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Search: su=conservation of cultural heritage
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Dissertation / thesisMubaya, Raymond (2020)
See this publication[-In]tangible Heritage, Humans and the Environment: An ethnographic account of the conservation of Chingoma Falls in South-eastern Zimbabwe
Abstract presentPh.D. dissertation (2020-03-06). Tilburg: Tilburg University. 265p.

BookMerolla, Daniela; Turin, Mark (eds.) (2017)
See this publicationSearching for sharing: heritage and multimedia in Africa
Abstract presentCambridge: Open Book Publishers. World Oral Literature Series #7. 149p.

BookAkker, Marlous van den (2016)
See this publicationMonument of nature? An ethnography of the world heritage of Mt. Kenya
Leiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #63. 207p.

BookDeisser, Anne-Marie; Njuguna, Mugwima (eds.) (2016)
See this publicationConservation of cultural and natural heritage in Kenya: a cross-disciplinary approach
London: UCL Press. 233p.

Periodical articledu Pisani, André (2016)
Heritage and tourism: the case of the Brandberg/Dâures, a first consideration
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 64. p. 9-15.

Periodical articleFubah, Mathias A. (2016)
See this publicationViews about modern museums in the palaces of the western Grassfields, Cameroon
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 84-102.

BookGuillaud, Dominique; Beaulaton, Dominique (eds.) (2016)
Ambivalences patrimoniales au Sud: mises en scène et jeux d'acteurs
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 275p.

Periodical articleGwasira, Goodman; Katjiuongua, Georgine (2016)
A condition assessment of the prehistoric art from the Bushman Paradise Cave, Große Spitzkoppe, Namibia
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 5 #2. p. 1-10.

Periodical articleIchumbaki, Elgidius B. (2016)
See this publicationA history of conservation of built heritage sites of the Swahili Coast in Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 48 #2. p. 43-67.

BookDjigo, Adama (2015)
Histoire des politiques du patrimoine culturel au Sénégal: 1816-2000
Paris: L'Harmattan. 514p.

Periodical articleKianguebeni, Ulrich Kévin (2015)
Le droit du patrimoine culturel au Congo: entre lois modernes et pratiques traditionnelles
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 69 #3. p. 332-354.

Periodical articleNsibirwa, Zawedde (2015)
Staff education and the preservation of legal deposit materials in South Africa
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #50. p. 123-145.

Periodical articleNtui, Charles; Rampedi, Isaac (2015)
See this publicationHearted efforts by the Mogogelo community to protect traditional sites by means of public participation forums: a review report
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 10 #1. p. 153-169.

Conference paperPeterson, Derek R.; Gavua, Kodzo; Rassool, Ciraj (eds.) (2015)
The politics of heritage in Africa: economies, histories, and infrastructures
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. International African library #48. 291p.

BookAnquandah, James; Kankpeyeng, Benjamin Warinsie; Apoh, Wazi (eds.) (2014)
Current perspectives in the archaeology of Ghana
Abstract presentLegon-Accra: For the University of Ghana by Sub-Saharan Publishers. Social sciences series #6. 334p.

Periodical issueArnoldi, Mary Jo; Sullivan, Jack (eds.) (2014)
See this publicationSpecial issue: Narratives of the African landscape: perspectives on sustainability
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 61 #1. 140p.

BookBridonneau, Marie (2014)
Lalibela, une ville éthiopienne dans la mondialisation: recompositions d'un espace sacré, patrimonial et touristique
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 309p.

BookCoombes, Annie E.; Hughes, Lotte; Karega-Munene (2014)
Managing heritage, making peace: history, identity and memory in contemporary Kenya
London: I.B. Tauris. International library of African studies. 258p.

BookHabib Sy, Jacques (ed.) (2014)
L'Afrique, berceau de l'écriture, et ses manuscrits en péril
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan.

BookRhodes, Daniel T. (2014)
Building colonialism: archaeology and urban space in East Africa
London: Bloomsbury Academic. Duckworth debates in archaeology. 167p.

Periodical issueBallarin, Marie Pierre; Kiriama, Herman; Pennacini, Cecilia (eds.) (2013)
Sacred natural sites and cultural heritage in East Africa
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 53. 234p.

Periodical articleBiagetti, Stefano (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationThe 'Messak Project': archaeological research for cultural heritage management in SW Libya
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 11 #1. p. 55-74.

Periodical articleFubah, Mathias Alibafi (2013)
Do we need museums in the Western Grassfields?
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #121. p. 35-54.

BookMengin, Christine; Godonou, Alain (eds.) (2013)
Porto Novo: patrimoine et développement
Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne. Histoire de l'art. 560p.

Periodical articleRatiba, Matome M. (2013)
See this publicationThe gods will get you: a plea, exploration and assessment of possibilities for the rescuing of Phiphidi Waterfalls and other sacred cultural sites
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 12 #1. p. 142-159.

Periodical articleSansone, Livio (2013)
See this publicationThe dilemmas of digital patrimonialization: the Digital Museum of African and Afro-Brazilian Memory
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 40. p. 257-273.

Periodical articleSchultz, Jason M. (2013)
Supporting capacity building for archives in Africa: initiatives of the Cooperative Africana Materials Project (CAMP) since 1995
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #121. p. 3-12.

Conference paperAnonymous (2012)
Les villes africaines et leurs patrimoines
Abstract presentParis: Riveneuve éditions. Collection patrimoines africains. 224p.

Periodical articleAtiase, Henry Senyo (2012)
Give rehabilitation a second thought: a case for preserving Ghana's historic buildings and monuments
The journal of business and estate management research. Volume 3 #1. p. 134-142.

BookBekkouche, Ammara (ed.) (2012)
Aménagement urbain et développement durable
Abstract presentAlgérie: Crasc. 287p.

Periodical articleBogopa, David L. (2012)
See this publicationThe importance of indigenous games: the selected cases of indigenous games in South Africa
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 11 #2. p. 245-256.

Conference paperDiptee, Audra A.; Trotman, David Vincent (eds.) (2012)
Remembering Africa and its diasporas: memory, public history and representations of the past
Abstract presentTrenton, NJ: Africa World Press. The Harriet Tubman series on the African diaspora. 384p.

Periodical articleDirar, Luwam (2012)
See this publicationFolklore protection in the Eritrean context: legal issues and choices
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #2. p. 229-250.

BookJoy, Charlotte (2012)
The politics of heritage management in Mali: from UNESCO to Djenné
Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc.. 233p.

Periodical articleKuuder, Conrad-J. Wuleka; Adongo, Raymond; Abanga, Joe (2012)
The socio-cultural significance of the Kakube Festival of the Dagara of Nandom traditional area in Ghana
Abstract presentGhana Journal of Development Studies. Volume 9 #2. p. 103-124.

BookPereira, Daniel A. (2012)
Cidade da Praia de Santiago: no compasso do tempo
Cidade da Praia: Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro (IBNL). 367p.

Periodical articleSall, Adjaratou Oumar; Diagne, Mbacke (2012)
Déclin et mort des langues au Sénégal: causes, conséquences et défis
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 54 #1-2. p. 145-163.

Periodical articleSokhna Guèye, Ndèye (2012)
Patriomoine culturel et conflits armés en Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 54 #1-2. p. 79-92.

Periodical articleSpargo, Peter E. (2012)
The history of the Hoba Meteorite
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 61. p. 107-147.

Periodical articleVogt, Andreas (2012)
Deutsches koloniales Bauerbe in Namibia heute: Rückblick, Ausblick und Forschung
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 60. p. 117-134.

Periodical articleBoswell, Rosabelle; O'Kane, David (2011)
See this publicationHeritage management and tourism in Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 29 #4. p. 361-472.

Periodical articleDisele, Potlako L.P.; Tyler, David J.; Power, E.J. (2011)
Conserving and sustaining culture through traditional dress
Abstract presentJournal of Social Development in Africa. Volume 26 #1. p. 15-45.

Periodical articleGaraba, Francis; Stilwell, Christine; Ngulube, Patrick (2011)
The microfilm of the new millennium: the digitization of the liberation struggle archives heritage in east and southern Africa
Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa. #42. p. 33-53.

Periodical issueHughes, Lotte; Coombes, Annie E.; Karega-Munene (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationSpecial issue: Heritage, history and memory: new research from East and Southern Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 70 #2. p. 175-335.

BookKrätli, Graziano; Lydon, Ghislaine (eds.) (2011)
The trans-Saharan book trade: manuscript culture, Arabic literacy and intellectual history in Muslim Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Library of the written word 8. 422p.

Periodical articleLernia, Savino di; Gallinaro, Marina (2011)
See this publicationWorking in a UNESCO WH site: problems and practices on the rock art of Tadrart Akakus (SW Libya, Central Sahara)
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 9 #2. p. 159-175.

Conference paperMinistère de la culture et de la communication, France. Département des affaires européennes et internationales (2011)
Patrimoines oubliés de l'Afrique: [actes du] séminaire du 30 novembre 2010, [Paris, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles]
Abstract presentParis: Riveneuve. Collection patrimoines africains. 227p.

Periodical articleThéliol, Mylène (2011)
See this publicationLe service des beaux-arts, antiquités et monuments historiques, clef de voûte de la politique patrimoniale française au Maroc sous la résidence de Lyautey (1912-1925)
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 99 #370-371. p. 185-193.

Periodical articleBuntman, Fran; Buntman, Barbara (2010)
See this publication'Old synagogue' and apartheid court: constructing a South African heritage site
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 62 #1. p. 183-201.

Dissertation / thesisJopela, Albino Pereira de Jesus (2010)
See this publicationTraditional custodianship of rock art sites in Southern Africa: a case study from central Mozambique

BookMarschall, Sabine (2010)
See this publicationLandscape of memory: commemorative monuments, memorials and public statuary in post-apartheid South-Africa
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum series #15. 407p.

BookMasao, Fidelis Taliwawa (2010)
Museology and museum studies: a handbook of the theory and practice of museums
Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press. 192p.

Periodical articleMnjama, Nathan (2010)
Preservation and management of audiovisual archives in Botswana
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 20 #2. p. 139-148.

BookRakotomamonjy, Bakonirina (2010)
See this publicationAfrica 2009: conservation du patrimoine culturel immobilier en Afrique sub-saharienne: bilan final
Grenoble: CRAterre. 32p.

Periodical articleSchmidt, Peter R. (2010)
See this publicationPostcolonial silencing, intellectuals, and the State: views from Eritrea
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 109 #435. p. 293-313.

Periodical issueTarsitani, Belle Asante; Tarsitani, Simone; Shigeta, Masayoshi (eds.) (2010)
See this publicationPreserving local knowledge in the Horn of Africa: challenges and prospects for collaborative research in oral literature, music and rituals practices
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #41. 151p.

Periodical articleZaid, Yetunde; Abioye, Abiola (2010)
Museums, libraries and archives: collaborating for the preservation of heritage materials in Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #114. p. 59-71.

Periodical issueAboukorah, Omnia; Leturcq, Jean-Gabriel (eds.) (2009)
Pratiques du patrimoine en Égypte et au Soudan
Abstract presentÉgypte/Monde arabe: Droit, économie, société. #5-6. 416p.

Periodical articleArazi, Noemie (2009)
See this publicationCultural research management in Africa: challenges, dangers and opportunities
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 44 #1. p. 95-106.

BookChikumbi, Donald C. (ed.) (2009)
See this publicationCultural heritage: celebrating 10 years of institutional cooperation
Lusaka: National Heritage Conservation Commission. 84p.

Periodical issueConvents, Guido (ed.) (2009)
Africa and the moving image
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #110. 61p.

Periodical articleCounsel, Graeme (2009)
Digitising and archiving Syliphone recordings in Guinea
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 30 #1. p. 144-150.

Periodical articleJuhé-Beaulaton, Dominique (2009)
Un patrimoine urbain méconnu: arbres mémoires, forêts sacrées et jardins des plantes de Porto Novo (Bénin)
Abstract presentAutrepart. #51. p. 75-98.

Periodical articlePrins, Frans E. (2009)
See this publicationSecret San of the Drakensberg and their rock art legacy
Abstract presentCritical Arts: A Journal of Media Studies. Volume 23 #2. p. 190-208.

Periodical articleTarsitani, Belle Asante (2009)
See this publicationMerging past and present in the museums of Harar, Ethiopia
Nilo-Ethiopian Studies. #13. p. 1-16.

Periodical articleAsiedu, Alex B.; Labi, Kwame A.; Osei-Tutu, Brempong (2008)
See this publicationAn Asanteman-World Bank heritage development initiative in promoting partnership with Ghanaian traditional leaders
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 55 #4. p. 3-26.

Periodical articleBosredon, Pauline (2008)
Comment concilier patrimonialisation et projet urbain? Le classement au Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco de la vieille ville de Harar (Éthiopie)
Abstract presentAutrepart. #47. p. 125-147.

Periodical articleMaaba, Brown Bavusile (2008)
See this publicationChallenges to repatriation and preservation of tangible heritage in South Africa: Black art and the experiences of the Ifa Lethu Foundation
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 60 #3. p. 500-513.

Periodical articleMinicka, Mary (2008)
See this publicationTowards a conceptualization of the study of Africa's indigenous manuscript heritage and tradition
Abstract presentTydskrif vir letterkunde. Volume 45 #1. p. 143-163.

Conference paperNaffé, Baouba Ould Mohamed; Lanfranchi, Raymond; Schlanger, Nathan (eds.) (2008)
L'archéologie préventive en Afrique: enjeux et perspectives
Abstract presentSaint-Maur-des-Fosses: Sépia. 251p.

Periodical articleZeitlyn, David (2008)
Archiving a Cameroonian photographic studio with the help of the British Library 'Endangered Archives Programme'
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #107. p. 13-26.

BookDe Jong, Ferdinand; Rowlands, M.J. (eds.) (2007)
Reclaiming heritage: alternative imaginaries of memory in West Africa
Abstract presentWalnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, Critical perspectives on cultural heritage. 270p.

Periodical articleLane, Paul J. (2007)
See this publicationNew international frameworks for the protection of underwater cultural heritage in the western Indian Ocean
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 42. p. 115-135.

Periodical articleAkussah, Harry (2006)
The state of document deterioration in the National Archives of Ghana
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 16 #1. p. 1-8.

Periodical articleDenis, Isabelle (2006)
See this publicationLes lieux de mémoire à Mayotte
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 94 #350-351. p. 157-173.

BookDoortmont, Michel R.; Savoldi, Benedetta (eds.) (2006)
The castles of Ghana: Axim, Butre, Anomabu: historical and architectural research project on the use and conservation status of three Ghanaian forts
Roma: Ricerca e cooperazione. 182p.

Periodical articleSizaire, Violaine (2006)
See this publicationLa mémoire populaire urbaine au Musée de Lubumbashi
Civilisations. Volume 54 #1-2. p. 209-222.

Periodical articleBankole, O.M.; Abioye, Abiola (2005)
Evaluation of deterioration of library materials at Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 15 #2. p. 99-108.

Periodical articleDonaldson, Ronnie; Williams, Audrey (2005)
A struggle of an inner city community to protect its historical environment: the case of Clydesdale in Pretoria
Abstract presentNew contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #49. p. 165-180.

Periodical articleFournet-Guérin, Catherine (2005)
Héritage reconnu, patrimoine menacé: la maison traditionnelle à Tananarive
Abstract presentAutrepart. #33. p. 51-69.

Periodical articleKadi, Galila El; Elkerdany, Dalila (2005)
Valorisation patrimoniale en cours de la ville moderne du Caire
Abstract presentAutrepart. #33. p. 89-107.

Periodical articleKeitumetse, S.O. (2005)
Living and archaeological sites in Botswana: value and perception in cultural heritage management approaches
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 19 #1. p. 37-47.

Periodical articleNoweir, Sawsan (2005)
Devenir patrimonial contre développement urbain: l'exemple de Port-Saïd
Abstract presentAutrepart. #33. p. 109-126.

Periodical articleSinou, Alain (2005)
Enjeux culturels et politiques de la mise en patrimoine des espaces coloniaux
Abstract presentAutrepart. #33. p. 13-31.

Periodical articleBenson, Susan; McCaskie, T.C. (2004)
Asen Praso in History and Memory
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 7. p. 93-113.

Periodical articleKankpeyeng, Benjamin W.; DeCorse, Christopher R. (2004)
See this publicationGhana's Vanishing Past: Development, Antiquities, and the Destruction of the Archaeological Record
Abstract presentAfrican Archaeological Review. Volume 21 #2. June. p. 89-128.

Periodical articleMoahi, Kgomotso H. (2004)
Copyright in the digital era and some implications for indigenous knowledge
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 14 #1. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleMullen Kreamer, Christine (2004)
The Politics of Memory: Ghana's Cape Coast Castle Museum Exhibition 'Crossroads of People, Crossroads of Trade'
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 7. p. 79-91.

Periodical articleOsei-Tutu, Brempong (2004)
'Slave Castles' and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Ghanaian and African American Perspectives
Abstract presentGhana Studies. Volume 7. p. 59-78.

DVD / videoPeramal, Hari (ed.) (2004)
The untold story
Abstract presentAlameda: Timbuktu Educational Foundation.

Periodical articleChowdhury, A. (2003)
Towards an archaeological heritage management of Aapravasi Ghat
Journal of Mauritian Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 87-104.

Dissertation / thesisDeubel, Tara Flynn (2003)
Conserving cultural heritage with microcredit: a case study of the Dogon culture bank in Fombori, Mali
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 99p.

Periodical articleSparacino, JoAnn (2003)
The Unknown Sites and Monuments of Kenya
Kenya Past and Present. #34. p. 73-79.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2002)
A visit to Tony's museum
WASI: [bulletin]. Volume 13 #3. August. p. 6-8.

Periodical articleAremu, David A. (2002)
Saving Sungbo's Eredo: a challenge to Nigerian archaeologists
Abstract presentWest African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 32 #2. p. 63-73.

Periodical articleNgulube, Patrick (2002)
Preservation reformatting strategies in selected sub-Saharan African archival institutions
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science. Volume 12 #2. p. 117-132.

Periodical articleOkpoko, A. Ikechukwu (2002)
Indigenous knowledge and preservation of cultural resources in Africa
West African Journal of Archaeology. Volume 32 #1. p. 57-80.

Periodical articleOsei-Tutu, Brempong (2002)
See this publicationThe African American Factor in the Commodification of Ghana's Slave Castles
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #6. p. 115-133.

Periodical articleReid, Andrew (2002)
See this publicationRecent archaeological discoveries in Buganda and their implications for heritage management policies
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 48. November. p. 87-102.

Periodical articleSchmidt, Peter R. (2002)
The 'Ona' culture of greater Asmara: archaeology's liberation of Eritrea's ancient history from colonial paradigms
Abstract presentJournal of Eritrean Studies (Asmara). Volume 1 #1. p. 29-58.

Search: su=conservation of cultural heritage
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