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Found: 392 Record 1-100 Next Last

Periodical articleVolz, Stephen (2020)
See this publication'But I Know You, You Are Not God': African Responses to European Colonialism in a Missionary Newspaper
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 46 #4. p. 597-613.

Periodical articleSmith, Julia; Lee, Kelley (2018)
See this publicationFrom colonisation to globalisation: a history of state capture by the tobacco industry in Malawi
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 45 #156. p. 186-202.

Periodical articleFageol, Pierre-Éric (2017)
Madagascar dans le discours des sociétés savantes de La Réunion, une 'colonie colonisatrice' (1855-1940)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 105 #394-395. p. 217-244.

BookGoldswain, Ralph (2016)
Roughing it: 1820 settlers in their own words
Cape Town: Tafelberg Publishers Ltd. 207p.

BookJames, Lawrence (2016)
Empires in the sun: the struggle for the mastery of Africa, 1830-1990
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 391p.

BookBirmingham, David (2015)
A short history of modern Angola
London: Hurst & Co. 159p.

BookDozon, Jean-Pierre (2015)
Afrique en présences: du monde atlantique à la globalisation néolibérale
Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. Collection 54.

BookLachèse, Marie-Christine (2015)
De l'Oubangui à la Centrafrique: la construction d'un espace national
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection Histoire africaine. 343p.

BookLefebvre, Camille (2015)
Frontières de sable, frontières de papier: histoire de territoires et de frontières, du jihad de Sokoto à la colonisation française du Niger, XIXe-XXe siècles
Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne. Bibliothèque historique des pays d'islam #6. 543p.

BookRichard, Francois G. (ed.) (2015)
Materializing colonial encounters: archaeologies of African experience
Abstract presentNew York: Springer. 307p.

BookShasore, Olasupo (2015)
The King & the colony: a short history of the British possession of Lagos
Lagos: Mango Books. 82p.

Dissertation / thesisTandjigora, Abdou Karim (2015)
Colonisation et inégalités de développement au Sénégal: le Boundou et le Gadiaga (1885-1980)
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série histoire. 689p.

BookVos, Jelmer (2015)
Kongo in the age of empire, 1860-1913: the breakdown of a moral order
Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press. Africa and the diaspora, History, politics, culture. 218p.

BookCassiau-Haurie, Christophe; Baruti, Barly (2014)
Madame Livingstone: Congo, la Grande Guerre
Grenoble: Glénat. 109p.

BookDiarra, Abdoulaye (2014)
La gauche française et l'Afrique subsaharienne: colonisation, décolonisation, coopération (XIXe-XXe siècles)
Paris: Karthala. 340p.

BookKassaï, Didier (2014)
L'odyssée de Mongou
Paris: L'Harmattan. Harmattan BD #21. 51p.

BookMoyd, Michelle R. (2014)
Violent intermediaries: African soldiers, conquest, and everyday colonialism in German East Africa
Athens: Ohio University Press. New African histories series. 328p.

BookTemgoua, Albert Pascal (2014)
Le Cameroun à l'époque des Allemands: 1884-1916
Paris: L'Harmattan. 295p.

BookVan Schuylenbergh, Patricia; Lanneau, Catherine; Plasman, Pierre-Luc (eds.) (2014)
L'Afrique belge aux XIXe et XXe siècles: nouvelles recherches et perspectives en histoire coloniale
Abstract presentBruxelles: Peter Lang. Outre-mers #2. 281p.

Periodical articleVolz, Stephen C. (2014)
African evangelism and the colonial frontier: the life and times of Paulo Rrafifing Molefane
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 47 #1. p. 101-120.

BookWilkinson, John Craven (2014)
The Arabs and the scramble for Africa
Sheffield: Equinox. Comparative Islamic studies. 497p.

BookAmevigbe, Philippe Dzek (2013)
L'échec de la greffe culturelle au Togo
Lome: La Reference Consulting. 79p.

BookAxelrod Winsnes, Selena (2013)
A Danish Jew in West Africa: Wulff Joseph Wulff: biography and letters 1836-1842
Accra: Sub-Saharan Pub & Traders. 274p.

Periodical articleFernández Moreno, Nuria (2013)
See this publicationBubi government at the end of the 19th century: resistance to the colonial policy of evangelization on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea
Abstract presentNordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 22 #1-2. p. 23-48.

Periodical articleForji, Amin G. (2013)
International law, the civilizing mission and the ambivalence of development in Africa: conceptual underpinnings
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 6 #1. p. 191-225.

BookLaband, John (2013)
Bringers of war: the Portuguese in Africa during the age of gunpowder and sail from fifteenth to eighteenth century
London: Frontline Books. 262p.

BookRoberts, Allen F. (2013)
A dance of assassins: performing early colonial hegemony in the Congo
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. African expressive cultures. 311p.

Periodical articleTrichet, Pierre (2013)
La relation mission-colonisation: une mise au point progressive dans la Dahomey des années 1860
L'Algérie de 1913 à 1931 dans la 'Revue de l'histoire des colonies françaises'. Volume 101 #380-381. p. 105-119.

Periodical articleVigne, Randolph (2013)
Mapping and promoting South Africa: Barrow and Burchell's rivalry
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 58 #1. p. 18-32.

Periodical articleWebb, Denver A. (2013)
See this publicationMore than just a public execution: martial law, crime and the nature of colonial power in British Kaffraria
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 65 #2. p. 293-316.

Periodical articleAndurain, Julie d' (2012)
Le poids du comité du Maroc et du 'parti colonial' dans la Société de l'histoire des colonies françaises (1903-1912)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 311-323.

Periodical articleAssima-Kpatcha, Essoham (2012)
Le Togo en 1912-1913
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 139-155.

Periodical articleBeek, Walter E.A. van (2012)
See this publicationIntensive slave raiding in the colonial interstice: Hamman Yaji and the Mandara Mountains (North Cameroon and North-eastern Nigeria)
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 53 #3. p. 301-323.

BookMills, Stephen; Yonge, Brian (2012)
Railway to nowhere: the building of the Lunatic line 1896-1901
Nairobi: Mills Publishing. 261p.

Periodical articleOnomo Etaba, Roger Bernard (2012)
Le 'rousselisme' de Jean Roussel et la conception nihiliste de la civilisation et de la religion africaines
Abstract presentAnnales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #14. p. 225-243.

Periodical articleVermeren, Pierre (2012)
Lyautey au Maroc en 1912: ambitions, jeux de pouvoir parisiens, environnement et enjeux politiques
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 100 #376-377. p. 81-92.

Periodical articleBrewer, Herbert (2011)
See this publicationThe antinomies of black identity formation in West Africa, 1820-1848
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 43 #1. p. 2-27.

Periodical articleGagneur, David (2011)
Les concurrences française et britannique dans l'océan Indien: points de vue des députés créoles Louis Brunet et François de Mahy (1870-1904)
Revue historique de l'océan Indien. #7. p. 139-150.

Periodical articleHernæs, Per (2011)
Friederichsnopel: a Danish settler colony in Akuapem 1788-92
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #13. p. 81-133.

Periodical articleHuillery, Elise (2011)
See this publicationThe impact of European settlement within French West Africa: did pre-colonial prosperous areas fall behind?
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 20 #2. p. 263-311.

Periodical articleLe Joubioux, Hervé (2011)
Les rivalités franco-anglaises à La Réunion et à Madagascar (1939-1942)
Revue historique de l'océan Indien. #7. p. 171-183.

BookNene Bi Boti, Séraphin (2011)
Les institutions coloniales de l'Afrique occidentale française
Abidjan: Editions ABC. Collection Comment reussir. 176p.

BookValentyn, François (2011)
See this publicationDescription of the Cape of Good Hope with the matters concerning it, Amsterdam 1726
Leiden: DBNL.

Periodical articleWattara, Idrissa (2011)
'Monnè, outrages et défis', 'Les soleils des indépendances' ou la poétique de la déconstruction et de la reconstruction culturelles
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. #87. p. 37-52.

BookBraeckman, Colette (ed.) (2010)
Congo 1960: échec d'une décolonisation
Abstract presentBruxelles: GRIP. 156p.

Periodical articleDufour, Françoise (2010)
La stéréotypie comme matérialité discursive d'une dominance sociale dans les projets de colonisation de l'Afrique occidentale
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 80 #1-2. p. 267-282.

BookLimb, Peter; Etherington, Norman (eds.) (2010)
Grappling with the beast: indigenous Southern African responses to colonialism, 1840-1930
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. European expansion and indigenous response 6. 377p.

BookNerín, Gustau (2010)
La última selva de España: antropófagos, misioneros y guardias civiles: crónica de la conquista de los Fang de la Guinea Española, 1914-1930
Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata. Catarata #21. 302p.

BookAg Mohamed, Ibrahim (ed.) (2009)
Mythes, conflits et décolonisation au Sahel
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. L'Ouest saharien, cahiers d'études pluridisciplinaires #7. 206p.

Periodical articleBenyoub, Mohamed (2009)
See this publicationMutations du monde rural algérien au contact de la colonisation: le cas de Sebdou, dans les monts de Tlemcen
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 97 #364-365. p. 249-258.

Periodical articleBoussoumah, Mohamed (2009)
Réflexions sur le service public colonial
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 63 #1. p. 27-76.

Periodical articleFarrujia de la Rosa, A. José; Pichler, Werner; Rodrigue, Alain (2009)
The colonization of the Canary Islands and the Libyco-Berber and Latino-Canarian scripts
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #20. p. 83-100.

Periodical articleZana Etambala, Mathieu (2009)
Patrimoines missionnaire et colonial: des images médiévales à l'époque du Congo belge 1890-1940
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 30. p. 989-1047.

BookBa Konaré, Adame (ed.) (2008)
Petit précis de remise à niveau sur l'histoire africaine à l'usage du président Sarkozy
Abstract presentParis: La Découverte. 347p.

Periodical articleNguema-Obame, Roger (2008)
Christianisme, colonisation et acculturation en Afrique: l'exemple du Gabon
Abstract presentRevue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #3. p. 107-123.

BookNsue Mibui, Rosendo-Ela (2007)
Historia de la colonización y de la descolonización de Guinea Ecuatorial por España
Equatorial Guinea. 494p.

Periodical articleTouré, Lamine (2007)
L'image du noir à travers la littérature française depuis le moyen âge jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle
Abstract presentRevue africaine: philosophie/art, littérature/linguistique, sociologie/économie. #2. p. 45-56.

Periodical articleCollier, Peter (2006)
See this publicationBoundary demarcation between British and Portuguese Colonial territories in East Africa
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #9. p. 223-238.

Periodical articleTomàs, Jordi (2006)
The traditional authorities cross the colonial border: opposing views on the role of the religious leaders of the Jola Huluf and Ajamaat of the lower Casamance (1886-1909)
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #9. p. 73-97.

Periodical articleVellut, Jean-Luc (2006)
See this publicationAngola-Congo. L'invention de la frontière du Lunda (1889-1893)
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #9. p. 159-184.

Periodical articleYarak, Larry W. (2006)
The Dutch gold-mining effort in Ahanta, 1841-9
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 9. p. 5-23.

Periodical articleAnyangwe, C. (2005)
International law and the acquisition of colonial territories in Africa
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 37. p. 1-23.

Periodical articleBanzira, L. (2005)
L'alienation et le morcellement de la propriété foncière au Burundi, pour quelles raisons?
Culture et société. Volume 15. juin. p. 70-95.

BookBeyan, Amos Jones (2005)
African American settlements in West Africa: John Brown Russwurm and the American civilizing efforts
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 167p.

Periodical articleBoisboissel, Henry de (2005)
Le maréchal Lyautey au Maroc
Mondes et cultures. Volume 65 #1-4. p. 243-257.

Periodical articleCumming, Gordon (2005)
See this publicationTransposing the 'Republican' Model? A Critical Appraisal of France's Historic Mission in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 23 #2. May. p. 233-252.

Periodical articleFelipe, Hélena de (2005)
Spain in Morocco in the 19th and 20th centuries: providentiality and colonization
Maghreb Review. Volume 30 #2. p. 198-208.

BookGayibor, N.L. (ed.) (2005)
Histoire des Togolais
Lomé: Presses de l'UL.

Periodical articleGroot, Erlend de (2005)
The Earliest Eyewitness Depictions of Khoikhoi: Andries Beeckman in Africa
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 29 #1. p. 17-50.

BookKessel, Ineke van (2005)
See this publicationZwarte Hollanders: Afrikaanse soldaten in Nederlands-Indië
Abstract presentAmsterdam: KIT Publishers. 303p.

Periodical articleViljoen, Russel (2005)
Indentured Labour and Khoikhoi 'Equality' before the Law in Cape Colonial Society, South Africa: The Case of Jan Paerl, c.1796
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 29 #3. p. 54-72.

Periodical articleMasinda, Mambo T. (2004)
The impact of colonial legacies and globalization processes on forced migration in modern Africa
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 20 #1. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleOsaghae, Eghosa E. (2004)
Federalism and the management of diversity in Africa
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 5 #1-2. December. p. 162-178.

Periodical articleReese, Ty M. (2004)
Liberty, Insolence and Rum: Cape Coast and the American Revolution
Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 28 #3. p. 18-37.

Periodical articleThompson, Guy (2004)
See this publicationCultivating Conflict: Agricultural 'Betterment', the Native Land Husbandry Act (NLHA) and Ungovernability in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1951-1961
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 29 #3. p. 1-39.

Book chapterAregawi Berhe (2003)
See this publicationRevisiting resistance in Italian-occupied Ethiopia: the Patriots' Movement (1936-1941) and the redefinition of post-war Ethiopia
Abstract presentIn: Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. p. 87-113.

Periodical articleDe Villiers, Johan (2003)
Gesaghebber teen wil en dank: Abraham Josias Sluysken, die laatste kommissaris-generaal van die V.O.C. aan die Kaap, 1793-1795
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 48 #1. p. 373-385.

Periodical articleDeslaurier, Christine (2003)
La documentation africaine à Bruxelles: les fonds du ministère belge des Affaires étrangères (Burundi, Congo, Rwanda)
Abstract presentAfrique & histoire. #1. p. 223-234.

Periodical issueJames, Deborah; Schrauwers, Albert (eds.) (2003)
'An apartheid of souls'
Abstract presentItinerario: European Journal of Overseas History. Volume 27 #3-4. 336p.

Book chapterKessel, Ineke van (2003)
See this publicationAfrican mutinies in the Netherlands East Indies: a nineteenth-century colonial paradox
Abstract presentIn: Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. p. 141-169.

Periodical articleLaband, John (2003)
See this publicationColonial Flotsam: The Zululand Squatters and the Zululand Lands Delimitation Commission, 1902-1904
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. #49. p. 53-70.

Periodical articleMann, Gregory (2003)
See this publicationFetishizing Religion: Allah Koura and French 'Islamic Policy' in Late Colonial French Soudan (Mali)
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 44 #2. July. p. 263-282.

Periodical articleNatsoulas, Theodore (2003)
See this publicationA failure of early French expansionism in Africa: the French-Jesuit effort in Ethiopia at the turn of the 18th century
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 36 #1. June. p. 5-18.

Periodical articleOsei-Tutu, John K. (2003)
See this publicationContesting British sovereignty in Cape Coast, Ghana: insights from King John Aggery's correspondences 1865-72
Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #7. p. 231-251.

BookPalumbo, Patrizia (ed.) (2003)
A place in the sun: Africa in Italian colonial culture from post-unification to the present
Abstract presentBerkeley, CA: University of California Press. 332p.

Periodical articlePotgieter, Thean (2003)
Maritime defence of the Cape of Good Hope, 1779-1803
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 48 #1. p. 283-308.

Periodical articleSoave, Paolo (2003)
See this publicationDal trattato di Ghadames alle intese di Murzuk: i Tuareg Azgher fra francesi ed italiani (1862-1914)
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 58 #1. p. 35-66.

BookTurano, Maria R.; Vandepitte, Paul (eds.) (2003)
Pour une histoire de l'Afrique: douze parcours
Abstract presentLecce: ARGO. 255p.

Periodical articleForest, Vincent (2002)
L'immigration à Mayotte au cours de la période sucrière (1845-1900)
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #33-34. p. 91-114.

Periodical articleIbhawoh, Bonny (2002)
See this publicationStronger Than the Maxim Gun: Law, Human Rights and British Colonial Hegemony in Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 72 #1. p. 55-84.

Conference paperKessel, I. van (ed.) (2002)
See this publicationMerchants, missionaries & migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations
Abstract presentAmsterdam: KIT Publishers. 159p.

Book chapterKessel, Ineke van (2002)
See this publicationThe black Dutchmen: African soldiers in the Netherlands East Indies
Abstract presentIn: Merchants, missionaries & migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations. p. 133-141.

Periodical articleMassaretti, Pier Giorgio (2002)
Le esperienze degli enti di colonizzazione demografica in Libia e in Africa Orientale Italiana (1933-1942)
Terra d'Africa. #11. p. 159-202.

Periodical articleVinck, Honoré (2002)
À l'école au Congo belge: les livres de lecture de G. Hulstaert de 1933-1935: introduction et textes
Abstract presentAnnales aequatoria. Volume 23. p. 21-196.

Periodical articleYayoh, Wilson K. (2002)
See this publicationKrepi states in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #6. p. 67-81.

BookHeyden, Ulrich van der (2001)
Rote Adler: an Afrikas Küste: die brandenburgisch-preußische Kolonie Großfriedrichsburg in Westafrika
Berlin: Selignow. 105p.

Periodical articleKodesh, Neil (2001)
See this publicationRenovating Tradition: The Discourse of Succession in Colonial Buganda
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 34 #3. p. 511-541.

Periodical articleLawrance, Benjamin Nicholas (2001)
See this publicationLanguage between Powers, Power between Languages. Further Discussion of Education and Policy in Togoland under the French Mandate, 1919-1945
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 41 #163-164. p. 517-541.

BookMoore-Harell, Alice (2001)
Gordon and the Sudan: prologue to the Mahdiyya 1877-1880
London: Cass. 286p.

Book chapterMulinge, Munyae M.; Munyae, Margaret M. (2001)
Globalization and sustainable development in Africa: putting old wine in a new wineskin?
Abstract presentIn: Globalization, democracy and development in Africa: challenges and prospects. p. 101-119.

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