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Search: su=Dinka
Found: 53 Record 1-53

Periodical articlePendle, Naomi (2017)
See this publicationContesting the militarization of the places where they met: the landscapes of the western Nuer and Dinka (South Sudan)
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 64-85.

Periodical articleKane, Ross (2014)
See this publicationRitual formation of peaceful publics: sacrifice and syncretism in South Sudan (1991-2005)
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 44 #3-4. p. 386-410.

Periodical articleImpey, Angela (2013)
See this publicationKeeping in touch via cassette: tracing Dinka songs from cattle camp to transnational audio-letter
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 25 #2. p. 197-210.

Periodical articleTwining, William (2013)
Francis Deng on Dinka culture and human rights
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 46 #2. p. 197-214.

BookMalek, Peter; Deng, Elizabeth Achol Ajuet (2012)
Dance to the drum of our home: a book of Dinka children's songs = Con Loor wunda diet mith e Jieen
London: Peter Malek. 30p.

Dissertation / thesisVreugdenhil, Janneke (2012)
See this publicationHunger for cattle is killing: Case study of conflicts along migration routes in Jonglei state South Sudan

Periodical articleDeng, Luka Biong (2010)
See this publicationLivelihood diversification and civil war: Dinka communities in Sudan's civil war
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 4 #3. p. 381-399.

Periodical articleDeng, Luka Biong (2010)
See this publicationSocial capital and civil war: the Dinka communities in Sudan's civil war
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 109 #435. p. 231-250.

BookJok, Kuel Maluil (2010)
Animism of the Nilotics and discourses of Islamic fundamentalism in Sudan
Leiden: Sidestone Press. 140p.

BookWol, Dhieu Mathok Diing (2009)
Politics of ethnic discrimination in Sudan: a justification for the secession of South Sudan
Kampala: Netmedia Publishers. 244p.

Book chapterElhag, Naglaa (2008)
A tale of two wars: the militarization of Dinka and Nuer identities in South Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Dilemmas of development: conflicts of interest and their resolutions in modernizing Africa. p. 164-186.

BookAkol, Jacob J. (2007)
Dinka folktales
Nairobi: Paulines. 96p.

BookBul Dau, John (2007)
God grew tired of us: a memoir
Washington: National Geographic. 287p.

BookAkol, Jacob J. (2005)
I will go the distance: the story of a 'lost' Sudanese boy of the sixties
Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa. 288p.

BookBeswick, Stephanie (2004)
Sudan's blood memory: the legacy of war, ethnicity, and slavery in early South Sudan
Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. Rochester studies in African history and the diaspora. 277p.

BookOgot, Bethwell A. (2004)
A political and cultural history of the Jii-speaking peoples of eastern Africa
Kisumu: Anyange Press. 106p.

BookTier, Akolda M.; Dhal, Abraham Matoc (2004)
See this publicationInter-communal conflict in Sudan, resolution mechanisms and transformation: a case study of the Dinka-Nuer conflict
Omdurman, Sudan: Ahfad University. 65p.

Book chapterHutchinson, Sharon Elaine; Jok, Jok Madut (2002)
Gendered violence and the militarisation of ethnicity: a case study from South Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Postcolonial subjectivities in Africa. p. 84-107.

BookNikkel, Marc R. (2001)
Dinka Christianity: the origins and development of Christianity among the Dinka of Sudan with special reference to the songs of Dinka Christians
Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa. Faith in Sudan #11. 383p.

Periodical articleJok, Jok Madut; Hutchinson, Sharon Elaine (1999)
See this publicationSudan's Prolonged Second Civil War and the Militarization of Nuer and Dinka Ethnic Identities
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 42 #2. September. p. 125-145.

Periodical articleJok, Jok Madut (1999)
See this publicationMilitarism, Gender and Reproductive Suffering: The Case of Abortion in Western Dinka
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 69 #2. p. 194-212.

BookCole, David C.; Huntington, Richard (1997)
Between a swamp and a hard place: developmental challenges in remote rural Africa
Abstract presentCambridge, MA: Harvard Institute for International Development. Harvard studies in international development. 297p.

Book chapterJohnson, Douglas H. (1995)
The prophet Ngundeng & the battle of Pading: prophecy, symbolism & historical evidence
Abstract presentIn: Revealing prophets: prophecy in eastern African history / ed. by David Anderson & Douglas H. Johnson. - London [etc.]: James Currey [etc.]. p. 196-220.

Periodical articleBeswick, Stephanie (1994)
See this publicationNon-Acceptance of Islam in the Southern Sudan: The Case of the Dinka from the Pre-Colonial Period to Independence (1956)
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 1 #2-3. p. 19-47.

Periodical articleBleuchot, Hervé (1994)
L'évolution du droit coutumier: l'exemple des Nuer et Dinka
Abstract presentDroit et cultures. #28. p. 161-174.

Book chapterDeng, Francis Mading (1994)
Cultural dimensions of conflict management and development: some lessons from the Sudan
Abstract presentIn: Culture and development in Africa / Ismail Serageldin, June Taboroff, eds.; Alicia Hetzner, ed. consultant. - Washington, D.C.: World Bank. p. 465-509.

BookKeen, David (1994)
The benefits of famine: a political economy of famine and relief in southwestern Sudan, 1983-1989
Abstract presentPrinceton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 289p.

BookLeverenz, Irene (1994)
See this publicationDer Kuhstall Gottes: ein Ritual der Agar-Dinka
München: Trickster Verlag. Sudanesische Marginalien #6. 318p.

Periodical articleJohnson, Douglas H. (1993)
See this publicationDeng Laka and Mut Roal: Fixing the Date of an Unknown Battle
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 20. p. 119-128.

Periodical articleKurimoto, Eisei (1992)
See this publicationAn Ethnography of 'Bitterness': Cucumber and Sacrifice Reconsidered
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 22 #1. February. p. 47-65.

Periodical articleNikkel, Marc R. (1992)
See this publicationAspects of Contemporary Religious Change among the Dinka
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 22 #1. February. p. 78-94.

Periodical articleKocjok, Damazo Dut Majak (1991)
See this publicationThe Malual Dinka-Baqqara Border Conflict and the Impact on National Integration in the Sudan
Abstract presentNortheast African Studies. Volume 13 #1. p. 73-83.

Periodical articleMawson, A.N.M. (1991)
See this publication'Bringing What People Want': Shrine Politics among the Agar Dinka
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 61 #3. p. 354-369.

Book chapterDeng, Francis M. (1990)
A cultural approach to human rights among the Dinka
Abstract presentIn: Human rights in Africa: cross-cultural perspectives. p. 261-289.

Periodical articleJohnson, Douglas H. (1990)
See this publicationFixed Shrines and Spiritual Centres in the Upper Nile
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 25. p. 41-56.

Periodical articleJohnson, Douglas H. (1989)
See this publicationPolitical Ecology in the Upper Nile: The Twentieth Century Expansion of the Pastoral 'Common Economy'
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 30 #3. p. 463-486.

BookMeeker, Michael E. (1989)
The pastoral son and the spirit of patriarchy: religion, society, and person among East African stock keepers
Abstract presentMadison, Wisc.: The University of Wisconsin Press. New directions in anthropological writing. 195p.

Book chapterDeng, Francis M. (1988)
Dinka response to Christianity: the pursuit of well-being in a developing society
Abstract presentIn: Vernacular Christianity: essays in the social anthropology of religion presented to Godfrey Lienhardt. p. 157-169.

Book chapterJohnson, D.H. (1988)
Divinity abroad: Dinka missionaries in foreign lands
Abstract presentIn: Vernacular Christianity: essays in the social anthropology of religion presented to Godfrey Lienhardt. p. 170-182.

BookMakec, John Wuol (1988)
The customary law of the Dinka people of Sudan: African traditional law in comparison with aspects of Western and Islamic laws
Abstract presentLondon: Afroworld. 287p.

BookDeng, Francis Mading (1987)
Tradition and modernization: a challenge for law among the Dinka of the Sudan
Abstract presentNew Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

BookDeng, Francis Mading (1986)
The man called Deng Majok: a biography of power, polygyny, and change
Abstract presentNew Haven, Mass.: Yale University Press. 294p.

BookKelly, Raymond C. (1985)
The Nuer conquest: the structure and development of an expansionist system
Abstract presentAnn Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 320p.

Periodical articleLako, George Tombe (1985)
See this publicationThe Impact of the Jonglei Scheme on the Economy of the Dinka
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 84 #334. January. p. 15-38.

BookMawut, Lazarus Leek (1983)
Dinka resistance to Condominium rule, 1902-1932
Abstract presentKhartoum: University of Khartoum. Graduate College publications. 59p.

Periodical articleJohnson, Douglas H. (1982)
See this publicationTribal Boundaries and Border Wars: Nuer-Dinka Relations in the Sobat and Zaraf Valleys, c.1800-1976
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 23 #2. p. 183-203.

BookDeng, Francis Mading (1980)
Dinka cosmology
Abstract presentLondon: Ithaca. 348p.

BookJohnson, D.H. (1980)
Tribal boundaries and border wars: Nuer-Dinka relations in the Upper Nile Province, c. 1860-1976
Abstract presentWaltham, MA: African Studies Association. 26p.

BookDeng, Francis Mading (1978)
Africans of two worlds: the Dinka in Afro-Arab Sudan
Abstract presentNew Haven; London: Yale University Press.

Book chapterDeng Farim Sorur, D. (1974)
A Dinka priest writing on his own people
Abstract presentIn: The opening of the Nile Basin. p. 196-203.

BookDeng, Francis Mading (1974)
Dinka folktales: African stories from the Sudan
New York: Africana Publishing Company. 204p.

Book chapterMair, L. (1974)
Religion and society: the Dinka
Abstract presentIn: African societies. p. 193-206.

BookLienhardt, Godfrey (1961)
Divinity and experience: the religion of the Dinka
Abstract presentOxford: Clarendon Press. 328p.

Search: su=Dinka
Found: 53 Record 1-53

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