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Search: su=floriculture
Found: 29 Record 1-29

Dissertation / thesisKazimierczuk, Agnieszka Helena (2020)
See this publicationTracing inclusivity: Contribution of the Dutch private sector to inclusive development in Kenya. Case study of Unilever Tea Kenya Ltd., the flower sector and Lake Turkana Wind Power project
Abstract presentPh.D. dissertation (2020-10-22). Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 333p.

Periodical articleKuiper, Gerda (2020)
See this publication'They just move in with relatives': translocal labour migrants and transient spaces in Naivasha, Kenya
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 227-249.

BookKazimierczuk, Agnieszka Helena (2018)
See this publicationNever a rose without a prick: (Dutch) multinational companies and productive employment in the Kenyan flower sector
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). ASC working paper #142. 77p.

BookOqubay, Arkebe (2015)
Made in Africa: industrial policy in Ethiopia
Oxford: Oxford Univ Press. 348p.

BookKenya National Commission on Human Rights (2012)
See this publicationWilting in bloom: the irony of women labour rights in the cut-flower sector in Kenya
Nairobi: Kenya Human Rights Commission. 70p.

Periodical articleMiller, Christina M. (2012)
See this publicationFresh Cut Flowers and Exploitation
Abstract presentPerspectives on Global Development and Technology. Volume 11 #1. p. 88-98.

BookGibbon, Peter; Ponte, Stefano; Lazaro, Evelyne (eds.) (2010)
Global agro-food trade and standards: challenges for Africa
Abstract presentBasingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. International political economy series. 275p.

Periodical articleKessy, Flora L. (2010)
See this publicationGender dimensions in the cut-flower sector in Tanzania: implications for economic and social policy
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 10 #1-2. p. 30-57.

Periodical articleMelese, Ayelech Tiruwha; Helmsing, A.H.J. (2010)
See this publicationEndogenisation or enclave formation? The development of the Ethiopian cut flower industry
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 48 #1. p. 35-66.

Periodical articleMerhof, Katrin (2010)
Blumengrüße aus Kenia - zu welchem Preis? Das kenianische Arbeitsrecht und seine Umsetzung auf den Blumenplantagen
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee. Volume 43 #4. p. 464-481.

BookZwager, Hans (2005)
The flowering Dutchman: horticulture in harmony with wildlife
Victoria: Trafford Publishing. 358p.

Periodical articleKantai, P. (2004)
In the shadow of the rose
Ecoforum. October-December. p. 36-42.

Periodical articleMutui, T.M.; Emongor, V.; Hutchinson, M.J. (2003)
See this publicationEffect of benzyladenine on the vase life and keeping quality of Alstroemeria cut flowers
Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology. Volume 5 #1. p. 91-105.

Periodical articleChâtel, Bénédicte (2001)
Dossier fleurs
Abstract presentMarchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 56 #2917. p. 2023-2031.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1998)
Médaille d'argent à l'anthurium mauricien
Prosi. Volume 30 #359. déc.. p. 30-32.

Periodical articleMalhotra, S.; Puchooa, D.; Goofoolye, K. (1998)
Callus induction and plantlet regeneration in three varieties of anthurium andraeanum
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 77 #1. janv.-avril. p. 25-32.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
La floriculture mauricienne
Prosi. Volume 28 #331. août. p. 48, 51-52.

Periodical articleBelete, A.; Acquah, B.K.; Chanyalew, D. (1996)
The trend of fresh fruits, vegetables and cutflower exports in Kenya
Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. Volume 1 #2. p. 240-250.

Periodical articleKimenye, Lydia N. (1995)
Kenya's Experience in Promoting Smallholder Production of Flowers and Vegetables for European Markets
Abstract presentAfrican Rural and Urban Studies. Volume 2 #2-3. p. 121-141.

Periodical articleMalhotra, S.D. (1995)
Prospects for the expansion of floriculture in Mauritius
Revue agricole et sucrière de l'île Maurice. Volume 74 #1-2. janv.-août. p. 65-71.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
Légumes et fleurs à Mon-Désert/Alma S.E.: techniques et cultures nouvelles
Prosi. #309. October. p. 30-35.

BookWooten, Stephen (1994)
Urban growth and rural transformation, a case study of fresh produce production in a Malian village
Toronto: African Studies Association.

BookFresco, L.O. (1992)
See this publicationZo niet nu, wanneer dan?

Periodical articleSastry, K.P.; Kumar, D.; Saleem, S.M.; Singh, S.P. (1989)
Effects of different spacings on the growth and flower yield of pyrethrum Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium Vis
Pyrethrum Post. Volume 17 #3. December. p. 98-100.

Periodical articleChepkairor, M.J.; Waithaka, K. (1988)
The effect of floral preservatives on the vase life of Alstroemeria cut flowers
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 53 #4. April. p. 229-231.

Periodical articleMichellon, R.; Bridier, B. (1988)
Evolution d'un programme de recherche sur les systèmes d'exploitation des Hauts de l'Ouest de la Réunion
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 43 #4. p. 317-325.

Periodical articleBridier, B. (1985)
Quel avenir pour le géranium et le développement agricole des Hauts de l'Ouest de la Réunion?
Abstract presentL'agronomie tropicale. Volume 40 #4. p. 342-356.

Periodical articleAdriamananjara, Harivola R. (1983)
La région d'ankadinandriana et la culture florale comme facteur d'integration dans le circuit d'echange
Abstract presentMadagascar: revue de géographie. #42. p. 79-93.

Periodical articleAfifi, Hani (1976)
Economic Feasibility of Exporting Uganda Flowers
Abstract presentEastern Africa Journal of Rural Development. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 152-167.

Search: su=floriculture
Found: 29 Record 1-29

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