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Search: su=deserts
Found: 40 Record 1-40

Periodical articleFurniss Weisberg, Meg (2015)
See this publicationSpiritual symbolism in the Sahara: Ibrahim al-Koni's 'Nazif al-Hajar'
Abstract presentResearch in African Literatures. Volume 46 #3. p. 46-67.

Periodical articleMusch, Tilman (2015)
Six days towards the polar star: orientation among Tubu Teda
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 85. p. 282-310.

BookAttum, Omar (2014)
Sinai: landscape and nature in Egypt's wilderness
Cairo: American University In Cairo Press. 181p.

BookDar, William D. (2014)
Greening the grey: expanding the green revolution
Delhi: Rajpal & Sons. 222p.

BookHenschel, Joh (2014)
Toktok talkie: ancient mariner to Zophis moralesi
Windhoek: Wordweaver Publishing House. 126p.

BookGreen, Nick (2013)
Boathouse to Botswana
Black Crake Books. 211p.

BookBoetsch, Gilles (ed.) (2012)
Les plantes du Sahel: usages et enjeux sociaux
Abstract presentParis: CNRS éditions. Collection 'Environnements africains. 424p.

BookPliez, Olivier (2011)
Les cités du désert: des villes sahariennes au saharatowns
Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail. Villes et territoires. 161p.

Periodical articleBattesti, Vincent (2009)
Tourisme d'oasis: les mirages naturels et culturels d'une rencontre?
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 49 #193-194. p. 551-581.

BookBollig, Michael; Bubenzer, Olaf (eds.) (2009)
African landscapes: interdisciplinary approaches
Abstract presentNew York: Springer. Studies in human ecology and adaptation #4. 515p.

BookNangulu, Anne Kisaka (2009)
See this publicationFood security and coping mechanisms in marginal areas: the case of West Pokot, Kenya, 1920-1995
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #15. 251p.

BookGoudie, Andrew (2008)
Wheels across the desert: exploration of the Libyan desert by motorcar 1916-1942
London: Silphium. 205p.

BookBorowiec, Andrew (2003)
Taming the Sahara: Tunisia shows a way while others falter
Westport, CT: Praeger. 145p.

BookCheikh, Abd El W.O.; Durou, Jean-Marc (eds.) (2002)
Sahara: L'Adrar de Mauritanie: sur les traces de Théodore Monod
Paris: Vents de Sable. 192p.

BookKrzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard Holton (eds.) (2001)
Deserting the desert: a threatened cultural landscape between the Nile and the sea
Abstract presentBergen: University of Bergen. 179p.

Periodical articleGiess, W. (1998)
A preliminary vegetation map of Namibia
Dinteria. #4. January. p. 5-114.

Periodical articleLeeuwen, Richard van (1997)
Cars in the desert: Ibrahim Al-Kawni, 'Abd Al-Rahman Munif and André Citroën
Oriente moderno. Volume 77. p. 59-72.

Periodical articleSaid, Rushdi (1997)
The Role of the Desert in the Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. Volume 9. p. 7-22.

Periodical articleDinkele, G. (1995)
The Namib: facts, figures and exercises. Pt. 1
Geographical Education Magazine. Volume 18 #2. September. p. 13-18.

Periodical articleKhatteli, Houcine (1993)
Contribution à la connaissance de la dynamique du milieu naturel en Mauritanie: cas de Nouakchott
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de géographie. #23-24. p. 103-117.

Periodical articleMoussa, Fadhel (1992)
See this publicationLa stratégie de lutte contre 'le recul de la terre': le cas tunisien
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 4 #3. p. 678-713.

Periodical articleMattes, Hanspeter (1991)
Der algerische 'Grand Sud': politische und ökonomische Entwicklung im Sahararaum und grenzüberschreitende Einflussfaktoren
Wuqûf: Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Staat und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika. #6. p. 169-258.

DVD / videoSorrentino, Bruno (ed.) (1991)
Rivers of sand
Abstract presentCentral Independent TV.

BookDurou, Jean-Marc (1990)
Ténéré: désert d'absolus
Abstract presentMarseille: AGEP. 215p.

Periodical articleHaynes, C. Vance (1989)
See this publicationOyo: A 'Lost' Oasis of the Southern Libyan Desert
The Geographical Journal. Volume 155 #2. July. p. 189-195.

Periodical articleHeffernan, Michael J. (1988)
A French Colonial Controversy: Captain Roudaire and the Saharan Sea
Abstract presentMaghreb Review. Volume 13 #3-4. p. 145-160.

BookDresch, Jean; Baduel, P.-R. (eds.) (1987)
Désert et montagne au Maghreb: hommage à Jean Dresch
Abstract presentAix-en-Provence: Édisud. Revue de l'Occident Musulman et de la Méditerranée #41-42. 422p.

BookGaye, Sidy (1987)
Towards sustainable development: reports on 14 Nordic-supported projects in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mekong Basin, Sri Lanka and Tanzania
Abstract presentLondon: Panos. 16p.

Periodical articleTrousset, Pol (1984)
Du lac triton des anciens au projet de mer saharienne: histoire d'une utopie
Abstract presentLes cahiers de Tunisie: revue de sciences humaines. Volume 32 #127-128. p. 31-50.

Periodical articleBisson, Jean (1983)
Les villes sahariennes: politique volontariste et particularismes régionaux
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #100. p. 25-41.

Periodical articleBisson, Jean (1983)
L'industrie, la ville, la palmeraie au désert: un quart de siècle d'évolution au Sahara algérien; Les villes sahariennes: politique volontariste et particularismes régionaux
Abstract presentMaghreb Machrek: monde arabe. #99. p. 5-29.

BookGovernment of Republic of Kenya. Ministry of Economic Planning and Development (1983)
Arid and semi-arid lands development project: Kitui district water resources study: phase II: prefeasibility
Nairobi: Louis Berger International.

Periodical articleBabiker, Ahmed A.A. (1981)
The Land Rotation Cultivation System and its Effect on Woody Vegetation Suppression in the Jabal Marra Area of the Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 62. p. 108-122.

BookGardi, René (1978)
Tenere: die Wüste, in der man Fische fing: [Zwischen Sahara und Sahel, Bericht über drei Reisen in den Osten der Republik Niger]
Abstract presentBern: Benteli. 288p.

Book chapterMustafa, Shettima (1977)
The encroachment of the desert in the Central Bilad al-Sudan: but is it really encroaching?
Abstract presentIn: The Central Bilad al-Sudan: tradition and adaptation. p. 47-64.

Periodical articleValette, Jacques (1977)
Le projet de 'mer interieure' du colonel Roudaire et la politique coloniale de la IIIe République
Abstract presentRevue d'histoire maghrébine. #7-8. p. 251-258.

Periodical articleLovejoy, Paul E.; Baier, Stephen (1975)
See this publicationThe Desert-Side Economy of the Central Sudan
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 8 #4. p. 551-581.

Periodical articleBaumer, Michel C.; Rey, Paul-Augustin (1974)
Pastoralisme, amenagement, carthographie de la vegetation et developpement integral harmonise dans les regions Circum-Sahariennes
Abstract presentGenève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 13 #1. p. 23-40.

Periodical articleFuchs, Peter (1974)
Sozio-Ökonomische Aspekte der Dürrekatastrophe für die Sahara-Bevölkerung von Niger
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 9 #3. p. 308-316.

Periodical articleGrove, Alfred T. (1974)
See this publicationDesertification in the African Environment
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 73 #291. April. p. 137-151.

Search: su=deserts
Found: 40 Record 1-40

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