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Search: su=farming systems | ||||||||
Found: 54 | Record 1-54 |
Falconnier, Gatien Noël (2016) | |
Trajectories of agricultural change in southern Mali | |
Wageningen: Wageningen University. 206p. |
Chinigò, Davide; Pallotti, Arrigo (eds.) (2015) | |
Rural development and poverty reduction in Southern Africa experiences from Zambia and Malawi | |
Afriche e Orienti. 95p. |
Delius, Peter; Schirmer, Stefan (2014) | |
Order, openness, and economic change in precolonial southern Africa: a perspective from the Bokoni terraces | |
The Journal of African History. Volume 55 #1. p. 37-54. |
Rurinda, Jairos (2014) | |
Vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability and change in smallholder farming systems in Zimbabwe | |
Wageningen: Wageningen University. 168p. |
Traore, Bouba (2014) | |
Climate change, climate variability and adaptation options in smallholder cropping systems of the Sudano - Sahel region in West Africa | |
Wageningen: Wageningen University. |
Atanga, Ndeso Sylvevster (2013) | |
Agricultural innovations and adaptations to climate change effects and food security in Central Africa: case of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Central Africa Republic | |
Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network. African Technology Policy Studies Network, Working paper series #79. 36p. |
Brandt, Femke (2013) | |
Tracking an Invisible Great Trek: an ethnography on the re-configuration of power and belonging on trophy-hunting farms in the Karoo | |
386p. |
Mubeteneh Tankou, Christopher (2013) | |
The interactions of human mobility and farming systems and impacts on biodiversity and soil quality in the Western Highlands of Cameroon | |
181p. |
Mutsaers, Henk J.W.; Kleene, Paul W.M. (2013) | |
At issue: what is the matter with African agriculture? | |
African Studies Quarterly. Volume 14 #1-2. p. 97-110. |
Ravalison, James S. (2013) | |
La culture d'orge de brasserie en contre-saison (Région Amoron'i Mania, Hautes Terres centrales de Madagascar) | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 66 #262. p. 141-154. |
Benneh, George (2011) | |
Technology should seek tradition: studies on traditional land tenure and small holder farming systems in Ghana | |
Accra: Ghana Universities Press. 267p. |
Enete, Anselm A. (ed.) (2011) | |
Indigenous agricultural adaptation to climate change: study of Imo and Enugu States in Southeast Nigeria | |
Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network. African Technology Policy Studies Network, Working paper series #53. 34p. |
Nzeh, Emeka Celestine; Eboh, Ogugua Rita (2011) | |
Technological challenges of climate change adaptation in Nigeria: insights from Enugu State | |
Nairobi: African Technology Policy Studies Network. African Technology Policy Studies Network, Working paper series #52. 34p. |
Watang Zieba, Félix (2011) | |
Les paysans de l'Extrême-Nord du Cameroun face aux changements climatiques: entre émigration et adaption | |
Kaliao: revue pluridisciplinaire de l'École Normale Supérieure de Maroua (Cameroun), Série lettres et sciences humaines. Volume 3 #6. p. 9-22. |
Bacho, Francis Z.L.; Bonye, Samuel Z. (2010) | |
Institutionalising a community based agro-ecological management system for livelihood sustainability: challenges and prospects of the Goziir experiment in Upperwest Ghana | |
Legon Journal of Sociology. Volume 4 #1. p. 19-37. |
Mnenwa, Raymond; Maliti, Emmanuel (2010) | |
A Comparative analysis of poverty incidence in farming systems of Tanzania | |
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota. REPOA special paper. 27p. |
Ngwa, Emmanuel Nebasina; Nkwemoh, Clement Anguh (2010) | |
Profitability of alternating cropping systems through soil conservation in Mezam and Ngoketunjia divisions (Cameroon) | |
Annales de la Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Volume 1 #11. p. 313-340. |
Thibaud, Bénédicte; François, Alain (eds.) (2010) | |
Systèmes de production et durabilité dans les pays du Sud | |
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 303p. |
Doppler, Werner; Majdalawi, Mohammad; Almohamed, Salwa (eds.) (2009) | |
Economics of resources use and farming systems development in the Middle East and East Africa | |
Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers. 298p. |
Ebanyat, Peter (2009) | |
A road to food? Efficacy of nutrient management options targeted to heterogeneous soilscapes in the Teso farming system, Uganda | |
218p. |
Kriesemer, Simone Kathrin (2009) | |
Adoption and diffusion of small-scale pond aquaculture: the case of Cameroon in comparison to Malawi | |
Weikersheim: Margraf. Kommunikation und Beratung #94. 152p. |
Meouak, Mohamed (2009) | |
Le Hodna occidental entre régions méditerranéennes et plaines désertiques: organisation des terroirs, communautés rurales et productions agricoles au Moyen Âge | |
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée. #126. p. 117-139. |
Ouma, George; Gottwald, Franz-Theo; Boergen, Isabel (eds.) (2009) | |
Agrarian science for sustainable resource management in sub-Saharan Africa | |
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. Studies in sub-Saharan Africa #3. 129p. |
Wooten, Stephen R. (2009) | |
The art of livelihood: creating expressive agri-culture in rural Mali | |
Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. 182p. |
World Agroforestry Centre (2009) | |
Creating an evergreen agriculture in Africa: for food security and environmental resilience | |
Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre. 24p. |
Berhanu, Abeje (2008) | |
Matching extension service with farmers' needs: towards combining social and agro-ecological approaches in Ethiopian extension | |
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 24 #2. June. p. 1-26. |
Chauveau, Jean-Pierre; Richards, Paul (2008) | |
Les racines agraires des insurrections ouest-africaines: une comparaison Côte d'Ivoire-Sierra Leone | |
Politique africaine. #111. p. 131-167. |
Nwonwu, Francis (2008) | |
Using indigenous knowledge in traditional agricultural systems for poverty and hunger eradiction: reflections on prospects in South Africa | |
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #4. p. 47-60. |
Somado, Eklou A.; Guei, Robert G.; Keya, Shellemiah O. (eds.) (2008) | |
NERICA: the New Rice for Africa: a compendium | |
Cotonou: Africa Rice Center (WARDA). 195p. |
Abusuwar, Awad Osman (2007) | |
Range management | |
Khartoum: UNESCO Chair on Desertification, University of Khartoum. |
Alary, Véronique; Chalimbaud, Julien; Faye, Bernard (2007) | |
Multiple determinants of milk production in Africa: the example of the diversity of dairy farming systems in the Mbarara area (Uganda) | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 32 #2. p. 156-180. |
Basinga, Paulin (ed.) (2007) | |
Recherche scientifique et développement: actes de la troisième conférence annuelle de la recherche scientifique | |
Etudes rwandaises. Volume 13. 247p. |
Devèze, Jean-Claude (2006) | |
Le coton, moteur du développement et facteur de stabilité du Cameroun du Nord? | |
Afrique contemporaine. #217. p. 107-120. |
Gurtner, Mats (ed.) (2006) | |
Land management in the central highlands of Eritrea: a participatory appraisal of conservation measures and soils in Afdeyu and its vicinity | |
Bern: Geographica Bernensia. SLM Eritrea report #6. 203p. |
Mendelsohn, John (2006) | |
Farming systems in Namibia | |
Windhoek: Research & Information Services of Namibia (RAISON). 80p. |
Schreinemachers, Pepijn (2006) | |
The ( ir)relevance of the crop yield gap concept to food security in developing countries: with an application of multi agent modeling to farming systems in Uganda | |
Göttingen: Cuvillier. 207p. |
Aleru, J.O.; Alabi, R.A. (2005) | |
The environment of North Central Yorubaland and its implications for the archaeology of the area | |
Journal of environment and culture. Volume 2 #1. p. 58-73. |
Sosovele, H.; Boesen, Jannik; Maganga, Faustin (eds.) (2005) | |
Social and environmental impact of irrigation farming in Tanzania: selected cases | |
Dar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press. 184p. |
Styger, Erika Dorothea (2005) | |
Fire-less alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture (tavy) in the rainforest region of Madagascar | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 326p. |
Wolde-Medhin, Tesfaye (2005) | |
Highland farmers and the 'modernizing' state in Ethiopia: conjunctures and disjunctures | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 449p. |
Ceesay, Mustapha Masanneh (2004) | |
Management of rice production systems to increase productivity in the Gambia, West Africa | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 158p. |
Kaswamila, Abiud L.; Masuruli, Baker M. (2004) | |
The role of traditional irrigation systems in poverty alleviation in semi-arid areas: the case of Chamazi in Lushoto District, Tanzania | |
Dar es Salaam: REPOA. REPOA research report. 35p. |
Wangui, Elizabeth Edna (2004) | |
Links between gendered division of labor and land use in Oloitokitok division, S.E. Kajiado district, Kenya | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 293p. |
Agheneza, Zipporah Engow (2003) | |
The status of rural women farm-household systems: a case study in Ngie clan in the Northwest province of Cameroon | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 238p. |
Thompson, Guy (2003) | |
Complicating the Past: Oral History and Agrarian Change in Colonial Zimbabwe | |
Zambezia. Volume 30 #2. p. 154-177. |
Barbier, Jean-Marc; Dangé, Guillaume (2002) | |
Conduite des champs de riz pluvial chez les agriculteurs d'un village de République de Côte d'Ivoire (région Ouest): pratiques techniques et observations agronomiques | |
Paris: Les Éditions du Gret. Dossier pédagogique agridoc - observer et comprendre un système agraire. 120p. |
Cochet, Hubert (ed.) (2002) | |
Démarche d'étude des systèmes de production de la région de Korhogo-Koulokakaha-Gbonzoro en Côte d'Ivoire (région Nord) | |
Paris: Les Éditions du Gret. Dossier pédagogique agridoc - observer et comprendre un système agraire. 87p. |
Ferraton, Nicolas; Cochet, Hubert (2002) | |
Démarche d'étude des systèmes de production de deux villages au nord de Man (Gbatongouin et Mélapleu) en Côte d'Ivoire | |
Paris: Les Éditions du Gret. Dossier pédagogique agridoc - observer et comprendre un système agraire. 111p. |
Gebissa, Ezekiel (ed.) (2002) | |
Special issue: the Oromo in Ethiopian studies: confronting challenges to politically engaged scholarship | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 9 #3. 192p. |
Stessens, Johan (2002) | |
Analyse technique et économique des systèmes de production agricole au nord de la Côte d'Ivoire | |
Leuven: Departement Agrotechniek en -Economie, Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Dissertationes de agricultura #530. 286p. |
Ghebreab, Winta (2000) | |
Agroforestry: een oplossing voor de rurale problematiek in Afrika? Het diffusieproces van agroforestry in Bokhol, Senegal | |
Knickel, Karlheinz (1992) | |
Integrating small-scale irrigation development with the existing agricultural system: a case study of smallholder swamp rice schemes in Sierra Leone | |
London: Irrigation Management Network (African Edition), Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Network paper #17. 28p. |
Townsend, Norman Arthur (1976) | |
Limited options, contingency and constraint in the economy of the Pokomo of north-eastern Kenya | |
227p. |
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Found: 54 | Record 1-54 |
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