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Search: su=anthropological films (form)
Found: 46 Record 1-46

DVD / videoYao, Koffi Célestin (2013)
N'dolo: chants, jeux et danses en pays baoulé
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan.

DVD / videoChisale, Claude Boucher (ed.) (2012)
Kasiya Maliro the great mother of Gule Wamkulu: 160 of her children filmed in action
Abstract presentKungoni Production.

DVD / videoGerbaud, Thibault (2012)
Princesses mossi: Africaines de la tradition
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan.

DVD / videoBaptizet, Alain (ed.) (2010)
Afrique secrète
Abstract presentParis: Harmattan.

DVD / videoDe Boe, Gerard; Cauvin, André; Genval, Ernest; Schuylenbergh, Patricia van; Winter, Grace; Gillet, Florence (eds.) (2010)
See this publicationBelgisch Congo belge
Abstract presentBrussel: Cinematek.

DVD / videoKuNgoni, Mua (2010)
Dances of Malawi
Abstract presentBalaka: Montfort Media.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean; Griaule, Marcel; De Heusch, Luc; Dio, François di (eds.) (2010)
See this publicationJean Rouch: une aventure africaine
Abstract presentParis: Éditions Montparnasse.

DVD / videoRoy, Christopher (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationFulani: art and life of a nomadic people
Abstract presentChristopher Roy.

DVD / videoRoy, Christopher D. (ed.) (2007)
Birds of the wilderness: the beauty competition of the Wodaabe people of Niger
Abstract presentChristopher D. Roy.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean; Leboutte, Patrick (eds.) (2005)
Jean Rouch
Abstract presentParis: Editions Montparnasse.

DVD / videoBovin, Mette (ed.) (2002)
Flirt & fertility
Abstract presentCopenhagen: Kort & Dokumentar Filmskolen.

Periodical articleMcCall, John C. (2002)
See this publicationMadness, Money, and Movies: Watching a Nigerian Popular Video with the Guidance of a Native Doctor
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 49 #3. Fall. p. 79-94.

DVD / videoDavid, Nic (ed.) (1999)
See this publicationRegenerating Sukur: male initiation in the Mandara Mountains
Abstract presentCalgary: University of Calgary.

DVD / videoDavid, Nic (ed.) (1995)
See this publicationBlack Hephaistos: exploring culture and science in African iron working
Abstract presentCalgary: University of Calgary.

DVD / videoDavid, Nic (ed.) (1990)
See this publicationVessels of the spirits: pots and people in North Cameroon
Abstract presentCalgary: University of Calgary.

DVD / videoDavid, Nic; Le Bleis, Yves (eds.) (1988)
See this publicationDokwaza: last of the African iron masters
Abstract presentCalgary: University of Calgary.

DVD / videoColleyn, Jean-Paul; Bonmariage, Manu; De Clippel, Catherine (eds.) (1987)
Minyanka funerals: the diary of a dry season
Abstract presentRTBF-ACME.

DVD / videoColleyn, Jean-Paul; Bonmariage, Manu; De Clippel, Catherine (eds.) (1987)
The Tyi-Wara: the diary of a dry season
Abstract presentRTBF-ACME.

DVD / videoCurling, Chris; Pitch, Ian; Faris, Jim (eds.) (1982)
Worlds apart: South-East Nuba
Abstract presentBristol: BBC.

DVD / videoRosellini, Jim (ed.) (1981)
Dance of the Bella
Abstract presentVenice, CA: American Family Films.

DVD / videoSinger, André; Ryle, John (eds.) (1981)
Witchcraft among the Azande
Abstract presentLondon: The Royal Anthropological Institute.

DVD / videoRouveroy van Nieuwaal, E.A.B. van; Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Els van (eds.) (1975)
Muslims in Mango, Arab writing and prayer
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre.

DVD / videoElisofon, Eliot; Blakely, Thomas; Serpel, Francia (eds.) (1974)
African carving: a Dogon Kanaga mask
Abstract presentFilm Study Center, Harvard University.

DVD / videoOlivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre (ed.) (1974)
La vieille et la pluie
Abstract presentMeudon: CNRS.

DVD / videoRouveroy van Nieuwaal, E.A.B. van; Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, Els van (eds.) (1974)
Muslims in Mango, Arab writing and prayer
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean (ed.) (1973)
Abstract presentParis: Comité du film ethnographique.

DVD / videoOlivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre (ed.) (1972)
Sassalé: a propos d'un village
Abstract presentMeudon: CNRS.

DVD / videoEchard, Nicole (ed.) (1971)
Salamou 1969
Abstract presentCNRS.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean (ed.) (1971)
Les 'tambours d'avant' (Tourou et Bitti)
Abstract presentParis: Comité du film ethnographique.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean; Dieterlen, Germaine (eds.) (1969)
'Sigui 1969' (la caverne de Bongo)
Abstract presentParis: Comité du film ethnographique.

DVD / videoEchard, Nicole (ed.) (1967)
Noces de feu - Ader, Niger
Abstract presentArgos Films.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Magic rites, chicken sacrifice
Abstract presentNew York: Julian Bryan and the International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Daily life of the Bozo people
Abstract presentNew York: International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Fishing on the Niger: the Bozo tribe a river people of Mali
Abstract presentNew York: International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Building a boat on the Niger: the Bozo tribe a river people of Mali
Abstract presentNew York: International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Building a house on the Niger: the Bozo tribe a river people of Mali
Abstract presentNew York: International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Cotton growing and spinning
Abstract presentNew York: Julian Bryan and the International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Annual festival of the dead
Abstract presentNew York: Julian Bryan and the International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Onion farming
Abstract presentNew York: Julian Bryan and the International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Hunting wild doves
Abstract presentNew York: Julian Bryan and the International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoSchlenker, Hermann (ed.) (1967)
Magic rites: divination by animal tracks
Abstract presentNew York: Julian Bryan and the International Film Foundation.

DVD / videoDieterlen, Germaine; Rouget, Gilbert; Rouch, Jean (eds.) (1964)
Batteries dogon, éléments pour une étude des rythmes
Abstract present

DVD / videoPiault, Marc (ed.) (1963)
Yan Kassa: les fils de la terre
Abstract presentParis: Comité du film ethnographique.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean; Rosfelder, Roger (eds.) (1951)
Bataille sur le grand fleuve
Abstract presentDakar: Institut Français d'Afrique Noire.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean (ed.) (1951)
Les hommes qui font la pluie, Yenendi
Abstract presentDakar: Institut Français d'Afrique Noire.

DVD / videoRouch, Jean (ed.) (19**)
Le mil - Niger
Abstract presentParis: Comité du film ethnographique.

Search: su=anthropological films (form)
Found: 46 Record 1-46

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