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Search: su=food shortage
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Periodical articleShaffer, Paul (2017)
See this publicationSeasonal hunger in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, 1900-40
Abstract presentEconomic history of developing regions. Volume 32 #3. p. 270-300.

Periodical articleAmoateng, Acheampong Yaw; Setlalentoa, Boitumelo Marilyn Patience (2015)
See this publicationFamily structure, race, gender and poverty: the case of food deprivation in South Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 19 #1. p. 43-62.

BookDieng, Mamadou Moustapha (2015)
Famines, disettes et épidémies dans la basse et la moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal: 1854-1945
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 247p.

Periodical articleAttwell, William (2013)
See this publication'When we have nothing we all eat grass': debt, donor dependence and the food crisis in Malawi, 2001 to 2003
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 31 #4. p. 564-582.

Periodical issueDury, Sandrine; Janin, Pierre (eds.) (2013)
See this publicationLe sécurisation alimentaire en Afrique = Food security in Africa: enjeux, controverses et modalités
Abstract presentAgricultures. Volume 21 #5. p. 281-382.

Periodical articleHartwig, Renate; Grimm, Michael (2012)
See this publicationAn assessment of the effects of the 2002 food crisis on children's health in Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 21 #1. p. 124-165.

Periodical articleOmasanjuwa, Akpojevbe (2012)
Turncoat colonial administration: the Gambian experience
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 27 #2. p. 113-146.

BookArditi, Claude; Janin, Pierre; Marie, Alain (eds.) (2011)
La lutte contre l'insécurité alimentaire au Mali: réalités et faux semblants
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. 384p.

DVD / videoJong, Flip de; Broekhuis, Rens (eds.) (2011)
Honger naar verandering
Abstract presentHilversum: Vara.

BookAlpha Gado, Boureima (2010)
Crises alimentaires en Afrique sahélienne: les réponses paysannes
Cotonou: Editions du Flamboyant. 210p.

Periodical articleAssefa, Samuel (2010)
See this publicationFarm households' food insecurity and their coping strategies in Arsi Negele District, Oromia Region
Abstract presentEthiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Volume 7 #1-2. p. 27-54.

BookFrayne, Bruce (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationThe state of urban food insecurity in southern Africa
Cape Town: African Food Security Urban Network (AFSUN). Urban food security series #2. 54p.

Periodical articleJanin, Pierre (2010)
Dossier 'Surveiller et nourrir: politique de la faim'
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #119. p. 5-127.

Periodical articleRoy, Alexis (2010)
L'Initiative riz au Mali: une réponse politique à línsécurité alimentaire?
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #119. p. 87-105.

BookCrombé, Xavier; Jézéquel, Jean-Hervé (eds.) (2009)
A not-so natural disaster: Niger 2005
Abstract presentLondon: Hurst & Co in assoc. with Fondations Médecins Sans Frontières. 228p.

Periodical articleOlivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre (2008)
La crise alimentaire au Niger
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #225. p. 17-294.

BookUnited States Government Accountability Office (2008)
See this publicationInternational food security: insufficient efforts by host governments and donors threaten progress to halve hunger in sub-Saharan Africa by 2015: report to Congressional requesters
Washington, DC: United States Government Accountability Office. 96p.

BookCrombé, Xavier; Jézéquel, Jean-Hervé (eds.) (2007)
Niger 2005: une catastrophe si naturelle
Abstract presentParis: Karthala. Les terrains du siècle. 296p.

BookOlivier de Sardan, Jean-Pierre (2007)
See this publicationAnalyse rétrospective de la crise alimentaire au Niger en 2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #59. 58p.

DVD / videoRasolo, Hery A. (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationRaketa mena = Cactus rouge
Abstract presentIzany s'Izany.

Periodical articleZondi, Siphamandla (2007)
The enduring food crisis in Africa and the state of responses
Africa Insight. Volume 37 #2. p. 258-271.

BookAli Bako, Mahamane Tahirou (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire à Olléléwa 2004-2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #67. 40p.

Periodical articleDestombes, Jérôme (2006)
See this publicationFrom Long-Term Patterns of Seasonal Hunger to Changing Experiences of Everyday Poverty: Northeastern Ghana, c. 1930-2000
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 47 #2. p. 181-205.

BookGuillermet, Elise (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire à Tirmini 2004-2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #68. 33p.

BookHamani, Oumarou (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire à Bambey 2004-2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #66. 44p.

BookIssa, Younoussi (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire à Guidan Roumji 2004-2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #65. 37p.

BookKoné, Mariatou (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire de 2005 au Niger dans la région de Madarounfa et ses effets sur la malnutrition infantile: approche socio-anthropologique
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #53. 72p.

BookKoné, Mariatou (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire à Tondikiwindi 2004-2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #63. 43p.

Periodical articleMandala, Elias (2006)
See this publicationFeeding and Fleecing the Native: How the Nyasaland Transport System Distorted a New Food Market, 1890s-1920s
Abstract presentJournal of Southern African Studies. Volume 32 #3. September. p. 505-524.

BookMoha, Mahaman (2006)
See this publicationLa crise alimentaire à Roumbou 2004-2005
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #64. 60p.

BookOxfam International (2006)
See this publicationCausing hunger: an overview of the food crisis in Africa
Oxford: Oxfam International. 39p.

Periodical articleRempel, Ruth (2006)
See this publication'Not a Cloth Giver': Entitlement, Hunger, and Illict Transfers on the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1886-1890
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 39 #1. p. 1-47.

Periodical articleAgbu, Osita (2005)
See this publicationGlobalisation and Technology: Problems and Prospects for the Agricultural Sector in Africa
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 30 #4. p. 151-170.

Periodical articleBrunel, Sylvie (2005)
Les famines en Afrique
Mondes et cultures. Volume 65 #1-4. p. 636-647.

BookMohamadou, A. (2004)
See this publicationFoncier agro-pastoral, conflits et gestion des aléas climatiques au Niger: cas de Dakoro et Abalak
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #26. 39p.

Periodical articleMulugeta, Solomon (2004)
See this publicationSocio-Economic Determinants of Wetland Cultivation in Kemise, Illubabor Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 20 #1. January. p. 93-114.

Periodical articleStahl, Benjamin (2004)
Les paysans du Wellega occidental et le problème de la sécurité alimentaire
Annales d'Éthiopie. Volume 20. p. 29-46.

Conference paperDrimie, Scott; Lafon, Michel (eds.) (2003)
Food security in Southern Africa: causes and responses from the region
Johannesburg: IFAS. Les cahiers de l'IFAS #3. 120p.

Periodical articleSapra, Sharad (2003)
The crisis of southern African countries
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 39 #1. p. 55-57.

Periodical articleStewart, Julia (2003)
See this publicationMoving Food: The World Food Programme's Response to the Southern African Humanitarian Crisis
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 12 #1. p. 17-27.

Periodical articleBookstein, Amelia; Lawson, Max (2002)
See this publicationFamine in Southern Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 101 #405. October. p. 635-641.

Periodical articleGoshit, Zakariya D. (2002)
The Impact of the Current Food Crisis on the Nigerian Society
Abstract presentHumanities Review Journal. Volume 2 #2. p. 13-20.

Periodical articleRamakrishna, G.; Demeke, Assefa (2002)
See this publicationAn Empirical Analysis of Food Insecurity in Ethiopia: The Case of North Wello
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 127-143.

Periodical articleStambuli, Kalonga (2002)
See this publicationA descriptive analysis of the food crisis in Malawi
Abstract presentThe Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 55 #2. p. 1-30.

Periodical articleWalgate, R.; Cullinan, K. (2002)
HIV/AIDS deepens food crisis in Southern Africa
African Journal of Medical Practice. Volume 9 #12. p. 249, 251.

Periodical articleMuluken M.; Berhanu D.; Salma E.; Deconinck, H. (2001)
See this publicationHealth problems and expenditure in an area with food crisis: Mekit woreda, North Wollo Zone
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 15 #1. April. p. 1-9.

BookGast, Marceau (2000)
Moissons du désert: utilisation des ressources naturelles en période de famine au Sahara central
Paris: Ibis Press. 160p.

Periodical articleKimondo, J. (2000)
Food shortages in Eastern Africa
Njiwa. Volume 8 #2. December. p. 27-28.

Periodical articleMagrin, Géraud (2000)
See this publicationInsécurité alimentaire et culture cotonnière au sud du Tchad: des relations complexes
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 40 #159. p. 525-549.

Periodical articleChinodakufa, R. (1999)
Chipinge threatened with starvation
Moto. #194. March. p. 14-16.

Periodical articleOpondo, H.; Okumu, L. (1999)
Factors responsible for and implications of the decline in non-monetary agricultural GDP in Uganda
Bank of Uganda Staff Papers. Volume 1 #1. December. p. 34-46.

Periodical articleAdams, Alayne M.; Cekan, Jindra; Sauerborn, Rainer (1998)
See this publicationTowards a Conceptual Framework of Household Coping: Reflections from Rural West Africa
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 68 #2. p. 263-283.

Periodical articleDrabo, Issa (1998)
Crise alimentaire et stratégies paysannes au Yatenga (Burkina Faso)
Abstract presentHemispheres: Studies on Cultures and Societies. #13. p. 5-19.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
From surplus to scarcity: the incoherent food policy consequence
Droplets. #4. p. 6.

Periodical articleSithole, V.M. (1996)
Food insecurity and coping strategies: the case of cashcroppers and non cashcroppers on Swazi nation land
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 10. December. p. 32-42.

Periodical articleEshete, Dagnew (1995)
See this publicationDifferential Socio-Economic Impact of Food Shortages and Household Coping Strategies: A Case Study of Wolaita District in Southern Ethiopia
Abstract presentAfrica Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 20 #1. p. 89-124.

Periodical articleMazonde, Isaac N. (1995)
Food Security and Household Labour: Social Transformation in a Botswana Village
Abstract presentJournal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 13 #1. January. p. 75-89.

Periodical articleShisanya, Constance R.A. (1995)
Africa's food crisis: a theological reflection on strategies for a healthier Africa
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Research and Development. Volume 25. p. 51-63.

Periodical articleSitoe, J. (1995)
Maputo: preços altos culminam com rebeliao
Tempo. #1295. 15 de out.. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleMazrui, A.A. (1994)
The flawed old order: origin of food and water crisis in Africa
Resources (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 5 #1. p. 10-14.

Periodical articleSitoe, J. (1994)
Vila da Moamba: seca dificulta sobrevivência
Tempo. #1217. 17 de abril. p. 4-8.

Periodical articleTitos, A. (1994)
Tete: estudar é milagre
Tempo. #1217. 17 de abril. p. 9-15.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1993)
Hunger in Africa: entitlement approach to food problem analysis
Rural Progress. Volume 12 #1. p. 24-45.

Periodical articleGuma, X.P. (1993)
Muddles in the Maize Fields and Labour Migration in Southern Africa: A Critique of the Conjectures of Dr. Low
Abstract presentEastern Africa Economic Review. Volume 9 #1. p. 203-218.

Periodical articleRapoport, Hillel (1993)
L'approvisionnement vivrier de Kinshasa (Zaïre): stratégies d'adaptation à la crise du système alimentaire
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 29 #4.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
Never-ending food queues
Monthly news (Nairobi, Kenya). August. p. 26, 28.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
Thousands starving in northern Kenya
Monthly news (Nairobi, Kenya). June. p. 21-22.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1992)
Kenya goes begging
Monthly news (Nairobi, Kenya). July. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleBakundakwita, C. (1992)
Autosuffisance alimentaire
Dialogue (Kigali, Rwanda). #150. janvier. p. 3-12.

Periodical articleDe Waal, A.; Vines, A. (1992)
Conspicuous destruction: war, famine, and the reform process in Mozambique
Southern Africa Political & Economic Monthly. Volume 5 #10. July. p. 9-13.

Periodical articleElias, A. (1992)
Inhambane, o murchar das 'flores que nunca murcham'
Tempo. #1113. 16 de fev.. p. 4-8.

Periodical articleHenrique, A. (1992)
Seca aumenta fome em Manica
Tempo. #1114. 23 de fev.. p. 20-26.

Periodical articleHenrique, A. (1992)
Marromeu, crise alimentar agrava-se
Tempo. #1113. 16 de fev.. p. 16-17.

BookLittle, Peter D. (1992)
The elusive granary: herder, farmer, and state in northern Kenya
Abstract presentCambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. African studies series #73. 212p.

Periodical articleMugo, M. (1992)
Children market
Society (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #32. October 5. p. 20-21.

Periodical articleMugo, M. (1992)
Mysterious shortages
Society (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 2 #23. August 3. p. 37-38.

Periodical articleSachikonye, Lloyd M. (1992)
See this publicationZimbabwe: Drought, Food and Adjustment
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 19 #53. p. 88-94.

Periodical articleSuther, D. (1992)
Refugees and the economy: profits of disaster
Executive (Nairobi, Kenya). September. p. 22-24.

Periodical articleAlberto, D. (1991)
Maputo, que se passa com os talhos?
Tempo. #1059. 27 de jan.. p. 12-15.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1991)
Roots of hunger, Horn of Africa famine
Baobab. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleChastanet, M. (1991)
Crises et régulation en pays soninké (Sénégal) depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle
Abstract presentCahiers des sciences humaines. Volume 27 #1-2. p. 131-145.

Periodical articleHassan, Rashid M.; Babu, Suresh Chandra (1991)
See this publicationMeasurement and Determinants of Rural Poverty: Household Consumption Patterns and Food Poverty in Rural Sudan
Abstract presentFood Policy. Volume 16 #6. December. p. 451-460.

Periodical articleManuel, F. (1991)
Tete, a coluna nossa de cada dia, nos dai sempre
Tempo. #1070. 14 de abril. p. 16-21.

Conference paperMaxwell, Simon (ed.) (1991)
To cure all hunger: food policy and food security in Sudan
Abstract presentLondon: Intermediate Technology Publications. 248p.

Periodical articleMukherjee, Rina (1991)
Africa Food Crisis: A Solution in Sight?
Abstract presentAfrican Currents. Volume 7 #14. October. p. 18-31.

Periodical articlePatnaik, Ila (1991)
Export Crop Production and the Food Crisis in Egypt
Abstract presentInd-Africana: Collected Research Papers on Africa. Volume 4 #1. April. p. 65-75.

Book chapterBernal, V. (1990)
Agricultural development and food production on a Sudanese irrigation scheme
Abstract presentIn: Anthropology and development in North Africa and the Middle East. p. 197-227.

Periodical articleBrander, B. (1990)
Ethiopia, five years later
World Vision News. Volume 7 #2. June. p. 3, 8, 15-16.

Periodical articleDöpcke, W. (1990)
See this publicationFamine in Zimbabwe
Zambezia. Volume 17 #1. p. 101-105.

Periodical articleHopkins, R.F. (1990)
See this publicationIncreasing food aid: prospects for the 1990s
Abstract presentFood Policy. Volume 15 #4. p. 319-327.

Periodical articleMacGregor, Jenny (1990)
The Crisis in African Agriculture
Abstract presentAfrica Insight. Volume 20 #1. p. 4-16.

Periodical articleRakotoarimanana, L. (1990)
Soudure, le mois le plus long
Matoy. #3. déc.. p. 21-22.

Dissertation / thesisWeiß, Roland (1990)
Wandel des Agrarsystems und Ernährungssicherung in Niger
Abstract presentHamburg: Institut für Afrika-Kunde. Arbeiten aus dem Institut für Afrika-Kunde #67. 209p.

Conference paperAfrican Academy of Sciences, Nairobi (1989)
Environmental crisis in Africa: scientific response: proceedings of the International Conference on Drought, Desertification and Food Deficit in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya 3-6 June 1986
Abstract presentNairobi: Academy Science Publishers. 130p.

Periodical articleCampbell, D.J.; Zinyama, L.M.; Matiza, T. (1989)
Strategies for coping with food deficits in rural Zimbabwe
Geographical Journal of Zimbabwe. #20. December. p. 15-41.

Book chapterReardon, Thomas; Matlon, P. (1989)
Seasonal food insecurity and vulnerability in drought-affected regions of Burkina Faso
Abstract presentIn: Seasonal variability in Third World agriculture: the consequences for food security / ed. by David E. Sahn. - Baltimore, Md. [etc.]: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 118-136.

Periodical articleSinger, H.W. (1989)
See this publicationThe African Food Crisis and the Role of Food Aid
Abstract presentFood Policy. Volume 14 #3. August. p. 196-206.

BookChazan, Naomi; Shaw, Timothy M. (eds.) (1988)
Coping with Africa's Food Crisis
Abstract presentBoulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. Food in Africa series. 250p.

Periodical articleGourou, P. (1988)
Les problemes agricoles de l'afrique noire non sahelienne: réflexions d'un géographe
Abstract presentGenève-Afrique: acta africana. Volume 26 #1. p. 7-48.

Periodical articleKiros, Fassil G. (1988)
See this publicationFood and Development in Ethiopia: Retrospect and Prospect
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 21. November. p. 83-110.

Search: su=food shortage
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