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Search: su=European Union | ||||||||
Found: 446 | Record 1-100 |
Money, Duncan; Frøland, Hans Otto; Gwatiwa, Tshepo (2020) | |
Africa-EU relations and natural resource governance: understanding African agency in historical and contemporary perspective | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 47 #166. p. 585-603. |
Jiménez Sánchez, Carolina (2018) | |
What role for the European Union in the Western Sahara Conflict? | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #29. p. 65-78. |
Hirt, Nicole (2017) | |
Die Afrika-Strategie der EU: Abschottung statt Fluchtursachenbekämpfung | |
Hamburg: GIGA. GIGA Focus Afrika #3. 11p. |
Lucia, Elisa Lopez (2017) | |
Performing EU agency by experimenting the 'Comprehensive Approach': the European Union Sahel Strategy | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 35 #4. p. 451-468. |
Ansorg, Nadine; Haastrup, Toni (2016) | |
Brexit beyond the UK's borders: what it means for Africa | |
GIGA Focus Afrika. #3. p. 1-10. |
Berends, Gijs (2016) | |
What does the EU-SADC EPA really say? An analysis of the economic partnership agreement between the European Union and Southern Africa | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 23 #4. p. 457-474. |
Ebalé, Raymond (2016) | |
Les accords de partenariat économique entre l'Union européenne et les pays ACP (Afrique, Caraïbes, Pacifique): les cas de l'Afrique Centrale et du Cameroun | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série Economie. 408p. |
Giesbert, Lena; Pfeiffer, Birte; Schotte, Simone (2016) | |
Umstrittene Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU: Afrika unter (Handels-)Druck | |
GIGA Focus Afrika. #7. p. 1-12. |
Mucha, Witold (2016) | |
Enable and enhance - that's it? European Union peace building and the enable and enhance initiative | |
ASPJ: Africa and Francophonie. Volume 7 #3. p. 50-66. |
Prediger, Sebastian; Zanker, Franzisca (2016) | |
Die Migrationspolitik der EU in Afrika braucht einen Richtungswechsel | |
GIGA Focus Afrika. #6. p. 1-12. |
Sempijja, Norman (2016) | |
Does dependence lead to cooperation? The case of resource exchange between the European Union and the United Nations in DR Congo | |
African security. Volume 9 #4. p. 259-277. |
Türke, Andras Istvan (2016) | |
La géopolitique des premières missions de l'Union européenne en Afrique | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Questions contemporaines. 252p. |
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Yaoundé (2015) | |
Menace ou opportunité? Le Cameroun face á l'APE avec l'Union Européenne: rapport d'information | |
Yaoundé: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. 79p. |
Lavigne Delville, Philippe (2015) | |
Aide internationale et sociétés civiles au Niger | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 339p. |
Mandjem, Yves Paul (2015) | |
Le Cameroun face aux APE: risque ou opportunité? | |
Yaoundé: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Cameroun/Afrique centrale. 25p. |
Müller, Franziska (2015) | |
Im Namen liberaler Normen? Gouvernementalität in den EU-AKP-Beziehungen | |
Baden-Baden: Nomos. Schriftenreihe 'Demokratiestudien', Demokratie und Demokratisierung in Theorie und Empirie #6. 355p. |
Osman, Rehab O.M. (2015) | |
SADC trade with the European Union from a preferential to a reciprocal modality | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 83 #1. p. 23-40. |
Said-Souffou, Soula (2015) | |
La départementalisation de Mayotte: la sécurité de tout un peuple | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Diplomatie et stratégie. 261p. |
Bourgain, Arnaud; Brot, Jean; Gerardin, Hubert (eds.) (2014) | |
L'intégration de l'Afrique dans l'économie mondiale | |
Paris: Karthala. 300p. |
European Commission. Directorate-General EuropeAid Development and Co-operation (2014) | |
The Africa-EU partnership: 2 unions, 1 vision: summit edition 2014 | |
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 36p. |
Fiore, Giuseppe (2014) | |
Why Boko Haram should be on the European Union list of designated terror groups | |
African Security Review. Volume 23 #1. p. 78-83. |
Gueye, Alioune (2014) | |
Union européenne et OHADA: aspects de droit comparé: étude en hommage au juge Kéba M'Baye | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 68 #1. p. 3-42. |
Keijzer, Niels; Negre, Mario (2014) | |
Outsourcing a partnership? Assessing ACP-EU cooperation under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 21 #2. p. 279-296. |
Rayroux, Antoine; Wilén, Nina (2014) | |
Resisting ownership: the paralysis of EU peacebuilding in the Congo | |
African security. Volume 7 #1. p. 24-44. |
Tuba, Maphuti D. (2014) | |
The technology-neutral approach and electronic money regulation in the EU: identifying the promises and challenges for future regulation in South Africa | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 47 #3. p. 372-400. |
Bach, Daniel C. (ed.) (2013) | |
Special issue: 'Emerging' Africa: critical transitions | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 20 #1. p. 177. |
Bezuidenhout, Henri; Claassen, Carike (2013) | |
South African trade hegemony: is the South Africa-EU Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement heading for a BRICS wall? | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 20 #2. p. 227-246. |
Brosig, Malte (ed.) (2013) | |
Special issue: The African security regime complex | |
African security. Volume 6 #3-4. p. 171-332. |
Carbone, Maurizio (ed.) (2013) | |
The European Union in Africa: incoherent policies, asymmetrical partnership, declining relevance? | |
Manchester: Manchester University Press. |
Eriksson, Mikael; Zetterland, Kristina (2013) | |
Dealing with change: EU and AU responses to the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya | |
Stockholm: FOI. FOI report. 56p. |
Ikoh, Moses U. (2013) | |
Organized crime, security threats and governance: the sustainability of European Union programmes in West Africa | |
Abuja: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office. FES peace and security series #14. 19p. |
Kluth, Michael (2013) | |
The European Union and sub-Saharan Africa - from intervention towards deterrence? | |
African Security Review. Volume 22 #1. p. 19-29. |
Mangala, Jack (ed.) (2013) | |
Africa and the European Union: a strategic partnership | |
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 257p. |
Teeffelen, Jasper van (2013) | |
Fuelling progress or poverty? The EU and biofuels in Tanzania: Policy Coherence for Development in practice | |
Amsterdam: Evert Vermeer Stichting. 74p. |
Van Zyl, S.P. (2013) | |
The VAT treatment of vouchers: a comparative study between South Africa and the European Union | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 46 #2. p. 234-257. |
Bensassi, Sami; Márquez-Ramos, Laura; Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada (2012) | |
Economic integration and the two margins of trade: the impact of the Barcelona Process on North African countries' exports | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 21 #2. p. 228-265. |
Hengari, Alfredo Tijiurimo (2012) | |
The European Union and global emerging powers in Africa: containment, competition or cooperation? | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 19 #1. p. 1-24. |
Kingah, Stephen; Van Langenhove, Luk (2012) | |
Determinants of a regional organisation's role in peace and security: the African Union and the European Union compared | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 19 #2. p. 201-222. |
Kuruk, Paul (2012) | |
Investment issues in the West Africa-European Union Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations: is a harmonised regional investment framework the answer? | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #3. p. 448-470. |
Mekonnen, Daniel R.; Reisen, Mirjam van (2012) | |
The EU Lisbon treaty and EU development cooperation: considerations for a revised EU strategy on development cooperation in Eritrea | |
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 45 #3. p. 324-343. |
Ndung'u, James; Wepundi, Manasseh (2012) | |
Transition and reform: people's peacemaking perspectives on Kenya's post-2008 political crisis and lessons for the future | |
London: Saferworld. Report. 20p. |
Nguembock, Samuel (2012) | |
La politique européenne de sécurité et de défense en Afrique centrale: dynamique de construction, expérimentation et appropriation locale | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 235p. |
Nivet, Bastien (2012) | |
Du laboratoire au miroir: quand l'Afrique subsaharienne construit l'Europe stratégique | |
Politique africaine. #127. p. 135-153. |
Saurombe, Amos (2012) | |
Flexible integration: a viable technique for the process of deeper integration in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 45 #1. p. 91-114. |
Schapendonk, Joris (2012) | |
Mobilities and sediments: spatial dynamics in the context of contemporary Sub-Saharan African migration to Europe | |
African Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World. Volume 5 #2. p. 117-142. |
Ölund, Maria (2012) | |
Critical reflections on the Joint Africa-EU Strategy | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 37 #2. p. 15-23. |
Bach, Daniel (2011) | |
The European Union and Africa: trade liberalisation, constructive disengagement, and the securitisation of Europe's external frontiers | |
Africa Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 3 #1. p. 33-46. |
Bhattacharya, Sanjukta Banerji (2011) | |
The other powers in the continent | |
Africa Quarterly. Volume 51 #3-4. p. 28-41. |
Dünnwald, Stephan (2011) | |
On migration and security: Europe managing migration from Sub-Saharan Africa | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #22. p. 103-128. |
European Court of Auditors (2011) | |
EU development assistance for basic education in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia (pursuant to Article 287(4), second subparagraph, TFEU) | |
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Special report #12-2010. 88p. |
Feichtinger, Walter (ed.) (2011) | |
[EUFOR Tchad/RCA: revisited] | |
Wien: Republik Österreich, Bundesminister für Landesverteidigung und Sport, BMLVS. 190p. |
Figueiredo, Patrick (2011) | |
Muros do Mediterrâneo: notas sobre a construção de barreiras nas fronteiras de Ceuta e Melilla | |
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. #22. p. 153-175. |
Fontagné, Lionel; Laborde, David; Mitaritonna, Cristina (2011) | |
An impact study of the economic partnership agreements in the six ACP regions | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 20 #2. p. 179-216. |
Froitzheim, Meike; Söderbaum, Fredrik; Taylor, Ian (2011) | |
The limits of the EU as a peace and security actor in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | |
Africa Spectrum. Volume 46 #3. p. 45-70. |
Guedes, Manuel Correia (2011) | |
Arquitectura sustentável no contexto africano: o projecto SURE-África | |
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #16. p. 115-121. |
Holm, Ulla (ed.) (2011) | |
Growing jasmines: what should the EU do in Tunisia now? | |
Copenhagen: DIIS. 4p. |
Joffé, George; Paoletti, Emanuela (eds.) (2011) | |
Special issue: Libya in the wider world | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 16 #2. p. 163-297. |
Khumalo, Lindokuhle (2011) | |
Sustainability begets unsustainability? The European Union's drive for agrofuel crop farming in Africa | |
Africa Insight. Volume 41 #3. p. 66-79. |
Langan, Mark (2011) | |
Private sector development as poverty and strategic discourse: PSD in the political economy of EU-Africa trade relations | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 49 #1. p. 83-113. |
Waals, Elske Jorine van der (2011) | |
Economische partnerschapsakkoorden en de fiscale en juridische risico's voor Zuidelijk Afrika | |
110p. |
Bolarinwa, J. Olusegun (2010) | |
Africa's regional powers, priorities and the new geopolitical realities | |
Africa Review: Journal of African Studies Association of India. Volume 2 #2. p. 175-200. |
Cabral, Iva Maria; Furtado, Cláudio Alves; Guillaud, Yann (eds.) (2010) | |
Les États-nations face à l'intégration régionale en Afrique de l'Ouest: le cas du Cap-Vert | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 179p. |
Cheterian, Vicken (2010) | |
Environmental pressure, neoliberal reforms, and geopolitical competition in the Maghreb | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #2. p. 255-264. |
European Court of Auditors (2010) | |
Effectiveness of EDF support for regional economic integration in East Africa and West Africa | |
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Special report #18. 55p. |
Gillespie, Richard (2010) | |
European Union responses to conflict in the western Mediterranean | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 85-103. |
Giovannetti, Giorgia (ed.) (2010) | |
Social protection for inclusive development: a new perspective in EU cooperation with Africa | |
Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. 215p. |
Grebe, Jan (2010) | |
And they are still targeting: assessing the effectiveness of targeted sanctions against Zimbabwe | |
Africa Spectrum. Volume 45 #1. p. 3-29. |
Kancs, D'Artis; Ciaian, Pavel (2010) | |
The impact of the EU Blue Card policy on economic growth in the African sending countries | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 78 #3. p. 225-247. |
Loureiro, Joao; Martins, Manuel M.F.; Ribeiro, Ana Paula (2010) | |
Cape Verde: the case for euroisation | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 78 #3. p. 248-268. |
Mangala, Jack (ed.) (2010) | |
Africa and the new world era: from humanitarianism to a strategic view | |
New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 289p. |
Mankou-Nguila, Armand Charlebois (2010) | |
La notion de siège social en droit OHADA: brève analyse comparative de la jurisprudence de la CCJA (Cour Commune de Justice et d'Arbitrage de l'OHADA) et de la (Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes (CJCE) | |
Revue congolaise de droit et des affaires. #4. p. 23-30. |
Mishrif, Ashraf (2010) | |
Investing in the Middle East: the political economy of European direct investment in Egypt | |
London: Tauris Academic Studies. International library of economics #7. 303p. |
Owona Nguini, Mathias Eric (ed.) (2010) | |
Les intérêts étrangers en Afrique centrale: dossier | |
Enjeux: bulletin d'analyses géopolitiques pour l'Afrique centrale. #42. p. 8-67. |
Pallotti, Arrigo; Poto, Margherita (2010) | |
Local democracy: European and African compliance with Millennium Development Goals | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 3 #1. p. 165-186. |
Sawadogo, Ram Christophe (2010) | |
Les accords de 'gestion concertée des flux migratoires' entre les pays européens et les pays tiers, notamment l'Afrique | |
Cahiers du CERLESHS. Volume 25 #35. p. 297-336. |
Ukpe, Aniekan Iboro (2010) | |
Will EPAs foster the integration of Africa into world trade? | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 54 #2. p. 212-231. |
Abou, Kane Elimane (2009) | |
Vers une redéfinition des accords de pêche UE-ACP: d'un accord politique à un partenariat économique durable | |
Revue africaine des affaires maritimes et des transports = African review of maritime affairs and transportation. #1. p. 50-55. |
Bakker, Matthias; Voorhoeve, Joris (2009) | |
EUFOR in Tsjaad | |
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 63 #2. p. 67-71. |
Bchir, Mohamed Hedi; Chemingui, Mohamed Abdelbasset; Hammouda, Hakim Ben (2009) | |
Ten years after implementing the Barcelona process: what can be learned from the Tunisian experience | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 123-144. |
Cavatorta, Francesco; Durac, Vincent (2009) | |
Diverging or converging dynamics? EU and US policies in North Africa: an introduction | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 1-9. |
Conte, Bernard (2009) | |
L'Europe et l'Afrique: du velours à la bure | |
Palabres actuelles: revue de la Fondation Raponda-Walker pour la Science et la Culture. #3. p. 35-44. |
Cormier-Salem, Marie-Christine; Dahou, Tarik (2009) | |
Dossier 'Gouverner la mer: États, pirates, sociétés' | |
Politique africaine. #116. p. 5-119. |
Darbouche, Hakim; Zoubir, Yahia H. (2009) | |
The Algerian crisis in European and US foreign politicies: a hindsight analysis | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 33-55. |
Demmelhuber, Thomas (2009) | |
EU-Mittelmeerpolitik und der Reformprozess in Ägypten: von der Partnerschaft zur Nachbarschaft | |
Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung Würzburg #69. 343p. |
Durac, Vincent (2009) | |
The impact of external actors on the distribution of power in the Middle East: the case of Egypt | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 75-90. |
Elowson, Camilla (2009) | |
The joint Africa-EU strategy: a study of the peace and security partnership | |
Stockholm: Division of Defence Analysis, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). FOI report. 97p. |
Ferreira-Snyman, Anél (2009) | |
Regional organizations and their members: the question of authority | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 42 #2. p. 183-209. |
Flint, Adrian (2009) | |
The end of a 'special relationship'? The new EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 36 #119. p. 79-92. |
Fontrier, Marc (2009) | |
Le Darfour: organisations internationales et crise régionale, 2003-2008 | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Bibliothèque Peiresc #20. 309p. |
Holden, Patrick (2009) | |
Security, power or profit? The economic diplomacy of the US and the EU in North Africa | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 11-32. |
Kessel, Ineke van (2009) | |
Brussel steunt consensusjournalistiek in Afrika | |
Internationale spectator: tijdschrift voor internationale politiek. Volume 63 #4. p. 201-202. |
Kongatoua Kossonzo, Augustin (2009) | |
L'impact de l'accord de partenariat économique (APE) sur l'économie centrafricaine | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 119 #869. p. 429-467. |
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (2009) | |
African law study library = Librairie Africaine d'etudes juridiques | |
Westlands, Nairobi: Rule of Law Program for Sub-Saharan Africa. 1. 184p. |
Lutterbeck, Derek (2009) | |
Migrants, weapons and oil: Europe and Libya after the sanctions | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 169-184. |
Mérand, Frédéric; Rakotonirina, Haingo Mireille (2009) | |
La force européenne au Tchad et en Centrafrique: le baptême du feu | |
Politique africaine. #114. p. 105-125. |
Opoukri, Christian; Cocodia, Jude (2009) | |
The EU and the AU: the print and the copy? | |
Ibadan journal of the social sciences. Volume 7 #2. p. 127-136. |
Oufattoul, Sidi Ahmed (2009) | |
Das Assoziationsverhältnis zwischen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und Marokko: Entwicklung, Bilanz, Probleme und Perspektiven | |
Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin (WVB). 217p. |
Powel, Brieg Tomos (2009) | |
The stability syndrome: US and EU democracy promotion in Tunisia | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 57-73. |
Solà-Martín, Andreu (2009) | |
Conflict resolution in Western Sahara | |
African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Volume 9 #3. p. 117-140. |
Zemni, Sami; Bogaert, Koenraad (2009) | |
Trade, security and neoliberal politics: whither Arab reform? Evidence from the Moroccan case | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #1. p. 91-107. |
Search: su=European Union | ||||||||
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