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BookAzé Kerté, Amoulgam (2015)
L'affaire Hissène Habré: une première tentative de mise en oeuvre de la compétence universelle en Afrique
Paris: L'Harmattan. 147p.

Periodical articleMakougoum Faha, Firmine (2015)
Personnes morales et responsabilité pénale en droit de l'OHADA, plus d'une décennie après l'adoption du traite
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 125 #892. p. 409-428.

Periodical articleMalila, Ikanyeng S. (2015)
See this publicationCodified law and the changing normative context of disputes in traditional settings in Botswana
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 49 #2. p. 267-283.

BookNdiaye, Malick (2015)
La seconde alternance sénégalaise à l'épreuve de l'impunité: équations Karim Wade et Hissein Habré, CREI et CAE
Paris: L'Harmattan. 255p.

Periodical articleOlong, Matthew (2015)
Criminal justice sector reforms in Nigeria
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 21 #2. p. 366-382.

Periodical articleDakouri, Jean-Claude (2014)
La réparation des dommages liés aux transports de déchets dangereux en Droit ivoirien: leçon à tirer d'un accord transactionnel relatif à l'affaire du Probo Koala
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 124 #886. p. 114-134.

BookKlatzow, David (2014)
Justice denied: the role of forensic science in the miscarriage of justice
Cape Town: Zebra Press. 274p.

Periodical articleLawan, Mamman (2014)
Islamic law and legal hybridity in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 58 #2. p. 303-327.

BookMapaure, Clever (ed.) (2014)
The law of pre-trial criminal procedure in Namibia
Windhoek: University of Namibia Press. 508p.

Periodical articleMujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2014)
See this publicationPresidential immunity from criminal prosecution in the Ugandan Constitution: drafting history and emerging jurisprudence
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 22 #1. p. 140-154.

Periodical articleTchouambia Tomtom, Louis Jean Bedel (2014)
La poursuite des infractions pénales OHADA devant les juridictions d'instance camerounaises: où est passé le ministère public?
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 124 #889. p. 531-559.

Dissertation / thesisTouré, Papa Assane (2014)
Le traitement de la cybercriminalité devant le juge: l'exemple du Sénégal
Paris: L'Harmattan. 616p.

Book'Jide Olakanmi & Co (2013)
Criminal law of Lagos State: cases & commentaries
Abuja: LawLords Publications.

BookAmzazi, Mohieddine (2013)
See this publicationEssai sur le système pénal marocain
Rabat: Centre Jacques-Berque. Description du Maghreb. 232p.

Periodical articleBasdeo, Vinesh (2013)
See this publicationThe legal challenges of criminal and civil asset forfeiture in South Africa: a comparative analysis
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 21 #3. p. 303-326.

Dissertation / thesisKöndgen, Olaf (2013)
Codifying a jurist's law: Islamic criminal legislation and Supreme Court case law in the Sudan under Numairi and Bashir

Periodical articleMedie, Peace A. (2013)
See this publicationFighting gender-based violence: the women's movement and the enforcement of rape law in Liberia
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 112 #448. p. 377-397.

Periodical articleMoyo, Admark (2013)
See this publicationBalancing the best interests of the child and the interests of society when sentencing youth offenders and primary caregivers in South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 29 #2. p. 314-350.

BookNgono Bounoungou, Régine (2013)
La réforme du système pénitentiaire camerounais: entre héritage coloniale et traditions coloniales
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 544p.

Periodical articleNkhata, C. Mushota (2013)
Criminalisation of HIV transmission: considerations for a holistic approach to addressing HIV in Zambia
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 44. p. 27-61.

Periodical articleOkogbule, Nlerum S. (2013)
See this publicationCombating the 'new slavery' in Nigeria: an appraisal of legal and policy responses to human trafficking
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 57 #1. p. 57-80.

Periodical articleAdeleke, Funminiyi A.R. (2012)
Locating the determinants of unsafe abortion beyond the legal framework of abortion laws: a case study of Nigerian and Ghanaian abortion laws
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 5 #3. p. 555-573.

Periodical articleBasdeo, Vinesh (2012)
See this publicationThe constitutional challenges of warrantless search and seizure in South African criminal procedure: a comparative analysis
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #2. p. 161-190.

Periodical articleBolaji, Mohammed H.A. (2012)
See this publicationBetween democracy and federalism: shari'ah in northern Nigeria and the paradox of institutional impetuses
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 59 #4. p. 93-117.

Periodical articleDewey, Susan; Germain, Tonia St. (eds.) (2012)
See this publicationASR Forum: the case of gender-based violence: assessing the impact of international human rights rhetoric on African lives
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 55 #2. p. 29-146.

BookLegal Resources Foundation Trust, Kenya (2012)
Sentencing in Kenya: practice, trends, perceptions and judicial discretion
Nairobi: Legal Resources Foundation Trust. 52p.

Periodical articleMeerkotter, Anneke (2012)
See this publicationCrackdown on sex workers in Zambia: the wrong response?
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 21 #4. p. 51-56.

BookNkea Ndzigue, Francis (2012)
La procédure pénale au Gabon: en annexe, loi no 036-2010 du 25 novembre 2010 portant Code de procédure pénale
Paris: l'Harmattan. Études africaines. 250p.

Periodical articleOyewunmi, Adejoke O. (2012)
The workplace and the criminalisation of sexual harassment under Nigerian law: lessons from a comparative study
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 5 #3. p. 661-690.

BookUganda Bureau of Statistics (2012)
See this publicationJustice, law and order: gender statistics profile
Kampala: Uganda Bureau of Statistics. 32p.

Periodical articleAkintola, Simisola O.; Taiwo, E. Adewale (2011)
Balancing the concept of the best interests of the child and the application of corporal punishment in Nigera
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 17 #2. p. 297-319.

Periodical articleMuam, Chi Augustine (2011)
Use of Cameroon harmonised Criminal Procedure Code to enforce sectoral environmental laws
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 14 #1. p. 101-115.

Periodical articleMujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2011)
Making sense of the Rwandan Law Relating to Serving Life Imprisonment with Special Provisions
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 11 #1. p. 296-308.

BookNene Bi Boti, Séraphin (2011)
Les institutions coloniales de l'Afrique occidentale française
Abidjan: Editions ABC. Collection Comment reussir. 176p.

Periodical articlePieterse, Marius (2011)
Disentangling illness, crime and morality: towards a rights-based approach to HIV prevention in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 11 #1. p. 57-74.

BookSamba, C. (2011)
See this publicationGALZ LGBTI rights violations report
Harare: GALZ. 24p.

Periodical articleYao, Eloi K. (2011)
Uniformisation et droit pénal: esquisse d'un droit pénal des affaires dans l'espace OHADA
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 121 #876. p. 292-322.

BookBastos, Fernando Loureiro (ed.) (2010)
Estudos comemorativos dos vinte anos da Faculdade de Direito de Bissau: 1990 - 2010
Abstract presentLisboa: Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito.

BookKiage, Patrick O. (2010)
Essentials of criminal procedure in Kenya
Nairobi: LawAfrica.

Periodical articleKouassi, Adome Blaise (2010)
Mutilation des organes génitaux féminins en droit pénal ivorien et français
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 13 #2. p. 173-182.

Periodical articleKulusika, Simon E. (2010)
Justice in the community
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 41. p. 77-105.

Periodical articleMalila, Ikanyeng S. (2010)
See this publicationReconciling plural legal systems: between justice and social disorder in Botswana
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 42. p. 71-78.

Periodical articleNwafor, Anthony O. (2010)
See this publicationComparative perspectives on euthanasia in Nigeria and Ethiopia
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 18 #2. p. 170-191.

Periodical articleRautenbach, Christa; Matthee, Jacques (2010)
See this publicationCommon law crimes and indigenous customs: dealing with the issues in South African law
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Volume 42 #61. p. 109-144.

Periodical issueTaha, Fadwa Rahman Ali (ed.) (2010)
See this publication[Sudan]
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 5 #1. p. 1-224.

BookWeimann, Gunnar Jochen (2010)
See this publicationIslamic criminal law in Northern Nigeria: politics, religion, judicial practice
Amsterdam: Vossiuspers UvA. 204p.

BookNakuta, John (201*)
See this publicationThe criminal justice system
Windhoek: Namibia Institute for Democracy. 64p.

Periodical articleBennett, T.W.; Mills, C.; Munnick, G. (2009)
See this publicationThe anomalies of seduction: a statutory crime or an obsolete, unconstitutional delict?
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 25 #2. p. 330-352.

Periodical articleBoudin, Chesa; Richter, Marlise (2009)
See this publicationAdult, consensual sex work in South Africa: the cautionary message of criminal law and sexual morality
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 25 #2. p. 179-197.

Periodical articleFarisani, Dorothy (2009)
Corporate homicide: what can South Africa learn from recent developments in English law?
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 42 #2. p. 210-226.

Periodical articleMujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira (2009)
The evolution of the meaning(s) of penal servitude for life (life imprisonment) in Mauritius: the human rights and jurisprudential challenges confronted so far and those ahead
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 53 #2. p. 222-248.

Periodical articleShaidi, L.P. (2009)
Tanzania penal system: retribution or correction of offenders
Abstract presentEastern Africa Law Review. Volume 35-40. p. 171-195.

Periodical articleSsali, Sarah N. (2009)
Law, circumcision and gendered sexuality in eastern Uganda and western Kenya
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 15 #1. p. 128-157.

Periodical articleYeo, Stanley (2009)
Compulsion and necessity in African criminal law
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 53 #1. p. 90-110.

Periodical articleYeo, Stanley (2009)
See this publicationAnglo-Africa perspectives on self-defence
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 17 #1. p. 118-135.

Periodical articleArsikhia, Fatula Olugbemi (2008)
Between sharia, constitutionalism and human rights in Nigeria
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 14 #2. p. 440-458.

Periodical articleBady-Kabuya, Gabin (2008)
Le ministère public congolais: bailleur de contrainte, pourvoyeur de statuts et facilitateur dans les négociations
Droit et cultures. #56. p. 93-105.

Periodical articleCole, Rowland J.V. (2008)
See this publicationDetermining the constitutionality of reverse onus clauses in Botswana
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 16 #2. p. 236-248.

Periodical articleKambale Musuvaho, Pépin (2008)
Traitement discriminatoire de l'adultère de la femme congolaise mariée civilement et instruments juridiques des droits de l'homme
Abstract presentRevue africaine des sciences de la mission = African review of mission studies. Volume 13 #24-25. p. 215-240.

Periodical articleKulusika, Simon (2008)
Crime and computer in Zambia
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. p. 113-164.

Periodical articleNyalusi, B.P. (2008)
Towards a functional and effective criminal justice system in Tanzania
Open University Law Journal. Volume 2 #1. July. p. 51-69.

Conference paperTier, Akolda M.; Badri, Balghis (eds.) (2008)
Law reform in Sudan: collection of workshop papers
Abstract presentOmdurman: Ahfad University for Women. 254p.

Periodical articleCamara, Fatou Kiné (2007)
Ce délit qui nous vient d'ailleurs: l'homosexualité dans le Code pénal du Sénégal
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 34 #3. p. 317-342.

Periodical articleCamara, Fatou Kiné (2007)
Les violences faites aux femmes et aux personnes vulnérables au Sénégal: les réformes qui s'imposent
Abstract presentPsychopathologie africaine. Volume 34 #3. p. 301-316.

Periodical articleHamli, Mohamed (2007)
Les limites à la liberté d'expression dans le droit pénal algérien
Maghreb Review. Volume 32 #4. p. 376-382.

Periodical articleKalwinski, Lara (2007)
See this publicationChallenges of implementing the Rape Amendment Act in post-conflict Liberia
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. #74. p. 142-149.

Dissertation / thesisMukheibir, André (2007)
See this publicationThe wages of delict: compensation, satisfaction, punishment?
Ph.D. dissertation (2007-05-29). Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.

Periodical articleNkhata, M.J. (2007)
Bidding farewell to mandatory capital punishment: Francis Kafantayeni and others v Attorney General
Malawi Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 103-112.

Periodical articlePossi, A. (2007)
Criminal justice in disrepute: an overview of treatment of accused persons and convicts in Tanzania
Open University Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. July. p. 83-97.

Periodical articleOndo, Télesphore (2005)
La responsabilité pénale des ministres en Afrique noire francophone (Cameroun, Gabon, Tchad, Togo)
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 59 #1. p. 4-55.

Periodical articleBaum, Robert M. (2004)
See this publicationCrimes of the Dream World: French Trials of Diola Witches in Colonial Senegal
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 37 #2. p. 201-228.

Periodical articleDewitz, Clivia von (2004)
Die begrenzten Möglichkeiten einer strafrechtlichen Aufarbeitung von Systemunrecht
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 7 #2. p. 133-154.

Periodical articleMahouve, Michel (2004)
Le système pénal OHADA ou l'uniformisation à mi-chemin
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 114 #846. p. 87-96.

Periodical articleMensa-Bonsu, H.J.A.N. (2004)
Economic crime, the criminal law and the criminal justice system of Ghana
Banking and Financial Law Journal of Ghana. Volume 2 #1. January-March. p. 191-213.

Periodical articleNoureddine, Ali (2004)
La justice française en Tunisie: production, interrogation et interprétation des sources judiciaires en matière pénale
Revue d'histoire maghrébine. Volume 31 #116. p. 121-135.

BookOlajide, Olakanmi (2004)
Criminal code
Abuja: LawLords publications. 208p.

BookOlajide, Olakanmi (2004)
Penal code & Sharia penal code
Abuja: Law Lords Publications. 227p.

Periodical articleSoro, Fangnigué Siriki (2004)
L'incitation à la réalisation de l'infraction: nouvelle catégorie juridique du droit pénal ivoirien
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 114 #847. p. 188-214.

Periodical articleAyume, F.J. (2003)
Administration of justice in Uganda: policy development and initiatives
Uganda Living Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 104-107.

Periodical articleBotte, Roger (2003)
See this publicationLe droit contre l'esclavage au Niger
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #90. p. 127-139.

Periodical articleBrinkman, Inge (2003)
See this publicationWar, Witches and Traitors: Cases from the MPLA's Eastern Front in Angola (1966-1975)
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 44 #2. July. p. 303-325.

Conference paperEzeilo, Joy Ngozi; Ladan, Muhammed Tawfiq; Afolabi-Akiyode, Abiola (eds.) (2003)
Shari'a implementation in Nigeria: issues & challenges on women's rights and access to justice
Abstract presentEnugu: Women's Aid Collective. 277p.

Periodical articleFon, F.R. (2003)
The offence of rape under Cameroonian criminal law: unexploited alternatives
Journal of Applied Social Sciences (Buea, Cameroon). Volume 3 #1. p. 132-146.

Periodical articleOdoki, B.J. (2003)
Reforming the sentencing system in Uganda
Uganda Living Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 1-22.

Dissertation / thesisOpara, Victor Nnamdi (2003)
Abortion regime under the Nigerian criminal jurisprudence: a manmade disaster to human health & human rights
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 94p.

Dissertation / thesisPelgrim, Riekje (2003)
See this publicationWitchcraft and policing: South Africa Police Service attitudes towards witchcraft and witchcraft-related crime in the Northern Province
Leiden: African Studies Centre. Research reports #72. 154p.

BookPeters, Ruud; Barends, Maarten (eds.) (2003)
Islamic criminal law in Nigeria
Ibadan: Spectrum Books. 88p.

Periodical articleVan der Walt, Johan (2003)
See this publicationHorizontal application of fundamental rights and the threshold of the law in view of the Carmichele saga
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 19 #4. p. 517-540.

Periodical articleWaris, A. (2003)
Terrorism in East Africa: the legal implications
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1. p. 69-82.

Periodical articleWojcicki, Janet M. (2003)
See this publicationThe Movement to Decriminalize Sex Work in Gauteng Province, South Africa, 1994-2002
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 46 #3. December. p. 83-109.

BookDurand, Claude (2002)
Les anciennes coutumes pénales du Tchad: les grandes enquêtes de 1937 à 1938
Paris: L'Harmattan. Pour mieux connaître le Tchad. 510p.

BookMahmoud, Mahgoub El-Tigani (ed.) (2002)
Sudan law and international human rights norms: comparative research
Abstract presentLewiston, NY: Mellen Press. African studies 64. 552p.

Periodical articleNjara, Ernest (2002)
Le mal et la justice à Madagascar
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 56 #1. p. 101-128.

Periodical articleRamraj, Victor V. (2002)
Freedom of the person and the principles of criminal fault
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 225-258.

Periodical articleReddaf, Ahmed (2002)
L'aspect pénal du droit de l'environnement
Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 39 #1. p. 89-98.

Periodical articleSita Muila Akele, Angélique (2002)
Rapport de recherche pour une thèse doctorale sur: 'Le droit pénal et la famille. Essai d'analyse systémique et axiologique'
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 42 #366. juin-juillet-août. p. 351-367.

Periodical articleShale, R. (2001-2004)
The bearing of provocation on criminal liability
Lesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 14 #2. p. 309-340.

Periodical articleBekker, P.M. (2001)
American plea bargaining in statutory form in South Africa
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 34 #3. p. 310-324.

Periodical articleDiouf, Ndiaw (2001)
Actes uniformes et droit pénal des États signataires du Traité de l'OHADA: la difficile émergence d'un droit pénal communautaire des affaires dans l'espace OHADA
Abstract presentRevue burkinabè de droit. #39-40. p. 63-74.

Periodical articleFatula, O. (2001)
Capital punishment: to be or not to be in Nigeria
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 14 #1. p. 97-117.

Search: su=criminal law
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