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Search: su=households | ||||||||
Found: 263 | Record 101-200 |
Moyo, Patience Sibongile (2008) | |
Income diversification, water access and household welfare in rural Zimbabwe | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 260p. |
Mulumba, Deborah (2008) | |
The capacity of war and HIV/AIDS-affected households to provide livelihood and protection to orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 14 #2. p. 423-439. |
Mveing, Séraphin; Fomekong, Félicien (2008) | |
Conditions de vie des ménages et recours aux soins parmi les personnes âgées au Cameroun | |
African Population Studies. Volume 23 #1. p. 85-102. |
Niehof, Anke; Geest, Sjaak van der (eds.) (2008) | |
Special issue: Resilience and health-related adversity | |
Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum. Medische antropologie #2. p. 214-392. |
Oseni, Gbemisola (2008) | |
Agricultural production, human capital, and rural nonfarm activities: evidence from Nigeria | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 140p. |
Pasura, Dominic (2008) | |
Gendering the diaspora: Zimbabwean migrants in Britain | |
African Diaspora: a Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global World. Volume 1 #1-2. p. 86-109. |
Peters, Pauline E.; Walker, Peter A.; Kambewa, Daimon (2008) | |
Striving for normality in a time of AIDS in Malawi | |
Journal of Modern African Studies. Volume 46 #4. p. 659-687. |
Rabe, M. (2008) | |
Can the African household be presented meaningfully in large scale surveys? | |
African Sociological Review. Volume 12 #2. p. 167-181. |
Savage, Kevin; Petty, Celia; Acidri, James (2008) | |
Livelihoods in crisis: a longitudinal study in Pader, Uganda: year two update | |
London: Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG). HPG working papers. 46p. |
Tanga, Pius T. (2008) | |
The impact of old age pension on households and social relationships in Lesotho | |
Review of Southern African Studies. Volume 12 #1-2. December. p. 184-215. |
Zindi, Christopher (2008) | |
Household behaviour models of smallholder agricultural producers in Zimbabwe: a risk programming approach | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 234p. |
Abdula, Danilo Carimo (2007) | |
Improving maize marketing and trade policies to promote household food security in southern Mozambique | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 197p. |
Agüero, Jorge; Carter, Michael R.; May, Julian (2007) | |
Poverty and Inequality in the First Decade of South Africa's Democracy: What Can Be Learnt from Panel Data from KwaZulu-Natal | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #5. November. p. 782-812. |
Coulibaly, Boubacar Habib (2007) | |
La gestion des ordures ménagères à Bamako: le rôle et défis des communes urbaines | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 77p. |
Dabire, Bonayi (2007) | |
Les déterminants familiaux de l'émigration rurale au Burkina Faso | |
African Population Studies. Volume 22 #1. p. 117-144. |
Hemson, David (2007) | |
The burden of care: water, health and gender in the Dolphin Coast concession | |
Urban Forum. Volume 18 #3. p. 211-225. |
Konseiga, Adama (2007) | |
Household Migration Decisions as Survival Strategy: The Case of Burkina Faso | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #2. March. p. 198-233. |
Lemay, Anne-Marie (2007) | |
Le changement agricole et la dynamique familiale en milieu rural malien: exemple de technologies agroforestières | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 167p. |
Malan, Antonia (2007) | |
Building lives at the Cape in the early VOC period | |
Kronos: Journal of Cape History. #33. p. 45-71. |
McGlinchy, Megan Elizabeth (2007) | |
Identifying the determinants and characteristics of mothers' income in rural Mali | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 74p. |
Moyi, Peter L. (2007) | |
Child labor and schooling in Ghana and Kenya: the roles of poverty and education policy | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 174p. |
Nouve, Kofi L. (2007) | |
Impacts of global agricultural trade reforms and world market conditions on welfare and food security in Mali: a CGE assessment | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 217p. |
Oldfield, Sophie (2007) | |
Crowded houses, gendered spaces and generational differences: the inter-relationship between housing politics and household dynamics in New Crossroads, Cape Town | |
Roma: National University of Lesotho, Institute of Southern African Studies (ISAS). ISAS GRUPHEL research report series. Phase IV #9. 73p. |
Petty, Celia; Savage, Kevin (2007) | |
Livelihoods in crisis: a longitudinal study in Pader, Uganda (inception report) | |
London: Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG). HPG working papers. 31p. |
Verne, Markus (2007) | |
Der Mangel an Mitteln: Konsum, Kultur und Knappheit in einem Hausadorf in Niger | |
Berlin: Lit Verlag. Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung #29. 553p. |
Anonymous (2006) | |
Projections 2030: les dynamiques territoriales | |
Économie de la Réunion. #125. p. 9-24. |
Dhur, Agnès (ed.) (2006) | |
Rwanda: emergency food security assessment, April 2006 | |
Rome: World Food Programme. 95p. |
Haan, Leo J. de; Zoomers, Annelies (2006) | |
How to research the changing outlines of African livelihoods | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 31 #4. p. 121-150. |
Hampshire, Kate (2006) | |
Flexibility in Domestic Organization and Seasonal Migration among the Fulani of Northern Burkina Faso | |
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 76 #3. p. 402-426. |
Holl, Augustin F.C. (2006) | |
West African early towns: archaeology of households in urban landscapes | |
Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology. Anthropological papers #95. 168p. |
Jauze, Albert (2006) | |
La succession de Marianne Lelièvre: les aspects de la vie quotidienne à Bourbon à la fin du XVIIIe siècle | |
Outre-mers: revue d'histoire. Volume 94 #352-353. p. 107-145. |
Mullen, Patrick D. (2006) | |
Measuring Socio-Economic Patterns in a Chronic Conflict Situation: Rapid Assessments and a Household Survey in Southern Sudan | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 15 #3. September. p. 470-503. |
Smith, Lisa C.; Alderman, Harold; Aduayom, Dede (2006) | |
Food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa: new estimates from household expenditure surveys | |
Washington, DC: International food policy research institute (IFPRI). Research report. 134p. |
Bamwerinde, W.; Bashaasha, B.; Ssembajjwe, W.; Place, F. (2005) | |
Determinants of land use in Kigezi highlands in Southwestern Uganda | |
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 859-865. |
Bashaasha, B.; Kidoido, M.; Hansen, E.F. (2005) | |
Determinants of wellbeing among smallholders in Adjumani District, Uganda | |
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 847-858. |
Degnet A.; Maru A. (2005) | |
Demand for improved solid waste services in Jimma town, Ethiopia: evidence from household survey data | |
Ethiopian Journal of Economics. Volume 14 #2. October. p. 55-72. |
Donald, David; Clacherty, Glynis (2005) | |
Developmental vulnerabilities and strengths of children living in child-headed households: a comparison with children in adult-headed households in equivalent impoverished communities | |
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 4 #1. p. 21-28. |
Frayne, Bruce (2005) | |
Rural Productivity and Urban Survival in Namibia: Eating Away from Home | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 23 #1. January. p. 51-76. |
Gobotswang, K.S.M.; Marks, G.C.; O'Rourke, P. (2005) | |
Determinants of rural household income in Botswana: gender or household size? | |
Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 19 #2. p. 129-141. |
Hyuha, T.S.; Sabiiti, E.N.; Hisal, E. (2005) | |
Impact of rice production on food security and women in Uganda | |
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 833-839. |
Kaloi, E.; Tayebwa, B.; Bashaasha, B. (2005) | |
Food security status of households in Mwingi District, Kenya | |
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 867-873. |
Kapungwe, Augustus (2005) | |
Household Food Security and Nutritional Status in Zambia: Policy Challenges | |
Africa Insight. Volume 35 #1. p. 36-43. |
Kerr, Rachel Bezner (2005) | |
Food Security in Northern Malawi: Gender, Kinship Relations and Entitlements in Historical Context | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 31 #1. March. p. 53-74. |
Kimuna, Sitawa R. (2005) | |
Living Arrangements and Conditions of Older People in Zimbabwe | |
African Population Studies. Volume 20 #2. June. p. 143-163. |
Liheta, B.S.A. (2005) | |
Household savings in rural Tanzania: a study of Dodoma and Morogoro Regions | |
Journal of Co-operative and Business Studies. Volume 1. p. 80-112. |
Panella, Cristiana (2005) | |
'Je vais chercher le prix de condiments': rapports de genre, économie domestique et symbolique de l'or du 'yemasu' (Vallée du Sankarani, Mali) | |
Africa: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 60 #3-4. p. 426-443. |
Roalkvam, Sidsel (2005) | |
The children left to stand alone | |
African Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 4 #3. p. 211-218. |
Sabone, M.B. (2005) | |
Gender relations at the household level: voices from rural and urban Botswana | |
Mosenodi. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 48-62. |
Sentumbwe, S.; Mugisha, J.; Kiiza, B.A. (2005) | |
Household labour resource allocation among cowpea and groundnut producers in eastern Uganda | |
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. Volume 7 #pt. 2 of 3. 5-9 Dec.. p. 931-935. |
Vubo, Emmanuel Yenshu (2005) | |
Matriliny and Patriliny between Cohabitation-Equilibrium and Modernity in the Cameroon Grassfields | |
African Study Monographs. Volume 26 #3. p. 145-182. |
Ansell, Nicola; Van Blerk, Lorraine (2004) | |
Children's Migration as a Household/Family Strategy: Coping with AIDS in Lesotho and Malawi | |
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 30 #3. September. p. 673-690. |
Ardington, Cally (2004) | |
Savings, insurance and debt over the post-apartheid period: a review of recent research | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 72 #3. p. 621-657. |
Bawah, Ayaga A.; Zuberi, Tukufu (2004) | |
Socio-Economic Status and Child Mortality: An Illustration Using Housing and Household Characteristics from African Census Data | |
African Population Studies. Volume 19 Supplement B. p. 9-29. |
Black, P.A. (2004) | |
Poverty at the household level: a review of theory and South African evidence | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 72 #3. p. 413-436. |
Booysen, F. le R. (2004) | |
Income and poverty dynamics in HIV/AIDS-affected households in the Free State Province of South Africa | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 72 #3. p. 522-545. |
Dinkelman, Taryn (2004) | |
How household context affects search outcomes of the unemployed in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a panel data analysis | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 72 #3. p. 484-521. |
Gobotswang, Kesitegile S.M. (2004) | |
Poverty alleviation strategies in Botswana: the case of labour-intensive public works programme (LIPWP) | |
Botswana Notes and Records. Volume 36. p. 27-36. |
Hanson, Kobena T. (2004) | |
Rethinking the Akan Household: Acknowledging the Importance of Culturally and Linguistically Meaningful Images | |
Africa Today. Volume 51 #1. Fall. p. 27-45. |
Isiugo-Abanihe, U.C.; Oyediran, K.A. (2004) | |
Household socioeconomic status and sexual behaviour among Nigerian female youth | |
Etude de la population africaine. Volume 19 #1. April. p. 81-98. |
Keller, Sonja (2004) | |
Household formation, poverty and unemployment: the case of rural households in South Africa | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 72 #3. p. 437-483. |
Noppen, Dolf; Kerkhof, Paul; Hess, Ced (2004) | |
Rural fuelwood markets in Niger: an assessment of Danish support to the Niger household energy strategy 1989-2003 | |
London: IIED. 75p. |
Oyediran, Kola' A.; Odusola, Ayodele F. (2004) | |
Poverty and the Dynamics of Women's Participation in Household Decision Making in Nigeria | |
African Population Studies. Volume 19 Supplement A. p. 115-139. |
Sibanda, A. (2004) | |
Who drops out of school in South Africa: the influence of individual and household characteristics | |
Etude de la population africaine. Volume 19 #1. April. p. 99-117. |
World Food Programme (2004) | |
Analyse de la sécurité alimentaire et de la vulnérabilité: Burundi | |
Rome: World Food Programme. 84p. |
Bisong, F.E. (2003) | |
Modeling land-use patterns at the forest edge: an analysis of the impact of household demographic characteristics on forest resource use in South-Eastern Nigeria | |
Journal of Applied Social Sciences (Buea, Cameroon). Volume 3 #2. p. 112-129. |
Carr, Edward R. (2003) | |
Human ecological security in coastal Ghana, West Africa: the social implications of economic and environmental change in development contexts | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 307p. |
Chikoko, Mercy Gwazeni (2003) | |
A comparative analysis of household-owned woodlots and fuelwood sufficiency between female and male headed households: a pilot study in rural Malawi, Africa | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 212p. |
Doctor, Henry Victor (2003) | |
Mortality in twentieth-century Malawi | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 127p. |
Falaiye, Caroline A. (2003) | |
Assessing the household impact of microcredit on rural Nigerian women | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 229p. |
Fall, Abdou Salam; Sy, Omar Saip (2003) | |
Les économies domestiques ouest-africaines dans un contexte de mondialisation | |
Présence africaine. #167-168. p. 7-26. |
Gray, James Katon (2003) | |
The groundnut market in Senegal: examination of price and policy changes | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 243p. |
Knepper, Eric Teague (2003) | |
Factors affecting the use of fertilizer by small- and medium-sized farming households in Zambia, 1997 to 2000 | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 102p. |
Mtika, Mike Mathambo (2003) | |
Family Transfers in a Subsistence Economy and under a High Incidence of HIV/AIDS: The Case of Rural Malawi | |
Journal of Contemporary African Studies. Volume 21 #1. January. p. 69-92. |
Mushi, D.P. (2003) | |
Compliance with tax at household level: the case of development levy in Tanzania | |
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 11 #2. January. p. 48-58. |
Mwabu, Germano; Kimenyi, Mwangi S.; Kimalu, Paul K.; Nafula, Nancy; Manda, Damiano K. (2003) | |
Predicting Household Poverty: A Methodological Note with a Kenyan Example | |
African Development Review. Volume 15 #1. June. p. 77-85. |
Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar M. (2002) | |
Changing systems of livelihood in rural Sudan | |
Addis Abeba: Organization for Social Science Reseach in Eastern and Southern Africa. 220p. |
Goldstein, Markus Paul (2002) | |
Intrahousehold allocation and farming in southern Ghana | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 206p. |
Hendriks, Sheryl (2002) | |
Unfair Burden: Women's Risks and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity | |
Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity. #51. p. 51-57. |
Itika, J.S. (2002) | |
Disaggregating the empowering role of new orthodoxy micro credit schemes at the household level: the experience of PRIDE Tanzania | |
African Journal of Finance and Management. Volume 10 #2. January. p. 1-13. |
Mijumbi, Peter Birungi (2002) | |
The demand for food staples in Uganda | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 109p. |
Mugalla, Constance Ileko (2002) | |
Household decision making under different levels of trypanosomosis risk: an investigation of factors affecting disease control, labor participation, and household income decisions in rural households of The Gambia | |
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 399p. |
Mukamaambo, E.P. (2002) | |
Household: a boundary without borders: a critical review of household's validity as a unit of measurement in HIES surveys, a case of Botswana | |
Lesotho Social Sciences Review. Volume 8 #1-2. December. p. 19-33. |
Muller, Christophe (2002) | |
Censored Quantile Regressions of Chronic and Transient Seasonal Poverty in Rwanda | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 11 #4. December. p. 503-541. |
Napier, Mark (2002) | |
Core housing, enablement and urban poverty: the consolidation paths of households living in two South African settlements | |
Boston Spa: British Library, British Thesis Service. |
Tuoane, M.; Makatjane, T.; Mapetla, N. (2002) | |
Demographic and socio economic differentials in Lesotho by sex of household head | |
Lesotho Social Sciences Review. Volume 8 #1-2. December. p. 1-18. |
Yared Amare (2002) | |
Socio-economic dimensions of rural poverty in Ethiopia, a qualitative study of two highland communities in North Shewa | |
Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 35 #2. December. p. 112-140. |
Alemayehu Geda (ed.) (2001) | |
Determinants of poverty in Kenya: a household level analysis | |
The Hague: Institute of Social Studies. Working papers, General series #347. 22p. |
Appleton, Simon (2001) | |
'The Rich Are Just Like Us, Only Richer': Poverty Functions or Consumption Functions? | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 10 #4. December. p. 433-469. |
Buggenhagen, Beth Anne (2001) | |
Prophets and Profits: Gendered and Generational Visions of Wealth and Value in Senegalese Murid Households | |
Journal of Religion in Africa. Volume 31 #4. p. 373-401. |
Edriss, A.; Kambewa, E. (2001) | |
Interfaces between anthropometric and non-anthropometric indicators: implications for quickly identifying food and nutritionally insecure households in Malawi | |
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 5 #2. December. p. 100-109. |
Kiiza, Barnabas; Pederson, Glenn (2001) | |
Household Financial Savings Mobilisation: Empirical Evidence from Uganda | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 10 #4. December. p. 390-409. |
Pearson, R.A. (ed.) (2001) | |
Use and management of donkeys in peri-urban areas of Ethiopia: report of phase one of the CTVM/EARO collaborative project, April 1999-June 2000 | |
Roslin: Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh. Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, draft animal power technical report #5. 128p. |
Posel, Dorrit R. (2001) | |
Who are the Heads of Household, What Do They Do, and is the Concept of Headship Useful? An Analysis of Headship in South Africa | |
Development Southern Africa. Volume 18 #5. December. p. 651-670. |
Posel, Dorrit R. (2001) | |
Intra-family transfers and income-pooling: a study of remittances in KwaZulu-Natal | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 69 #3. p. 501-528. |
Suda, Collette A. (2001) | |
The Invisible Child Worker in Kenya: The Intersection of Poverty, Legislation and Culture | |
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Volume 10 #2. p. 163-175. |
Yankson, P.W.K. (2001) | |
User-fee/cost-sharing in education and household coping strategies in Ghana | |
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association. #23. July. p. 26-39. |
Desmond, Chris; Michael, Karen; Gow, Jeff (2000) | |
The Hidden Battle: HIV/AIDS in the Household and Community | |
South African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 7 #2. Winter. p. 39-58. |
Eriksen, S. (2000) | |
Climate change adaptation in Kenya: household experiences | |
Innovation (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 7 #2. November. p. 19-20. |
MacDonald, S.; Piesse, Jenifer; Van Zyl, J. (2000) | |
Exploring the distribution of household income in South Africa | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 68 #3. p. 423-454. |
Matobo, Thope; Makoae, Mokhantso (2000) | |
Gender and Household Resource Management in Lesotho | |
Review of Southern African Studies. Volume 4 #1. June. p. 133-159. |
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Found: 263 | Record 101-200 |
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