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Found: 1179 | Record 1-100 |
Claassens, Aninka; O'Regan, Catherine (2021) | |
Editorial Citizenship and Accountability: Customary Law and Traditional Leadership under South Africa's Democratic Constitution | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 47 #2. p. 155-172. |
Gibbs, Timothy (2019) | |
Mandela, Human Rights and the Making of South Africa's Transformative Constitution | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 45 #6. p. 1131-1149. |
Ngombo, Yannick Miteo (2019) | |
Le parquet general pres la cour constitutionnelle: un ornement de trop? | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 6 #2. p. 166-185. |
Saba, Alexander Martin (2019) | |
The constitutional role of judicial service commission in protecting independence of the judiciary | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 6 #1. p. 105-113. |
Dambaba, Mohamed Sanguir (2018) | |
Commentaire de la décision dcc 17-018 du 31 janvier 2017 de la cour constitutionnelle du Bénin | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 5 #2. p. 230-240. |
Deacon, Harriet Jane (2018) | |
Understanding the work that 'culture' does: A comparative perspective on cultural rights provisions in the Constitution of Kenya 2010 | |
African Studies. Volume 77 #2. p. 171-188. |
Harrington, John (2018) | |
Governing traditional medicine in Kenya: Problematization and the role of the constitution | |
African Studies. Volume 77 #2. p. 223-239. |
Hughes, Lotte; Lamont, Mark (2018) | |
Cultural rights and constitutional change | |
African Studies. Volume 77 #2. p. 159-170. |
Sumail, Adolphe Kilomba; Kahombo, Balingene (2018) | |
Le renouvellement tertiaire de la cour constitutionnelle en RDC: cadre juridique, défis et perspectives | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 5 #2. p. 146-160. |
Amupanda, Job Shipululo (2017) | |
Constitutionalism and principles of economic order: examining Namibia's 'mixed economy' and the economic asylum of neoliberalism | |
Journal of Namibian Studies. #21. p. 7-26. |
Hengelela, Joseph Cihunda (2017) | |
Fondements de l'autorite des arrets de la cour constitutionnelle de la République Démocratique du Congo | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 4 #4. p. 603-613. |
Klinken, Adriaan van (2017) | |
Sexual orientation, (anti-)discrimination and human rights in a 'Christian nation': the politicization of homosexuality in Zambia | |
Critical African studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 9-31. |
Masengo, Jacques (2017) | |
Problematique de l'independance du pouvoir judiciaire face auprincipe de separation des pouvoirs en droit constitutionnnel congolais | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 4 #2. p. 196-210. |
Poupko, Eliezer S. (2017) | |
An exploratory study of constitutional design in three island states: Seychelles, Comoros, and Mauritius | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #3. p. 324-348. |
Thamba, Roger Thamba (2017) | |
Contentieux de l'élection présidentielle devant la cour constitutionnelle congolaise: esquisse de questions d'ordre procédural | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 4 #4. p. 614-633. |
Wetsh'okonda Koso, Marcel (2017) | |
Nature juridique et garanties d'indépendance des officiers du ministère public sous l'empire de la constitution congolaise du 18 février 2006 telle que révisée par la loi de révision constitutionnelle du 20 janvier 2011 | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 4 #4. p. 532-551. |
Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG), Nairobi (2016) | |
AfriCOG citizen perception survey 2016 | |
Nairobi: AfriCOG. 30p. |
Alam, Asad; Mokate, Renosi; Plangemann, Kathrin (eds.) (2016) | |
Making it happen: selected case studies of institutional reforms in South Africa | |
Washington, DC: World Bank. Directions in development, Public sector governance. 225p. |
Benjamin, Bakadisula Kangoma (2016) | |
Constitution intangible comme mécanisme de prévention des crises politiques au sein des états membres de l'UA. Cas de la constitution de la RDC | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 3 #1. p. 48-79. |
Boutin, Christophe; De Cara, Jean-Yves; Saint-Prot, Charles (eds.) (2016) | |
Les constitutions arabes | |
Paris: Karthala. Études géopolitiques. 342p. |
Collinet Makosso, Anatole (2016) | |
Le régime consensualiste: dans la Constitution congolaise du 25 octobre 2015 commentée article par article | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 452p. |
Fombad, Charles Manga (ed.) (2016) | |
Separation of powers in African constitutionalism | |
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law #1. 415p. |
Galance, Milambo Ngalamulume (2016) | |
Article 220 de la constitution du 18 février 2006. Contribution au débat autour de son intangibilité et de sa 'révisabilité' | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 3 #1. p. 142-165. |
Galebay, Abira (2016) | |
Réflexion sur les révisions constitutionnelles en Afrique noire francophone de 1990 à 2014: le cas du Congo, du Tchad et du Togo | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 70 #2. p. 213-246. |
Geha, Carmen; Volpi, Frédéric (2016) | |
Constitutionalism and political order in Libya 2011-2014: three myths about the past and a new constitution | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #4. p. 687-706. |
Gouws, Amanda; Fourie, Pieter (eds.) (2016) | |
Special Issue: Citizenship (local & global): 20 years after the constitution | |
Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies. Volume 43 #1. p. 1-136. |
Greffath, Wynand; Van der Waldt, Gerrit (2016) | |
Section 139 interventions in South African local government, 1994-2015 | |
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #75. p. 135-160. |
Heydenrych, Pieter W. (2016) | |
Constitutionalism and coloniality: a case of colonialism continued or the best of both worlds? | |
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #75. p. 116-134. |
Lafram, Abdelmjid (2016) | |
Gouvernance et pilotage stratégique des Entreprises et Etablissements Publics (EEP) à l'ère de la nouvelle constitution de 2011 | |
REMALD: revue marocaine d'administration locale et de développement. p. 199-217. |
Manangou, Vivien Romain (2016) | |
'Un État, deux Constitutions': Analyse des dispositions transitoires de la Constitution congolaise du 6 novembre 2015 | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 19 #1. p. 62-82. |
Nkashama, Symphorien Kapinga K. (2016) | |
La cour constitutionnelle et les enjeux electoraux en République Démocratique du Congo | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 3 #1. p. 124-141. |
Okiemy, Bienvenu (2016) | |
De la novation politique en République du Congo | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 101p. |
Owosuyi, Ifeoma Laura (2016) | |
Participatory constitution-making and why it matters: a review of the Egyptian experience | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 23 #2. p. 201-223. |
Petrucci, Filippo; Fois, Marisa (2016) | |
Attitudes towards Israel in Tunisian political debate: from Bourguiba to the new constitution | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 21 #3. p. 392-410. |
Stremlau, Nicole (2016) | |
Constitution-making, media, and the politics of participation in Somalia | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 115 #459. p. 225-245. |
Toit, Pierre du; Swart, Charl; Teutenberg, Salomé (eds.) (2016) | |
South Africa and the case for renegotiating the peace | |
Stellenbosch: Sun Media. 143p. |
Tripp, Aili Mari (2016) | |
Women's movements and constitution making after civil unrest and conflict in Africa: the cases of Kenya and Somalia | |
Politics & gender. Volume 12 #1. p. 78-106. |
Tsabora, James (2016) | |
Reflections on the constitutional regulation of property and land rights under the 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 60 #2. p. 213-229. |
Ackson, Tulia (2015) | |
Winnowing Tanzania's proposed constitution: the legitimacy question | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 48 #3. p. 369-389. |
Bendourou, Omar; El Mossadeq, Rkia; Madani, Mohammed (eds.) (2015) | |
La nouvelle Constitution marocaine a l'épreuve de la pratique: actes du colloque organisé les 18 et 19 avril 2013 | |
Casablanca: Éditions la Croisée des Chemins. 367p. |
Bhana, Deeksha (2015) | |
The substance of contractual autonomy in the twenty-first century: the South-African experience | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 48 #4. p. 491-515. |
Bilchitz, David (2015) | |
Constitutional change and participation of LGBTI groups: a case study of South Africa | |
Stockholm: International IDEA. 31p. |
Burkina Faso (2015) | |
Constitution du Burkina Faso: charte de la transition | |
Ouagadougou: Mediacom. 57p. |
Cara, Jean-Ives (ed.) (2015) | |
Dossier constitutionnalisme | |
Maghreb Machrek. #223. p. 7-111. |
Fombad, Charles Manga (2015) | |
Conceptualising a framework for inclusive, fair and robust multiparty democracy in Africa: the constitutionalisation of the rights of politcial parties | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 48 #1. p. 3-27. |
Hubbard, Dianne (2015) | |
Namibian law on LGBT issues | |
Windhoek: Gender Research and Advocacy Project, Legal Assistance Centre. 189p. |
Hubbard, Dianne (ed.) (2015) | |
Know your constitution: the Republic of Namibia, March, 1990 | |
Windhoek: Legal Assistance Trust. 25p. |
Kagaba, Mediatrice (2015) | |
Women's experiences of gender equality laws in rural Rwanda: the case of Kamonyi District | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #4. p. 574-592. |
Kasmi, Sanae (2015) | |
Le statut des partis politiques au Maroc | |
Rabat: REMALD. Thèmes actuels #91. 688p. |
Magnet, Joseph Eliot (2015) | |
Constitutionmaking in Eritrea: why it is necessary to go back to the future | |
African Journal of Legal Studies. Volume 8 #3-4. p. 237-272. |
Masobo, Juliana; Wanitzek, Ulrike (2015) | |
Constitutional reform in Tanzania: developing process and preliminary results | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 48 #3. p. 329-368. |
Okeke, G.N.; Okeke, C.E. (2015) | |
An appraisal of the functional necessity of the immunity clause in the political governance of Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 59 #1. p. 99-120. |
Onuoha, Browne (2015) | |
Peace and security concerns in the Niger Delta: a persisting struggle for autonomy and self-determination | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 33 #1. p. 69-87. |
Polimeno, Maria Gloria (2015) | |
The 2014 Egyptian constitution: balancing leadership with civil rights (al-madaniyya) | |
Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law. Volume 3. p. 1-67. |
Rwanda. Ministry of Justice (2015) | |
[Itegeko nshinga rya Repubulika y'u Rwanda ryo mu 2003, ryavuguruwe mu 2015 = Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 revised in 2015 = Constitution de la République du Rwanda de 2003 revisée en 2015] | |
Kigali: Repubulika y'u Rwanda, Minisiteri y'Ubutabera. 158p. |
République centrafricaine. Conseil National de Transition (2015) | |
Proposition de constitution de la République centrafricaine | |
44p. |
République du Congo (2015) | |
Projet de Constitution de la République du Congo: référendum du 25 octobre 2015 | |
Brazzaville: Agence d'Information d'Afrique Centrale. Les dépêches de Brazzaville. |
République tunisienne (2015) | |
Constitution de la République tunisienne | |
Tunis. Journal officiel de la republique tunisienne. 32p. |
Seidel, Katrin; Sureau, Timm (2015) | |
Introduction: peace and constitution making in emerging South Sudan on and beyond the negotiation tables | |
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 9 #4. p. 612-633. |
Visser, Jaap de; Steytler, Nico (eds.) (2015) | |
Constitution-building in Africa | |
Baden-Baden: Nomos. Schriftenreihe Recht und Verfassung in Südafrika. 334p. |
Wasonga Orago, Nicholas (2015) | |
The place of the 'minimum core approach' in the realisation of the entrenched socio-economic rights in the 2010 Kenyan constitution | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 59 #2. p. 237-270. |
Wing, Susanna D. (2015) | |
'Hands off my constitution': constitutional reform and the workings of democracy in Mali | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 451-475. |
Youlou, Philippe (2015) | |
Les constitutions africaines et le mimétisme: 1990 à nos jours | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 69 #2. p. 196-209. |
Zougarh, Meryem (2015) | |
Réforme de la justice militaire: un pas vers la consécration des droits de l'Homme au Maroc | |
Revue marocaine d'audit et de développement. #41. p. 163-174. |
Aivo, Frédéric Joël (ed.) (2014) | |
La constitution béninoise du 11 décembre 1990: un modèle pour l'Afrique? Mélanges en l'honneur de Maurice Ahanhanzo-Glélé | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 798p. |
Anonymous (2014) | |
The constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996: reflecting the law as at 13 December 2013 | |
Cape Town: Juta Law. Juta's pocket statutes series. |
Asiimwe, Godfrey B. (2014) | |
Of fundamental change and no change: pitfalls of constitutionalism and political transformation in Uganda, 1995-2005 | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 39 #2. p. 21-46. |
Bakadisula Kangoma, Benjamin (2014) | |
Liberté d'expression en RDC sous la constitution du 18 février 2006 | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 1 #2. p. 235-260. |
Bratton, Michael (2014) | |
Power politics in Zimbabwe | |
Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 281p. |
Bulmer, W. Elliot (2014) | |
What is a constitution? Principles and concepts | |
Stockholm: IDEA. Constitution-building primers. 12p. |
Cameron, Edwin (2014) | |
Justice: a personal account | |
Cape Town: Tafelberg. 347p. |
Cara, Jean-Yves de; Saint-Prot, Charles (eds.) (2014) | |
L'évolution constitutionnelle de l'Égypte: avec le texte de la Constitution de 2014 | |
Paris: Karthala. Études géopolitiques #12. 182p. |
Dagbanja, Dominic N. (2014) | |
Privacy in context: the right to privacy, and freedom and independence of the media under the Constitution of Ghana | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 40-62. |
De Klerk, Pieter (2014) | |
'De Zuid-Afrikaan' se standpunt oor stemreg vir bruin mense voor die totstandkoming van die Kaapse koloniale parlement in 1854 | |
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 59 #1. p. 1-17. |
de Villiers, Bertus (2014) | |
Section 235 of the Constitution: too soon or too late for cultural self-determination in South Africa? | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 30 #3. p. 458-483. |
Delgado, José Pina; Tiujo-Delgado, Liriam (eds.) (2014) | |
Textos de direitos fundamentais e direito internacional da protecção da pessoa humana: com algumas anotações e indicações bibliográficas | |
Praia: Edições ISCJS e FDJ. Lex #1. 454p. |
El-Sayed, Ahmed (2014) | |
Post-revolution constitutionalism: the impact of drafting processes on the constitutional documents in Tunisia and Egypt | |
Electronic journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern law. Volume 2. p. 39-62. |
Fedtke, Jörg (2014) | |
Comparative analysis between the constitutional processes in Egypt and Tunisia - lessons learnt - overview of the constitutional situation in Libya: in-depth analysis | |
Brussels: European Parliament. 25p. |
Fombad, Charles Manga (2014) | |
Constitution-building in Africa: the never-ending story of the making, unmaking and remaking of constitutions | |
African and Asian Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 429-451. |
Hope (Sr), Kempe Ronald (2014) | |
Devolved government and local governance in Kenya: implementing decentralization underpinned by the 2010 Constitution | |
African and Asian Studies. Volume 13 #3. p. 338-358. |
Kahombo, Balingene (2014) | |
Les fondements de la révision de la constitution congolaise du 18 février 2006 | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 1 #2. p. 428-453. |
Lawan, Mamman (2014) | |
Islamic law and legal hybridity in Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 58 #2. p. 303-327. |
Linington, Greg (2014) | |
Zimbabwe's 2013 elections: two constitutional controversies and comments on some structural matters | |
Journal of African Elections. Volume 13 #2. p. 1-16. |
Loada, Augustin; Wheatley, Jonathan (eds.) (2014) | |
Transitions démocratiques en Afrique de l'Ouest: processus constitutionnels, société civile et institutions démocratiques | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série politique. 278p. |
M'Bissa, Claude-Richard (2014) | |
Débat sur la constitution du 20 janvier 2002 au Congo: enjeux sociaux et stratégies politiques | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 157p. |
Mbwisi, Dady Mumbanika (2014) | |
The protection of the right to health under the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Congo | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 47 #4. p. 434-446. |
Meyer-Resende, Michael (2014) | |
Egypt, in-depth analysis of the main elements of the new constitution: issues and challenges | |
Luxembourg: Publications Office. 17p. |
Mo, Kristine (2014) | |
Contested constitutions: constitutional development in Sudan 1953-2005 | |
Bergen: University of Bergen. 119p. |
Mujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2014) | |
Presidential immunity from criminal prosecution in the Ugandan Constitution: drafting history and emerging jurisprudence | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 140-154. |
Murunga, Godwin R.; Okello, Duncan; Sjögren, Anders (eds.) (2014) | |
Kenya: the struggle for a new constitutional order | |
London: Zed Books, in association with the Nordic Africa Institute. Africa now. 192p. |
Ntahiraja, Bernard (2014) | |
L'accès des particuliers à la justice constitutionnelle au Burundi: le juge qui censure le constituant | |
KAS African Law Study Library. Volume 1 #4. p. 812-845. |
Ogbuabor, Chukwunweike A. (2014) | |
Tribunals of inquiry as a residual matter under the Nigerian constitution: resolving the Nigerian conundrum | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #2. p. 273-307. |
Ojwang, Jackton B.; Kinama, Emily Nyiva (2014) | |
Woman-to-woman marriage: a cultural paradox in contemporary Africa's consitutional profile | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 47 #4. p. 412-433. |
Piccolino, Giulia (2014) | |
Ultranationalism, democracy and the law: insights from Côte d'Ivoire | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 52 #1. p. 45-68. |
Stremlau, Nicole (2014) | |
Media, participation and constitution-making in Ethiopia | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 58 #2. p. 231-249. |
Van Gyampo, Ransford Edward; Graham, Emmanuel (2014) | |
Constitutional hybridity and constitutionalism in Ghana | |
Africa Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 6 #2. p. 138-150. |
Vibhute, K.I. (2014) | |
Non-judicial review in Ethiopia: constitutional paradigm, premise and precinct | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 120-139. |
Achour, Rafâa Ben (2013) | |
La Constitution tunisienne du 27 janvier 2014 | |
Revue française de droit constitutionnel. #100. p. 783-801. |
Benmouhoub, Nacir (2013) | |
Constitutions et hautes institutions publiques de l'Etat algérien | |
Alger: Casbah éditions. 287p. |
Bhana, Deeksha (2013) | |
The horizontal application of the Bill of Rights: a reconciliation of sections 8 and 39 of the Constitution | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 29 #2. p. 351-375. |
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