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Periodical articleKayira, Gift Wasambo; Banda, Paul Chiudza; Robinson, Amanda Lea (2019)
See this publicationEthnic associations and politics in contemporary Malawi
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 718-738.

Periodical articleLavers, Tom (2018)
See this publicationResponding to land-based conflict in Ethiopia: The land rights of ethnic minorities under federalism
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 117 #468. p. 462-484.

Periodical articleIsaksson, Ann-Sofie; Bigsten, Arne (2017)
See this publicationClientelism and ethnic divisions in African countries
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 116 #465. p. 621-647.

Periodical articleArowosegbe, Jeremiah O. (2016)
See this publicationEthnic minorities and the land question in Nigeria
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 43 #148. p. 260-276.

Periodical articleBaye, Temesgen Gebeyehu (2016)
See this publicationGojjam (Ethiopia): peopling, Christianization, and identity
Abstract presentAfrican Identities. Volume 14 #3. p. 255-272.

BookBrochier, André (2016)
Dictionnaire des communes, douars et centres d'Algérie, hors Sahara, sous l'administration civile française
Aix-en-Provence: AMAROM, Amis des archives d'outre-mer. 557p.

Periodical articleElmi, Afyare A. (2016)
Developing an inclusive citizenship in Somalia: challenges and opportunites
Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies. Volume 16. p. 6-20.

Periodical articleGalaty, John (2016)
See this publicationBoundary-making and pastoral conflict along the Kenyan-Ethiopian borderlands
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 59 #1. p. 97-122.

Periodical articleMalik, Aditi (2016)
See this publicationMobilizing a defensive Kikuyu-Kalenjin alliance: the politicization of the International Criminal Court in Kenya's 2013 presidential election
Abstract presentAfrican Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 6 #2. p. 48-73.

Periodical articleSocpa, Antoine (2016)
On 'autochthon' and 'allochthon' divide: ethnic stereotypes and social conflict in Cameroon
African Study Monographs. Volume 37 #1. p. 17-28.

Periodical articleYates, Brian J. (2016)
See this publicationFrom hated to Häbäsha: Oromo identity shifts in Wällo and Shäwa during the late nineteenth century
Abstract presentAfrican Identities. Volume 14 #3. p. 194-208.

Periodical articleAthanasius Amungwa, Fonteh; Aletum Tabuwe, Michael (2015)
African cultures at the crossroads: an ethnographic analysis of the Bambui people of North West Cameroon
Abstract presentRevue africaine d'études politiques et stratégiques = African Journal of Political and Strategic Studies. #1. p. 135-161.

Periodical articleDomingues da Silva, Daniel B. (2015)
See this publicationThe Kimbundu Diaspora to Brazil: Records from the Slave Ship Brilhante, 1838
Abstract presentAfrican Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World. Volume 8 #2. p. 200-219.

BookIsaksson, Ann-Sofie (2015)
See this publicationNeighbours and family first donors should consider the effects of political favouritism in Africa
Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute. NAI Policy Note.

BookKing, Elisabeth (2015)
From classrooms to conflict in Rwanda
New York: Cambridge University Press. 212p.

Periodical articleMcLaughlin, Eric S. (2015)
Language policies and voter turnout: evidence from South Africa
Abstract presentJournal of African Elections. Volume 14 #2. p. 130-161.

BookMorin, Didier (2015)
Dictionnaire historique afar (1288-1982)
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 470p.

BookOmasombo Tshonda, Jean (ed.) (2015)
Mongala: jonction des territoires et bastion d'une identité supra-ethnique
Abstract presentTervuren: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Monographies des provinces de la République démocratique du Congo #8. 372p.

Periodical articleOnah, Emmanuel Ikechi (2015)
See this publicationTrans-border ethnic solidarity and citizenship conflicts in some West and Central African states
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 24 #1. p. 63-74.

BookPelican, Michaela (2015)
Masks and staffs: identity politics in the Cameroon Grassfields
New York: Berghahn Books. Integration and conflict studies. 244p.

Periodical articleAchan-Okiria, Patricia (2014)
Unpacking the right to participation for the Batwa indigenous minorities in Uganda
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 20 #1. p. 200-215.

Periodical articleAtanga, Luc Armand (2014)
Les partis politiques ethno-tribaux sont-ils solubles dans l'unité nationale au Cameroun?
Abstract presentRevue africaine d'études politiques et stratégiques = African Journal of Political and Strategic Studies. p. 177-203.

BookDijk, Arjan van (2014)
Ethiopia: footsteps in dust and gold
Oostkamp: Stichting Kunstboek. 335p.

BookGearhart, Rebecca; Giles, Linda L. (eds.) (2014)
Contesting identities: the Mijikenda and their neighbors in Kenyan coastal society
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press. 308p.

Periodical articleKlíma, Jan (2014)
See this publicationThe evolution of the political representation of African communites in DSWA/SWA/Namibia
Abstract presentModern Africa: Politics, History and Society. Volume 2 #1. p. 7-30.

Periodical articleMoluh, Yacouba (2014)
L'État et les associations ethno-identitaires au Cameroun: l'analyse d'une interdépendance paradoxale à l'ère de la démocratisation
Abstract presentRevue africaine d'études politiques et stratégiques = African Journal of Political and Strategic Studies. p. 7-38.

BookNagy, Enikö (2014)
Sand in my eyes: Sudanese moments
Kaufering: Xlibri.de. 800p.

BookOmasombo, Jean (ed.) (2014)
Tanganyika: espace fécondé par le lac et le rail
Abstract presentTervuren: Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Monographies des provinces de la République démocratique du Congo #7. 438p.

BookOuld Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud (2014)
Tribu et État en Afrique
Rabat: Centre des Études Sahariennes. 160p.

Periodical articleRepkine, Alexandre (2014)
See this publicationEthnic diversity, political stability and productive efficiency: empirical evidence from the African countries
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 82 #3. p. 315-333.

BookStuart, James; Webb, Colin de B; Wright, John Britten (eds.) (2014)
The James Stuart archive of recorded oral evidence relating to the history of the Zulu and neighbouring peoples
Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press. Killie Campbell Africana Library publications. 448p.

Periodical articleAyesu, Ebenezer (2013)
One state, many origins: peopling of the Akuapem State: a re-examination
Abstract presentContemporary Journal of African Studies. Volume 1 #1. p. 27-54.

BookBamba, Sékou (2013)
Identité & nationalité ivoiriennes: essai
Abidjan: Les Éditions Balafons. 81p.

BookBaniara Yoyana (2013)
Introduction aux droits coutumiers du Tchad
Yaoundé: Afrédit, Africaine d'édition. 362p.

Periodical articleGozalbes, Enrique (2013)
Pharusians and Nigritas, people of the northern Saharan border
Sahara: Prehistory and History of the Sahara. #24. p. 155-160.

BookKameri-Mbote, Patricia (2013)
Ours by right: law, politics, and realities of community property in Kenya
Nairobi: Strathmore University Press. 168p.

Periodical articleKenyon, Chris (2013)
See this publicationEcological association between HIV and concurrency point-prevalence in South Africa's ethnic groups
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 12 #2. p. 79-84.

Periodical articleManson, Andrew (2013)
See this publicationMining and 'traditional communities' in South Africa's 'Platinum Belt': contestations over land, leadership and assets in North-West Province c.1996-2012
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 39 #2. p. 409-423.

BookMatéki, Nza (2013)
Aperçu sur les clans du terroir
Libreville: Odette Maganga. 60p.

Periodical articleMoluh, Yacouba (2013)
See this publicationDemocratization and Accommodation of Political Representation in Cameroon: The Case Study of the Sawa and Beti People
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 46 #3. p. 263-284.

Periodical articleBarata, Data Dea (2012)
See this publicationMinority rights, culture, and Ethiopia's 'third way' to governance
Abstract presentAfrican Studies Review. Volume 55 #3. p. 61-80.

Periodical articleCoplan, David B. (2012)
See this publicationPeople of the early Caledon River frontier and their encounters
Abstract presentAfrican historical review. Volume 44 #2. p. 55-77.

Periodical articleEpple, Susanne; Thubauville, Sophia (2012)
See this publicationCultural diversity in Ethiopia between appreciation and suppression
Paideuma. Volume 58. p. 153-166.

Periodical articleHudson, Grover (2012)
See this publicationEthnic group and mother tongue in the Ethiopian censuses of 1994 and 2007
Abstract presentAethiopica: International Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 15. p. 204-218.

BookCassiman, Ann (2011)
Architectures of belonging: inhabiting worlds in rural West Africa
Abstract presentAntwerp: BAI Publishers. 213p.

Periodical articleClaassens, Aninka (2011)
See this publicationThe resurgence of tribal taxes in the context of recent traditional leadership laws in South Africa
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 27 #3. p. 522-545.

BookIlle, Enrico (2011)
Tracing golden past: historical narratives about Shaybun and Shawabna in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan
Leipzig: Ille & Riemer. Ilri Bibliothek Wissenschaft #6. 265p.

BookRinehard, Britta (2011)
See this publicationClan structure in Somalia
Civil-Military Fusion Centre. 9p.

Dissertation / thesisTaal, Sandra (2011)
See this publicationEthnic social movements in Botswana: recognition versus redistribution

Periodical articleFilali, Fatma-Zohra (2010)
Ethnicisation des conflits en Afrique: mythe ou réalité? Cas du Darfour
IDARA: revue de l'École nationale d'administration. Volume 20 #1. p. 113-127.

BookGabbert, Echi Christina (2010)
To live with others: essays on cultural neighborhood in southern Ethiopia
Abstract presentKöln: Köppe. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrika-Forschung #27. 355p.

BookGrégoire, Emmanuel (2010)
Touaregs du Niger, le destin d'un mythe
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 359p.

BookMlola, Gervase Tatah (2010)
The ways of the tribe: a cultural journey across north-eastern Tanzania
Dar es Salaam: E & D vision. 249p.

BookBari, Osman (2009)
A comprehensive history of Muslims & religion in Ghana: covers leadership & its perceptions, advent of Islam and growth of Muslim communities in Ghana
Accra: Dezine Focus.

Dissertation / thesisFreire, Francisco Manuel Machado da Rosa da Silva (2009)
See this publicationNarrativas naçrani-s entre os bidan do sudoeste da Mauritânia: a viagem europeia e suas reconfigurações tribais
Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 321p.

Periodical articleKweya, D.G. (2009)
Imagining a local transnation: the Maseno border and the production of cultural uncertainty
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 8. p. 104-128.

Periodical articleMaru, Mehari Taddele (2009)
Federalism and conflicts in Ethiopia
Africa Insight. Volume 39 #4. p. 127-148.

BookOlubamidele, Adelani (2009)
What you must know about Nigeria
Lagos: Dele-Ade Constant Ventures. 310p.

Periodical articleVorbrich, Ryszard (2009)
The clay pot and the iron pot: the tribal society confronted with the nation and the global society
Hemispheres: Studies on Cultures and Societies. #24. p. 143-154.

BookWagner, Rudolf (2009)
Eine Reise durch die deutschen Kolonien: Togo
Wolfenbüttel: Melchior Verlag. Historische Bibliothek.

BookWagner, Rudolf (2009)
Eine Reise durch die deutschen Kolonien: Kamerun
Wolfenbüttel: Melchior Verlag. Historische Bibliothek. 127p.

Periodical articleBen Hounet, Yazid (2008)
See this publicationGérer la tribu? Le traitement du fait tribal dans l'Algérie indépendante (1962-1989)
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 48 #191. p. 487-512.

Periodical articleGbenga, Fasiku (2008)
Ethnicity in Nigeria
Abstract presentPhilosophia Africana: Analysis of Philosophy and Issues in Africa and the Black Diaspora. Volume 11 #2. p. 141-156.

Periodical articleMacCoy, David (2008)
See this publicationRectifying horizontal inequalities: lessons from African conflict
Abstract presentAfrican Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 8 #1. p. 105-134.

BookNdaywel è Nziem, Isidore (2008)
Nouvelle histoire du Congo: des origines à la République Démocratique
Bruxelles: le Cri. Histoire. 744p.

BookGriaule, Marcel (2007)
Dieu d'eau: entretiens avec Ogotemmêli
Paris: Fayard. 233p.

BookJansen, Jan; Diarra, Mountaga (2006)
Entretiens avec Bala Kanté: une chronique du Manding du XXème siècle
Leiden: Brill. African sources for African history #8. 154p.

BookMitchell, Peter (ed.) (2006)
Central Africa
New York: Chelsea House Publishers. Peoples and cultures of Africa. 112p.

BookMitchell, Peter (ed.) (2006)
Southern Africa
New York: Chelsea House Publishers. Peoples and cultures of Africa. 112p.

Periodical articleAdeleke, Ademola (2005)
Islam and Hausa Culture
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 5. p. 99-110.

Book chapterBisson, Vincent (2005)
Ville et pouvoir en Mauritanie: un instrument politique pour intégrer l'État tribal
In: L'année du Maghreb. p. 337-348.

Periodical articleBâ, Idrissa (2005)
La problématique de la présence juive au Sahara et au Soudan d'après Jean Léon l'Africain
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 5. p. 146-176.

Periodical articleHecht, E.D. (2005)
New aspects of the concept of racial classification: an examination of Cavalli-Sforza and Cavalli-Sforza - The great human diaspora
Mila: a Journal of the Institute of African Studies. Volume 6. p. 73-78.

BookNsue Mibui, Rosendo-Ela (2005)
Historia de Guinea Ecuatorial: período pre-colonial: vida de los primeros habitantes de Guinea Ecuatorial
Equatorial Guinea. 443p.

Periodical articleOsei-Tutu, Brempong (2005)
Mound makers and brass casters from the Akuapem ridge, Eastern Ghana: question of identity in the archaeological record
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 75 #2. p. 54-63.

Periodical articlePavanello, Mariano (2005)
Clan, lignage et mariage en pays nzema (Ghana): une reconsidération
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 75 #1. p. 209-232.

Periodical articleSwan, L. (2005)
Archaeology around Rifa Educational Camp, Chirundu
Zimbabwean Prehistory. #25. March. p. 41-43.

BookTomikawa, Morimichi (2005)
Ethnic Africa as regional systems
Nagoya: Comparative Studies in Social and Human Sciences, Nagoya University. African kingdoms collection #5. 249p.

Periodical articleValsecchi, Pierluigi (2005)
Formation des États et alliances intercommunautaires dans la Côte d'Or (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 75 #1. p. 77-100.

Periodical articleWilks, Ivor (2005)
The forest and the Twis
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 75 #1. p. 19-75.

Periodical articleBigoumou, G.-S. (2004)
Les formes traditionnelles de gestion de l'écosystème du village de Moulandou Fouala (Ngounié)
Revue gabonaise des sciences de l'homme. #5. juin. p. 145-149.

Periodical articleClapham, Christopher (2004)
Ethiopia and the Challenge of Diversity
Africa Insight. Volume 34 #1. p. 50-55.

BookFadlalla, LL.M. Mohamed H. (2004)
Short history of Sudan
New York, NY: iUniverse. 160p.

Periodical articleFrenkel, Yehoshua (2004)
Jewish-Muslim Relations in Fez at the Turn of the 19th Century in Light of Juridical Documents
Maghreb Review. Volume 29 #1-4. p. 70-77.

Periodical articleIsumonah, V. Adefemi (2004)
See this publicationThe Making of the Ogoni Ethnic Group
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 74 #3. p. 433-453.

Periodical articleKala-Ngoma, Benjamin (2004)
L'élevage du porc et ses conséquences dans la société beembe (XVIIIe-XIXe siècle)
Abstract presentJournal des africanistes. Volume 74 #1-2. p. 483-496.

Periodical articleKialo, P. (2004)
Les formes traditionnelles de gestion de l'écosystème du village de Moutouyèni (Ogooué-Lolo)
Revue gabonaise des sciences de l'homme. #5. juin. p. 159-168.

Periodical articleMacLean, Lauren Morris (2004)
See this publicationMediating Ethnic Conflict at the Grassroots: The Role of Local Associational Life in Shaping Political Values in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 42 #4. December. p. 589-617.

Periodical articleMark, Peter; Horta, José da Silva (2004)
See this publicationTwo Early Seventeenth-Century Sephardic Communities on Senegal's Petite Côte
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 31. p. 231-256.

Periodical articleMba Ndzeng, L. (2004)
Les formes de gestion de l'écosystème du village de Mbenga (Woleu-Ntem)
Revue gabonaise des sciences de l'homme. #5. juin. p. 169-176.

Periodical articleMoussavou, J.-C. (2004)
Les formes traditionnelles de gestion de l'écosystème du village de Mutungu (Nyanga)
Revue gabonaise des sciences de l'homme. #5. juin. p. 151-157.

Periodical articlePosnansky, Merrick (2004)
See this publicationProcesses of Change: A Longitudinal Ethno-Archaeological Study of a Ghanaian Village: Hani 1970-1998
Abstract presentAfrican Archaeological Review. Volume 21 #1. March. p. 31-47.

BookShorter, Aylward (2004)
East African societies
London: Routledge. Routledge library editions. 168p.

Periodical articleWilks, Ivor (2004)
See this publicationThe Forest and the Twis
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #8. p. 1-81.

Periodical articleAbdullahi, A.N.M. (2003)
Intra state-conflicts in Africa: providing a constitutional mediation for ethnic rivalries and conflicts in Africa
Law Journal (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 1. p. 25-40.

Periodical articleAluko, M.A.O. (2003)
Post colonial manipulations of ethnic diversity in Nigeria
Identity, Culture and Politics: an Afro-Asian Dialogue. Volume 4 #1. p. 73-84.

Periodical articleBeaujard, Philippe (2003)
Les arrivées austronésiennes à Madagascar: vagues ou continuum?
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #35-36. p. 59-147.

Periodical articleConnor, Teresa K. (2003)
See this publicationCrooks, Commuters and Chiefs: Home and Belonging in a Border Zone in Pafuri, Gaza Province, Mozambique
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 93-120.

BookConru, Kevin; Bernatzik, Hugo A.; Constable, Andrew M. (eds.) (2003)
Bernatzik: Africa
Milan: 5 Continents Editions. 285p.

BookGorman, Anthony (2003)
Historians, state and politics in twentieth century Egypt: contesting the nation
New York: Routledge. 276p.

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