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Search: su=cash crops
Found: 125 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleGormo, Jean; Pahimi, Patrice (2011)
Cultures de rente et mutations politiques dans les sociétés toupouri et massa du Nord-Cameroun (1920-2010)
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #16. p. 133-146.

BookGebissa, Ezekiel (ed.) (2010)
Taking the place of food: khat in Ethiopia
Abstract presentTrenton, NJ: The Red Sea Press. 239p.

Periodical articleGodfrey, Asiimwe B. (2010)
See this publicationHousehold gender and resource relations: women in the marketing arena of income generating crops in Uganda
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 26 #2. June. p. 1-30.

Periodical articleAdeyemo, Oyenike; Wise, Russell (2009)
Bio-fuels and food security: a case study of South Africa
Africa Insight. Volume 39 #3. p. 94-107.

Periodical articleBiénabe, Estelle; Leclercq, Maya; Moity-Maïzi, Pascale (2009)
Le rooibos d'Afrique du Sud: comment la biodiversité s'invite dans la construction d'une indication géographique
Abstract presentAutrepart. #50. p. 117-134.

Periodical articleDebela, Adane Tuffa (2009)
See this publicationImpact of perennial cash cropping on food crop production and productivity
Ethiopian Journal of Economics. Volume 18 #1. April. p. 1-34.

Periodical articleDelpierre, Matthieu (2009)
See this publicationFarm input use in a context of liquidity constraints and contract unenforceability
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 18 #3. p. 496-528.

Dissertation / thesisBenfica, Rui M.S. (2008)
An analysis of income poverty effects in cash cropping economies in rural Mozambique: blending econometric and economy-wide models
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 219p.

Periodical issueKatendi, François; Patriat, Lucas; Kouassi, Parfait (eds.) (2008)
Investir en Côte d'Ivoire
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. #2. 74p.

BookNgailo, Jerry A.; Kaswamila, Abiud L.; Senkoro, Catherine J. (2007)
Rice production in the Maswa district, Tanzania and its contribution to poverty alleviation
Dar es Salaam: REPOA. REPOA research report #7. 48p.

Periodical articleSorre, B.M.; Akong'a, J.J. (2007)
Cash crop production in the realization of millennium development goals: the case of sugarcane production, household food security and nutritional status in Busia District, Kenya
Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya). Volume 2 #2. p. 229-242.

Periodical articleDubois, Anaïs (2006)
Dossier OGM
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 60 #3168. p. 5-9.

BookBotha, Lindie (ed.) (2005)
Can we get them there? A case of commercializing arable farming at Rust de Winter farms of Limpopo Province, South Africa
Wageningen: International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA). Working document series #124. 93p.

Periodical articleEdriss, A. (2005)
Gender differential in groundnut productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Lilongwe and Salima adds in central Malawi
Bunda Journal of Agriculture, Environmental Science and Technology. Volume 3 #1. October. p. 29-37.

BookMagnagna Nguema, Viviane (2005)
L'agriculture du Gabon: entre décolonisation et ajustements structurels, (1960-2000)
Paris: Éditions Karthala. Économie et développement. 304p.

Periodical articleMangison, J.H. (2005)
An economic analysis of the value of agricultural trade preferences to Malawi: a case study of the tobacco, tea and sugar industries
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 797-801.

Periodical articleCazenave-Piarrot, Alain (2004)
Burundi: une agriculture à l'épreuve de la guerre civile
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 57 #226-227. p. 313-338.

Periodical articleHovorka, A.J. (2004)
Commercial urban agriculture in Greater Gaborone: form and function, challenges and prospects
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #2. p. 80-94.

Periodical articleSserwadda, G. (2004)
Aloe vera: another green gold
6th of February. Volume 17 #3. March. p. 24-25.

Dissertation / thesisAllen, William Ezra (2003)
Sugar and coffee: a history of settler agriculture in nineteenth-century Liberia
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 223p.

Dissertation / thesisKorieh, Chima J. (2003)
The state and the peasantry: agricultural policy, agricultural crisis and sustainability in the Igbo region of southeastern Nigeria, 1900-1995
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 362p.

Periodical articleLegwaila, G.M.; Balole, T.V.; Karikari, S.K. (2003)
See this publicationReview of sweet sorghum: a potential cash and forage crop in Botswana
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 12. p. 5-14.

Periodical articleMokwena, K.; Chimbombi, E.M.; Monkhei, M. (2003)
See this publicationProspects for adding value to maize and sorghum
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 11. p. 48-55.

Periodical articleCollier, Paul (2002)
See this publicationThe Future of Perennial Crops
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 14 #2. December. p. 237-250.

Dissertation / thesisDiallo, Boubacar (2002)
Agricultural supply response for export crops: effects of world price and exchange rate in Niger
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 174p.

Dissertation / thesisStessens, Johan (2002)
Analyse technique et économique des systèmes de production agricole au nord de la Côte d'Ivoire
Leuven: Departement Agrotechniek en -Economie, Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Dissertationes de agricultura #530. 286p.

Conference paperAgbo, B.P. (ed.) (2001)
Recherche agricole pour le développement: actes de l'atelier scientifique 1: Niaouli 11-12 janvier 2001
Cotonou: INRAB. 497p.

Periodical articleCarr, S.J. (2001)
See this publicationChanges in African smallholder agriculture in the twentieth century and the challenges of the twenty-first
African Crop Science Journal. Volume 9 #1. March. p. 331-338.

Periodical articleMaxon, Robert M. (2001)
See this publicationWhere Did the Trees Go? The Wattle Bark Industry in Western Kenya, 1932-1950
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 34 #3. p. 565-584.

Dissertation / thesisMustafa, Hamad El-Nil Gadain (2001)
Aspects of Sudanese trade 1960-1999
Boston Spa: The British Library, British Thesis Service.

BookRaemaekers, Romain H. (ed.) (2001)
Crop production in tropical Africa
Brussels: Directorate General for International Co-operation (DGIC), External Trade and International Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1540p.

Periodical articleBohra, N.K. (2000)
Non-traditional cash crops of Rajasthan
Agroforestry Today. Volume 12 #1. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleChâtel, Bénédicte (2000)
Produits d'Afrique
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 55 #2850. p. 1147-1223.

Periodical articleEkomó Engolo, Camille; Mengué Mengué, Joseph; Ndjetcheu, Louis (2000)
Les problèmes actuels du monde rural dans le sillage de la mondialisation
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #55. p. 29-46.

Periodical articleIlorah, R. (2000)
See this publicationExplaining de-agriculturalisation in Nigeria: theory and evidence
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 68 #2. p. 307-323.

Periodical articleMuchai, E. (2000)
The pesticide Kenya forgot - then remembered
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). June-July. p. 15-17.

Periodical articleN'Bessa, Benoît (1999)
Les exploitations agricoles des citadins en milieu rural: l'exemple béninois
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 52 #207. p. 275-292.

BookDorward, A.; Kydd, J.; Poulton, C. (eds.) (1998)
Smallholder cash crop production under market liberalisation: a new institutional economics perspective
Abstract presentWallingford: CAB International. 280p.

Periodical articleGarba, Abdul-Ganiyu; Kwanashie, Mike; Ajilima, Isaac (1998)
Price and non-price output response of crops, subsectoral aggregates and commodity exports
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 40 #2. p. 241-270.

Periodical articleKavoi, M.M.; Mbogoh, S.G. (1998)
See this publicationEconomic analysis of production relationships among cash and food crops: the case of maize, sunflower and cotton production in Machakos District, Kenya
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 10 #3-4. December. p. 144-150.

Periodical articleKhonga, E.B. (1998)
Oyster mushrooms (pleurotus spp.): a potential cash crop in Malawi
Tizame. #6. November. p. 17-21.

Periodical articlePonte, Stefano (1998)
See this publicationFast Crops, Fast Cash: Market Liberalization and Rural Livelihoods in Songea and Monogoro Districts, Tanzania
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 32 #2. p. 316-348.

Periodical articleJacquet, Laurent; Boisriveau, Judith; Giraudo, Gérard (1997)
Spécial produits tropicaux 1996-1997
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 52 #2690. p. 1141-1210.

Periodical articleJanin, Pierre (1996)
Un planteur sans État peut-il encore être un planteur?
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #62. p. 45-56.

Periodical articleBraun, Joachim von (1995)
See this publicationAgricultural commercialization: impacts on income and nutrition and implications for policy
Abstract presentFood Policy. Volume 20 #3. p. 187-202.

Periodical articleJacquet, Laurent; Châtel, Bénédicte; Devey, Muriel (1995)
Spécial produits tropicaux 1994-1995
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 50 #2591. p. 1431-1484.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Spécial produits tropicaux 1993-1994
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 50 #2539. p. 1423-1470.

Periodical articleFall, Serigne Modou (1994)
See this publicationCultures industrielles et développement régional: le cas de la région de Saint-Louis
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 19 #2. p. 97-125.

Periodical articleGervais, Raymond (1994)
See this publicationLa politique cotonnière de la France dans le Mosi colonial (Haute-Volta) (1919-1940)
Abstract presentRevue française d'histoire d'outre-mer. Volume 81 #302. p. 27-54.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Produits tropicaux 1992-1993
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 49 #2487. p. 1735-1780.

BookHoutkamp, John A.; Laan, H. Laurens van der (1993)
See this publicationCommodity auctions in tropical Africa: a survey of the African tea, tobacco and coffee auctions
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. Research reports #54. 93p.

Periodical articleKouassi, René (1993)
See this publicationLa répartition des moyens d'incitation à la production entre cultures d'exportation et cultures vivrières en Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 18 #1. p. 67-85.

Periodical articleRakotovao Ramasiarivelo, Z.R. (1993)
Utilisation d'une hormone régulatrice de croissance et de fructification chez l'anacardier
Akon'ny Ala. #10. mars. p. 12-16.

Periodical articleDarkoh, Michael B.K.; Ould-Mey, Mohamed (1992)
See this publicationCash Crops versus Food Crops in Africa: A Conflict between Dependency and Autonomy
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 21. p. 36-50.

Periodical articleJacquet, L.; Toure, A.B.; Desrosiers, K. (1992)
Produits tropicaux 1991-1992
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 48 #2434. p. 1689-1733.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Produits tropicaux 1990-1991
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 47 #2381. p. 1619-1660.

Periodical articleNjoku, Jude E.; Ofiabulu, Emmanuel C. (1991)
The effect of the structural adjustment program on the output, prices and exports of major agricultural export crops in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. Volume 3 #4. p. 69-84.

Book chapterOesterdiekhoff, P. (1991)
Agricultural marketing and pricing: a synopsis of current problems
Abstract presentIn: The Agriculture of the Sudan. p. 365-394.

Periodical articlePatnaik, Ila (1991)
Export Crop Production and the Food Crisis in Egypt
Abstract presentInd-Africana: Collected Research Papers on Africa. Volume 4 #1. April. p. 65-75.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1990)
Produits tropicaux 1989-1990
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 46 #2329. p. 1849-1891.

Periodical articleNindi, Benson (1990)
See this publicationEvolution of Agricultural Marketing Institutions and the Public versus Private Debate in Tanzania
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 19. p. 117-138.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1989)
Produits tropicaux 1988-1989
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 45 #2276. p. 1753-1870.

Periodical articleLaan, H.L. van der (1989)
Export crop marketing in tropical Africa: what role for private enterprise?
Abstract presentJournal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. Volume 1 #1. p. 41-62.

Periodical articleMshomba, Richard E. (1989)
Price Elasticity of Supply of Tanzania's Major Export Crops
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 5 #1. June. p. 9-23.

BookNiemeyer, Rudo; Hoorweg, Jan (1989)
Commercialisation and household nutrition: rice growers in West Kenya
Leiden: African Studies Centre.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1988)
Produits tropicaux 1987-1988
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 44 #2217. p. 1093-1172.

Periodical articleBassett, Thomas J. (1988)
See this publicationDevelopment Theory and Reality: The World Bank in Northern Ivory Coast
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 15 #41. p. 45-59.

Book chapterLewis, Barbara C. (1988)
Government Action, Government Inaction, and Food Production: Central Province, Cameroon
Abstract presentIn: Coping with Africa's Food Crisis. p. 55-74.

Periodical articleDelaporte, Guy (1987)
Produits tropicaux 1986/87
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. #2164. p. 1009-1081.

Book chapterFitzgerald, Peter (1987)
Markets, commodity production and indigenous farmers in colonial Algeria
Abstract presentIn: The State and the Market: studies in the economic and social history of the Third World. p. 47-65.

Book chapterAhmed, Mustafa Babiker (1986)
The development of peasant commodity production in Dar Hamar: incorporation with immiseration
Abstract presentIn: Perspectives on development in the Sudan. p. 373-400.

Periodical articleVaughan, Megan (1985)
See this publicationHousehold Units and Historical Process in Southern Malawi
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 12 #34. December. p. 35-45.

Periodical articleBako, Haman (1984)
Cameroun: l'exode rurale: manifestations et signification de classe de l'exode rurale dans l'Afrique actuelle
Abstract presentJournal of African Marxists. #5. p. 51-76.

Periodical articleClere, J. (1984)
Produits tropicaux et mediterraneens 1983-84
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 40 #2013. p. 1405-1495.

Periodical articleSutton, Inez (1983)
See this publicationLabour in Commercial Agriculture in Ghana in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 24 #4. p. 461-483.

Periodical articleClere, Jacques (1982)
Produits tropicaux et mediterraneens
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 38 #1893. p. 425-534.

BookHart, Keith (1982)
The political economy of West African agriculture
Abstract presentCambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cambridge studies in social anthropology #43. 226p.

Periodical articleHogendorn, Jan S.; Gemery, Henry A. (1982)
See this publicationCash Cropping, Currency Acquisition and Seigniorage in West Africa, 1923-1950
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 11. p. 15-27.

Periodical articleMuir, K.A. (1982)
See this publicationThe employment effects of 1980 price and wage policy in the Zimbabwe maize and tobacco industries
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 81 #322. p. 71-85.

Periodical articleClarke, Julian (1981)
See this publicationHouseholds and the Political Economy of Small-Scale Cash Crop Production in South-Western Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 51 #4. p. 807-823.

Periodical articleCondé, S. (1981)
Agriculture d'exportation et agriculture vivrière dans le développement économique de la Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentAnnales de l'Université d'Abidjan, Série K: Sciences Économiques. Volume 4. p. 5-17.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1980)
Produits tropicaux et mediterraneens
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 36 #1805. p. 1357-1478.

Periodical articleBryceson, Deborah F. (1980)
See this publicationChanges in Peasant Food Production and Food Supply in Relation to the Historical Development of Commodity Production in Pre-Colonial and Colonial Tanganyika
Abstract presentThe Journal of Peasant Studies. Volume 7 #3. April. p. 281-311.

Periodical articleGuyer, Jane I. (1980)
See this publicationHead Tax, Social Structure and Rural Incomes in Cameroun, 1922-1937
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 20 #79. p. 305-329.

Periodical articleSemiti, G.A. (1980)
Cash crops versus food crops and their comparative effects on the human environment
Abstract presentVierteljahresberichte Probleme der Entwicklungsländer. #79. p. 93-101.

Periodical articleTosh, John (1980)
See this publicationThe Cash-Crop Revolution in Tropical Africa: An Agricultural Reappraisal
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 79 #314. January. p. 79-94.

BookOesterdiekhoff, P. (1979)
Interne Vermarktungsbedingungen und Verteilung der Aussenhandelseinkommen
Abstract presentBremen: Universität Bremen. 112p.

Periodical articleSmith, Sheila (1979)
See this publicationColonialism in Economic Theory: The Experience of Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Development Studies. Volume 15 #3. April. p. 38-59.

Book chapterAkinbode, Ade (1978)
Export crop production
Abstract presentIn: A Geography of Nigerian Development. p. 226-239.

Periodical articleBoutrais, J. (1978)
Competition fonciere et developpement au nord du Cameroun: la plaine de Mora
Abstract presentCahiers de l'ONAREST. Volume 1 #2. p. 53-90.

Periodical articleIvy, P. (1978)
See this publicationThe Dryland Cash Crop Production Potential of Natural Region II
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 6 #2. p. 147-160.

Periodical articlePéhaut, Yves (1978)
L'évolution des structures de commercialisation des produits agricoles en Afrique noire
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 31 #124. p. 313-324.

Periodical articleScott, Earl P. (1978)
See this publicationSubsistence, Markets, and Rural Development in Hausaland
Abstract presentJournal of Developing Areas. Volume 12 #4. July. p. 449-469.

Periodical articleTosh, John (1978)
See this publicationLango Agriculture during the Early Colonial Period: Land and Labour in a Cash-Crop Economy
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 19 #3. p. 415-439.

Periodical articleBouzidi, A. (1977)
Productivité du travail dans l'agriculture algerienne et problèmes de la commercialisation des produits agricoles
Abstract presentRevue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 14 #4. p. 502-539.

Periodical articleCoulson, Andrew C. (1977)
Crop Priorities for the Lowlands of Tanga Region
Abstract presentTanzania Notes and Records. Volume 81 and 82. p. 43-54.

Periodical articleDerman, P.J. (1977)
Cash Crops in Swaziland: An Anthropological Perspective
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of African Affairs. Volume 7 #2. p. 115-119.

Periodical articleMlambiti, M.E. (1977)
Structural Patterns in Produce Marketing at Morogoro
Abstract presentTanzania Notes and Records. Volume 81 and 82. p. 79-98.

BookBeshai, Adel Amin (1976)
Export performance & economic development in Sudan, 1900-1967
Abstract presentLondon: Ithaca Press for the Middle East Centre, St Anthony's College.

Periodical articleBowles, B.D. (1976)
See this publicationExport crops and underdevelopment in Tanganyika 1929-61
Abstract presentUtafiti. Volume 1 #1. p. 71-85.

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