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Search: su=domestic trade | ||||||||
Found: 75 | Record 1-75 |
Wolf, Christina (2017) | |
Industrialization in times of China: domestic-market formation in Angola | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 116 #464. p. 435-461. |
Sohi Blesson, Florent (2014) | |
Le commerce dans la région de Man: Côte d'Ivoire (1896-1940) | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Racines du présent. 428p. |
Aniegye, Ntewusu Samuel (2012) | |
Settling in and holding on: a socio-historical study of northern traders and transporters in Accra's Tudu: 1908-2008 | |
Leiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #40. 270p. |
Kufuor, Kofi Oteng (2010) | |
Sub-State protectionism in Ghana | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 18 #1. p. 78-91. |
Abdula, Danilo Carimo (2007) | |
Improving maize marketing and trade policies to promote household food security in southern Mozambique | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 197p. |
Huchon, Jean (2007) | |
Dans le nord-ouest du Kenya, des lieux qui disparaissent et qui émergent au gré des politiques d'intégration | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 60 #237. p. 131-152. |
Morapedi, W.G. (2004) | |
Cattle trade and the peasantries of Botswana: the case of Gantsi and Ngamiland, 1930-1966 | |
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 18 #2. p. 95-110. |
Quarles van Ufford, Paul; Zaal, Fred (2004) | |
The Transfer of Trust: Ethnicities as Economic Institutions in the Livestock Trade in West and East Africa | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 74 #2. p. 121-145. |
Estur, Gérald (2003) | |
Dossier coton | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 58 #2985. p. 150-167. |
Haraldsdottir, Gudrun (2003) | |
Cooperation and conflicting interests: an ethnography of fishing and fish trading on the shores of Lake Malawi | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 253p. |
Estur, Gérald (2001) | |
Dossier coton | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 56 #2907. p. 1533-1553. |
Fabunmi, J.O. (2001) | |
Contract registration and perfection: the legal basis for issuing and using warehouse receipt (negotiable/non-negotiable) as security for trade finance: issues under the Nigerian system | |
Lesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 14 #1. p. 175-194. |
Omamo, Steven Were; Mose, Lawrence O. (2001) | |
Fertilizer Trade under Market Liberalization: Preliminary Evidence from Kenya | |
Food Policy. Volume 26 #1. February. p. 1-10. |
Colliez, J-P. (1997) | |
L'hôtellerie consolide ses positions en 1996 | |
Économie de la Réunion. #90. juillet-août. p. 24-24. |
Canet, Colette; N'Diaye, Cheikh (1996) | |
L'alimentation de rue en Afrique | |
Food, Nutrition and Agriculture. #17-18. p. 4-13. |
Razafindrakoto, M. (1996) | |
Dynamique du secteur industriel moderne sur longue période: 1966-1994 ou comment se perdre en une décennie? | |
Economie de Madagascar. #1. déc.. p. 41-69. |
Jones, Laird (1995) | |
Commercial Politics and the Overstocking Crisis in Mwanza Province, Tanganyika, 1926-1935 | |
African Economic History. Volume 23. p. 129-142. |
Mbonile, Milline J. (1994) | |
Trading Centres and Development in Tanzania | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 21 #59. March. p. 7-20. |
Parr, R.G. (1994) | |
Intra-industry trade and the prospect of trade liberalisation in South Africa | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 62 #4. p. 393-405. |
Manuel, F. (1993) | |
Murrupula: o milho já cobre os escombros | |
Tempo. #1165. 21 março. p. 25-29. |
Varela, R. (1992) | |
Comércio informal publicamente sentenciado | |
Tempo. #1150. 6 dez.. p. 33-39. |
Leplaideur, A.; Moustier, P. (1991) | |
Dynamique du vivrier à Brazzaville: les mythes de l'anarchie et de l'inefficace | |
Cahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 147-157. |
Pedersen, Poul O. (1991) | |
The Restructuring of Wholesale and Retail Trade in Zimbabwe New District Service Centres | |
African Urban Quarterly. Volume 6 #3-4. August-November. p. 292-303. |
Boumedouha, Saïd (1990) | |
Adjustment to West African Realities: The Lebanese in Senegal | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 60 #4. p. 538-549. |
Stepniewska-Holzer, B. (1990) | |
Trade and domestic market in Egypt in the first half of the 19th century | |
Africana Bulletin. #36. p. 7-22. |
Constantin, F.; Le Guennec-Coppens, F. (1988) | |
Dubai Street, Zanzibar... | |
Politique africaine. #30. p. 7-21. |
Alaku, Ogbonna; Igene, J.O. (1986) | |
Factors influencing trade movement of sheep and goats from Borno State to other parts of Nigeria | |
Annals of Borno. Volume 3. p. 127-136. |
Nicolas, Guy (1986) | |
Don rituel et échange marchand dans une société sahélienne | |
Paris: Musée de l'homme. Mémoires de l'Institut d'Ethnologie, Université de Paris #25. 282p. |
Arnould, Eric J. (1985) | |
Evaluating Regional Economic Development: Results of A Marketing Systems Analysis in Zinder Province, Niger Republic | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 19 #2. January. p. 209-244. |
Hollier, Graham P. (1985) | |
Examining Allegations of Exploitation and Inefficiency in Rural Marketing Systems: Some Evidence from West Cameroon | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 19 #3. April. p. 393-416. |
Makwala ma Mavambu ye Beda (1982) | |
L'évolution des relations commerciales villes-campagnes au Bas-Zaïre: un exemple de désarticulation des circuits d'échange | |
Cahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 20 #1-2. p. 5-70. |
Clough, Paul (1981) | |
Farmers and Traders in Hausaland | |
Development and Change. Volume 12 #2. April. p. 273-292. |
Arouna, N'Sangou (1978) | |
L'offre et la demande des produits vivriers dans la région de Yaounde | |
Cahiers de l'ONAREST. Volume 1 #1. p. 61-73. |
Ola, D.K. (1978) | |
Interregional trade | |
In: A Geography of Nigerian Development. p. 351-367. |
Southall, Roger J. (1978) | |
Farmers, Traders and Brokers in the Gold Coast Cocoa Economy | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 12 #2. p. 185-211. |
Boni, K. (1977) | |
La commercialisation de l'igname dans la région de Korhogo: étude du système de la mise en marché de l'ingname et des différents catégories d'agents de distribution | |
Cahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #14. p. 9-30. |
Bouzidi, A. (1977) | |
Productivité du travail dans l'agriculture algerienne et problèmes de la commercialisation des produits agricoles | |
Revue algérienne des sciences juridiques, politiques et économiques. Volume 14 #4. p. 502-539. |
Democratic Republic of the Sudan. Ministry of National Planning. Department of Statistics (1977) | |
Internal trade statistics and price indices 1976 | |
Khartoum: Democratic Republic of the Sudan, Ministry of National Planning. 116p. |
Makoye, James E. (1977) | |
Problems of state trading companies in Tanzania | |
Taamuli: a Political Science Forum. Volume 7 #1. p. 20-30. |
Mlambiti, M.E. (1977) | |
Structural Patterns in Produce Marketing at Morogoro | |
Tanzania Notes and Records. Volume 81 and 82. p. 79-98. |
Onyemelukwe, J.O.C.; Filani, M.O.; Abumere, S.I. (1977) | |
Interstate trade in major foodstuffs of Nigeria | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 19 #3. p. 325-350. |
Egboh, Edmund O. (1976) | |
Professional trading among the Igbos of South-Eastern Nigeria | |
Présence africaine. #97. p. 81-92. |
El Namaki, M.S.S. (1976) | |
The future organization, planning and control over domestic trade in Tanzania | |
Journal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 6 #1. p. 61-68. |
Hogendorn, J.S. (1976) | |
The vent-for-surplus model and African cash agriculture to 1914 | |
Savanna: A Journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. Volume 5 #1. p. 15-28. |
Robertson, Claire (1976) | |
Change in the organization of the fish trade in twentieth-century Accra | |
African Urban Notes - African Studies Center, Michigan State University. Volume 2 #2. p. 43-58. |
Essang, S.M. (1975) | |
Determinants of the growth and size distribution of LBA's investment expenditures | |
Quarterly Journal of Administration. Volume 10 #3. p. 285-295. |
Fry, James (1975) | |
Rural-Urban Terms of Trade, 1960-1973: A Note | |
African Social Research. #19. June. p. 730-738. |
Kuevi, Dovi (1975) | |
Le travail et le commerce du fer au Togo avant l'arrivée des Européens | |
Études togolaises: revue togolaise des sciences. #11-12. p. 22-43. |
Mupinganayi Kadiakuidi (1975) | |
Reflexions relatives au commerce intérieur du Zaïre | |
Afrika Spectrum. Volume 10 #2. p. 177-185. |
Kolawole, M.I. (1974) | |
Food retailing in Nigeria | |
Odù: Journal of Yoruba and Related Studies. #10. p. 108-117. |
Muwonge, J.W. (1973) | |
Functions and Characteristics of Trading Centres in Uganda | |
East African Geographical Review. #11. June. p. 52-64. |
Reyns, A.; Willekens, F. (1973) | |
Le mouvement saisonnier des prix des produits agricoles sur les marchés de Kinshasa | |
Cahiers zaïrois de la recherche et du développement. Volume 18 #1. p. 31-58. |
Arhin, Kwame (1972) | |
The Ashanti Rubber Trade with the Gold Coast in the 1890's | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 42 #1. January. p. 32-43. |
Northrup, David (1972) | |
Growth and Trade among the Igbo before 1800 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 13 #2. p. 217-236. |
Dobosiewicz, Z. (1971) | |
Traditional trade and population migration as integration factors in West Africa | |
Africana Bulletin. #14. p. 145-159. |
Maimbo, Fabian J.M.; Fry, James (1971) | |
An Investigation into the Change in the Terms of Trade between the Rural and Urban Sectors of Zambia | |
African Social Research. #12. December. p. 95-110. |
Young, C.E. (1971) | |
Rural-Urban Terms of Trade | |
African Social Research. #12. December. p. 91-94. |
Laumer, H. (1970) | |
Umfang und Auswirkungen der staatlichen Einflüssnahme auf Gross- und Einzelhandel in Uganda | |
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 6 #9-10. p. 560-563. |
Akintoye, S.A. (1969) | |
The Ondo Road Eastwards of Lagos, 1870-1895 | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 10 #4. p. 581-598. |
Alagoa, E.J. (1969) | |
Oproza and early trade on the Escravos: a note on the interpretation of the oral tradition of a small group | |
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Volume 5 #1. p. 151-156. |
Britten, M.J. (1969) | |
The effects of industrialisation on the distributive trade and the consumer | |
Rhodesian Journal of Economics. Volume 3 #2. p. 21-26. |
Gwynne-Jones, D.R. (1969) | |
Cattle in a Mende chiefdom: aspects of the cattle trade in the Eastern province | |
Sierra Leone Geographical Journal. #13. p. 28-32. |
Laumer, H. (1969) | |
Struktur und Entwicklung von Gross- und Einzelhandel in Uganda | |
Internationales Afrikaforum. Volume 5 #4. p. 289-295. |
MacCall, D.F. (1969) | |
Peasant production of cash crops and social stability | |
African Studies Bulletin. Volume 12 #3. p. 255-265. |
Bonnefonds, A.L. (1968) | |
La transformation du commerce de traite en Côte d'Ivoire depuis la dernière guerre mondiale et l'independance | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 21 #84. p. 395-413. |
Prioul, Chr. (1968) | |
Le reseau routier et l'agriculture commerciale en République Centrafricaine | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 21 #84. p. 434-437. |
Raison, J.-P. (1968) | |
Mouvements et commerce des bovins dans la région de Mandoto (Moyen-Ouest de Madagascar) | |
Madagascar: revue de géographie. #12. p. 7-58. |
Ukwu, Ukwu I. (1967) | |
The Development of Trade Marketing in Iboland | |
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Volume 3 #4. June. p. 647-662. |
Chaû, Lê (1966) | |
Le commerce dans la région de Bouaké (Côte d'Ivoire): Une étude économique du commerce régional et inter-régional dans l'Ouest Africain | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 3 #5. p. 3-104. |
Fréchou, H. (1966) | |
L'élevage et le commerce du Bétail dans le Nord du Cameroun | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 3 #2. p. 3-125. |
Hay, A.M.; Smith, R.H.T. (1966) | |
Preliminary estimates of Nigeria's interregional trade and associated money flows | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 8 #1. p. 9-35. |
Anonymous (1965) | |
Redeployment: an aspect of development in Tropical Africa | |
Statistical and Economic Review. April. p. 1-38. |
Couty, P. (1965) | |
Notes sur la production et le commerce du mil dans: Le département du Diamare (Nord-Cameroun) | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 2 #4. p. 3-88. |
Mitchell, P.K. (1962) | |
Trade routes of the early Sierra Leone protectorate | |
Sierra Leone Studies. #16. p. 204-217. |
Duvieusart, E. (1959) | |
Note sur le commerce indigène dans les grands centres extra-coutumiers du Congo Belge | |
Problèmes sociaux congolais. #45. p. 71-93. |
Search: su=domestic trade | ||||||||
Found: 75 | Record 1-75 |
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