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Search: su=crime novels (form)
Found: 87 Record 1-87

BookMeyer, Deon (2017)
De vrouw in de blauwe mantel
Amsterdam: Stichting Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek. 95p.

BookOtsiemi, Janis (2017)
Tu ne perds rien pour attendre: roman
Paris: Sang neuf, édition Plon. 227p.

BookSchoombie, Schalk (2017)
Rooi haring: 'n speurroman
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 349p.

BookAdenle, Leye (2016)
Easy motion tourist
Abuja: Cassava Republic Press. 327p.

BookAlfieri, Annamaria (2016)
The idol of Mombasa
New York: Felony & Mayhem Press. Vera and Tolliver #2. 249p.

BookClerc, Franco (2016)
Joyeuses retrouvailles
Paris: Éditions l'Harmattan. Harmattan BD #29. 62p.

BookErasmus, Lerina (2016)
Die leliemoordenaar
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 351p.

BookGervais, Jean-Bernard (2016)
Kigali-sur-Seine: roman
Paris: L'Harmattan. 259p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2016)
The woman who walked in sunshine
London: Abacus. 246p.

BookMeyer, Deon (2016)
Koors: die memoires van Nicolaas Storm, oor die ondersoek na die moord op sy pa
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 579p.

BookN'Guessan, Koffi Roger (2016)
Les fins limiers
Paris: L'Harmattan. Harmattan BD #27. 58p.

BookOdukoya, Seun (2016)
See this publicationBooooom! the novel
Lagos: Blacktext Publishing Nigeria.

BookOtsiemi, Janis (2016)
African tabloid
Paris: Éditions Jigal. Jigal Polar #16268. 206p.

BookOtter, Charlotte (2016)
Karkloof blue
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 236p.

BookRensburg, Rudie van (2016)
Kaapstad: Queillerie. 320p.

BookRensburg, Rudie van (2016)
Kaapstad: Queillerie. 347p.

BookVan Zyl, Irna (2016)
Cape Town: Penguin Random House South Africa. 302p.

BookWyngaard, Bettina (2016)
Kaapstad: Umuzi. 290p.

BookBeukes, Lauren (2015)
Broken monsters
London: Harper. 520p.

BookBush, Tanvi (2015)
Witch girl
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 260p.

BookDahi, Malika (2015)
Lamsari et le trésor des Oudayas
Paris: L'Harmattan. Harmattan BD #24. 50p.

BookDiarra, Mohamed (2015)
Le mystère du tournant: roman
Paris: L'Harmattan. 84p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2015)
The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café
London: Abacus. 244p.

BookMeyer, Deon (2015)
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 408p.

BookMeyer, Deon (2015)
London: Hodder & Stoughton. 372p.

BookMeyer, Deon (2015)
7 dagen
Amsterdam: A.W. Bruna Uitgevers. 376p.

BookNicol, Mike (2015)
Power play
Tiverton: Yowlestone House. 391p.

BookOtsiemi, Janis (2015)
Les voleurs de sexe
Paris: Édition Jigal. 199p.

BookSherif, Vamba (2015)
Bound to secrecy
London: HopeRoad. 154p.

BookSmith, Roger (2015)
Sacrifices: a novel
Auckland Park: Jacana Media. 280p.

BookStanley, Michael (2015)
A death in the family
New York: Minotaur Books. A detective Kubu mystery. 359p.

BookSteinmair, Deborah (2015)
Moestas: 'n raaiselroman
Kaapstad: Human & Rousseau. 189p.

BookTazi, Kamil (2015)
Meurtres à Dar-El-Beïda: une histoire enchaînée
Paris: La Nouvelle Édition. 175p.

BookVan Rensburg, Rudie (2015)
Kaapstad: Queillerie. 333p.

BookAgweh, Jacqueline U. (2014)
A pelican of the wilderness
Lagos: Kachifo Limited. 270p.

BookAkafia, Seth Y. (2014)
Drame à Tanyigbe: roman
Lome: Editions Haho. 240p.

BookBraam, Conny (2014)
Het beest van Kruger
Amsterdam: Bertram+de Leeuw Uitgevers. 319p.

BookBreton, Patrick (2014)
Cotonou, chien et loup: roman
Paris: L'Harmattan. Écrire l'Afrique. 139p.

BookCorreia, António Ludgero (2014)
Silêncio cúmplice
Praia: Edição do Autor. 175p.

BookCouao-Zotti, Florent (2014)
La traque de la musaraigne
Marseille: Éditions Jigal. 215p.

BookHolmes, Priscilla (2014)
Now I see you
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 206p.

BookKhadra, Yasmina (2014)
Qu'attendent les singes: roman
Paris: Julliard. 355p.

BookKonaté, Moussa (2014)
Meurtre à Tombouctou
Paris: Métailié. Métailié noir. 174p.

BookLorimer, Penny (2014)
Finders weepers
Cape Town: Umuzi. 298p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2014)
The minor adjustment beauty salon
London: Abacus. 248p.

BookNgugi, Wanjiku wa (2014)
The fall of saints: a novel
New York: Atria Books. 272p.

BookOrford, Margie (2014)
Water music
London: Head of Zeus. 333p.

BookOtter, Charlotte (2014)
Balthasar's gift: a Maggie Cloete mystery
Cape Town: Modjaji Books. 274p.

BookQuartey, Kwei (2014)
Murder at cape three points
New York: Soho Press. Soho crime. 322p.

BookQuartey, Kwei J. (2014)
Death at the voyager hotel
Accra: Afram Publications (Ghana) Limited. 156p.

BookStewart, Charmaine (2014)
The innocent bones
Windhoek: Wordweaver Publishing House. 158p.

BookBeukes, Lauren (2013)
The shining girls
London: HarperCollins. 407p.

BookDiki, Basil (2013)
Orgasmic damnation
Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 399p.

BookGlover, Boakyewaa (2013)
The justice: God. country. family
Accra: Minds on Fire, Ghana. 390p.

BookKateu, Gerald (2013)
Entebbe: GeraldKateu Publishers Ltd. 168p.

BookLasri, Hicham (ed.) (2013)
Côté Maroc: nouvelle noire
Rabat: Éditions Marsam. Nouvelle noire #6. 183p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2013)
The Limpopo Academy of private detection
London: Abacus. 261p.

BookNgugi, Mukoma wa (2013)
Killing Sahara
Cape Town: Kwela Books. 229p.

BookStanley, Michael (2013)
Deadly harvest
New York: HarperCollins. A detective Kubu mystery #4. 477p.

BookUgo, Kene (2013)
Nightmares in retrospect
Lagos: Grandavon Publishers. 181p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2012)
The Saturday big tent wedding party
London: Abacus. 248p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2012)
Tea time for the traditionally built
London: Abacus. 250p.

BookNunn, Malla (2012)
Blessed are the dead: a novel
New York: Washington Square Press. 309p.

BookOtsiémi, Janis (2012)
La bouche qui mange ne parle pas
Paris: Éditions Jigal. Jigal Polar. 176p.

BookYaou, Régina (2012)
Opération fournaise: thriller
Abidjan: NEI-CEDA. 227p.

BookOrford, Margie (2011)
Gallows hill
New York: Witness Impulse. A Clare Hart mystery. 367p.

BookQuartey, Kwei J. (2011)
Children of the street: a novel
New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks. An inspector Darko Dawson mystery. 335p.

BookSilva, Hildovil; Sadjo, Iramã (2011)
IMF no Palácio do Governador
Bissau: Ku Si Mon Editora. 154p.

BookStanley, Michael (2011)
Death of the mantis
New York: Harper Collins. A detective Kubu mystery. 430p.

BookDawood, Yusuf Kodwavwala (2010)
Eye of the storm
Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers. Peak library, Fictional works #66. 394p.

BookKubuitsile, Lauri (2010)
Anything for money
Florida Hills: Vivlia. 74p.

BookMcCall Smith, Alexander (2010)
The double comfort safari club
London: Abacus. 247p.

BookNunn, Malla (2010)
A beautiful place to die
London: Picador. 399p.

BookOrford, Margie (2010)
Blood rose
London: Corvus. A Clare Hart mystery. 362p.

BookStanley, Michael (2010)
The second death of Goodluck Tinubu
New York: Harper. A detective Kubu mystery. 477p.

BookFérey, Caryl (2009)
Amsterdam: Mynx. 320p.

BookOrford, Margie (2009)
Daddy's Girl
New York: Witness Impulse. A Clare Hart mystery. 397p.

BookOrford, Margie (2009)
Like clockwork
London: Atlantic Books. 314p.

BookKunzmann, Richard (2007)
Salamander cotton
New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur.

BookUkah, John (2007)
Murder at midnight
Nigeria. 141p.

BookKunzmann, Richard (2006)
Bloody harvests
New York: Thomas Dunne/St. Martin's Minotaur. 454p.

BookKonaté, Moussa (1998)
Le commissaire Habib: l'honneur des Kéita
Bamako: Le figuier. 104p.

BookKonaté, Moussa (1998)
L'assassin du Banconi, suivi de: L'honneur des Kéita: les enquêtes du commissaire Habib
Paris: Gallimard. Série noire #2650. 299p.

BookKibuuka, Ulysses Chuka (1991)
For the fairest
Kampala: Fountain Publishers. 305p.

BookHuxley, Elspeth (1989)
Murder at government house
New York, NY: Penguin Books. Penguin crime fiction. 231p.

BookSaisi, Frank (1984)
The bhang syndicate
Nairobi: Spear Books. Spear books #14. 180p.

BookRuheni, Mwangi (1975)
The mystery smugglers
Nairobi: Spear Books. 114p.

Search: su=crime novels (form)
Found: 87 Record 1-87

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