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Search: su=agricultural trade | ||||||||
Found: 51 | Record 1-51 |
Vossenberg, Saskia (2016) | |
Market Innovation in Malawi: Rippling gendered institutions? The case of Malawi's Agricultural Commodity Exchange | |
Paper presented at: The Nordic Africa Days 2016 (NAD). |
Chile, L.; Talukder, D. (2014) | |
Agricultural trade liberalisation and price volatility in Bangladesh and Tanzania: a comparative analysis | |
Africanus: skakelblad van die Departement van Naturelle-Administrasie, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika = liaison journal of the Department of Native Administration, University of South Africa. Volume 44 #2. p. 15-32. |
Nega, Fredu (2014) | |
Effects of regional trade agreements on strategic agricultural trade in Africa and its implications to food security: evidence from gravity model estimation | |
Addis Ababa: The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI). HESPI working paper #2. 36p. |
Cissokho, Lassana (ed.) (2013) | |
Why is agricultural trade within ECOWAS so high? | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 22 #1. p. 22-51. |
Dlimi, Dounya (2012) | |
L'Afrique et l'OMC | |
Géopolitique africaine. #44. p. 163-180. |
Gamba, Kulwa (2012) | |
Least developed countries and market accessibility rules for agro-food exports: a case study of Tanzania | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 5 #2. p. 253-324. |
SEATINI, Kampala (2011) | |
The Doha Development Round (DDR) negotiations: what should be Uganda's strategic position? | |
Kampala: SEATINI. 75p. |
Delpierre, Matthieu (2009) | |
Farm input use in a context of liquidity constraints and contract unenforceability | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 18 #3. p. 496-528. |
Rizzo, Matteo (2009) | |
Becoming wealthy: the life-history of a rural entrepreneur in Tanzania, 1922-80s | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 3 #2. p. 221-239. |
Sandrey, Ron; Edinger, Hannah (2009) | |
Examining the South Africa-China agricultural trading relationship | |
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Discussion paper #42. 58p. |
Santamaría Pulido, Antonio (2009) | |
Comercio agrícola en África Austral | |
Studia Africana. #20. p. 27-33. |
Yusuf, Guled (2009) | |
The marginalisation of African agricultural trade and development: a case study of the WTO's efforts to cater to African agricultural trading interests particularly cotton and sugar | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 17 #2. p. 213-239. |
Bakunda, Geoffrey (2008) | |
The impact of a liberalised trade regime on the potential for agricultural value addition in Uganda | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 24 #2. June. p. 27-51. |
Goodison, Paul (2007) | |
What is the Future for EU (European Union)-Africa Agricultural Trade after CAP Reform? | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #112. June. p. 279-295. |
Philippidis, G.; Sanjuán, A.I. (2007) | |
An Examination of Morocco's Trade Options with the European Union (EU) | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #2. March. p. 259-300. |
Stoneman, Colin; Thompson, Carol (2007) | |
Trading partners or trading deals? The EU & US in southern Africa | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 34 #112. p. 227-245. |
McPeak, John G.; Little, Peter D. (eds.) (2006) | |
Pastoral livestock marketing in Eastern Africa: research and policy challenges | |
Rugby: Intermediate Technology Publications. 288p. |
Mlulla, A.S. (2005) | |
A contextual analysis of value adding and trade competitiveness in cross-border export market in Northern Tanzania | |
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 13 #2. January. p. 47-59. |
Gruzd, Steven (2003) | |
Africa and international trade: a primer for Cancun and beyond | |
Johannesburg: South African institute for international affairs (SAIIA). SAIIA report #38. 62p. |
Stevens, Christopher (2003) | |
Food Trade and Food Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Old Myths and New Challenges | |
Development Policy Review. Volume 21 #5-6. December. p. 669-681. |
Mdoe, N.S.Y.; Mnenwa, K.R.; Staal, S.; Kurwijila, L.R.; Joseph, W.E.; Omore, A.; Burton, D. (2002) | |
Role of marketing in poverty alleviation: the case of milk producers and traders in the Dar es Salaam milk shed | |
Tanzania Veterinary Journal. Volume 21 #2. p. 74-82. |
Abdi-Noor, H. (2001) | |
WTO and Kenya | |
EcoNews Africa. February. p. 9-12. |
Mpofu, D.B. (2001) | |
AGOA, agricultural practice and trade | |
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 14 #6. p. 13-14. |
Owuor, P.O.; Kavoi, M.M.; Siele, D.K. (2001) | |
Economic efficiency in smallholder tea production in Kenya: the case of Kirinyaga, Nyambene, Nandi and Nyamira districts | |
Tea. Volume 22 #1. July. p. 38-50. |
Sekitoleko, V. (2001) | |
Trade in food and food products in Africa | |
African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 12-25. |
Le Meur, Pierre-Yves (2000) | |
Logiques paysannes au Bénin: courtage, associations, réseaux et marchés | |
Autrepart. #13. p. 91-108. |
Mokitimi, N. (2000) | |
Review of the performance of the Lesotho agricultural marketing system since independence | |
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 9. p. 57-66. |
Belshaw, Deryke; Lawrence, Peter; Hubbard, Michael (1999) | |
Agricultural Tradables and Economic Recovery in Uganda: The Limitations of Structural Adjustment in Practice | |
World Development. Volume 27 #4. April. p. 673-690. |
Fafchamps, Marcel; Minten, Bart (1999) | |
Relationships and Traders in Madagascar | |
Journal of Development Studies. Volume 35 #6. August. p. 1-35. |
Benguergoura, Chérif (1997) | |
L'agriculture publique et la commercialisation de son produit | |
Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 35 #2. p. 507-491. |
Dalais, A. (1997) | |
Consultations pré-budgétaires: M. Arnaud Dalais réclame un Etat facilitateur pour réussir la restructuration et la modernisation du secteur sucrier | |
Prosi. Volume 29 #339. avril. p. 6-9. |
Anonymous (1996) | |
Exportation de sucre et devises étrangères: un entretien avec M. Michel Hardy, directeur du Syndicat des Sucres | |
Prosi. Volume 28 #332. September. p. 6-9. |
Anonymous (1996) | |
La floriculture mauricienne | |
Prosi. Volume 28 #331. août. p. 48, 51-52. |
Anonymous (1996) | |
La Chambre d'agriculture reçoit le directeur général de la FAO | |
Prosi. Volume 28 #331. août. p. 44-45. |
Anonymous (1996) | |
Budget 1996-97: les réactions du secteur sucrier | |
Prosi. Volume 28 #329. juin. p. 8-9, 25-26. |
Stendevad, E. (1996) | |
The period of grace to 2001 has to be used to prepare for the changes that are coming | |
Prosi. Volume 28 #333. October. p. 6-9. |
Martens, L.; Sobhi, Ibrahim S.A.I.; Hossiny, Mohamed E.M. El- (1995) | |
The economic importance of Egyptian foreign agricultural trade | |
L'Égypte contemporaine. Volume 86 #439-440. p. 5-20. |
Meagher, Kate (1995) | |
Parallel Trade and Powerless Places: Research Traditions and Local Realities in Rural Northern Nigeria | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 20 #2. p. 5-19. |
Juwaheer, H. (1994) | |
Le système agrimonétaire de la CEE | |
Prosi. #303. avril. p. 14-16. |
Kyle, Steven C.; Swinnen, Johan (1994) | |
The Theory of Contested Markets and the Degree of Tradedness of Agricultural Commodities: An Empirical Test in Zaire | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 3 #1. April. p. 93-113. |
Titos, A. (1994) | |
Tete: a alegria vem da terra | |
Tempo. #1219. 1 de maio. p. 6-9. |
Elias, A. (1993) | |
Gaza: o algodao volta aos campos | |
Tempo. #1191. 19 de setembro. p. 22-26. |
Koester, Ulrich (1993) | |
Policies for Promoting Regional Agricultural Trade | |
Food Policy. Volume 18 #4. August. p. 355-365. |
Mubanga N.A.; Matezo B. (1993) | |
Les problèmes d'évacuation des produits agricoles dans la zone d'Idiofa | |
Pistes et recherches. Volume 8 #1. p. 161-174. |
Muir-Leresche, Kay (1993) | |
Liberalization and Regional Agricultural Trade in Southern Africa | |
Food Policy. Volume 18 #4. August. p. 366-374. |
Boodhoo, N. (1992) | |
Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations and its implications for Mauritius | |
Eco (Beau-Bassin, Mauritius). #24. juillet. p. 47-53. |
Dinan, J. (1992) | |
Les pérégrinations d'un grain de sucre | |
Vents & marées. #1. mars. p. 10-14. |
Ramanaiah, K.; Tamele, A. (1992) | |
A comercializaçao da produçao agrícola do sector familiar | |
Extra (Maputo, Mozambique). #11. set.-dez.. p. 26-29. |
Steenwinkel, J. (1986) | |
Control of traders over agriculture | |
In: Perspectives on development in the Sudan. p. 309-338. |
Miette, Roland (1980) | |
Les echanges agricoles et agro-alimentaires de la France avec les pays du Maghreb et du Proche-Orient | |
L'Afrique et l'Asie modernes. #124. p. 49-60. |
Reij, Chris; Meir, Peter-Alex van (1974) | |
Nabeul et sa région: les relations agraires | |
Amsterdam: Groupe d'Études Tunis, Université Libre. Série études régionales. |
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