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Found: 203 | Record 1-100 |
Kangalawe, Hezron R. (2019) | |
'Who Took Our Land - The World Bank or the State?': The Land Question in the state plantation forests in Tanzania: the case of the Sao Hill forests, 1962-2012 | |
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 17 #2. p. 77-95. |
Tano, Kassi Pascal (2016) | |
Le bois dans l'économie de la Côte d'Ivoire coloniale: 1880-1960 | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 363p. |
Abo Eyafa'a, Henri-Christian (2015) | |
Exploitation forestière au Cameroun: rouages et extraits de la réglementation | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Émergences africaines. 260p. |
Marysse, Stefaan; Omasombo Tshonda, Jean (eds.) (2014) | |
Conjonctures congolaises 2013: percée sécuritaire, flottements politiques et essor économique | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains #84. 267p. |
Witt, Harald (2014) | |
The role of alien trees in South African forestry and conservation: early 20th-century research and debate on climate change, soil erosion and hydrology | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 40 #6. p. 1193-1214. |
Eloundou, Jules André (2013) | |
La contribution du secteur forestier du sud Cameroun aux finances publiques | |
Intel'actuel: revue de lettres et sciences humaines. #12. p. 129-150. |
Marysse, Stefaan; Omasombo Tshonda, Jean (eds.) (2013) | |
Conjonctures congolaises 2012: politique, secteur minier et gestion des ressources naturelles en RD Congo | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains #82. 306p. |
Sodikoff, Genese Marie (2012) | |
Forest and labor in Madagascar: from colonial concession to global biosphere | |
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 245p. |
Blundo, Giorgio (2011) | |
Une administration à deux vitesses: projets de développement et construction de l'État au Sahel | |
Cahiers d'études africaines. Volume 51 #202-203. p. 427-452. |
Gow, Jeff; Grant, Bligh (2010) | |
Human-resources strategies for managing HIV/AIDS: the case of the South African forestry industry | |
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 9 #3. p. 285-295. |
Henry, P.W.T. (2010) | |
All our yesterdays: memories of a forester in Nigeria, 1950-62 | |
Porthcawl: P.W.T. Henry. 208p. |
Masters, Lesley; Kisiangani, Emmanuel (eds.) (2010) | |
Natural resources governance in southern Africa | |
Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 130p. |
Wasswa-Matovu, Joseph (2010) | |
The effects of transaction costs on community forest management in Uganda | |
Addis Ababa: Organisation for social science research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 79p. |
Mbatu, Richard Sungkekang (2008) | |
Forest policy: forest loss and land use cover change in Cameroon | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 150p. |
Mengue Medou, Celestine (2008) | |
Contribution à l'élaboration d'un modèle d'évaluation environnementale stratégique des plans d'aménagement forestier: cas de l'unité forestière d'aménagement 1 de la compagnie Leroy-Gabon | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Services. 241p. |
Mvondo, Samuel Assembe (2008) | |
State failure and governance in vulnerable States: an assessment of forest law compliance and enforcement in Cameroon | |
Africa Today. Volume 55 #3. p. 85-102. |
Peyrot, Bernard (2008) | |
Incidences écologiques, anthropiques et paléoécologiques sur l'évolution des forêts du Gabon: essai de synthèse | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 61 #241-241. p. 111-144. |
Sakata, Garry (2008) | |
Le droit forestier en République démocratique du Congo | |
FAO. Etudes juridiques de la FAO en ligne #72. 18p. |
Trefon, Théodore (2008) | |
La réforme du secteur forestier en République démocratique du Congo: défis sociaux et faiblesses institutionnelles | |
Afrique contemporaine. #227. p. 81-93. |
Blanchard, Caroline; Teurquetil, Daniel (2007) | |
VIH/SIDA dans les entreprises forestières au Cameroun: évaluer le coût de l'inaction, estimer la rentabilité des actions de prévention | |
Enjeux: bulletin d'analyses géopolitiques pour l'Afrique centrale. #31. p. 24-30. |
Brown, Helen Carolyn Peach (2007) | |
Governance of non-wood forest products and community forests in the humid forest zone of Cameroon | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 339p. |
Chaboud, Christian (2007) | |
Madagascar face aux enjeux du développement durable: des politiques environnementales à l'action collective locale | |
Paris: Karthala. 308p. |
Hoare, Alison L. (2007) | |
Droits aux ressources et concessions forestières: intégration des pratiques foncières des communautés locales aux stratégies d'aménagement forestier en Afrique Centrale | |
London: Rainforest Foundation. 25p. |
Minang, Peter Akong (2007) | |
Implementing global environmental policy at local level: community carbon forestry perspectives in Cameroon | |
Enschede: University of Twente. ITC publication #144. 212p. |
Simonet, Marie-Christine; Rantrua, Sylvie (2007) | |
Dossier bois tropicaux | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 62 #3220. p. 5-11. |
Mullin, Lyn (2006) | |
A brief history of forestry in Zimbabwe | |
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #25. p. 147-152. |
Ngoufo, Roger; Tsalefac, Maurice (2006) | |
Logiques d'acteurs et échelles de risques dans l'exploitation forestière au Cameroun | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 59 #233. p. 115-132. |
Ribot, Jesse C.; Oyono, Phil René (eds.) (2006) | |
Decentralisation and livelihoods in Africa | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 31 #2. 260p. |
Boukongou, Jean Didier (2005) | |
La protection du bassin du Congo: un enjeu multilatéral | |
Géopolitique africaine. #17. p. 141-155. |
Karsenty, Alain (2005) | |
Le bois en Afrique centrale un problème de gouvernance | |
Géopolitique africaine. #17. p. 101-115. |
Makana, Jean-Remy M. (2005) | |
Ecology and sustainable management of African mahoganies and other selected timber species in northeastern Congo Basin, Democratic Republic of Congo | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 215p. |
Malet, Serge-Henri (2005) | |
Forêts du bassin du Congo | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 60 #3093. p. 15-30. |
Rich, Jeremy (2005) | |
Forging Permits and Failing Hopes: African Participation in the Gabonese Timber Industry, ca. 1920-1940 | |
African Economic History. Volume 33. p. 149-173. |
Sittert, Lance Van (ed.) (2005) | |
Environmental history | |
South African Historical Journal. #53. 182p. |
Akouehou, Gaston S. (2004) | |
Environnement institutionnel et gestion traditionnelle des espaces forestiers: cas de la région des monts Kouffé au centre du Bénin | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 57 #226-227. p. 175-190. |
Anonymous (2004) | |
Le secteur forestier du Congo: bilan et perspectives | |
Études et statistiques: bulletin mensuel. #280. p. 3-41. |
Kariuki, Joseph; François, Alain; Fréon, Mathieu (2004) | |
Montagnes et ressources | |
Nairobi: Institut français de recherche en Afrique. Les cahiers de l'IFRA #26. 86p. |
Langewiesche, Katrin (2004) | |
Les limites du reboisement au Burkina Faso et au Bénin: du travail forcé à l'approche participative | |
Politique africaine. #96. p. 196-211. |
Njogu, James Gichiah (2004) | |
Community-based conservation in an entitlement perspective: wildlife and forest biodiversity conservation in Taita, Kenya | |
Leiden: African Studies Centre. Research reports #73. 273p. |
Otegbeye, G.O. (2004) | |
Drought and desertification: challenges for afforestation in Nigerian arid and semi-arid region | |
Savanna: A Journal of the Environmental and Social Sciences. Volume 19 #1. p. 1-11. |
Oyono, Phil René (2004) | |
Assessing Accountability in Cameroon's Local Forest Management: Are Representatives Responsive? | |
African Journal of Political Science. Volume 9 #1. p. 125-136. |
Oyono, Phil René (2004) | |
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Paradoxes of Natural Resources Management Decentralisation in Cameroon | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 42 #1. March. p. 91-111. |
Babongeno, Urbain (2003) | |
Présentation générale du nouveau code forestier de la République démocratique du Congo: nécessité interne et externe | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 113 #843. p. 180-194. |
Châtel, Bénédicte (2003) | |
Dossier forêts | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 58 #3022. p. 2039-2049. |
Mudege, Netsayi N.; Bourdillon, M.F.C. (2003) | |
The Role of Communication in Social Forestry: The Case of Mwenezi | |
Zambezia. Volume 30 #1. p. 51-71. |
Tropp, Jacob (2003) | |
Displaced People, Replaced Narratives: Forest Conflicts and Historical Perspectives in the Tsolo District, Transkei | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 29 #1. March. p. 207-233. |
Bourjarra, A.; Ayache, F.; Rjiba, F. (2002) | |
La forêt littorale d'El Ghedabna-Chebba: de la menace de l'Erg au développement touristique | |
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #34. p. 33-58. |
Coulibaly, Kantougoudiou (2002) | |
Les agriculteurs et le parc arboré dans le Moyen-Bani-Niger au Mali: contribution à l'analyse des pratiques et des techniques de gestion du parc arboré | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 202p. |
Gasc, Jacques (2002) | |
La lutte contre la désertification | |
Mondes et cultures. Volume 62 #1-4. p. 313-320. |
Robertson, John (2002) | |
The evolving forestry context in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe | |
Boston Spa: British Thesis Service. |
Tchawa, Paul; Tsayem Demaze, Moïse (2002) | |
Gestion de l'espace et effets écologiques de l'eucalypculture en pays bamiléké (ouest-Cameroun): stratégie paysanne et prise en compte d'un risque perçu | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 55 #218. p. 175-196. |
Zewdie, Yihenew (2002) | |
Access to forest resources and forest-based livelihoods in highland Kafa, Ethiopia: a resource management perspective | |
Boston Spa: The British Library, British Thesis Service. |
Agbo, B.P. (ed.) (2001) | |
Recherche agricole pour le développement: actes de l'atelier scientifique 1: Niaouli 11-12 janvier 2001 | |
Cotonou: INRAB. 497p. |
Alibert, Jacques (2001) | |
La forêt d'Afrique centrale: une richesse difficile à gérer | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 55 #1. p. 62-77. |
Amanor, Kojo Sebastian (2001) | |
Empowering Women through Tree Planting? Gender and Global Environmentalism in Northern Ghana | |
Research Review. Volume 17 #1. p. 63-73. |
Campbell, Bruce; Mandondo, Alois; Nemarundwe, Nontokozo; Sithole, Bevlyne; De Jong, Wil; Luckert, Marty; Matose, Frank (2001) | |
Challenges to Proponents of Common Property Resource Systems: Despairing Voices from the Social Forests of Zimbabwe | |
World Development. Volume 29 #4. April. p. 589-600. |
Collas de Chatelperron, Philippe (ed.) (2001) | |
Gestion durable des forêts au Cameroun: vers une foresterie responsable: contributions du projet forêts et terroirs: actes de l'atelier d'échanges 4-6 juillet 2000, Yaoundé, Cameroun | |
Montpellier: CIRAD. 164p. |
Desloges, Vincent (2001) | |
Les empreintes de la législation foncière dans l'extension du reboisement à Madagascar | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 54 #213. p. 69-94. |
Estève, Jean (2001) | |
Étude sur le plan pratique d'aménagement des forêts naturelles de production tropicales africaines: application au cas de l'Afrique centrale: premier volet: production forestière | |
Paris: Association Technique iIternationale des Bois Tropicaux (ATIBT). 91p. |
Gebremedhin, Berhanu; Swinton, Scott M. (2001) | |
Reconciling Food-for-Work Project Feasibility with Food Aid Targeting in Tigray, Ethiopia | |
Food Policy. Volume 26 #1. February. p. 85-95. |
Ichikawa, Mitsuo (2001) | |
The forest world as a circulation system: the impacts of Mbuti habitation and subsistence activities on the forest environment | |
African Study Monographs: Supplementary Issue. #26. p. 157-168. |
Tewari, D.D. (2001) | |
Sustainability of Commercial Forestry in a Changing Socioeconomic and Legal Environment: A Case Study of South Africa | |
Africa Today. Volume 48 #1. Spring. p. 51-74. |
Benjaminsen, Tor A. (2000) | |
Conservation in the Sahel: policies and people in Mali, 1900-1998 | |
In: Producing nature and poverty in Africa. p. 94-108. |
Cline-Cole, Reginald; Madge, Clare (eds.) (2000) | |
Contesting forestry in West Africa | |
Aldershot: Ashgate. The Making of Modern Africa. 324p. |
Constantin, François (2000) | |
Kenya, forêts violées | |
L'Afrique orientale. p. 237-267. |
Egbe, Egbe Samuel (2000) | |
The Concept of Community Forestry under Cameroonian Law | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 12 #2. June. p. 276-301. |
Ekoko, François (2000) | |
Balancing Politics, Economics and Conservation: The Case of the Cameroon Forestry Law Reform | |
Development and Change. Volume 31 #1. January. p. 131-154. |
Guillaume-Gentil, Anne (2000) | |
Dossier bois | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 55 #2869. p. 2163-2176. |
Leach, Melissa; Fairhead, James (2000) | |
Fashioned Forest Pasts, Occluded Histories? International Environmental Analysis in West African Locales | |
Development and Change. Volume 31 #1. January. p. 35-59. |
Mayaux, Philippe; Malingreau, Jean-Paul (2000) | |
Le couvert forestier d'Afrique centrale: un nouvel état des lieux | |
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 46 #4. p. 475-486. |
Nkou Mvondo, Prosper (2000) | |
Les droits des populations locales sur les richesses de la forêt et de la faune au Cameroun | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 54 #2. p. 220-238. |
Oteng Kufuor, Kofi (2000) | |
Forest management in Ghana: towards a sustainable approach | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 44 #1. p. 52-64. |
Tyynelä, Tapani; Niskanen, Anssi (2000) | |
Use and Sustainability of Miombo Woodlands under Community Management in Zimbabwe | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 9 #1. p. 118-143. |
Vogt, Gill; Vogt, Kees (2000) | |
Hannu Biyu Ke Tchuda Juna = Strength in unity: shared management of common property resources: a case study from Takiéta, Niger | |
London: IIED. Securing the commons #2. 44p. |
Calandra, Lina Maria (1999) | |
Politiche ambientali e colonialismo: l'Africa occidentale francese | |
Terra d'Africa. p. 39-89. |
Gombya-Ssembajjwe, William (1999) | |
Institutions and sustainable forest management | |
Uganda Journal. Volume 45. August. p. 51-60. |
Karsenty, Alain (1999) | |
Vers la fin de l'État forestier? Appropriation des espaces et partage de la rente forestière au Cameroun | |
Politique africaine. #75. p. 147-161. |
Ribot, Jesse C. (1999) | |
Decentralisation, Participation and Accountability in Sahelian Forestry: Legal Instruments of Political-Administrative Control | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 69 #1. p. 23-65. |
Sandron, Frédéric (1999) | |
N'est-il de richesse que d'hommes ou que d'arbres? | |
Autrepart. #9. p. 63-80. |
Schroeder, Richard A. (1999) | |
Community, Forestry and Conditionality in the Gambia | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 69 #1. p. 1-22. |
Trefon, Théodore (1999) | |
Libreville et son appétence opiniâtre de forêt | |
Afrique contemporaine. #190. p. 39-54. |
Yasu, Hiromi (1999) | |
The Diffusion Process of Planting Grevillea Robusta among Rural Households in North-Central Tanzania | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 20 #3. September. p. 119-145. |
Hilhorst, Thea; Coulibaly, Amadi (1998) | |
Elaborating a local convention for managing village woodlands in southern Mali | |
London: International Institute for Environment and Development. Issues paper #78. 24p. |
Cline-Cole, Reginald A. (1997) | |
Promoting (Anti-) Social Forestry in Northern Nigeria | |
Review of African Political Economy. Volume 24 #74. December. p. 515-536. |
Foley, Gerald (ed.) (1997) | |
The Niger household energy project: promoting rural fuelwood markets and village management of natural woodlands | |
Washington, DC: The World Bank. World Bank technical paper #362. 103p. |
Peyrot, Bernard (1997) | |
Dynamiques paléoécologique et anthropogène de la forêt ombrophile de la dorsale Congo-Nil au Burundi | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 50 #199. p. 271-292. |
Rocheleau, Dianne; Edmunds, David (1997) | |
Women, Men and Trees: Gender, Power and Property in Forest and Agrarian Landscapes | |
World Development. Volume 25 #8. August. p. 1351-1371. |
Zein-Elabdin, Eiman (1997) | |
Gender Equity and Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: The World Bank Strategy for the Forest Sector | |
Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies. Volume 16 #1. March. p. 75-95. |
Gravier, Mireille (1996) | |
Nomadisme et sédentarisation au Tagant (Mauritanie) | |
Les cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 49 #195. p. 227-246. |
Grove, Richard; Falola, Toyin (1996) | |
Chiefs, Boundaries, and Sacred Woodlands: Early Nationalism and the Defeat of Colonial Conservationism in the Gold Coast and Nigeria, 1870-1916 | |
African Economic History. Volume 24. p. 1-23. |
Jacquet, Laurent; Landrot, Jean-Jacques (1996) | |
Les forêts africaines dans l'optique d'une gestion durable | |
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 51 #2641. p. 1240-1251. |
Popoola, Labode (ed.) (1996) | |
The Role of Women in Forestry and Environmental Development in Nigeria: Proceedings of annual workshop of Forestry Vocational Training Centre Dorayi, Kano, 5-7 March, 1996 | |
Forestry Vocational Training Centre. 124p. |
Sulieman, Mahir Salih (1996) | |
Changing forest management strategies in Sudan, a challenge for forestry educational systems | |
263p. |
England, Philippa (1995) | |
Tree planting, sustainable development and the roles of law in Bongo, north-east Ghana | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 39 #2. p. 138-155. |
Pankhurst, Richard (1995) | |
The History of Deforestation and Afforestation in Ethiopia Prior to World War I | |
Northeast African Studies. Volume 2 #1. p. 119-133. |
Ribot, Jesse C. (1995) | |
From Exclusion to Participation: Turning Senegal's Forestry Policy Around? | |
World Development. Volume 23 #9. September. p. 1587-1599. |
Briel, Jaap van den; Schuthof, Peter; Topper, Egger (1994) | |
L'aménagement des terroirs villageois: une contribution à la gestion durable des ressources naturelles: une étude de cas de projet Reboisement Rive Droite Téra, Niger | |
Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University. Tropical resource management papers #5. 94p. |
Lado, Cleophas (1994) | |
Sustainable Agricultural Land Use and Farmers' Participation in Agroforestry Technology in Zambia | |
Eastern and Southern Africa Geographical Journal. Volume 5 #1. July. p. 18-27. |
Olomola, Ade S. (1994) | |
Land tenancy and exploitation of palm forest resources in Nigeria | |
In: Issues in African rural development 2. p. 115-128. |
Anonymous (1993) | |
Wood energy consumption and forest conservation in Africa | |
Rural Progress: Bulletin of the Economic Commission for Africa. Volume 12 #1. p. 58-74. |
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