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Search: su=forest products
Found: 55 Record 1-55

BookAbo Eyafa'a, Henri-Christian (2015)
Exploitation forestière au Cameroun: rouages et extraits de la réglementation
Paris: L'Harmattan. Émergences africaines. 260p.

Periodical issueHiral, Masaaki (ed.) (2014)
See this publicationAn integrated study on non-timber forest products in Southeastern Cameroon: toward conservation and sustainable use of tropical forest
African Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #49. 202p.

BookIngram, Verina J. (2014)
See this publicationWin-wins in forest product value chains? How governance impacts the sustainability of livelihoods based on non-timber forest products from Cameroon
Abstract presentLeiden: African Studies Centre. African Studies Collection #56. 370p.

Periodical articleSanchez, Samuel F. (2014)
L'État et les matières premières à Madagascar: éléments historiques sur le contrôle du commerce extérieur par l'État (XIXe-XXe s.)
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #251. p. 157-166.

Periodical articleMehou-Loko, Florent; Akouehou, Gaston Sèhounkpindo; Dissou, Florentin Essè (2013)
La cogestion de l'écosystème de la forêt classée de la Lama (Bénin): quels impacts socio-économiques et écologiques?
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 264 #4. p. 445-468.

BookNawata, Hiroshi (2013)
Exploitation and conservation of Middle East tree resources in the oil era
Abstract presentKyoto: Shoukadoh Book Sellers. Arab subsistence monograph series 1.

Periodical articleThelliez, Benoît (2012)
Dossier agriculture
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 67 #3274. p. 5-15.

Periodical articleChalle, Joyce F.X.; Niehof, Anke; Struik, Paul C. (2011)
See this publicationThe significance of gathering wild orchid tubers for orphan household livelihoods in a context of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 10 #3. p. 207-218.

Periodical articleMutenje, Munyaradzi J.; Ortmann, Gerald F.; Ferrer, Stuart R.D. (2011)
See this publicationExtraction of non-timber forest products as a coping strategy for HIV/AIDS-afflicted rural households in south-eastern Zimbabwe
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 10 #3. p. 195-206.

BookMandilou, Désiré (ed.) (2010)
Services de base et dynamique sociale au Congo: regards croisés
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Afrique liberté. 152p.

Periodical articleNgueko, Raoul Bruno; Kouokam, Roger; Ngouwouo Younchawou, Maxime (2010)
Impacts socioéconomiques de l'implication des pygmées Baka du grand Djoum dans la commercialisation des PFNL
Enjeux: bulletin d'analyses géopolitiques pour l'Afrique centrale. #44. p. 20-25.

Periodical articleOuattara, Brahima (2009)
Exploitation économique de la zone forestière et mouvements des populations dans les pays de la Côte d'Ivoire: XVe-XXe siècle
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #39. p. 85-107.

Periodical articleTuck, Michael W. (2009)
See this publicationWoodland commodities, global trade, and local struggles: the beeswax trade in British Tanzania
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 3 #2. p. 259-274.

Periodical articleDiop, Ndèye Awa (2008)
Information disponible et information fiable: quel intérêt pour l'analyse des ressources naturelles?
Annales de la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. #38. p. 261-278.

BookMbonile, Milline Jethro (2008)
See this publicationBamboo trade and poverty alleviation in Ileje district, Tanzania
Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA). REPOA research report #8. 48p.

BookBrown, Helen Carolyn Peach (2007)
Governance of non-wood forest products and community forests in the humid forest zone of Cameroon
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 339p.

Periodical articleMelese Getu (2007)
See this publicationAre tree tenure and land tenure issues the same? A case study of rights to trees among the Tsamako of southwest Ethiopia
Abstract presentEthiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities. Volume 5 #1. June. p. 43-61.

Periodical articlePopoola, L.; Tee, N.T. (2007)
Pricing conduct of spatially differentiated borassus aethiopum (Mart) products markets in Northeastern Nigeria
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 19 #special ed. no. 3. March. p. 253-259.

Periodical articleNwonwu, Francis O.C. (2006)
The Socio-Cultural and Economic Relevance of the Marula Tree and its Sustainable Use in South Africa
Africa Insight. Volume 36 #3-4. p. 249-265.

Periodical articleZziwa, A.; Bukenya, M.; Sseremba, O.E.; Kyeyune, R.K. (2006)
Non-traditional tree species used in the furniture industry in Masaka District, Central Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 12 #1. June. p. 57-64.

Periodical articleZziwa, A.; Kaboggoza, J.R.S.; Mwakali, J.A.; Banana, A.Y.; Kyeyune, R.K. (2006)
Physical and mechanical properties of some less utilised tropical timber tree species growing in Uganda
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 12 #1. June. p. 29-37.

Dissertation / thesisOuelmouhoub, Samir (2005)
Gestion multi-usage et conservation du patrimoine forestier: cas des subéraies du Parc national d'El Kala (Algérie)
Montpellier: Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes, Institut agronomique méditerranéen de Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM). Série 'Master of science' #78. 127p.

Dissertation / thesisLebel, Frédéric (2003)
L'importance des produits forestiers non-ligneux pour les ménages agricoles de la région de Thiès, Sénégal
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 131p.

Dissertation / thesisLebbie, Aiah Randolph (2002)
Distribution, exploitation and valuation of non-timber forest products from a forest reserve in Sierra Leone
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 240p.

Dissertation / thesisStewart, Kristine Marie (2002)
The commercial bark harvest of the African cherry (Prunus africana) on Mount Oku, Cameroon: effects on traditional uses and population dynamics
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 108p.

Dissertation / thesisZewdie, Yihenew (2002)
Access to forest resources and forest-based livelihoods in highland Kafa, Ethiopia: a resource management perspective
Boston Spa: The British Library, British Thesis Service.

Periodical articleGichere, S. (2001)
Why ministries of finance and economic planning need to take account of forest values: the case of Kenya
Innovation (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #2. July. p. 6-9.

Periodical articleMoyini, Y. (2001)
The role of forests in Uganda's national economy
Innovation (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 8 #2. July. p. 10-12.

Periodical articleAlibert, Jacques (2000)
Problèmes forestiers de l'Afrique centrale
Abstract presentMondes et cultures. Volume 60 #1. p. 214-220.

Periodical articleMogaka, H.R.; Emerton, L. (2000)
Tharaka's hidden harvest
Ecoforum. Volume 24 #4. short rains. p. 42-44.

Periodical articleZimba, S.C. (2000)
Socio-economic role of non-wood forest products: a case of Zambia
Journal of Business (Kitwe, Zambia). Volume 4 #1. January-June. p. 87-114.

Periodical articleBonkoungou, E.G.; Djimde, M.; Ayuk, E.T.; Zoungrana, I.; Tchoundjeu, Z. (1999)
The market potential of parkland trees
Agroforestry Today. Volume 11 #1-2. January-June. p. 13-15.

Periodical articleManurung, G.; Burgers, P. (1999)
Innovative farmers: Bapak Kanijan: reviving rattan in Sumatra is a booming business
Agroforestry Today. Volume 11 #1-2. January-June. p. 16-18.

Periodical articleHärkönen, M.; Vainio-Mattila, K. (1998)
See this publicationSome examples of natural products in the Eastern Arc Mountains
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 87 #1-2. p. 265-278.

Periodical articleIddi, S. (1998)
See this publicationEastern Arc Mountains and their national and global importance
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 87 #1-2. p. 19-26.

Periodical articleShangali, C.F.; Mabula, C.K.; Mmari, C. (1998)
See this publicationBiodiversity and human activities in the Udzungwa Mountain forests, Tanzania: Pt. 1. Ethnobotanical survey in the Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 87 #1-2. p. 291-318.

Periodical articleZilihona, I.; Shangali, C.F.; Mabula, C.K.; Hamisy, C. (1998)
See this publicationHuman activities threatening the biodiversity of the Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, Tanzania
Journal of East African Natural History. Volume 87 #1-2. p. 319-326.

Periodical articleIzko, X. (1997)
People under the trees: non-timber products and deforestation
Ecoforum. Volume 21 #1. March. p. 24-25.

Periodical articlePai, I.K. (1997)
The magic of mulberry
Agroforestry Today. Volume 9 #4. October-December. p. 9.

Periodical articleSalvator, K. (1997)
Some pros and cons of acacia mangium
Agroforestry Today. Volume 9 #1. January-March. p. 12-13.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1996)
Raising the stakes: domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products
Agroforestry Today. Volume 8 #3. July-September. p. 14-16.

Periodical articleBoffa, J.M.; Yaméogo, G.; Nikiéma, P.; Taonda, J.B. (1996)
What future for the shea tree?
Agroforestry Today. Volume 8 #4. October-December. p. 5-9.

Periodical articleFolkard, G.; Sutherland, J. (1996)
Moringa oleifera: a tree and a litany of potential
Agroforestry Today. Volume 8 #3. July-September. p. 5-8.

Periodical articleLamien, N.; Sidibe, A.; Bayala, J. (1996)
The joy of cooking: recipes for the success of the shea tree
Agroforestry Today. Volume 8 #4. October-December. p. 10-11.

Periodical articleMgeni, A.S.M. (1996)
Forest products and rural income in Tanzania from a methodological perspective in estimation
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 205-214.

Periodical articleParratt, N.T. (1996)
See this publicationThe Potential of Non-Timber Forest Products of Botswana
Abstract presentBotswana Notes and Records. Volume 28. p. 203-218.

Periodical articleRoy, M.M. (1996)
Hardwickia binata for silvopastoral systems in India
Agroforestry Today. Volume 8 #5. October-December. p. 12-13.

Periodical articleChikamai, B.; Onchieku, J. (1995)
The effect of grading rules and category of sawmills on softwood structural timber grades in Kenya
Discovery and Innovation. Volume 7 #3. September. p. 277-281.

Dissertation / thesisHaveman, N.P.G. (1994)
Barking up the wrong tree: conservation versus development on Mount Cameroon

Periodical articleCurtin, Philip D. (1981)
See this publicationAfrican Enterprise in the Mangrove Trade: The Case of Lamu
Abstract presentAfrican Economic History. Volume 10. p. 23-33.

Periodical articleEnabor, Ephraim E. (1981)
Cooperation in forest products trade in the West African sub-Region
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 23 #2. p. 157-186.

Periodical articleBouet, Claude (1980)
La saga de l'okoume au Gabon
Abstract presentCahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 17 #3-4. p. 269-272.

Periodical articleEnabor, Ephraim E. (1976)
Wood consumption requirements in Nigeria: a reassessment
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 121-145.

Periodical articleAdeyoju, S. Kolade (1969)
The Benin timber industry before 1939
Abstract presentThe Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 12 #1-2. p. 99-111.

Periodical articleHumblet, P. (1958)
L'industrie forestière
Abstract presentIndustrie: revue de la Fédération des industries belges. Volume 12 #6. p. 379-383.

Search: su=forest products
Found: 55 Record 1-55

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