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Search: su=energy
Found: 62 Record 1-62

Periodical articleKofi-Opata, Edwina (2016)
See this publicationSpatial Patterns and Trends in Energy Use and Consumption in Africa: The Case of Biomass Reliance in Ghana
Abstract presentPerspectives on Global Development and Technology. Volume 15 #4. p. 406-418.

Periodical articleManyuchi, Albert Edgar (2016)
Foreign direct investment and the transfer of technologies to Angola's energy sector
Abstract presentAfrica Spectrum. Volume 51 #1. p. 55-83.

Conference paperVossenberg, Saskia; Knorringa, Peter (2016)
See this publicationWomen's entrepreneurship and frugal innovation in Africa
Paper presented at: Engendering the Energy Transition. Theory meets Policy and Practice. South meets North.

BookEngdahl, Sylvia (ed.) (2015)
Energy alternatives
Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning. Opposing viewpoints series. 220p.

BookFanfil, Monesty Junior; Canton-Fourrat, Altide (2015)
Le droit de l'énergie en Afrique
Paris: L'Harmattan. 104p.

BookPrasad, Sanju (2015)
India Nigeria trade relations (2000-2013)
New Delhi: GenNext Publication. 196p.

Periodical articleScholvin, Sören (2014)
See this publicationSouth Africa's energy policy: constrained by nature and path dependency
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 40 #1. p. 185-202.

BookMangala, Jack (ed.) (2013)
Africa and the European Union: a strategic partnership
Abstract presentNew York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 257p.

BookObservatoire de l'action gouvernementale, Bujumbura (2013)
Analyse de la loi de finances du Burundi, exercice 2013: alignement aux priorités du CSLP-II et au secteur de l'énergie
Bujumbura: Observatoire de l'action gouvernementale (O.A.G.) asbl. 124p.

Periodical articleRupp, Stephanie (2013)
See this publicationGhana, China, and the politics of energy
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 56 #1. p. 103-130.

Periodical articleTlhalefang, Jonah; Galebotswe, Obonye (2013)
Welfare effects of higher energy and food prices in Botswana: a SAM price multiplier analysis
The Botswana Journal of Economics. Volume 11 #15. p. 21-31.

Periodical articleChacha, Mwita (2012)
See this publicationRegional integration and nuclear energy in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 21 #4. p. 38-50.

BookRepublic of Sudan. Ministry of the Cabinet. Central Bureau of Statistics, Khartoum (2012)
See this publicationMonthly bulltein of consumer price index 2012
Khartoum: Central Bureau of Statistics CBS. 15p.

Periodical articleTraoré, Fabrice (2011)
Spécial Gabon
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 66 #3262. p. 6-32.

BookAkande, S.O.; Kumuyi, A.J. (eds.) (2010)
Nigeria at 50: accomplishments, challenges and prospects
Abstract presentIbadan: Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER). 944p.

BookFoster, Vivien; Briceño-Garmendia, Cecilia (eds.) (2009)
See this publicationAfrica's infrastructure: a time for transformation
Washington, DC: World Bank. Africa development forum. 355p.

Dissertation / thesisSatoguina, Honorat (2007)
Contribution of the clean development mechanism to sustainable energy production: the energy sector in West African economic and monetary union: case study: Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo
Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac?. Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis #34. 320p.

Periodical articleRagen, A.K. (2004)
Estimating the potential of transforming solid wastes in to additional electrical energy in the Mauritian sugar industry
University of Mauritius Research Journal. Science and Technology. Volume 12. p. 101-114.

Periodical articleStage, J. (2001)
See this publicationDecomposition of Namibian energy intensity
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 69 #4. p. 698-707.

Periodical articleBotchway, Francis N. (2000)
The state, governance and the energy industry in Ghana
Abstract presentVerfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 33 #2. p. 176-211.

Periodical articleGetahun M.K. (2000)
Issues in electricity sector reform
Economic Focus (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia). Volume 3 #1. February-March. p. 32-35.

Periodical articleHankins, M. (2000)
Waste mountains, energy molehills
Ecoforum. Volume 24 #3. cold season. p. 18-19.

Periodical articleSwart, R. (2000)
The search for hydrocarbons: is there potential in Namibia?
Journal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 48. p. 49-61.

Periodical articleCaslin, Olivier; Tchénéhom, Jean-Vincent (1999)
L'enjeu énergétique en Afrique
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. #2815. p. 2115-2123.

Periodical articleAkinola, A. (1998)
See this publicationOn application of asymptotic averaging method in non-linear elasticity
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 10 #1-2. June. p. 82-87.

BookMiescher, Giorgio; Rizzo, Lorena (1998)
Epupa, water, energy, 'indigenous/tribal peoples' and chieftaincy: a bibliography of Namibian newspaper articles 1990-96 with special reference to Kaoko
Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. 164p.

Periodical articleUyewa, M. (1997)
See this publicationThe calculation of stabilisation energy of organic cations
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 9 #1-2. June. p. 83-90.

Periodical articleMalo, J.O. (1996)
S and T for energy research and development
Whydah. Volume 5 #4. December. p. 1, 3-6.

BookAshley, Caroline (1995)
Population dynamics, the environment, and demand for water and energy in Namibia
Windhoek: Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Directorate of Environmental Affairs. Research discussion paper #7.

Periodical articleDlala, Habib (1995)
L'énergie en Tunisie: bilan, enjeux et perspectives
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #28. p. 67-98.

Periodical articleHayder, Adnane (1995)
L'énergie en Tunisie
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #28. p. 113-154.

Periodical articleOkogu, Bright Erakpoweri (1995)
See this publicationIssues in Petroleum Product Pricing in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 4 #3. December. p. 378-405.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Wood energy consumption and forest conservation in Africa
Rural Progress. Volume 12 #1. p. 58-74.

Periodical articleGuilherme, A. (1992)
Update on the SADCC energy situation
SADCC Energy. Volume 9 #24. January-February-Mar.. p. 40-46.

Periodical articleHamutenya, H. (1992)
Namibia switches on to energy self-sufficiency and development
Namibia Review. Volume 1 #1. March. p. 18-23.

Periodical articleRajaobelimahefa, L. (1991)
Combustible, le charbon compacté brule les étapes
Matoy. #4. avril. p. 13-14.

BookLaar, Aart van de (1990)
See this publicationThe global energy crisis and international development
Abstract presentThe Hague: Institute of Social Studies. Working papers, General series #84. 53p.

Periodical articleSepp, C.; Sepp, S. (1990)
Die Brennholzwirtschaft in den ariden Gebieten Afrikas
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 26 #2. p. 167-173.

Periodical articleGarnier, Y. (1989)
Maitrise et économie d'énergie
Sciences & techniques (Djibouti). #1. janvier. p. 43-49.

Periodical articleTronci, Massimo (1989)
See this publicationEnergy in the Sahel and East Africa
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 44 #4. p. 610-630.

Periodical articleMwanza, Peter N. (1988)
The role of new and renewable sources of energy in the rural areas of africa
Abstract presentRural Progress: Bulletin of the Economic Commission for Africa. Volume 7 #2. p. 35-45.

Periodical articleHill, Lawrence J. (1987)
See this publicationModeling the Macroeconomy/Energy Economy Relationship in Developing Countries: The Case of Liberia
Abstract presentJournal of Developing Areas. Volume 22 #1. October. p. 71-84.

Periodical articleNauwelaerts F.; Ndiribusa L. (1987)
La gravitation universelle et les modèles d'univers
Etudes (Institut supérieur pédagogique de Buta). #16-17. janvier. p. 205-224.

Periodical articleBitsakis, J. (1986)
See this publicationAspects of energy-economy interactions in South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of Economics. Volume 54 #2. p. 172-180.

BookEngberg-Pedersen, Poul (1986)
World Bank management of structural crises in Africa: the energy sector
Abstract presentCopenhagen: Centre for Development Research. CDR research report #9. 149p.

Periodical articleLotz, R.E. (1984)
Die Energiesituation in Afrika
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 20 #2. p. 153-162.

BookO'Keefe, Philip; Raskin, Paul; Bernow, Steve (eds.) (1984)
Energy and development in Kenya: opportunities and constraints
Abstract presentStockholm, Sweden: Beijer Institute, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Energy, environment and development in Africa #1.

Periodical articleBenard, A. (1983)
See this publicationEnergy and Africa: Some Pointers
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 82 #328. July. p. 345-349.

BookKing, John M. (1983)
Livestock water needs in pastoral Africa in relation to climate and forage
Abstract presentAddis Ababa, Ethiopia: International live-stock center for Africa. ILCA research report #7. 95p.

Periodical articleMontasser, Essam (1983)
Développement économique et demande d'énergie de l'Afrique: le scénario du plan de Lagos
Abstract presentÉthiopiques: revue socialiste de culture négro-africaine. Volume 1 #2. p. 7-36.

Periodical articleKhennas, Smail (1982)
See this publicationL'énergie en Afrique et le plan d'action de Lagos
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 7 #1-2. p. 102-124.

Periodical articleRajaram, R. (1982)
Statistics of power generation in Uganda
Abstract presentUganda Journal. Volume 40. p. 36-42.

Periodical articleBerlureau, Evelyne; Berlureau, Patrick (1981)
Sources et consommation d'énergie a Dakar
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 34 #135. p. 257-271.

Periodical articleDlala, Habib (1981)
Les produits du sous-sol tunisien et leur impact économique et humain
Abstract presentRevue tunisienne de géographie. #7. p. 47-88.

Periodical articleLerat, Serge (1981)
L'énergie dans le monde intertropical
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 34 #135. p. 197-231.

Periodical articleVillien, François (1981)
Energie traditionnelle et énergie moderne dans le monde rural gabonais
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 34 #135. p. 233-255.

Periodical articleHouse, William J. (1980)
See this publicationDevelopment Strategy and the Energy Balance: An East African Study
Abstract presentDevelopment and Change. Volume 11 #1. January. p. 17-31.

Periodical articleDavidson, Ogunlade R. (1979)
Energy and rural development
Abstract presentAfricana Research Bulletin. Volume 10 #2-3. p. 3-21.

Periodical articleHilling, David (1976)
See this publicationAlternative Energy Sources for Africa: Potential and Prospects
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 75 #300. July. p. 359-371.

Periodical articleAdelman, Kenneth L. (1975)
See this publicationEnergy Crisis Brightens Zaire's Future
Abstract presentAfrica Today. Volume 22 #4. October-December. p. 49-55.

Periodical articleMalan, Theo (1975)
The Energy Situation in South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of African Affairs. Volume 5 #1. p. 47-65.

Periodical articleBossard, R. (1969)
Production et consommation d'energie au Maroc: situation actuelle du problème
Abstract presentRevue de géographie du Maroc. #16. p. 127-142.

Search: su=energy
Found: 62 Record 1-62

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