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Periodical articleOdijie, Michael Ehis (2020)
See this publicationEPA and sensitive products: the danger for industrial policy 'incoordination'
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 38 #4. p. 519-540.

Periodical articleSuzuki, Sanae (2020)
See this publicationIncreasing ownership for intervention in ECOWAS
African Security Review. Volume 29 #4. p. 364-375.

Periodical articleOsabuohien, Evans S.; Efobi, Uchenna R.; Odebiyi, John T.; Fayomi, Oluyemi O.; Salami, Adeleke O. (2019)
See this publicationBilateral Trade Performance in West Africa: A Gravity Model Estimation
African Development Review. Volume 31 #1. p. 1-14.

Periodical articleEzeoha, Abel E.; Okoyeuzu, Chinwe; Udu, Ama A.; Edeh, Joseph (2018)
See this publicationArmed Conflicts and Intra-regional Trade Flows: The Cases of ECOWAS and COMESA
African Development Review. Volume 30 #4. p. 346-361.

Periodical articleMignamissi, Dieudonné (2018)
See this publicationMonnaie unique et intégration par le marché en Afrique: le cas de la CEEAC et de la CEDEAO
African Development Review. Volume 30 #1. p. 71-85.

Periodical articleNwafor, Ndubuisi; Onyeabor, Emmanuel; Alozie, Onyedikachi (2018)
See this publicationThe Economic Community of West African States and its Members: A Success Story of Integrated Development
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 21 #1. p. 73-89.

Periodical articleWyss, Marco (2017)
See this publicationFrance and the economic community of West African states: peacekeeping partnership in theory and practice
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 487-505.

BookAdetula, Victor A.O.; Bereketeab, Redie; Jaiyebo, Olugbemi (2016)
See this publicationRegional economic communities and peacebuilding in Africa: the experiences of ECOWAS and IGAD
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Policy dialogue #12. 50p.

BookSall, Alioune (2016)
Les relations extérieures de la CEDEAO
Paris: L'Harmattan. 248p.

BookZaidi, Ali; Mössmer, Marthina (eds.) (2016)
The civil society guide to regional economic communities in Africa
New York, NY: Published by African Minds on behalf of Open Society Foundations. 128p.

BookAdejumobi, Said (ed.) (2015)
Democratic renewal in Africa: trends and discourses
Abstract presentNew York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 237p.

BookEmenike, Uzoma E. (2015)
Africa: the centre-piece of Nigeria's foreign policy
Lagos: Compendia Media Limited.

BookKoffi, Konan Siméon; Igué, John O.; Akande, Olatunji S. (eds.) (2015)
Croissance et développement en Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 286p.

Periodical articleKohnert, Dirk (2015)
See this publicationHorse-trading on EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 42 #143. p. 141-147.

Periodical articleLangan, Mark; Price, Sophia (2015)
See this publicationExtraversion and the West African EPA Development Programme: realising the development dimension of ACP-EU trade?
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 53 #3. p. 263-287.

BookOlutayo, Akinpelu O.; Adeniran, Adebusuyi I. (eds.) (2015)
See this publicationRegional economic communities: exploring the process of socio-economic integration in Africa
Abstract presentDakar: CODESRIA. 148p.

Dissertation / thesisPlenk, Stefan (2015)
Regionale Integration im sub-saharischen Afrika: eine analyse von EAC, SADC und ECOWAS
Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 564p.

Periodical articleShuaibu, Mohammed (2015)
See this publicationTrade liberalization and intra-regional trade: a case of selected ECOWAS countries
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 27 #1. p. 27-40.

Periodical articleAfesorgbor, Sylvanus Kwaku; Bergeijk, Peter A.G. van (2014)
See this publicationMeasuring multi-membership in economic integration and its trade impact: a comparative study of ECOWAS and SADC
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 82 #4. p. 518-530.

Periodical articleAkpan, Uduak (2014)
See this publicationImpact of regional road infrastructure improvement on intra-regional trade in ECOWAS
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 26. p. 64-76.

Periodical articleNdendé, Martin (2014)
Le Code de conduite de Yaoundé et la stratégie de lutte contre la piraterie et la criminalité maritimes dans le Golfe de Guinée
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #6. p. 10-19.

BookNdiaye, Papa Samba (2014)
Les organisations internationales africaines et le maintien de la paix: l'exemple de la CEDEAO: Libéria, Sierra Leone, Guinée-Bissau, Côte d'Ivoire
Paris: L'Harmattan. Collection défense, stratégie & relations internationales. 331p.

BookOnuoha, Freedom C. (2014)
See this publicationA danger not to Nigeria alone: Boko Harams's transnational reach and regional responses
Abuja: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office. FES peace and security series #17. 13p.

BookTouré, Manga Fodé (2014)
Zones monétaires d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Paris: L'Harmattan. 286p.

BookAziadouvo, Zeus Komi (2013)
Sylvanus Olympio: panafricaniste et pionnier de la CEDEAO
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. 159p.

Periodical issueBrosig, Malte (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationSpecial issue: The African security regime complex
Abstract presentAfrican security. Volume 6 #3-4. p. 171-332.

BookCisse, Losséni (2013)
La problématique de l'État de droit en Afrique de l'Ouest: analyse comparée de la situation de la Côte-d'Ivoire, de la Mauritanie, du Libéria et de la Sierra Leone
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 271p.

Periodical articleCissokho, Lassana (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationWhy is agricultural trade within ECOWAS so high?
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 22 #1. p. 22-51.

BookCissé, Soumaila (2013)
De belles années au service de l'intégration régionale
Abidjan: Éburnie. 206p.

BookFassassi, Yacouba (2013)
Le franc CFA, ou la monnaie des pays PMA (les pays Pas Moyen d'Avancer): l'impératif de l'intégration régionale avec une monnaie unique pour une zone monétaire optimale en Afrique de l'Ouest
Paris: L'Harmattan. 310p.

Periodical articleFeyi-Sobanjo, Olufeyian T. (2013)
Legal issues on E-commerce development in West-Africa: a review of the draft guidelines on the protection of personal data in the UEMOA-ECOWAS space
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 6 #2. p. 443-474.

Periodical articleKleis, Jörg (2013)
See this publicationLegal transplants for African economic integration?
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 16 #1. p. 13-19.

BookMustapha, Abdul Raufu (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationConflicts and security governance in West Africa = Les conflits et la gouvernance de la securité en Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentAbuja: Altus Global Alliance.

Periodical issueAdibe, Jideofor (ed.) (2012)
Preventing things from falling apart: democracy and its discontents in West Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Renaissance. Volume 9 #2. 123p.

Periodical issueAhmed, Imtiaz (ed.) (2012)
Democracy and democratisation
Abstract presentIdentity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 13 #1. 129p.

Periodical articleAmadasun, Akongbowa Bramwell; Oghoator, Henry Igiebor (2012)
Utopianism and regional integration of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): the dilemma of global politics
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 37 #2. p. 27-49.

Periodical articleBelemgoto Bekoutou, Nahounngar (2012)
Le principe de subsidiarité: ses origines et son applicabilité dans les répartitions des compétences entre différentes structures étatiques
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #79. p. 59-77.

BookBenin (2012)
Recueil de traités, conventions et autres textes en matière de justice applicables en République du Bénin
Cotonou: Imp. Nounagnon & Fils. Droit & lois. 478p.

Periodical articleEbobrah, Solomon T. (2012)
Human rights developments in African sub-regional economic communities during 2011
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #1. p. 223-253.

Periodical articleEnabulele, Amos O. (2012)
Sailing against the tide: exhaustion of domestic remedies and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 56 #2. p. 268-295.

Periodical articleEregha, P.B. (2012)
See this publicationThe dynamic linkages between foreign direct investment and domestic investment in ECOWAS countries: a panel cointegration analysis
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 24 #3. p. 208-220.

Periodical articleForere, Malebakeng (2012)
See this publicationIs discussion of the 'United States of Africa' premature? Analysis of ECOWAS and SADC integration efforts
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 56 #1. p. 29-54.

Periodical articleAning, Kwesi; Atuobi, Samuel (2011)
See this publicationThe neglected economic dimensions of ECOWAS's negotiated peace accords in West Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Spectrum. Volume 46 #3. p. 27-44.

BookCheck, Nicasius Achu (2011)
Forces nouvelles and the search for ivorité: interrogating the Côte d'Ivoire national question. Climate change and water degradation: challenges for sustaining human security in the Lake Chad Basin. France and the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement for Côte d'Ivoire: implications for Africa continental integration. ECOWAS conflict-resolution initiatives in the Ivorian crisis: challenges and prospects. Water degradation trends in the Lake Chad Basin ecosystem: implications for peace and security in the sub-region
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. Occasional papers #7-2011. 98p.

Periodical articleCowell, Frederick (2011)
See this publicationThe impact of the ECOWAS Protocol on Good Governance and Democracy
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 19 #2. p. 331-342.

BookDarkwa, Linda (2011)
See this publicationThe challenge of sub-regional security in West Africa: the case of the 2006 ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Discussion paper #69. 39p.

BookJaye, Thomas; Garuba, Dauda; Amadi, Stella (eds.) (2011)
ECOWAS and the dynamics of conflict and peace-building
Abstract presentDakar: Council for the development of social science research in Africa (CODESRIA). CODESRIA book series. 238p.

BookJaye, Thomas; Garuba, Dauda; Amadi, Stella (eds.) (2011)
See this publicationECOWAS and the dynamics of conflict and peace-building
Dakar: CODESRIA. 252p.

Periodical articleKieh (jr), George Klay (2011)
See this publicationPeace agreements and the termination of civil wars: lessons from Liberia
Abstract presentAfrican Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 11 #3. p. 53-85.

Periodical articleNwauche, E.S. (2011)
Enforcing ECOWAS law in West African national courts
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 55 #2. p. 181-202.

BookOlonisakin, Funmi; Okech, Awino (eds.) (2011)
Women and security governance in Africa
Abstract presentCape Town: Pambazuka. 172p.

Periodical articleTavares, Rodrigo (2011)
See this publicationThe participation of SADC and ECOWAS in military operations: the weight of national interests in decision-making
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 54 #2. p. 145-176.

BookWesth Olsen, Anne Sofie (2011)
See this publicationReconsidering West African migration: changing focus from European immigration to intra-regional flows
Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). DIIS working paper. 22p.

Conference paperAkinyeye, Yomi (ed.) (2010)
Nation-States and the challenges of regional integration in West Africa: the case of Nigeria
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 256p.

Conference paperCabral, Iva Maria; Furtado, Cláudio Alves; Guillaud, Yann (eds.) (2010)
Les États-nations face à l'intégration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest: le cas du Cap-Vert
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 179p.

Periodical articleEbobrah, Solomon T. (2010)
Critical issues in the human rights mandate of the ECOWAS Court of Justice
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 54 #1. p. 1-25.

BookElowson, Camilla; MacDermott, Justin (2010)
See this publicationECOWAS capabilities in peace and security: a scoping study of progress and challenges
Stockholm: Division of Defence Analysis, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). FOI report. 77p.

Conference paperJagne, Siga Fatima (ed.) (2010)
Nation-States and the challenges of regional integration in West Africa: the case of The Gambia
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 138p.

Periodical articleKieh (Jr.), George Klay (2010)
United States foreign policy and the second Liberian civil war
Abstract presentAfrican journal of international affairs = Revue africaine des affaires internationales. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 121-144.

BookRittberger, Volker; Tomuschat, Christian (eds.) (2010)
Konfliktregion Afrika
Abstract presentBerlin: BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verlag. Die Friedens-Warte. 221p.

Periodical articleSady, Sidy (2010)
Opérations de maintien de la paix: entre espoirs et désillusions
Géopolitique africaine. #38. p. 181-187.

Periodical articleSall, Alioune (2010)
L'émergence d'une justice de l'intégration en Afrique de l'Ouest: propos sur l'activité des Cours de justice de la CEDEAO et de l'UEMOA
Abstract presentPalabres actuelles: revue de la Fondation Raponda-Walker pour la Science et la Culture. #4. p. 91-143.

Periodical articleSoma, Abdoulaye T. (2010)
Les relations entre l'Union africaine et la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest en matière de maintien de la paix
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 18. p. 345-388.

BookYabi, Gilles Olakounlé (2010)
See this publicationThe role of ECOWAS in managing political crisis and conflict: the cases of Guinea and Guinea-Bissau
Abuja: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. FES peace and security series #3. 55p.

Periodical articleZan, Banagoun (2010)
Maintien de la paix: le cas de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Géopolitique africaine. #38. p. 189-194.

BookAdejumobi, Said; Olukoshi, Adebayo O. (eds.) (2009)
The African Union and new strategies for development in Africa
Abstract presentNairobi: DPMF. 318p.

Periodical articleBovcon, Maja (2009)
See this publicationFrance's conflict resolution strategy in Côte d'Ivoire and its ethical implications
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Quarterly. Volume 11 #1. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleFrancis, David J. (2009)
See this publicationPeacekeeping in a bad neighbourhood: the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in peace and security in West Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 9 #3. p. 87-116.

Periodical articleGarcia, Denise (2009)
See this publicationArms restraint and regional international law making: the case of the Economic Community of West African States
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 18 #2. p. 78-92.

Conference paperNinsin, Kwame A. (ed.) (2009)
Nation-States and the challenges of regional integration in West Africa: the case of Ghana
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 160p.

BookTrémolières, Marie (ed.) (2009)
See this publicationLes enjeux régionaux des migrations ouest-africaines: perspectives africaines et européennes
Abstract presentParis: OECD. Cahiers de l'Afrique de l'ouest. 266p.

Periodical articleWatio, Raphaël Tiwang (2009)
Affaire Hissène Habré: où en est la justice?
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 17. p. 379-409.

Periodical articleAkinbode, Akin (2008)
The ECOWAS Treaty as a legal tool for the adoption of OHADA Treaty and laws by Anglophone ECOWAS states
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 118 #865. p. 446-464.

Periodical articleAning, Kwesi (2008)
See this publicationFrom 'voluntary' to a 'binding' process: towards the securitisation of small arms
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 169-181.

Periodical articleHaacke, Jürgen; Williams, Paul D. (2008)
See this publicationConclusions: security culture and transnational challenges - ECOWAS in comparative perspective
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 213-222.

Periodical articleJaye, Thomas (2008)
See this publicationThe security culture of the ECOWAS: origins, development and the challenge of child trafficking
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 151-168.

Periodical articleObi, Cyril I. (2008)
See this publicationNigeria's foreign policy and transnational security challenges in West Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 183-196.

Periodical articleWilliams, Paul D.; Haacke, Jürgen (2008)
See this publicationSecurity culture, transnational challenges and the Economic Community of West African States
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 26 #2. p. 119-136.

Periodical articleAdesina, Olutayo C. (2007)
Rethinking West African economic integration: francophone gendarmes and Nigeria's cross-border trade
Abstract presentInternational Journal of Humanistic Studies. Volume 6. p. 37-50.

Periodical articleBanjo, Adewale (2007)
See this publicationThe ECOWAS court and the politics of access to justice in West Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 32 #1. p. 69-87.

Periodical articleEbobrah, Solomon T. (2007)
A rights-protection goldmine or a waiting volcanic eruption? Competence of, and access to, the human rights jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 7 #2. p. 307-329.

Periodical articleKieh Jr., George Klay (2007)
The Economic Community of West African States, peacemaking and the second Liberian civil war
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 32 #1. p. 67-83.

Periodical articleLorthois, Sylvie (2007)
See this publicationLa convention de la CEDEAO sur les armes légères et de petit calibre, leurs munitions et autres matériels connexes du 14 juin 2006
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 15 #2. p. 254-275.

BookUtas, Mats; Jörgel, Magnus (2007)
See this publicationThe Mano River Basin area: formal and informal security providers in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone
Stockholm: Division of Defence Analysis, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). FOI report #2418. 112p.

Periodical articleAlli, W.O. (2006)
The new ECOWAS strategy for conflict resolution: a case study of Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract presentNigerian Journal of International Affairs. Volume 32 #2. p. 87-112.

Periodical articleDala Diana, Fleury; Sundi Mbambi, Pascal (2006)
Organisations régionales, conflits armés et missions de paix en Afrique: défis et perspectives
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 46 #407. p. 280-293.

Periodical articleBah, Alhaji M.S. (2005)
See this publicationWest Africa: From a Security Complex to a Security Community
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 14 #2. p. 77-83.

Dissertation / thesisEdi, Eric (2005)
Globalization and politics in the economic community of West African states
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 291p.

Periodical articleHartwig, Charles W. (2005)
Peacekeeping in Liberia: ECOMOG and the Struggle for Order
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 30 #2. p. 94-105.

Periodical articleMusila, Jacob Wanjala (2005)
See this publicationThe Intensity of Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in COMESA, ECCAS and ECOWAS: A Comparative Analysis
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 14 #1. March. p. 117-141.

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa (2005)
Financer l'intégration régionale en Afrique
Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose. 186p.

Periodical articleBah, Alhaji M.S. (2004)
See this publicationMicro-Disarmament in West Africa: The ECOWAS Moratorium on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 13 #3. p. 33-46.

Periodical articleChabal, Pierre (2004)
De la décolonisation bilatérale à la construction régionale: le cas de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 58 #3. p. 420-451.

Periodical articleFawole, W. Alade (2004)
ECOWAS and the Crisis in Cote d'Ivoire: The Politics and Problems of Peace-Making in West Africa
Democracy and Development: Journal of West African Affairs. Volume 4 #2. p. 11-30.

Periodical articleDapaah-Agyemang, Joshua (2003)
See this publicationTransformation of ECOWAS as a Security Apparatus and Its Implications in Ghana's Political Orientation, 1990-2000
Abstract presentAfrican and Asian Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 3-36.

Periodical articleElgström, Ole; Bercovitch, Jacob; Skau, Carl (2003)
See this publicationRegional Organisations and International Mediation: The Effectiveness of Insider Mediators
African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 3 #1. p. 11-27.

Dissertation / thesisLangyintoe, Augustine Sangson (2003)
Cowpea trade in West and Central Africa: a spatial and temporal analysis
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 192p.

Dissertation / thesisOteng, Maxwell (2003)
Three essays in international economics: on intra-industry foreign direct investment, exchange rates and capital flows and economics of Africa
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 263p.

Periodical articleSada, Hugo (2003)
Le conflict Ivoirien: enjeux régionaux et maintien de la paix en Afrique
Politique étrangère. Volume 68 #2. p. 321-334.

Periodical articleBerman, Eric G. (2002)
See this publicationAfrican Regional Organisations' Peace Operations: Development and Challenges
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 11 #4. p. 33-44.

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