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Search: su=Bantu-speaking peoples
Found: 84 Record 1-84

Periodical articleEhrenreich-Risner, Veronica Nosipho (2018)
See this publicationThe Bantu Authorities System: Removals in Mthunzini District during Apartheid
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 44 #1. p. 115-132.

BookKouyaté Kaba Diakité, Sacké (2016)
Tabbara, la princesse de Bantoura
Paris: L'Harmattan. 98p.

Periodical articleNgima Mawoung, Godefroy (2016)
Bantu and Bakola/Bagyelli of Southwestern Cameroon: a permanent conflictual cohabitation
African Study Monographs. Volume 37 #1. p. 45-54.

BookLukanda lwa Malale (2015)
Les Baluba: histoire, cosmologie et sémiologie d'un peuple bantu
Paris: L'Harmattan. Comptes rendus. 221p.

Periodical articleBitouga, Bernard Aristide (2014)
Projets de développement et réactivation des conflits entre les Pygmées Bakola/Bagyeli et leurs voisins Ngumba et Ewondo
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 84 #2. p. 140-173.

Periodical articleDe Klerk, Pieter (2012)
See this publicationVoor 1652 - vakhistorici se interpretasies van die vroeë Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #65. p. 1-22.

Periodical articleAbé, Claude (2011)
Rapports inégalitaires entre Pygmées et Bantous: discrimination et inégalités scolaires au Sud Cameroun
Abstract presentAutrepart. #59. p. 145-159.

Periodical articleKahlheber, Stefanie; Bostoen, Koen; Neumann, Katharina (2009)
See this publicationEarly plant cultivation in the Central African rain forest: first millennium BC pearl millet from South Cameroon
Abstract presentJournal of African Archaeology. Volume 7 #2. p. 253-272.

Periodical articleSeifert, Marc (2009)
Traditional wisdom and ideas about history in Bantu oral traditions of Namibia and Angola
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 55 #3. p. 307-318.

DVD / videoDeclich, Francesca (ed.) (2008)
A hidden guarantee: identity and Gule wankulu between Mozambique and Somalia
Abstract present

Periodical articleBâ, Cheikh Moctar (2007)
La problématique de la 'fin ultime' dans l'Éthique bantu-rwandaise
Abstract presentRevue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #2. p. 9-15.

BookAltuna, Raul Ruiz de Asúa (2006)
Cultura tradicional Bantu
Luanda: Paulinas. 638p.

Periodical articleYogolelo Tambwe Ya Kasimba (2006)
De 'lignage' à 'maison' ou des concepts en historiographie africaniste de l'Afrique noire
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #173. p. 107-116.

Periodical articleLusala lu ne Nkuka Luka (2005)
De l'origine égyptienne des civilisations négro-africaines: III. Une étude afrocentrique de deux contes d'éloge de l'habileté
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 45 #395. p. 303-312.

Periodical articleMenkhaus, Ken (2003)
Bantu ethnic identity in Somalia
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 19. p. 323-339.

Periodical articleRugemalira, J.M. (2003)
Reduplication and semantic creativity: the intensive in Bantu
Kiswahili. Volume 66. p. 1-12.

Periodical articleEhret, Christopher (2001)
See this publicationBantu Expansions: Re-Envisioning a Central Problem of Early African History
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 34 #1. p. 5-41.

Periodical articleNgima Mawoung, Godefroy (2001)
See this publicationThe relationship between the Bakola and the Bantu peoples of the coastal regions of Cameroon and their perception of commercial forest exploitation
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #26. p. 209-235.

Periodical articleKamanda Kola, Roger (2000)
À propos de la 'bantouisation' culturelle en République démocratique du Congo
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 21. p. 9-18.

Periodical articleRobertson, John H.; Bradley, Rebecca (2000)
See this publicationA New Paradigm: The Early Iron Age without Bantu Migrations
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 27. p. 287-323.

Periodical articleKanyamachumbi P. (1998)
Les conflits 'ethniques' et le mythe 'Bantu' en Afrique interlacustre
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 66 #1-2. janvier-juin. p. 5-60.

Periodical articleUnah, J.I. (1997)
Bantu Ontology and its Implications for African Socio-Economic and Political Institutions
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 9. p. 133-147.

Periodical articleMaret, P. De (1996)
Bantous dites-vous?
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 42 #4. p. 709-718.

Periodical articleMumbanza mwa Bawele (1995)
L'évolution technologique des Bantu: cas des riverains de la région équatoriale du Zaïre
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 16. p. 259-305.

Periodical articleVansina, Jan (1995)
See this publicationNew Linguistic Evidence and 'Bantu Expansion'
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 36 #2. p. 173-195.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994-1995)
See this publicationThe growth of farming and Bantu settlement on the south of the Equator
Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 29-30. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleHuffman, T.N.; Herbert, R.K. (1994-1995)
See this publicationNew Perspectives on Eastern Bantu
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 29-30. p. 27-36.

Periodical articleWhitelaw, Gavin (1994-1995)
See this publicationTowards an Early Iron Age Worldview: Some Ideas from KwaZulu-Natal
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 29-30. p. 37-50.

Periodical articlePhilippson, G.; Bahuchet, S. (1994)
See this publicationCultivated Crops and Bantu Migrations in Central and Eastern Africa: A Linguistic Approach
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 29-30. p. 103-120.

Periodical articleHerbert, R.K.; Huffman, T.N. (1993)
See this publicationA new perspective on Bantu expansion and classification: linguistic and archaeological evidence fifty years after Doke
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 52 #2. p. 53-76.

Periodical articleRuel, Malcolm (1993)
See this publicationPassages and the Person
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 23 #2. May. p. 98-124.

Periodical articleStorm, W. (1993)
Bantoe-filosofie vs. Bantu philosophy
Quest: An International African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 7 #2. December. p. 67-75.

Periodical articleOslisly, R.; Peyrot, B. (1992)
See this publicationL'arrivée des premiers métallurgistes sur l'Ogooué, Gabon
Abstract presentAfrican Archaeological Review. Volume 10. p. 129-138.

Periodical articleBurssens N. (1991)
Noms des jumeaux dans la région de Bandundu
Annales aequatoria. Volume 12. p. 480-485.

Periodical articleKamwiziku Wozol A. (1991)
Interhumanité et idéologie de la compétence dans la culture soonde
Revue philosophique de Kinshasa. Volume 5 #7-8. janvier-décembre. p. 135-144.

Periodical articleKnappert, Jan (1991)
Language and history in Africa
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 12. p. 79-109.

Periodical articleNsanzabiga, E. (1991)
La philosophie Bantu du temps doit être reécrite
Uburezi, Ubuhanga n'Umuco. #25. janv.-mars. p. 63-74.

Periodical articleVan der Walt, J.L. (1991)
Die oorsprongsgeskiedenis van die Bantoetaalsprekende mense van Suider-Afrika en die opvoedkundige betekenis daarvan
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 31 #3. p. 232-247.

Periodical articleDenbow, James (1990)
See this publicationCongo to Kalahari: Data and Hypotheses about the Political Economy of the Western Stream of the Early Iron Age
Abstract presentAfrican Archaeological Review. Volume 8. p. 139-175.

Periodical articleKagame, A.A. (1989)
The problem of 'man' in Bantu philosophy
Abstract presentThe African Mind: A Journal of Religion and Philosophy in Africa. Volume 1 #1. p. 35-40.

Periodical articleMugaruka B.; Muhindo M. (1989)
Le droit de succession des Bantu du Kivu Oriental é la lumiére du Code Zairois de la famille
Likundoli. Enquête d'histoire zaïroise. Volume 9 #1. p. 201-210.

Periodical articleVansina, Jan (1989)
See this publicationDeep-Down Time: Political Tradition in Central Africa
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 16. p. 341-362.

Periodical articleFlight, Colin (1988)
See this publicationThe Bantu Expansion and the SOAS Network
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 15. p. 261-301.

Periodical articleAndah, Bassey W. (1987)
Agricultural beginnings and early farming communities in West and Central Africa
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 17. p. 171-204.

Periodical articleKnappert, Jan (1987)
Songs of the Bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #6. p. 195-207.

Periodical articleMubumbila, Mfika; Nsenda, Ilunga; Mwanza, Chabunda (1987)
Les fondements d'une physique bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #6. p. 79-98.

Periodical articleObenga, T. (1987)
Notes sur les connaissances astronomiques bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #6. p. 63-78.

Periodical articleOlo Mibuy, Anacleto (1987)
La vision especifica del mundo de los bantu: como código de comportamientos que condiciona su evolución en el tiempo y en el espacio
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #6. p. 209-216.

Periodical articleRwagaju, Rulinda; Ngiefu, Kabele (1987)
La chimie dans les civilisations bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #6. p. 99-104.

Periodical articleSouindoula, Simão (1987)
A poligenia dos povos de linguas bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #7. p. 169-177.

Periodical articleEno Belinga, S.M. (1986)
Civilisation du fer et tradition orale bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #4-5. p. 11-46.

Periodical articleMacedo, Jorge (1986)
Caracteristicas da musica bantu de angola
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #4-5. p. 223-241.

Periodical articleBatalha, M.M. (1985)
Medecina e farmacopeia tradicionais bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #3. p. 69-84.

Periodical articleDufeil, M.-M. (1985)
La ville bantu dans l'histoire urbaine de l'afrique
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #2. p. 121-140.

Periodical articleIlunga M. (1985)
Bumuntu: concept fondamental dans la personnalité bantu et dans la Jamaa de R.P. Placide Tempels
Problèmes sociaux zaïrois. #130-131. 3e et 4e trimestres. p. 23-52.

Periodical articlePhillipson, D.W. (1985)
An archaeological reconsideration of Bantu expansion
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #2. p. 69-84.

Periodical articleSouindoula, Simão (1985)
Migraçoes, fusoes e fundamentos historicos antigos dos povos bantu ocidentais
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #2. p. 112-120.

Periodical articleAbranches, Henrique (1984)
Historia das instituiçoes: os diferentes tipos de comunidades etnicas
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #1. p. 99-118.

Periodical articleHeine, Bernd (1984)
The dispersal of the Bantu peoples in the light of linguistic evidence
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #1. p. 21-35.

Periodical articleMaret, Pierre de (1984)
L'archeologie en zone Bantu jusqu'en 1984
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #1. p. 37-60.

Periodical articleObenga, Théophile (1984)
Caracteristiques de l'esthetique Bantu
Abstract presentMuntu: revue scientifique et culturelle du CICIBA. #1. p. 61-97.

Periodical articleVansina, Jan (1984)
See this publicationWestern Bantu Expansion
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 25 #2. p. 129-145.

Periodical articleAndah, Bassey W. (1983)
The Bantu 'homeland' project: ethnoarchaeological investigations in parts of the Benue Valley region
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 13. p. 23-60.

Periodical articleAndah, Bassey W. (1983)
The Bantu phenomenon: some unanswered questions of ethnolinguisties and ethnoarchaeology
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 13. p. 1-21.

Periodical articleBennett, Patrick R. (1983)
See this publicationPatterns in Linguistic Geography and the Bantu Origins Controversy
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 10. p. 35-51.

Periodical articleChigwedere, A.S. (1983)
Bantu ethnic structure: the southern frontier
Abstract presentHeritage. #3. p. 33-40.

Periodical articleMasolo, D.A. (1983)
See this publicationAlexis Kagame (1912-1981) and 'la philosophie bantu-rwandaise de l'être'
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 38 #3. p. 449-454.

Periodical articleRopivia, M. (1983)
Migrations Bantu et tradition orale des Fang (le Mvett): interprétation critique
Abstract presentLe mois en Afrique: revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 18 #211-212. p. 121-132.

Book chapterEhret, C. (1982)
Linguistic inferences about early Bantu history
Abstract presentIn: The archaeological and linguistic reconstruction of African history. p. 57-65.

Book chapterNurse, D. (1982)
Bantu expansion into East Africa: linguistic evidence
Abstract presentIn: The archaeological and linguistic reconstruction of African history. p. 199-222.

Book chapterSoper, R. (1982)
Bantu expansion into Eastern Africa: archaeological evidence
Abstract presentIn: The archaeological and linguistic reconstruction of African history. p. 223-238.

Periodical articleFlight, Colin (1980)
See this publicationMalcolm Guthrie and the Reconstruction of Bantu Prehistory
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 7. p. 81-118.

Periodical articleMaggs, Tim (1980)
See this publicationThe Iron Age Sequence South of the Vaal and Pongola Rivers: Some Historical Implications
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 21 #1. p. 1-15.

Periodical articleGowlett, D.F. (1979)
See this publicationA structural typology for Bantu riddles
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 38 #1. p. 47-65.

Periodical articleVansina, Jan (1979)
See this publicationBantu in the Crystal Ball: I
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 6. p. 287-333.

Periodical articleKuper, Adam; Van Leynseele, Pierre (1978)
See this publicationSocial Anthropology and the 'Bantu Expansion'
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 78 #310. p. 335-352.

Periodical articleGowlett, D.F. (1975)
See this publicationCommon Bantu riddles
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 34 #2. p. 79-145.

Periodical articlePhillipson, David W. (1975)
See this publicationThe Chronology of the Iron Age in Bantu Africa
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 16 #3. p. 321-342.

Periodical articleGreenberg, J.H. (1972)
See this publicationLinguistic evidence regarding Bantu origins
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 13 #2. p. 189-216.

Periodical articleHiernaux, J. (1968)
See this publicationBantu expansion: the evidence from physical anthropology confronted with linguistic and archaeological evidence
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 9 #4. p. 505-515.

Periodical articleMunro, J. Forbes (1967)
See this publicationMigrations of the Bantu-Speaking Peoples of the Eastern Kenya Highlands: A Reappraisal
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 8 #1. p. 25-28.

Periodical articleOliver, Roland (1966)
See this publicationThe Problem of Bantu Expansion
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 7 #3. p. 361-376.

Periodical articleWaelvelde, J. van (1966)
Signification anthropologique de la liberté bantoue
Abstract presentProblèmes sociaux congolais. #74. p. 3-50.

Periodical articlePrins, A.H.J. (1960)
The Somaliland Bantu
Abstract presentBulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research. #3. p. 28-31.

Search: su=Bantu-speaking peoples
Found: 84 Record 1-84

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