018)
See this publicationEfficiency of Rice Farming in Ghana: Policy Implications for Rice Sector Development
African Development Review. Volume 30 #2. p. 149-161.

Periodical articleIorember, Paul Terhemba; Jelilov, Gylych (2018)
See this publicationComputable General Equilibrium Analysis of Increase in Government Agricultural Expenditure on Household Welfare in Nigeria
African Development Review. Volume 30 #4. p. 362-371.

Periodical articleLofchie, Michael F. (2018)
See this publicationThe murder of Wilbert Klerruu: collective agriculture on trial in Tanzania
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 12 #4. p. 754-771.

Periodical articleShilomboleni, Helena (2018)
See this publicationAfrican Green Revolution, food sovereignty and constrained livelihood choice in Mozambique
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 52 #2. p. 115-137.

BookGoyal, Aparajita; Nash, John (2017)
Reaping richer returns: public spending priorities for transforming African agriculture productivity growth
Washington, DC: World Bank. Africa development forum. 322p.

Periodical articleHey, Matthew de la; Beinart, William (2017)
See this publicationWhy Have South African Smallholders Largely Abandoned Arable Production in Fields? A Case Study
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 43 #4. p. 753-770.

Periodical articleWest, Jennifer J.; Haug, Ruth (2017)
See this publicationThe vulnerability and resilience of smallholder-inclusive agricultural investments in Tanzania
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 11 #4. p. 670-691.

Periodical articleAkinyoade, Akinyinka; Ekumankama, Ogbuagu; Uche, Chibuike (2016)
See this publicationThe use of local raw materials in beer brewing: Heineken in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of the Institute of Brewing. Volume 122 #4. p. 682-692.

BookDiop, Ismaïla (2016)
L'agriculture du Sénégal sous la colonisation
Paris: L'Harmattan. 215p.

Periodical articleVibert, Elizabeth (2016)
See this publicationGender, resilience and resistance: South Africa's Hleketani Community Garden
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 252-267.

Periodical articleBalogun, O.L. (ed.) (2015)
Leadership and governance: dilemma of agricultural development in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. Volume 13 #1.

Periodical articleChinigò, Davide (2015)
Movimenti di contestazione e lotta agraria in Malawi: una prospettiva storica
Afriche e Orienti. #1-2. p. 167-183.

Periodical issueChinigò, Davide (ed.) (2015)
The new harvest agrarian policies and rural transformation in Southern Africa
Abstract presentAfriche e Orienti. 128p.

Periodical issueChinigò, Davide; Pallotti, Arrigo (eds.) (2015)
Rural development and poverty reduction in Southern Africa experiences from Zambia and Malawi
Abstract presentAfriche e Orienti. 95p.

BookHassani-El-Barwane, Mouhssini (2015)
La société coloniale de Bambao: Comores (1893-1975)
Moroni: KomEDIT. 101p.

BookKeita, Mamy (2015)
Autosuffisance alimentaire de la Guinée: une longue bataille, de 1958 à nos jours
Paris: L'Harmattan. 267p.

Periodical articleKuusaana, E.D.; Eledi, J.A. (2015)
See this publicationAs the city grows, where do the farmers go? Understanding peri-urbanization and food systems in Ghana - evidence from the Tamale metropolis
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 26 #4. p. 443-465.

BookMafa, Onias (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationGender, politics and land use in Zimbabwe: 1980-2012
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 233p.

BookMakala Nzengu, Patrick (2015)
Le conseil agricole rural de gestion et développement à la base en RDC
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série agro-alimentaire. 161p.

Periodical articleMoseley, William; Schnurr, Matthew; Kerr, Rachel Bezner (2015)
See this publicationInterrogating the technocratic (neoliberal) agenda for agricultural development and hunger alleviation in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Geographical Review. Volume 34 #1. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleTiberti, Luca; Tiberti, Marco (2015)
See this publicationRural policies, price change and poverty in Tanzania: an agricultural household model-based assessment
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 24 #2. p. 193-229.

BookAgbobli, Comlan Atsu Luc (2014)
Et demain l'agriculture togolaise: une analyse critique des maux qui ruinent l'agriculture togolaise du point de vue du chercheur
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 110p.

BookCoulibaly, Chéibane (2014)
Politiques agricoles et stratégies paysannes au Mali de 1910 à 2010: mythes et réalités à l'Office du Niger
Paris: L'Harmattan. 274p.

Conference paperGetnet Alemu; Demirew Getachew (eds.) (2014)
Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference of the Tigray Regional State Economic Development
Abstract presentAddis Ababa: Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA). 151p.

Conference paperNhamo, Godwell; Chekwoti, Caiphas (eds.) (2014)
Land grabs in a green African economy: implications for trade, investment and development policies
Abstract presentPretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 185p.

BookPittock, Jamie; Grafton, R. Quentin; White, Chris (eds.) (2014)
Water, food and agricultural sustainability in southern Africa
Abstract presentPrahran, VIC: Tilde University Press. 204p.

BookReyntjens, Filip (ed.) (2014)
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs: annuaire 2013-2014
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. L'Afrique des Grands Lacs #18. 566p.

Periodical articleAnyang' Nyong'o, Peter (2013)
The land question, land grabbing and agriculture in Africa
CODESRIA Bulletin. #3-4. p. 26-29.

BookBarungi, Julian (2013)
See this publicationAgri-food system governance and service delivery in Uganda: a case study of Tororo District
Kampala: Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment. ACODE policy research series #61. 41p.

BookBekale B'Eyeghe, Fidèle (2013)
Souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne: le cas du Gabon
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 245p.

BookChabane, Mohamed (2013)
Heurs et malheurs du secteur agricole en Algérie: 1962-2012
Paris: L'Harmattan. Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. 315p.

BookDiop, Momar-Coumba (ed.) (2013)
Sénégal (2000-2012): les institutions et politiques publiques à l'épreuve d'une gouvernance liberale
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 836p.

Periodical issueDury, Sandrine; Janin, Pierre (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationLe sécurisation alimentaire en Afrique = Food security in Africa: enjeux, controverses et modalités
Abstract presentAgricultures. Volume 21 #5. p. 281-382.

BookHebinck, Paul; Cousins, Ben (eds.) (2013)
In the shadow of policy: everyday practices in South African land and agrarian reform
Johannesburg: Wits University Press. 307p.

Periodical articleHove, Godfrey (2013)
Creating order and stability? The Dairy Marketing Board, milk (over)production and the politics of marketing in colonial Zimbabwe, 1952-1970s
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 58 #2. p. 119-156.

BookMatsiko wa Mucoori, Patrick (ed.) (2013)
Inside Uganda's agriculture advisory services and research
Kampala: Independent Publications Limited. Special project #17-2013. 266p.

BookNgowi, Prosper Honest (2013)
The economic crisis of the 2000s and beyond: analysis and perspectives in the Tanzanian context
Dar es Salaam: Matokeo. 199p.

BookOriba, Caleb Akandwanaho Salim Saleh (2013)
Cease fire: the future is bright
Uganda?: Akiba International, Ltd.. 68p.

BookTamekamta, Alphonse Zozime; Koufan Menkéné, Jean (eds.) (2013)
L'urgence d'une révolution agricole au Cameroun
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Émergences africaines. 203p.

BookVerwimp, Philip (2013)
Peasants in power: the political economy of development and genocide in Rwanda
Dordrecht: Springer. 276p.

BookAnonymous (2012)
See this publicationRegional parliamentarian dialogue on enhancing competitiveness through increased investments in agricultural value chains in Africa: report of the 2011 Regional Parliamentarian Dialogue, NICON Luxury Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, 5-7 October, 2011
Accra: Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa. 68p.

BookBoureima, Moussa (2012)
L'économie agricole au Niger
Paris: l'Harmattan. Études africaines. 67p.

Periodical articleChabane, Mohamed (2012)
Quel mode de production agricole dans un contexte de changement climatique: le cas de l'Algérie
Territoires d'Afrique. #3. p. 12-20.

BookCivil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET), Lilonge (2012)
Rice value chain policy consultation report
Lilonge: Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET). 44p.

Periodical articleCunguara, Benedito (2012)
See this publicationAn exposition of development failures in Mozambique
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 39 #131. p. 161-170.

Periodical articleDorosh, Paul; Thurlow, James (2012)
See this publicationAgglomeration, growth and regional equity: an analysis of agriculture versus urban-led development in Uganda
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 21 #1. p. 94-123.

BookFounou-Tchuigoua, Bernard; Ndiaye, Abdourahmane (eds.) (2012)
See this publicationRéponses radicales aux crises agraires et rurales africaines: agriculture paysanne, démocratisation des sociétés rurales et souveraineté alimentaire
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA, Réseaux de recherche comparative (RRC). 268p.

Periodical articleGrabowski, Richard (2012)
See this publicationImplicit taxation of agriculture: the cause of development failure in Egypt
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 24 #2. p. 183-193.

Periodical articleJacobs, Peter (2012)
See this publicationWhither agrarian reform in South Africa?
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 39 #131. p. 171-180.

Conference paperKituyi, Mukhisa (ed.) (2012)
Research networking and regional development policy in the East African Community (EAC)
Abstract presentNairobi: African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF). 152p.

Periodical articleKoopman, Jeanne (2012)
See this publicationWill Africa's Green Revolution squeeze African family farmers to death? Lessons from small-scale high-cost rice production in the Senegal River Valley
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 39 #133. p. 500-511.

Periodical articleLefort, René (2012)
See this publicationFree market economy, 'developmental State' and party-State hegemony in Ethiopia: the case of the 'model farmers'
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 50 #4. p. 681-706.

Periodical articleNiboye, Elliott P.; Kabote, Samwel J. (2012)
See this publicationAgricultural transformation and population nexus: some theoretical and empirical lessons for sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract presentUtafiti. Volume 9 #1. p. 111-130.

BookNtambirweki-Karugonjo, Barbara; Barungi, Julian (2012)
See this publicationAgri-food system governance and service delivery in Uganda: A case study of Mukono District
Kampala: Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment. ACODE policy research series #57. 36p.

BookSEATINI, Organization (2012)
The potential for agriculture to drive development in the East African Community: a case of Uganda
Kampala: SEATINI. 32p.

Periodical articleSender, John (2012)
See this publicationFictions and elephants in the rondawel: a response to a brief chapter in South Africa's National Development Plan
Abstract presentTransformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa. #78. p. 98-114.

BookAbeje Berhanu (2011)
Peasant entrepreneurship and rural poverty reduction: the case of model farmers in Bure Woreda, West Gojjam Zone
Addis Ababa: Forum for Social Studies (FSS). FSS monograph series #8. 86p.

Periodical articleBowman, Andrew (2011)
See this publicationMass production or production by the masses? Tractors, cooperatives, and the politics of rural development in post-independence Zambia
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 52 #2. p. 201-221.

BookDevèze, Jean-Claude (ed.) (2011)
Challenges for African agriculture
Abstract presentWashington, DC: World Bank. Africa development forum. 267p.

BookDjurfeldt, Göran; Aryeetey, Ernest; Isinika, Aida C. (eds.) (2011)
African smallholders: food crops, markets and policy
Wallingford: CABI. 386p.

Periodical articleGabas, Jean-Jacques; Griffon, Michel (2011)
Les phénomènes de 'land grabbing': un rendez-vous historique pour les agricultures africaines? Entretien avec Michel Griffon
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #238. p. 31-41.

Periodical articleGajigo, Ousman; Saine, Abdoulaye (2011)
See this publicationThe effects of government policies on cereal consumption pattern change in the Gambia
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 38 #130. p. 517-536.

Periodical articleGreen, Erik (2011)
See this publicationAgrarian populism in colonial and postcolonial Malawi
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 54 #3. p. 143-164.

BookHelliker, Kirk; Murisa, Tendai (eds.) (2011)
Land struggles and civil society in Southern Africa
Abstract presentTrenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 332p.

BookKyaruzi, Imani Silver; Ngowi, Honest Prosper (eds.) (2011)
Fostering entrepreneurial agriculture in Tanzania
Abstract presentDar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers. 157p.

BookMaghimbi, Sam; Lokina, Razack B.; Senga, Mathew A. (2011)
See this publicationThe agrarian question in Tanzania? A state of the art paper
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet in cooperation with the University of Dar es Salaam. Current African issues #45. 67p.

Periodical articleMayende, Gilingwe (2011)
See this publicationTransforming labour reserves in South Africa: asymmetries in the new agrarian policy
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 15 #1. p. 48-70.

BookMosca, João (2011)
Políticas agrárias de (em) Moçambique, 1975-2009
Maputo: Escolar Editoria. 470p.

Periodical articleMueller, Bernd E.T. (2011)
See this publicationThe agrarian question in Tanzania: using new evidence to reconcile an old debate
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 38 #127. p. 23-42.

Periodical articleMustapha, Abdul Raufu (2011)
See this publicationZimbabwean farmers in Nigeria: exceptional farmers or spectacular support?
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 110 #441. p. 535-561.

Conference paperNyagah, Leslie (2011)
Seeds for growth: financing smallholder farming in Southern Africa
Abstract presentCape Town: Idasa. 140p.

Periodical articleRogerson, Christian M. (2011)
See this publicationUrban agriculture and public administration: institutional context and local response in Gauteng
Abstract presentUrban Forum. Volume 22 #2. p. 183-198.

BookAltayeb, Omer Y (2010)
The Shukriya of central Butana: pastoralism and p Oroblems of settlement and agriculture in New Halfa scheme
Khartoum: Khartoum University Press. 136p.

BookAndrianirina, Nicole; Ballet, Jérôme; Rabevohitra, Bako Nirina (eds.) (2010)
Madagascar dans la tourmente: analyses socioéconomiques de la crise en zones rurales
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Éthique économique. 138p.

BookAntil, Alain (2010)
See this publicationLes 'émeutes de la faim' au Sénégal: un puissant révélateur d'une défaillance de gouvernance
Paris: Ifri. Les notes de l'Ifri. 19p.

Periodical articleBa, Daha Chérif (2010)
Plantations et planteurs de la Guinée française, de 1900 à 1950
Abstract presentCahiers du CERLESHS. Volume 25 #35. p. 93-125.

BookKenya Producers Coalition (KEPO), Nairobi (2010)
Resource allocation and utilization in Kenya's agriculture sector: a public expenditure review
Nairobi: Kenya Producers Coalition. 58p.

BookLukwago, Daniel (2010)
See this publicationIncreasing agricultural sector financing: why it matters for Uganda's socio-economic transformation
Kampala: Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment. ACODE policy research series #40. 44p.

BookMadi, Ali (2010)
Analyse des filières de production agricole: fondements théoriques et démarches méthodologiques
Paris: L'Harmattan. 189p.

Periodical articlePellizzoli, Roberta (2010)
See this publication'Green revolution' for whom? Women's access to and use of land in the Mozambique Chókwè irrigation scheme
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 37 #124. p. 213-220.

Periodical articleVergez, Antonin (2010)
Intensifier l'agriculture en Afrique, réponse aux défis alimentaires environnementaux? Controverse
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #237. p. 31-43.

BookAnderson, Kym; Masters, William A. (eds.) (2009)
Distortions to agricultural incentives in Africa
Abstract presentWashington, DC: World Bank. 618p.

BookDoré, Dale (2009)
See this publicationThe recovery and transformation of Zimbabwe's communal areas
Harare: UNDP Zimbabwe. Comprehensive economic recovery in Zimbabwe working paper series #4. 54p.

BookInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (2009)
See this publicationFarmers speak out: the vision and recommendations of Africa's farmers' organizations for the comprehensive Africa agriculture development program
Rome: IFAD. 48p.

Periodical articleMakana, Nicholas E. (2009)
See this publicationMetropolitan concern, colonial State policy and the embargo on cultivation of coffee by Africans in colonial Kenya: the example of Bungoma district, 1930-1960
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 36. p. 315-329.

Periodical articleNyandoro, Mark (2009)
See this publicationDevelopment and differentiation in the post-independence era: continuity or change in ARDA-Sanyati irrigation in Zimbabwe (1980-1990)
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 41 #1. p. 51-89.

Periodical articlePesche, Denis (2009)
Construction du mouvement paysan et élaboration des politiques agricoles en Afrique subsaharienne: le cas du Sénégal
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #114. p. 139-155.

Periodical articleSchnurr, Matthew A. (2009)
See this publicationCommodity cropping and the delineation of agricultural space in Natal, 1850-1863
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 61 #1. p. 138-157.

Periodical articleTollens, Eric (2009)
La flambée des prix alimentaires et les actions à entreprendre à court terme (et à plus long terme) pour la RDC
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 55 #2. p. 165-175.

Periodical articleAnsoms, An (2008)
See this publicationStriving for Growth, Bypassing the Poor? A Critical Review of Rwanda's Rural Sector Policies
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 46 #1. March. p. 1-32.

Periodical articleBalié, Jean; Fouilleux, Ève (2008)
Enjeux et défis des politiques agricoles communes en Afrique: une mise en perspective avec l'expérience européenne
Abstract presentAutrepart. #46. p. 157-171.

Periodical articleBoccanfuso, Dorothée; Savard, Luc (2008)
See this publicationChoc extérieur, productivité, pauvreté et redistribution de revenu au Sénégal: une analyse comparative à partir d'un modèle multiménages intégrés
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 42 #1. p. 52-97.

BookCissokho, Mamadou (2008)
Nous sommes notre remède
Bonneville ec.: Grad. 91p.

BookCissokho, Mamadou (2008)
Peut-être, inch Allah
Bonneville ec.: Grad. 109p.

Periodical articleDabat, Marie-Hélène (2008)
L'agriculture malgache peut-elle sortir de l'impasse démo-économique?
Abstract presentAutrepart. #46. p. 189-202.

BookDahou, Tarik (ed.) (2008)
Libéralisation et politique agricole au Sénégal
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 204p.

Periodical articledeGrassi, Aaron (2008)
See this publication'Neopatrimonialism' and agricultural development in Africa: contributions and limitations of a contested concept
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 51 #3. p. 107-133.

Search: su=agricultural policy
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