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Periodical articleGrajales, Jacobo (2020)
See this publicationFrom war to wealth? Land policies and the peace economy in Côte d'Ivoire
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 47 #163. p. 78-94.

Periodical articleBourblanc, Magalie; Ducrot, Raphaëlle; Mapedza, Everisto (2017)
See this publicationPath Dependence in Nebo Plateau: Strategic Partnerships and Rural Poverty Alleviation in South African Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 43 #2. p. 381-396.

Periodical articleKishindo, Paul; Mvula, Peter (2017)
See this publicationMalawi's land problem and potential for rural conflict
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #3. p. 370-382.

BookDomo, Joseph (2016)
Une société rizicole camerounaise: l'exemple de la SEMRY
Paris: L'Harmattan. 217p.

Periodical articleMaphosa, Beatrice (2016)
See this publicationAlleviating poverty through resource provision: the case of a South African agricultural project
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 45-63.

BookRubino, Roberta (2016)
Outils de recherche: étude du projet Coton bio-équitable du Mali
Paris: L'Harmattan. Ethnographiques. 144p.

Periodical articleNnabuko, Justitia O.; Uche, Chibuike U. (2015)
See this publicationLand grab and the viability of foreign investments in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Nigerian experience
Abstract presentEnvironment, agriculture and cross-border migrations / ed. by Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo. p. 87-104.

Periodical articleClement, Piet (2014)
Rural development in the Belgian Congo: the late-colonial 'indigenous peasantry' programme and its implementation in the Equateur District (1950s)
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 60 #2. p. 251-286.

BookCoulibaly, Chéibane (2014)
Politiques agricoles et stratégies paysannes au Mali de 1910 à 2010: mythes et réalités à l'Office du Niger
Paris: L'Harmattan. 274p.

BookBertoncin, Marina (2012)
Autour du lac Tchad: enjeux et conflits pour le contrôle de l'eau
Paris: l'Harmattan. Études africaines. 354p.

Periodical articleGabas, Jean-Jacques; Goulet, Frédéric (2012)
Les coopérations agricoles chinoises et brésiliennes en Afrique: quelles innovations dans les principes et pratiques?
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #243. p. 113-131.

Periodical articleArditi, Claude (2011)
Les politiques de développement rural et l'anthropologie en Afrique subsaharienne: brève histoire des politiques de développement du milieu rural: présence des disciplines dures et absence de l'anthropologie
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 51 #202-203. p. 453-472.

Dissertation / thesisMathot, Koen Antonius (2011)
See this publicationRummaging through reform: strategies of Gezira irrigation scheme actors to cope with irrigation management reforms in the face of strict State control, Sudan
MSc Thesis. Wageningen University. 129p.

Periodical articleDuvail, Stéphanie; Médard, Claire; Paul, Jean-Luc (2010)
Les communautés locales face aux grands projets d'aménagement des zones humides côtières en Afrique de l'Est
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #117. p. 149-172.

Dissertation / thesisKamya, Innocent Royal (2010)
See this publicationNon-traditional agricultural exports, value chains and smallholder agriculture: a case study of Kasese Smallholder Income and Investment Programme (KSIIP)

Periodical articlePellizzoli, Roberta (2010)
See this publication'Green revolution' for whom? Women's access to and use of land in the Mozambique Chókwè irrigation scheme
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 37 #124. p. 213-220.

BookPye-Smith, Charlie (2010)
See this publicationThe fruits of success: a programme to domesticate West and Central Africa's wild fruit trees is raising incomes, improving health, and stimulating the rural economy
Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre. Trees for change #4. 32p.

Periodical articleSilva, Sonya; Kepe, Thembela (2010)
See this publicationAn examination of 'participation' and 'sustainability' in a food security project among the rural poor in northwestern Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 31-54.

Periodical articleBabikir, Osman Mohammed; Mohammed, El-Agib Farahain (2008)
A preliminary test of het(e)rogeneity between family and hired labour in Sudanese agriculture: a case study of Gezira scheme
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 5 #3. p. 28-50.

Periodical articleMollan, Simon (2008)
See this publicationBusiness, State and economy: cotton and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1919-1939
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 36. p. 95-123.

BookShapiro, Brett; Thierry, Benoît (eds.) (2008)
Nourrir la terre, nourrir les hommes: la mise en valeur réussie du haut bassin du Mandrare à Madagascar
Paris: L'Harmattan. 226p.

Periodical articleBabikir, Osman Mohammed; Babiker, Babiker Idris (2007)
See this publicationThe Determinants of Labour Supply and Demand in Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study of the Gezira Scheme in Sudan
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 19 #2. September. p. 335-349.

BookDougnon, Isaïe (2007)
Travail de Blanc, travail de Noir: la migration des paysans dogon vers l'Office du Niger et au Ghana, 1910-1980
Paris: Karthala. Histoire des suds. 279p.

Periodical articleBertoncin, Marina; Pase, Andrea (2006)
Un gigante dai piedi d'argilla: la SEMRY di Yagoua (Camerun)
Abstract presentTerra d'Africa. p. 149-171.

BookGrischow, Jeff D. (2006)
Shaping tradition: civil society, community and development in colonial Northern Ghana, 1899-1957
Leiden: Brill. African Social Studies Series #14. 264p.

Periodical articleKwaw, Isaac Wilson (2006)
The Challenges Facing Organised Community Agricultural Projects to Alleviate Income Poverty in South Africa: The Case of Limpopo Province
Africa Insight. Volume 36 #2. p. 56-74.

BookAw, Djibril (2005)
See this publicationMaking a large irrigation scheme work: a case study from Mali
Washington, DC: World Bank. Directions in development, Private sector development. 156p.

BookDiallo, Mohamed Daouda; Kansaye, Bouréma; Dougnon, Isaïe (2004)
L'Office du Niger face au savoir local de ses exploitants [a.o.]
Abstract presentBamako: Jamana. Working papers on local knowledge #1. 136p.

Dissertation / thesisSpierenburg, Marja J. (2004)
See this publicationStrangers, spirits, and land reforms: conflicts about land in Dande, northern Zimbabwe
Leiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #3. 255p.

Periodical articleMkenda-Mugittu, Vera F. (2003)
See this publicationMeasuring the Invisibles: Gender Mainstreaming and Monitoring Experience from a Dairy Development Project in Tanzania
Abstract presentDevelopment in Practice. Volume 13 #5. December. p. 459-473.

BookBeusekom, Monica M. van (2002)
Negotiating development: African farmers and colonial experts at the Office du Niger, 1920-1960
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Social history of Africa. 214p.

BookBonneval, Pierre; Kuper, Marcel; Tonneau, Jean-Philippe (2002)
L'Office du Niger, grenier à riz du Mali: succès économiques, transitions culturelles et politiques de développement
Paris: Karthala. 251p.

Periodical articleDibua, J.I. (2002)
See this publicationAgricultural Modernization, the Environment and Sustainable Production in Nigeria, 1970-1985
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 30. p. 107-137.

Dissertation / thesisTeeken, Béla (2002)
De strategie van een boer in Mali binnen het project voor geïrrigeerde rijstteelt 'Bewani' van het 'Office du Niger': een pleidooi voor een ontwikkelingssociologie met een epistemologie die voortkomt uit de communicatie met de betrokkenen

Periodical articleYahaya, Mohammed Kuta (2002)
See this publicationDevelopment and Challenges of Bakolori Irrigation Project in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 11 #3. p. 411-430.

Periodical articleBrondeau, Florence (2001)
Des périmètres irrigués sahéliens à la recherche d'une nécessaire intégration régionale: exemple du Macina (Office du Niger, Mali)
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 54 #215. p. 249-281.

Periodical articleFilipovich, Jean (2001)
See this publicationDestined to Fail: Forced Settlement at the Office du Niger, 1926-45
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 42 #2. p. 239-260.

Periodical articleFischer, At (2001)
Facilitating 'Participatory Community Consultation': Consulting Anthropologists at Work in Swaziland
Abstract presentAfricanus. Volume 31 #1. p. 26-47.

Periodical articleForrest, Joshua B. (2001)
See this publicationWater Policy and Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Post-Colonial Namibia
Abstract presentPublic Administration and Development. Volume 21 #5. December. p. 393-400.

Periodical articleGrischow, Jeff D. (2001)
See this publicationLate Colonial Development in British West Africa: The Gonja Development Project in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, 1948-57
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 35 #2. p. 282-312.

BookHeigl, Peter (2001)
Chikowa: die Abenteuer eines Entwicklungshelfers in Afrika
Lauf a.d. Pegnitz: Fahner Verlag. 194p.

Dissertation / thesisMusch, Arne (2001)
The small gods of participation

BookNazir, Osman A. El; Desai, Govind D. (2001)
Kenana: kingdom of green gold: grand multinational venture in the desert of Sudan
London: Kegan Paul. 237p.

BookOnjala, Joseph (2001)
Water pricing options in Kenya: cases of Mwea and West Kano irrigation schemes
Copenhagen: Centre for Development Research. CDR working papers, Green series #1. 47p.

Dissertation / thesisSmit, Karima (2001)
Removing obstacles and constraints in African agriculture: a search for key factors of succesful participation of households in two small-scale irrigation schemes in Zimbabwe

BookLavigne Delville, Philippe; Sellamna, Nour-Eddine; Mathieu, Marilou (eds.) (2000)
Les enquêtes participatives en débat: ambition, pratiques en enjeux
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Économie et développement. 543p.

Dissertation / thesisMagadlela, Dumisani (2000)
Irrigating lives: development intervention and dynamics of social relationships in an irrigation project

Periodical articleVan Beusekom, Monica M. (2000)
See this publicationDisjunctures in Theory and Practice: Making Sense of Change in Agricultural Development at the Office Du Niger, 1920-60
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 41 #1. March. p. 79-99.

Periodical articleAbdalla, Abdalla Khidir (1999)
Production Responsibility Centre and Productivity Information: An Integrated Approach to Resolving Incongruences in the Public Agricultural Corporations in the Sudan: The Case of the Gezira Scheme
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 15 #2. June. p. 17-41.

Periodical articleAjayi, A.R.; Ajala, A.A. (1999)
See this publicationRural farmers' participation in agricultural development project (ADP) and the effect on their adoption of innovations: a case study of Ekiti-Akoko ADP in Ondo State of Nigeria
Ghana Journal of Science. Volume 39. p. 83-90.

BookBouaré, M. Seydou (ed.) (1999)
Étude environnementale de la zone de l'Office du Niger: rapport de synthèse
Bamako: Ministère du développement rural et de l'eau. 63p.

Book chapterHodgson, Dorothy L. (1999)
Images & interventions: the problems of pastoralist development
Abstract presentIn: The poor are not us: poverty & pastoralism in Eastern Africa. p. 221-239.

Periodical articleKane, R.; Lo, H.M. (1999)
The Zabré women's agro-ecological project, Burkina Faso
Desertification Control Bulletin. #34. p. 73-78.

Periodical articleAbdelRahman, AbdelRahman Ahmed (1998)
See this publicationThe Implementation and Results of IMF/World Bank-Supported Agricultural Reforms: The Case of Sudan's Gezira Scheme
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 5 #2. p. 95-115.

Periodical articleAstone, Jennifer (1998)
See this publicationIncorporating Local History into Planning Documents: A Case Study from Guinea, West Africa
Abstract presentWorld Development. Volume 26 #9. September. p. 1773-1784.

Periodical articleHelland, Johan (1998)
Institutional Erosion in the Drylands: The Case of the Borana Pastoralists
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 14 #2. June. p. 49-72.

Periodical articleKlaver, Dieuwke; Koppen, Barbara van (1998)
De strijd om land en arbeid in het irrigatiestelsel 'Office du Niger', Mali
Abstract presentDerde wereld: tijdschrift over imperialisme, onderontwikkeling en verzet. Volume 17 #3. p. 195-208.

Periodical articleNebie, Ousmane (1998)
Les transformations rurales dans les zones libérées de l'onchocercose au Burkina Faso
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 51 #202. p. 171-200.

Periodical articleRobins, Steven (1998)
See this publicationBreaking Out of the Straitjacket of Tradition: The Politics and Rhetoric of 'Development' in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentWorld Development. Volume 26 #9. September. p. 1677-1694.

Periodical articleBadru, Pade (1997)
The World Bank and Peasant Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of Agricultural Development Projects in South East Nigeria
Abstract presentScandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. Volume 16 #2. June. p. 55-79.

Periodical articleBeusekom, Monica M. van (1997)
See this publicationColonisation Indigene: French Rural Development Ideology at the Office Du Niger, 1920-1940
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 30 #2. p. 299-323.

Periodical articleMwangi, W. (1997)
The challenge of alleviating poverty in Africa's drylands
EcoNews Africa. Volume 6 #15. 4 Nov.. p. 1-2, 5-7.

BookTouré, Abdrahamane; Zanen, Sjoerd; Koné, N'Fagnanama (eds.) (1997)
La restructuration de l'Office du Niger
Office du Niger. 154p.

Dissertation / thesisAdam, Mohamed Abdelgadir (1996)
The policy impacts on farmers' production and resource use in the irrigated scheme of Gezira, Sudan: a case of change from a controlled subsidised system to a free market mode of production
Kiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk. Farming systems and resource economics in the tropics Volume 25. 188p.

Periodical articleHartman, J.B. (1996)
Die verinheemsing van ontwikkeling: lesse uit 'n landelike ontwikkelingsprojek
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Ethnology. Volume 19 #2-3. p. 109-117.

Periodical articleKerbout, Mohammed (1996)
Conditions et problèmes de mise en valeur dans la moyenne vallée du Sénégal: la région de Maghama
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 49 #195. p. 247-271.

Periodical articleKishindo, Paul (1996)
See this publicationFarmer Turn over on Settlement Schemes: The Experience of Limphasa Irrigated Rice Scheme, Northern Malawi
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleLaki, Sam L. (1996)
See this publicationEconomic Aspects of Agricultural Production in the Gezira
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 3 #3. p. 27-58.

Periodical articleLaki, Sam L. (1996)
See this publicationEconomics of Crop Production in the Gezira Irrigation Scheme
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 3 #3. p. 7-25.

Periodical articlePerrier, Gregory K.; Norton, Brien E. (1996)
See this publicationAdministration of Pastoral Development: Lessons from Three Projects in Africa
Abstract presentPublic Administration and Development. Volume 16 #1. February. p. 73-90.

Book chapterBernal, Victoria (1995)
Cotton and colonial order in Sudan: a social history with emphasis on the Gezira Scheme
Abstract presentIn: Cotton, colonialism, and social history in sub-Saharan Africa / ed. by Allen Isaacman and Richard Roberts. - Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann. p. 96-118.

Periodical articleBertoncin, Marina; Bicciato, Francesco; Bonollo, Leonardo (1995)
Irrigazione, Stato e territorio in Sudan: il gioco della posta in gioco
Abstract presentTerra d'Africa. p. 15-58.

Periodical articleCheeseboro, Anthony (1995)
See this publicationThe Influence of the Gezira Scheme on Later Development Plans in the Sudan: The Breadbasket Strategy
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 107-117.

Periodical articlePorter, Gina; Phillips-Howard, Kevin (1995)
See this publicationFarmers, Labourers and the Company: Exploring Relationships on a Transkei Contract Farming Scheme
Abstract presentJournal of Development Studies. Volume 31 #1. October. p. 55-73.

Book chapterAhmed, Taha Eltayeb (1994)
Cost recovery, equity, and inefficiency in irrigation schemes in Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Issues in African rural development 2. p. 139-154.

Periodical articleBecker, Laurence C. (1994)
See this publicationAn Early Experiment in the Reorganization of Agricultural Production in the French Soudan (Mali), 1920-1940
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 64 #3. p. 373-390.

Periodical articleCheeseboro, Anthony Q. (1994)
See this publicationMissed Opportunities: The Failure of Intensification and Diversification in the Gezira Scheme
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 1 #2-3. p. 49-73.

Book chapterDeng, Francis Mading (1994)
Cultural dimensions of conflict management and development: some lessons from the Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Culture and development in Africa / Ismail Serageldin, June Taboroff, eds.; Alicia Hetzner, ed. consultant. - Washington, D.C.: World Bank. p. 465-509.

Periodical articleDerman, Bill; Murombedzi, James (1994)
Democracy, Development, and Human Rights in Zimbabwe: A Contradictory Terrain
Abstract presentAfrican Rural and Urban Studies. Volume 1 #2. p. 119-143.

Dissertation / thesisDeuss, Marleen (1994)
Do women's gardens hold water? Gender relations and the introduction of irrigation systems at the Ile à Morphil in Senegal
Abstract presentNijmegen: Third World Centre/Development Studies, Catholic University of Nijmegen. Occasional paper #42.

Dissertation / thesisEldaw, Ahmed Mohamed (1994)
Market and price policy setting to expand the production of milk in the Gezira
Abstract presentBerlin: Köster. Schriften zur internationalen Agrarentwicklung #8. 347p.

Periodical articleKisembo B.; Ngoie T. (1994)
Les obstacles à l'intégration des projets d'élevage au Zaïre
Revue de développement. #1. p. 63-86.

Periodical articleLaki, Sam L. (1994)
Comparative advantage for Gezira Irrigation Scheme crops
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 6 #3. September. p. 319-325.

Book chapterLittle, Peter D. (1994)
Contract Farming and the Development Question
Abstract presentIn: Living under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in sub-Saharan Africa. p. 216-247.

BookSanda, A.O.; Ayo, S. Bamidele (eds.) (1994)
Impact of irrigation projects on Nigeria's environment
Abstract presentIbadan: Fact Finders International. 319p.

Periodical articleSitoe, J. (1994)
Desde dezembro: Moamba está a secar
Tempo. #1214. 27 de março. p. 17-21.

Periodical articleBussink, Michiel (1993)
Mogelijkheden voor een alternatieve landbouwontwikkeling in Zimbabwe: twee NGO's nader bekeken
Abstract presentDerde wereld: tijdschrift over imperialisme, onderontwikkeling en verzet. Volume 12 #4. p. 69-81.

BookTanner, Christopher; Myers, Gregory; Oad, Ramchand (1993)
Land disputes and ecological degradation in an irrigation scheme: a case study of state farm divestiture in Chokwe, Mozambique
Abstract presentMadison, WI: Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison. A research paper #111. 72p.

Periodical articleBräutigam, Deborah A. (1992)
See this publicationLand Rights and Agricultural Development in West Africa: A Case Study of Two Chinese Projects
Abstract presentJournal of Developing Areas. Volume 27 #1. October. p. 21-32.

BookCullis, Adrian; Pacey, Arnold (1992)
A development dialogue: rainwater harvesting in Turkana
Abstract presentLondon: Intermediate Technology Publications. 126p.

Periodical articleDissou, Machioudi (1992)
See this publicationL'aide et les priorités internes des politiques agricoles nationales et sa place dans le secteur agricole: le cas du Bénin
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 17 #3. p. 139-169.

Periodical articleEkong, E.E. (1992)
See this publicationThe Role of the World Bank in Nigerian Agricultural Policy
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 17 #3. p. 65-98.

Periodical articleEyoh, Dickson L. (1992)
See this publicationReforming Peasant Production in Africa: Power and Technological Change in Two Nigerian Villages
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 23 #2. April. p. 37-66.

Periodical articleEyoh, Dickson L. (1992)
See this publicationStructures of Intermediation and Change in African Agriculture: A Nigerian Case Study
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 35 #1. April. p. 17-39.

Periodical articleKhrouz, Driss (1992)
See this publicationEffets de l'aide internationale sur l'agriculture africaine: le cas du Maroc
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 17 #3. p. 99-138.

Periodical articleMavungu Khonde; Otemikongo Mandefu; Sambu Avetsu (1992)
Projet de développement et transformations socio-économiques en milieu rural zaïrois: expérience du Bureau de projet Ituri (B.P.I.) dans la zone d'Irumu (Haut-Zaïre)
Abstract presentZaïre-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 32 #263. mars. p. 173-187.

Periodical articleNyemba, Jean Ambela (1992)
See this publicationDéveloppement rural au Cameroun: et si les paysans le concevaient autrement?
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 17 #4. p. 29-45.

Periodical articleWebb (Jr.), J.L.A. (1992)
See this publicationEcological and Economic Change along the Middle Reaches of the Gambia River, 1945-1985
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 91 #365. October. p. 543-565.

Periodical articleAderinola, Esan A.; Ogunbameru, Bankole O. (1991)
Profitability, input elasticities and returns to scale for irrigated vegetable production in Borno State, Nigeria
Abstract presentAnnals of Borno. Volume 8-9. p. 170-180.

Book chapterBortoli, Louis; Sournia, Gérard (1991)
Les mirages de l'irrigation et le sous-développement: cas de l'Afrique sèche de l'Ouest
Abstract presentIn: Eau et aménagement dans les régions inter-tropicales; Tome 2. p. 3-15.

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