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Search: su=industrial organization | ||||||||
Found: 13 | Record 1-13 |
Fongang, David (2014) | |
PME en Afrique: essai d'une définition commune | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 161p. |
Mhede, Edwin Paul (2012) | |
The growth of micro and small, cluster-based furniture manufacturing firms and their implications for poverty reduction in Tanzania | |
Dar es Salaam: Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA). REPOA research report. 37p. |
Akoten, John E.; Otsuka, Keijiro (2007) | |
From Tailors to Mini-Manufacturers: The Role of Traders in the Performance of Garment Enterprises in Kenya | |
Journal of African Economies. Volume 16 #4. August. p. 564-595. |
Olawepo, Olawale (2007) | |
Trade unionism: towards convergelism: a neo-Marxist perspective | |
Lagos: Senior Staff Association of Communications, Transport and Corporations. 337p. |
Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji; Lal, Kaushalesh (2006) | |
Institutional Support for Collective Learning: Cluster Development in Kenya and Ghana | |
African Development Review. Volume 18 #2. September. p. 258-278. |
Ajayi, Dickson 'Dare (2001) | |
Industrial subcontracting linkages in the Lagos region, Nigeria | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 43 #2. p. 265-277. |
Ajayi, Dickson 'Dare (2000) | |
Determinants of the volume of production subcontracting in Nigeria | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 42 #1. p. 95-111. |
N'Guettia Kouassi, René (2000) | |
Les contre-performances de l'agro-industrie ivoirienne: un essai de justification par l'approche structuraliste du paradigme structure-comportement-performance (SCP) | |
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 25 #1-2. p. 49-73. |
Posthuma, Anne Caroline (1995) | |
Japanese Techniques in Africa? Human Resources and Industrial Restructuring in Zimbabwe | |
World Development. Volume 23 #1. January. p. 103-116. |
Rogerson, Christian M. (1993) | |
Industrial Subcontracting and Home-Work in South Africa: Policy Issues from the International Perspective | |
Africa Insight. Volume 23 #1. p. 47-54. |
Knorringa, Peter; Kox, Henk (1992) | |
Transaction regimes: an instrument for research in industrial organization | |
Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. Serie research memoranda #1992-34. 31p. |
Leach, D.F. (1992) | |
Concentration and profits in South Africa: monopoly or efficiency? | |
South African Journal of Economics. Volume 60 #2. p. 143-157. |
Munanka, E.M.B. (1984) | |
Industrial integration, diversification and performance: case of Tanzania | |
In: Readings of Economic Policy of Tanzania. p. 29-43. |
Search: su=industrial organization | ||||||||
Found: 13 | Record 1-13 |
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