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Search: su=Christian theology
Found: 80 Record 1-80

BookAzetsop, Jacquineau (ed.) (2016)
HIV and AIDS in Africa: Christian reflection, public health, social transformation
Abstract presentMaryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. 424p.

Periodical articleKüster, Volker (2016)
See this publicationFrom contextualization to glocalization: intercultural theology and postcolonial critique
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 45 #3. p. 203-226.

BookMlenga, Moses (2016)
Polygamy in northern Malawi: a Christian reassessment
Mzuzu: Mzuni Press. Mzuni books #20. 223p.

BookOkolo, Johnpaul Chukwudi (ed.) (2016)
Prognostic analysis on theology, education, ethics and development (TEED): festschrift in honour of Rev. Msgr. Prof. Dr. Obiora Ike
Abstract presentEnugu: CIDJAP Press. 300p.

BookHeaney, Robert Stewart (2015)
From historical to critical post-colonial theology: the contribution of John S. Mbiti and Jesse N. K. Mugambi
Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications. African Christian studies series #9. 262p.

Periodical articleVähäkangas, Mika (2015)
See this publicationThe prosperity gospel in the African diaspora: unethical theology or gospel in context?
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 44 #4. p. 353-380.

BookAtiemo, Abamfo Ofori; Golo, Ben-Willie K.; Boakye, Lawrence K. (eds.) (2014)
Unpacking the sense of the sacred: a reader in the study of religions
Abstract presentOxfordshire, UK: Ayebia Clarke Publishing Limited. University of Ghana readers, Arts & humanities series #7. 203p.

BookCibalabala, Mutshipayi Kalombo (ed.) (2014)
Le drame de l'intellectuel tiraillé entre discours occidental et discours africain: mélanges offerts au professeur Georges Ngal à l'occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 257p.

Periodical articleGatwa, Tharcisse (2014)
See this publicationGod in the public domain: life giver, protector or indifferent sleeper during the Rwandan tragedies?
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 43 #4. p. 313-338.

Periodical articleHunter, Jannie (2014)
Postcolonial biblical interpretation: a futile exercise?
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 3 #1. p. 118-125.

BookMoerschbacher, Marco; Ngongala Maduku, Ignace (eds.) (2014)
Culture et foi dans la théologie africaine: le dynamisme de l'Église catholique au Congo Kinshasa: en mémoire de Ludwig Bertsch, s.j. (1929-2006)
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Chrétiens en liberté, Questions disputées. 212p.

BookOsuigwe, Nkem Emerald (2014)
Christian churches and Nigeria's political economy of oil and conflict: baptist and pentecostal perspectives
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 250p.

Periodical articleSchliesser, Christine (2014)
See this publicationOn a long neglected player: the religious factor in poverty alleviation: the example of the so-called 'Prosperity Gospel' in Africa
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 43 #4. p. 339-359.

Periodical articleEndeg Mihretie, Kindeneh (2013)
See this publication'The Eighteen Million Täwahedo Victims of Martyr-Saint Adyam Sägäd Iyasu': towards a better understanding of Lasta-Tegray defiance of the royal centre of Gondärine Ethiopia (1630s-1760s)
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 16. p. 45-73.

BookO'Byrne, Declan; Churu, Beatrice; Soko, Jeketule (eds.) (2013)
Proclaiming the good news in joyful service and hope: the Catholic University in the 21st century celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Tangaza University College
Abstract presentNairobi: Paulines. Tangaza occasional paper #24. 189p.

BookOrobator, Agbonkhianmeghe E. (ed.) (2013)
Practising reconciliation, doing justice, building peace: conversations on Catholic theological ethics in Africa
Nairobi: Paulines Publications of Africa. 135p.

BookQuayesi-Amakye, Joseph (2013)
Christology and evil in Ghana: towards a pentecostal public theology
Amsterdam: Rodopi. Currents of encounter 49. 363p.

Periodical articleAppiah, Simon Kofi (2012)
See this publicationThe challenge of a theologically fruitful method for studying African Christian ethics: the role of the human sciences
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 41 #3. p. 254-278.

BookHuman, Dirk J.; Veldsman, Danie (eds.) (2012)
Oor jou afdrukke: met waardering vir Cas Vos se teologies - poetiese bydrae
Abstract presentPretoria: Universiteit van Pretoria. 257p.

BookLaryea, Philip T. (2012)
Ephraim Amu: nationalist, poet and theologian (1899-1995)
Akropong-Akuapem, Ghana: Regnum Africa, Regnum Africa Publications. 425p.

Periodical articleMbuagbo, Oben Timothy (2011)
See this publicationBreaking the foreign pot: mainline churches and the burden of democratization in Cameroon
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 11. p. 75-92.

BookUdoye, Edwin Anaegboka (2011)
Resolving the prevailing conflicts between Christianity and African (Igbo) traditional religion through inculturation
Berlin: Lit. Beiträge zur Missionswissenschaft und Religionsgeschichte #26. 409p.

Periodical (2010)
Akwaba: revue semestrielle de théologie et de culture
Abidjan: CERAP.

Periodical articleArena, Domenico; Mupaya Kapiten, Didier (2010)
La communion missionnaire dans la perspective oecuménique: contribution de l'Institut Africain des Sciences de la Mission à la conférence missionnaire d'Edinburg 2010
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 15 #29. p. 9-53.

Dissertation / thesisMafikiri, Severian Alex (2010)
Christ as the 'Mangi': ideal king of Christian transformation for a deeper evangelisation: a Christology from the Chagga perspective
Nairobi: CUEA Press. 247p.

Periodical articleMupaya Kapiten, Didier (2010)
Rite: participation: salut: comment les hybridismes favorisent la convivialité interculturelle
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 15 #29. p. 55-80.

Periodical articleMuzumanga-Ma-Mumbimbi, Flavien (2010)
Trinité et recherche terminologique en Afrique Centrale: ébauche d'histoire pour un catéchisme catholique inculturé (suite)
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 15 #29. p. 81-117.

BookChitando, Ezra (2009)
See this publicationTroubled but not destroyed: African Theology in dialogue with HIV and AIDS
Geneva: WCC Publications. EHAIA series. 184p.

Periodical articleHarries, Jim (2009)
See this publication'The name of God in Africa' and related contemporary theological, development and linguistic concerns
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 38 #3. p. 271-291.

BookIgo, Robert (ed.) (2009)
See this publicationA window into hope: an invitation to faith in the context of HIV/AIDS
Geneva: WCC. EHAIA series. 251p.

Conference paperCatholic Church. Conférence épiscopale du Rwanda. Commission pour la doctrine de la foi (2008)
La Bible dans la vie chrétienne au Rwanda: actes du colloque interdiocésain tenu à Kabgayi du 17 au 20 septembre 2007
Abstract presentKigali: Éditions du Secrétariat général de la C.EP.R.. 211p.

Periodical articleFrederiks, Martha T. (2008)
See this publicationHIV and Aids: mapping theological responses in Africa
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 37 #1. p. 4-22.

Periodical articleGanusah, Rebecca (2008)
Informed choices on marriage, childlessness and reproductive technologies: an African Christian theological and ethical reflection
Abstract presentThe Ghana Bulletin of Theology. Volume 3. December. p. 9-41.

Periodical articleHale, Frederick (2008)
A Ugandan critique of Western caricatures of African spirituality: Okot p'Bitek in historical context
Abstract presentJournal for the Study of Religion. Volume 21 #2. p. 19-31.

Periodical articleHenry, Christine (2008)
Le sorcier, le visionnaire et la guerre des Églises au Sud-Bénin
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 48 #189-190. p. 101-130.

Periodical articleLandman, Christina (2008)
See this publicationA theology for the older, female Hiv-infected body
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 37 #1. p. 52-67.

BookOtieno, Nicholas (ed.) (2008)
Africa, step forth in faith: sub-themes in the theological imperatives of the AACC's Ninth General Assembly
Abstract presentNairobi: All Africa Conference of Churches. 280p.

Conference paperHolter, Knut (ed.) (2007)
Interpreting classical religious texts in contemporary Africa
Abstract presentKenya: Acton Publishers. 219p.

Dissertation / thesisPauw, Jacobus Christoff (2007)
See this publicationAnti-apartheid theology in the Dutch Reformed family of churches: a depth-hermeneutical analysis

Periodical articleFolarin, George O. (2006)
Prosperity gospel in Nigeria: a re-examination of the concept, impact, and evaluation
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Biblical Studies. Volume 23 #2. p. 79-97.

Dissertation / thesisKlinken, Adriaan Sander van (2006)
Theologising life, even in the face of death: a study on the reflections of three African women theologians, namely B. Haddad, I.A. Phiri and F.L. Moyo, on HIV/AIDS and gender and its relationship

BookMensah, #Rev.#J.F.K.; Mensah, Georgina (2006)
Why should anyone hear the gospel twice when others have not heard it once
Accra: Great Commission Church International. 68p.

BookOwusu-Ansah, #Rev.#Kwame; Owusu-Ansah, Beatrice (2006)
Did Jesus ever marry Marry Magdalene: read and find out the truth for yourself
Kumasi: Great Expectations Ministries Int. 132p.

Periodical articleBjerk, Paul (2005)
See this publication'Building a New Eden': Lutheran Church Youth Choir Performance in Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 35 #3. p. 324-361.

Periodical articleChitando, Anna; Chitando, Ezra (2005)
See this publicationWeaving Sisterhood: Women African Theologians and Creative Writers
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 34 #1. p. 22-38.

Periodical articleFatokun, Samson Adetunji (2005)
The concept of salvation in the Old Testament dispensation and in African Indigenous Churches
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Biblical Studies. Volume 22 #2. p. 15-31.

Periodical articleMartey, Emmanuel (2005)
Spiritual challenges of widowhood symbolism in African religio-cultural setting: a Christian theological perspective
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 37 #1-2. p. 129-149.

Periodical articleAnthony (III), David Henry (2004)
See this publicationMax Yergan Encounters South Africa: Theological Perspectives on Race
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 34 #3. p. 235-265.

Conference paperHock, Klaus (ed.) (2004)
The interface between research and dialogue: Christian-Muslim relations in Africa: adjunct proceedings of the XVIIIth Quinquennial Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (5-11 August 2000, Durban/South Africa)
Abstract presentMünster: Lit. Christentum und Islam im Dialog #4. 176p.

Periodical articleWillms, Dennis G.; Arratia, Maria-Ines; Makondesa, Patrick (2004)
See this publicationMalawi faith communities responding to HIV/AIDS: preliminary findings of a knowledge translation and participatory-action research (PAR) project
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 3 #1. p. 23-32.

Periodical articleKaplan, Steven (2003)
The social and religious functions of the Eucharist in medieval Ethiopia
Abstract presentAnnales d'Éthiopie. Volume 19. p. 7-18.

Periodical articleLoubser, J.A. (Bobby) (2003)
Kringdans: die heilige Drie-eenheid as grond vir eenheid én verskeidenheid
Tydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 43 #3-4. p. 149-163.

BookNkulu-N'Sengha, Mutombo (2003)
Foundations for an African philosophy and theology of human rights: rethinking the human condition in post-colonial Central Africa (1965-1997)
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services.

Periodical articleBornstein, Erica (2002)
See this publicationDeveloping Faith: Theologies of Economic Development in Zimbabwe
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 32 #1. p. 4-31.

Periodical articleBrand, Gerrit (2002)
See this publicationWitchcraft and spirit beliefs in African Christian theology
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 31 #1. p. 36-50.

Periodical articleEnuwosa, J.; Udoisang, F.P. (2002)
Africa and Africans in the Synoptic Gospels
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 34 #1-2. p. 27-48.

Periodical articleManus, Chris U. (2002)
Towards an African methodology for Biblical research
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 34 #1-2. p. 49-67.

Periodical articleNel, Annes F. (2002)
Reconstructing Christian theology in Namibian society
Journal of Religion and Theology in Namibia. Volume 4. p. 54-76.

Dissertation / thesisLienhard, Ruth (2000)
See this publicationRestoring relationships: theological reflections on shame and honor among the Daba and Bana of Cameroon
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 323p.

BookOtt, Martin (2000)
African theology in images
Zomba: Kachere Series. Kachere monographs #12. 604p.

Periodical articleBrand, Gerrit (1999)
See this publicationSalvation in African Christian theology: a typology of existing approaches
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 28 #3. p. 193-223.

Periodical articleAbogunrin, S.O. (1998)
The Passion of Jesus according to Luke: the Redeemer from an African perspective
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 30 #1-2. p. 41-64.

Periodical articleSpindler, Marc (1998)
Théologiennes africaines: en action pour le changement
Abstract presentL'Afrique politique. p. 63-76.

Periodical articleSanneh, Lamin (1997)
See this publication'A Plantation of Religion': And the Enterprise Culture in Africa: History, Ex-Slaves and Religious Inevitability
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 27 #1. p. 15-49.

Periodical articleBergh, Erik van den (1994)
See this publicationBetween resistance and reconciliation: a bibliographical essay on church and theology in a changing South Africa
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 23 #3. p. 252-269.

BookOlupona, Jacob K.; Nyang, Sulayman S.; Mbiti, John S. (eds.) (1993)
Religious plurality in Africa: Essays in honour of John S. Mbiti
Abstract presentBerlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Religion and society #32. 455p.

Periodical articleLagerwerf, Leny (1990)
See this publicationAfrican Women Doing Theology: A Survey
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 19 #1. p. 1-69.

Periodical articleChenu, B. (1989)
L'apartheid comme théologie chrétienne
Abstract presentMondes en développement. Volume 17 #65. p. 239-249.

Periodical articleJonker, W.D. (1989)
Suid-Afrika se verbondenheid met Europa: die teologie
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 29 #2. p. 146-158.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1985)
Theological teaching and training: international CEVAA seminar, Rome, Sept. 1984
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 14 #40. p. 1-74.

Periodical articleBassole, J. (1984)
Mediation socio-religieuse du neveu chez les Lyela comme pedagogie-accueil de la mediation chretienne
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 18 #35. p. 123-136.

Periodical articleMudimbe, V.Y. (1983)
An African criticism of Christianity
Abstract presentGenève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 21 #2. p. 91-100.

Periodical articleSpindler, M.R. (1983)
See this publicationTheological developments in Madagascar
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 12 #35. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleLaburthe-Tolra, Philippe (1981)
Y aura-t-il une pensée africaine specifique en philosophie et en theologie?
Abstract presentCultures et développement. Volume 13 #3. p. 447-467.

Periodical articleMudimbe Vumbi Yoka (1981)
Visage de la philosophie et de la théologie contemporaines au Zaïre
Abstract presentLes cahiers du CEDAF. #1. p. 1-44.

BookVan der Watt, P.B. (1979)
John Murray, 1826-1882: die eerste Stellenbosse professor
Pretoria: N.G. Kerkboekhandel Transvaal. 230p.

Periodical articleMuzumgu, Bernardin (1977)
La tache actuelle du theologien des religions Africaines
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 11 #21-22. p. 215-220.

Periodical articleTshibangu, Tshishiku (1977)
L'Afrique noire et le christianisme
Abstract presentCahiers des religions africaines. Volume 11 #21-22. p. 25-39.

Periodical articleWeischer, Bernd Manuel (1971)
See this publicationHistorical and Philological Problems of the Axumitic Literature (Especially in the Qerellos)
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 9 #1. January. p. 83-93.

Periodical articleIsichei, Elizabeth (1969)
See this publicationIbo and Christian Beliefs: Some Aspects of a Theological Encounter
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 68 #271. April. p. 121-134.

Search: su=Christian theology
Found: 80 Record 1-80

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