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Search: su=flora
Found: 58 Record 1-58

BookRamutsindela, Maano; Miescher, Giorgio; Boehi, Melanie (eds.) (2016)
The politics of nature and science in Southern Africa
Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. 343p.

Periodical articleBennett, Brett M. (2015)
See this publicationMargaret Levyns and the decline of ecological liberalism in the Southwest Cape, 1890-1975
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #1. p. 64-84.

Periodical articleCunningham, Peter (2014)
Bush thickening in Namibia - a historical perspective
Abstract presentJournal - Namibia Scientific Society. Volume 62. p. 164-185.

Periodical articleHall, Grant; Wadley, Lyn; Woodborne, Stephan (2014)
See this publicationPast environmental proxies from the Middle Stone Age at Sibudu, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
Journal of African Archaeology. Volume 12 #1. p. 7-24.

BookHenschel, Joh (2014)
Toktok talkie: ancient mariner to Zophis moralesi
Windhoek: Wordweaver Publishing House. 126p.

BookMunson, Robert B. (2013)
The nature of christianity in Northern Tanzania: environmental and social change 1890-1916
Abstract presentLanham: Lexington Books. 379p.

BookDold, Tony; Cocks, Michelle (2012)
Voices from the forest: celebrating nature and culture in Xhosaland
Auckland Park: Jacana Media. 229p.

BookKaddu, John; Busuulwa, Henry (eds.) (2010)
Baseline report on state of biodiversity in the Nile: Uganda 2010
Entebbe: Nile Basin Initiative, Nile Trans-boundary Environmental Action Project. 142p.

Periodical issueMizuno, Kazuharu (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationHistorical change and its problem on the relationship between natural environments and human activities in Southern Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #40. 194p.

Periodical articlePooley, Simon (2010)
See this publicationPressed flowers: notions of indigenous and alien vegetation in South Africa's Western Cape, c. 1902-1945
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 36 #3. p. 599-618.

BookFriederich, Reinhard; Lempp, Horst (eds.) (2009)
Verjagt, verweht, vergessen: die Hai//om und das Etoschagebiet
Windhoek: Macmillan Education Namibia. 460p.

Dissertation / thesisDuvall, Chris S. (2008)
Villages, vegetation, bedrock, and chimpanzees: human and non-human sources of ecosystem structure in Southwestern Mali
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 305p.

Dissertation / thesisBanda, Tasila (2007)
Effects of land protection strategies on forest conservation in the miombo ecoregion of Western Tanzania
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 116p.

BookDrake-Brockman, Ralph E. (2007)
British Somaliland
Mansfield Centre, CT: Martino Publishing. 334p.

BookElzinga, Penny; Munster, Joost van (2005)
Research on the spatial distribution of Kob during the dry season in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: a large scale study on the relation of vegetation characteristics and Kob distribution and facilitation by Hippopotamus in the dry season
Leiden: Institute of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden University. Environment and development student report #194.

Periodical articleKersting, Philippe (2005)
Recherches pédo-écologiques dans le Parc National de la Comoé (Côte-d'Ivoire)
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 58 #229. p. 41-54.

BookJansen, S.H.D.R. (2004)
Forage site selection and grazing behaviour of Kobus kob kob Erxleben 1777 after a late dry season savanna fire in Bénoué National Park, Cameroon: seasonal changes in a post burn vegetation
Leiden: Programme d'Environnement et Développement, Centre des Études de l'Environnement (CML), Université de Leiden. Environment and development student report #178. 102p.

Periodical articleAttua, E.M.; Laing, E. (2003)
Agricultural land use impacts on the flora of the Densu Basin
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 5 #2. p. 77-83.

Periodical articleDoyle, Shane (2003)
See this publicationThe Language of Flowers: Knowledge, Power and Ecology in Precolonial Bunyoro
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 30. p. 107-116.

Periodical articleKumelachew Y.; Tamrat B. (2002)
See this publicationPlant community analysis and ecology of afromontane and transitional rainforest vegetation of Southwestern Ethiopia
Sinet. Volume 25 #2. December. p. 155-175.

BookSalkeld, Audrey (2002)
Kilimanjaro: to the roof of Africa
Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. 271p.

Periodical articleVan Sittert, Lance (2002)
See this publicationFrom 'Mere Weeds' and 'Bosjes' to a Cape Floral Kingdom: The Re-Imaging of Indigenous Flora at the Cape, c.1890-1939
Abstract presentKronos: Journal of Cape History. #28. p. 102-126.

Periodical articleDitlhogo, M.K.; Setshogo, M.P. (2001)
See this publicationA floristic and faunal survey of the Kgale hills
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 33. p. 91-99.

Periodical articleBytebier, B.; Bussmann, R.W. (2000)
See this publicationThe vegetation of Mount Nyiru (Samburu District, Kenya): a checklist and syntaxonomical survey
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 89 #1-2. p. 45-71.

Periodical articleHemp, A. (2000)
See this publicationThree new fern records for Kilimanjaro
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 89 #1-2. p. 117-119.

Periodical articleVan Sittert, Lance (2000)
See this publication'The Seed Blows about in Every Breeze': Noxious Weed Eradication in the Cape Colony, 1860-1909
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 26 #4. December. p. 655-674.

Periodical articleLeteinturier, Béatrice; Malaisse, François (1999)
De la réhabilitation des sites pollués par l'exploitation minière du cuivre en Afrique centro-australe
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 45 #4. p. 535-554.

Periodical articleMiddleton, Karen (1999)
See this publicationWho Killed 'Malagasy Cactus'? Science, Environment and Colonialism in Southern Madagascar (1924-1930)
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 25 #2. June. p. 215-248.

Conference paperBarreteau, Daniel; Dognin, René; Graffenried, Charlotte von (eds.) (1997)
L'homme et le milieu végétal dans le bassin du lac Tchad = Man and vegetation in the Lake Chad Basin
Abstract presentParis: Éditions de l'ORSTOM. Colloques et séminaires. 394p.

BookKlundert, Saskia van de; Oosterhuis, Bo (1997)
The re-establishment of perennial grasses after reinundation measures in the Logone floodplain in Northern Cameroon: influence of inundation level, soil moisture content and root layer biomass on species composition and productivity
Leiden: Programme Environment and Development, Centre of Environmental Science, University of Leiden. Environment and development student report #84.

Periodical articleLanga, A. (1997)
Conservaçao da fauna e flora: projecto transfronteira vai arrancar brevemente
Tempo. #1366. 2 de março. p. 4-5.

Periodical articleAmusan, O.O.G.; Msonthi, J.D.; Makhubu, L.P. (1996)
Phytochemical studies of seven Swazi medicinal plants
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 5. p. 30-34.

Periodical articleKhoza, L.S.; Ngubane, D.J. (1996)
Suitability of indigenous flora extracts for dyeing handicrafts in Swaziland
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 5. p. 116-122.

Periodical articleSorg, J.P. (1996)
L'étude de la végétation: un outil au service de l'aménagement et de la gestion des ressources forestières à Madagascar
Akon'ny Ala. #18. avril. p. 26-36.

Periodical articleGünster, A. (1995)
Between land and sea: fauna and flora of the Namibian coastline
Rössing. May. p. 6-12.

BookMaaba, Gabriel (1995)
'Caractérisation de la composante végétale cultivée et non cultivée présentés sur les différents types de terrasses inventoriées dans le bassin versant de Djingliya et détermination de la profondeur du sol dans chaque type de terrasse'

BookBreedveld, Peter; Joosten, Veronique (1994)
The vegetation of the Waza-Logone region and it's changes: causes and effects: an interpretation of studies in the area, using GIS-ILWIS
Leiden: Centre of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University.

Periodical articleCunningham-van Someren, G.R. (1992)
On past and recent visits to Indachant - the Rift Valley Swamp
Bulletin (East Africa Natural History Society). Volume 22 #4. December. p. 50-56.

Periodical articleDevineau, J.-L.; Guillaumet, J.-L. (1992)
Origine, nature et conservation des milieux naturels africains: le point de vue des botanistes
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #161. p. 79-90.

Periodical articleRoussel, B.; Juhé-Beaulaton, D. (1992)
Les plantes américaines en Afrique tropicale
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 45 #179-180. p. 373-386.

Periodical articleSugiyama, Yuko (1992)
See this publicationThe Flora of Bossou: Its Utilization by Chimpanzees and Humans
Abstract presentAfrican Study Monographs. Volume 13 #3. p. 127-169.

Periodical articleKausel, G. (1991)
See this publicationStudy of heavy metal tolerant flora in Botswana
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 23. p. 159-174.

Periodical articleOlof R.; Sileshi N. (1991)
Floristic survey of three areas along the escarpment road from Asmera to Mitsiwa
Sinet. Volume 14 #1. June. p. 41-54.

Periodical articleRakotovao, H.L.; Petitjean, A.; Andrianarivo, C. (1990)
Introduction au fichier flore de Madagascar
Journal de la nature. Volume 2 #1. p. 49-58.

BookKuper, Rudolph; Neumann, Katharina (eds.) (1989)
Forschungen zur Umweltgeschichte der Ostsahara
Abstract presentKöln: Heinrich-Barth-Institut. Africa praehistorica #2. 341p.

Periodical articleGregoire, J.M.; Gales, D. (1988)
Comparaison de l'état du couvert végétal entre 1975 et 1985 sur le bassin du Niger en Guinée: exploitation de l'indice de végétation normalisé
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 43 #3. p. 177-184.

Periodical articleCraven, P. (1987)
The flora of Rössing
Rössing. October. p. 6-12.

Dissertation / thesisEllenbroek, Gerardus Albertus (1987)
Ecology and productivity of an African wetland system: the Kafue Flats, Zambia
Abstract presentDordrecht: Junk. Geobotany #9. 267p.

Periodical articleMisana, S.B. (1987)
Man and vegetation change: a study of recently induced vegetation changes in Mbeya Region, Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 17. p. 53-62.

Periodical articleRichard, A.; Rakotomanga, P. (1986)
Demographie et comportement sociale de Propithecus verreauxi é Beza Mahafaly: rapport préliminaire
Bulletin de l'Académie Malgache. Volume 64 #1-2. p. 173-176.

Periodical articleAdeniyi, P.O. (1984)
Land use and land cover inventory in Nigeria
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 113-130.

Periodical articleBecker, C.; Martin, V. (1980)
Mémoires d'Adanson sur le Sénégal et l'Île de Gorée
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 42 #4. p. 722-779.

Periodical articleMarchal, Jean-Yves (1980)
Arbres et brousses du paysage soudano-sahellen: dynamique des formations végétales au nord de la Haute Volta
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 17 #3-4. p. 137-149.

Periodical articleRoche, E. (1979)
See this publicationVégétation ancienne et actuelle de l'Afrique Centrale
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 7. p. 30-37.

Book chapterBiggs, R.C. (1976)
The effects of the seasonal flood regime on the ecology of Chief's Island and the adjacent flood plain system
Abstract presentIn: Proceedings of the symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization; National museum, Gaborone, Botswana, August 30th to September 2nd, 1976. p. 113-120.

Book chapterSmith, P.A. (1976)
An outline of the vegetation of the Okavango drainage system
Abstract presentIn: Proceedings of the symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization; National museum, Gaborone, Botswana, August 30th to September 2nd, 1976. p. 93-112.

Periodical articleAllison, P.A. (1962)
See this publicationHistorical inferences to be drawn from the effect of human settlement on the vegetation of Africa
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 3 #2. p. 241-249.

Periodical articleJackson, J.K. (1957)
Changes in the Climate and Vegetation of the Sudan
Abstract presentSudan Notes and Records. Volume 38. p. 47-66.

Search: su=flora
Found: 58 Record 1-58

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