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Search: su=drinking customs
Found: 27 Record 1-27

Periodical articleFubah, Mathias A. (2014)
See this publicationThe changing 'life' of the buffalo/cow horns and new methods of adaptation by carvers/patrons in the Grassfields, Cameroon
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 73 #1. p. 41-57.

Periodical articleMbonye, Martin (ed.) (2014)
See this publicationAlcohol consumption and high risk sexual behaviour among female sex workers in Uganda
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 13 #2. p. 145-151.

BookKreiner-Wolf, Andreas (2012)
See this publicationErnährungspraktiken im subsaharischen Afrika: Essen zwischen politisch-ökonomischen Zwängen und lokaler Identifikation
Mainz: Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. Arbeitspapiere #138. 82p.

Periodical articleCampbell, Ian (2011)
The 'bïrïllé' man of Harer: the contribution of Arthur Rimbaud to the evolution of a uniquely Ethiopian drinking-vessel
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 26. p. 179-205.

Periodical articleKifleyesus, Abbebe (2011)
In vino veritas: 'wine' and moonshine and the language of drinking and drunkenness in Debre Bïrhan
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 26. p. 207-246.

Periodical articleLipambala, John Nkoko (2010)
See this publicationLieux de vente de vin de palme et débats publics: une autre face de l'espace public à Kisangani
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 35 #3. p. 145-157.

Periodical articleNugent, Paul (2010)
See this publicationDo nations have stomachs? Food, drink and imagined community in Africa
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 45 #3. p. 87-113.

Periodical articleNugent, Paul (2010)
See this publicationDo nations have stomachs? Food, drink and imagined community in Africa
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 45 #3. p. 87-113.

Periodical articleValentin, Manuel (2010)
Bouteilles et sachets en plastique: pratiques et impacts des modes de consommation d'eau à boire au Sénégal
Abstract presentAutrepart. #55. p. 57-70.

Conference paperWolputte, Steven van; Fumanti, Mattia (eds.) (2010)
Beer in Africa: drinking spaces, states and selves
Abstract presentMünster: Lit Verlag. Afrikanische Studien #36. 315p.

Periodical articleLues, J.F.R. (2009)
Brewing and consumptions practices of indigenous traditional beer in a typical South African semi-urban area
Abstract presentIndilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. Volume 8 #2. p. 163-174.

Periodical articleMutisya, Dorothy; Willis, Justin (2009)
See this publicationBudget drinking: alcohol consumption in two Kenyan towns
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 3 #1. p. 55-73.

Periodical articleMosebo, Marianne Bach (2008)
Coping with disorder: drinking groups among men in Karamoja
Abstract presentMila: a Journal of the Institute of African Studies. Volume 9. p. 65-73.

Periodical articleSagawa, Toru (2006)
See this publicationWives' Domestic and Political Activities at Home: The Space of Coffee Drinking among the Daasanetch of Southwestern Ethiopia
African Study Monographs. Volume 27 #2. July. p. 63-86.

Periodical articleWillis, Justin (2003)
See this publicationNew Generation Drinking: The Uncertain Boundaries of Criminal Enterprise in Modern Kenya
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 102 #407. April. p. 241-260.

Book chapterAbbink, Jon (2002)
Drinking, prestige, and power: alcohol and cultural hegemony in Maji, southern Ethiopia
Abstract presentIn: Alcohol in Africa: mixing business, pleasure, and politics. p. 161-177.

BookBryceson, Deborah Fahy (ed.) (2002)
Alcohol in Africa: mixing business, pleasure, and politics
Abstract presentPortsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 305p.

Book chapterGewald, Jan-Bart (2002)
Diluting drinks and deepening discontent: colonial liquor controls and public resistance in Windhoek, Namibia
Abstract presentIn: Alcohol in Africa: mixing business, pleasure, and politics. p. 117-138.

Periodical articleLadikos, Anastasios (2001)
Die voorkoms van alkoholmisbruik en substansmisbruik by 'n groep hofobservasiegevalle met behulp van korrespondensie-analises
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 41 #2. p. 158-174.

Periodical articleUgochukwu, Françoise (2001)
Le boire en pays igbo: le vin parle pour eux
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. p. 33-47.

Periodical articleWillis, Justin (2001)
See this publication'Beer Used to Belong to Older Men': Drink and Authority among the Nyakyusa of Tanzania
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 71 #3. p. 373-390.

BookAkyeampong, Emmanuel Kwaku (1996)
Drink, power, and cultural change: a social history of alcohol in Ghana, c. 1800 to recent times
Abstract presentPortsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann. Social history of Africa. 189p.

Periodical articleHeap, Simon (1994)
Alcohol in Africa: a supplementary list of post-1875 literature
Abstract presentCurrent Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 26 #1. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleAnigbo, Osmund A.C. (1990)
Palm Wine as Social Processes: The Igbo Experience
Abstract presentAfricana Marburgensia. Volume 23 #2. p. 3-23.

Periodical articleCurto, José C. (1989)
Alcohol in Africa: A Preliminary Compilation of the Post-1875 Literature
Abstract presentCurrent Bibliography on African Affairs. Volume 21 #1. p. 3-31.

Periodical articleMacAllister, P.A. (1986)
See this publication'Releasing the widow': Xhosa beer drink oratory and status change
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 45 #2. p. 171-197.

Periodical articleRothman, Norman C. (1978)
The Liquor Authority and Welfare Administration in Lusaka
Abstract presentAfrican Urban Studies. #1. Spring. p. 27-38.

Search: su=drinking customs
Found: 27 Record 1-27

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