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Periodical articleKahimba, Joseph; Maluka, Stephen; Dungumaro, Esther (2020)
See this publication'Milking the Cow Without Feeding It': Perceptions of Communities on Water-user Fees for Smallholder Irrigation in Ruaha Sub-Basin, Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 18 #1. p. 17-28.

Periodical articleKamski, Benedikt (2019)
See this publicationWater, sugar, and growth: the practical effects of a 'failed' development intervention in the southwestern lowlands of Ethiopia
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 621-641.

Periodical articleMulugeta, Daniel (2019)
See this publicationDynamics of state-society relations in Ethiopia: paradoxes of community empowerment and participation in irrigation management
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 13 #4. p. 565-583.

Periodical articleBourblanc, Magalie; Ducrot, Raphaëlle; Mapedza, Everisto (2017)
See this publicationPath Dependence in Nebo Plateau: Strategic Partnerships and Rural Poverty Alleviation in South African Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 43 #2. p. 381-396.

Periodical articleTerry, Alan; Ogg, Mike (2017)
See this publicationRestructuring the Swazi Sugar Industry: The Changing Role and Political Significance of Smallholders
Journal of Southern African Studies. Volume 43 #3. p. 585-603.

Periodical articleÖstberg, Wilhelm; Caretta, Martina Angela (2017)
See this publicationKerio Valley, 1973-2013: a case study of Kenyan smallholder agriculture
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 76 #3. p. 402-422.

Periodical articleCapel, Chloé (2016)
See this publicationUne grande hydraulique saharienne à l'époque médiévale. L'oued Ziz et Sijilmassa (Maroc)
Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Volume 46 #1. p. 139-165.

Periodical articleKamara, Saliou; Martin, Philippe; Coly, Adrien (2016)
Riziculture irriguée et innovations sociétales dans le delta du fleuve Sénégal: recherche d'un nouvel équilibre agro-socio-politique en zone sahélienne
Territoires d'Afrique. #7. p. 43-52.

BookWilliams, Bob; van 't Hof, Sjon (2016)
Wicked solutions: a systems approach to complex problems: a workbook
Bob Williams.

BookBeyene, Atakilte (ed.) (2015)
See this publicationAgricultural water institutions in East Africa
Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute. Current African issues #63. 100p.

BookFontein, Joost (2015)
Remaking Mutirikwi: landscape, water and belonging in Southern Zimbabwe
Woodbridge: James Currey Ltd. Eastern Africa series. 340p.

Periodical articleMiddelmann, Temba John Dawson (2015)
See this publicationThe Hartebeestpoort Irrigation Scheme: a project of modernisation, segregation and white poverty alleviation, 1912-1926
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #2. p. 158-179.

BookAlissoutin, Rosnert Ludovic; Thioune, Ramata Molo (eds.) (2014)
Accès à l'eau pour les agricultrices sahéliennes: enjeux pour une démocratie inclusive
Abstract presentBamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG. 159p.

Periodical articleDavies, Matthew I.J.; Kipkeu Kipruto, Timothy; Moore, Henrietta L. (2014)
See this publicationRevisiting the irrigated agricultural landscape of the Marakwet, Kenya: tracing local technology and knowledge over the recent past
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 49 #4. p. 486-523.

BookMahgoub, Farida (2014)
See this publicationCurrent status of agriculture and future challenges in Sudan
Abstract presentUppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Current African issues #57. 98p.

Dissertation / thesisNcube, Bulisani Lloyd (2014)
See this publicationLivelihoods and production in smallholder irrigation schemes: the case of new forest irrigation scheme in Mpumalanga Province
University of Western Cape. 233p.

BookPittock, Jamie; Grafton, R. Quentin; White, Chris (eds.) (2014)
Water, food and agricultural sustainability in southern Africa
Abstract presentPrahran, VIC: Tilde University Press. 204p.

Periodical articleWidgren, Mats (2014)
See this publicationFurrows in Africa: canals in the Americas?
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 49 #4. p. 524-529.

Periodical articleAdamczewski, Amandine; Jamin, Jean-Yves; Tonneau, Jean-Philippe (2013)
'Appel aux investisseurs': quelles conséquences sur les rapports fonciers à l'Office du Niger au Mali?
Territoires d'Afrique. #5. p. 11-26.

Periodical articleRavalison, James S. (2013)
La culture d'orge de brasserie en contre-saison (Région Amoron'i Mania, Hautes Terres centrales de Madagascar)
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 66 #262. p. 141-154.

BookThiam, Ousmane (2013)
Le barrage de Diama: évaluation des avantages sociaux et environnementaux de la retenue d'eau
Paris: L'Harmattan. 235p.

Periodical articleVisser, Wessel (2013)
White settlement and irrigation schemes: CF Rigg and the founding of Bonnievale in the Breede River Valley, 1900-c.1953
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #68. p. 1-28.

BookYaro, Joseph Awetori (ed.) (2013)
Rural development in northern Ghana
Abstract presentNew York: Nova Science Publishers. African political, economic and security issues series. 269p.

BookBertoncin, Marina (2012)
Autour du lac Tchad: enjeux et conflits pour le contrôle de l'eau
Paris: l'Harmattan. Études africaines. 354p.

Dissertation / thesisBorsboom, Vera (2012)
See this publication'You have to dig for the money in the soil': a discourse analysis of low-cost irrigation technologies in rural Zambia
Wageningen: Wageningen University. 74p.

Periodical articleBouaré, Kadidia N. (2012)
L'irrigation des périmètres villageois face à la réduction des réserves hydro-pluviométriques dans la commune de Konna (Delta intérieur du fleuve Niger, Mali)
Abstract presentLes cahiers d'outre-mer. Volume 65 #260. p. 519-536.

Periodical articleHillbom, Ellen (2012)
See this publicationWhen water is from God: formation of property rights governing communal irrigation furrows in Meru, Tanzania, c. 1890-2011
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 6 #3. p. 423-443.

Periodical articleTafesse, Tesfaye (2012)
See this publicationWater infrastructure and food security linkages in three selected regions of Ethiopia
Abstract presentEastern Africa Social Science Research Review. Volume 28 #1. p. 27-58.

Dissertation / thesisKamwendo, Humphrey Thomas (2011)
See this publicationOperational modernization of Bwanje Valley irrigation scheme in Malawi for optimal service delivery for dry season irrigation
master of Science thesis. Delft: UNESCO-IHE. 86p.

Dissertation / thesisMathot, Koen Antonius (2011)
See this publicationRummaging through reform: strategies of Gezira irrigation scheme actors to cope with irrigation management reforms in the face of strict State control, Sudan
MSc Thesis. Wageningen University. 129p.

Periodical articleNyandoro, Mark (2011)
Innovation opportunities in irrigation technology for using virtual water in 21st century South Africa: reflections from the past to the present
New contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #61. p. 201-226.

BookMarouf, Nadir (2010)
L'eau, la terre, les hommes: passé et présent des oasis occidentales (Algérie)
Paris: L'Harmattan. 280p.

Periodical articleNdegwa, G.M.; Kiiru, I. (2010)
Investigating on soil and water quality as affected by irrigation in Turkana District, Kenya
Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology. Volume 12 #1. p. 11-31.

Periodical articlePellizzoli, Roberta (2010)
See this publication'Green revolution' for whom? Women's access to and use of land in the Mozambique Chókwè irrigation scheme
Abstract presentReview of African Political Economy. Volume 37 #124. p. 213-220.

Periodical articleSolomon K.; Eline B.; Beyene P.; Habte T. (2010)
See this publicationEntomological studies on the impact of a small-scale irrigation scheme on malaria transmission around Ziway, Central Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Development Research. Volume 32 #1. April. p. 107-134.

Periodical articleCouto, Carlos Ferreira (2009)
Inovação, tecnologia e gestão de recursos mínimos na sociedade rural de Santiago de Cabo Verde
Africana studia: revista internacional de estudos africanos. #13. p. 53-77.

Periodical articleKagosi, P.J.; Kapinga, D.S.; Mwageni, E.A.; Babili, I.H. (2009)
See this publicationParticipatory Irrigation Management And Food Security in Semi Arid Areas of Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 9 #1-2. p. 20-33.

Periodical articleNyandoro, Mark (2009)
See this publicationDevelopment and differentiation in the post-independence era: continuity or change in ARDA-Sanyati irrigation in Zimbabwe (1980-1990)
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 41 #1. p. 51-89.

Periodical articleOlutayo, Akinpelu Olanrewaju (2009)
Infrastructure and development: catalysis or cataclysms in Africa? The case of 'fadama' farming in Nigeria
Abstract presentIbadan journal of the social sciences. Volume 7 #1. p. 69-83.

Periodical articleVetter, Thomas; Rieger, Anna-Katharina; Nicolay, Alexander (2009)
Ancient rainwater harvesting systems in the north-eastern Marmarica (north-western Egypt)
Libyan Studies. Volume 40. p. 9-23.

Periodical articleBacho, F.Z.L. (2008)
Property rights and the sustainable management of community irrigation systems in the Upper East Region of Ghana
Bulletin of the Ghana Geographical Association. Volume 3 #25. July. p. 29-47.

Periodical articleDavies, Matthew (2008)
See this publicationThe irrigation system of the Pokot, northwest Kenya
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 43. p. 50-76.

Dissertation / thesisDeribe, Rahel (2008)
Institutional analysis of water management on communal irrigation systems: the case of Atsbi Wemberta district in Tigray region and Ada'a district in Oromiya region, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa: Addis Ababa University. 209p.

Periodical articleMauxion, Aurélien (2008)
Rice farming intensification and political enterprise in Northern Mali
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #110. p. 153-169.

Periodical articleObirih-Opareh, Nelson (2008)
Strategies of poverty reduction in Africa: the case of irrigated agriculture in Ghana
African Renaissance. Volume 5 #2. p. 58-68.

Periodical articleSchmitz, Jean; Humery, Marie-Ève (2008)
La vallée du Sénégal entre (co)développement et transnationalisme: irrigation, alphabétisation et migration ou les illusions perdues
Abstract presentPolitique africaine. #109. p. 56-72.

BookShapiro, Brett; Thierry, Benoît (eds.) (2008)
Nourrir la terre, nourrir les hommes: la mise en valeur réussie du haut bassin du Mandrare à Madagascar
Paris: L'Harmattan. 226p.

Periodical articleTempelhoff, Johann W.N. (2008)
See this publicationHistorical perspectives on pre-colonial irrigation in southern Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 40 #1. p. 121-160.

Periodical issueWidgren, Mats; Håkansson, N. Thomas; Börjeson, Lowe (eds.) (2008)
Special issue: The political ecology of trade, food production, and landscape transformations in Northeast Tanzania: 1850-2000
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 41 #3. p. 369-609.

Periodical articleYilma, Tsegaye; Berg, Ernst; Berger, Thomas (2008)
See this publicationThe Agricultural Technology-Market Linkage under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from Micro Data
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 17 #1. January. p. 62-84.

Periodical articleAbdedayem, Slahedine (2007)
La rareté de l'eau dans les oasis littorales, insuffisance réelle ou problème de gestion? Cas de l'oasis de Gabès
Revue tunisienne de géographie. #38. p. 9-25.

Periodical articleAlimi, Taiwo (2007)
See this publicationA comparative study of the economic performance of farmers under large scale and motorized pump irrigation systems in Katsina State of Nigeria
Abstract presentDiscovery and Innovation. Volume 19 #4. December. p. 28-37.

BookAwulachew, Seleshi Bekele (ed.) (2007)
See this publicationWater resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia
Colombo: International Water Management Institute. 66p.

Periodical articleAyeb, Habib; Landy, Frédéric (2007)
Les associations d'usagers de l'eau en Égypte vues de l'Inde: entre gouvernance, démocratie et accès à l'irrigation
Autrepart. #42. p. 109-126.

Dissertation / thesisGuillaume, Solenne (2007)
Water saving irrigation in rice production in the Senegal River Valley and Delta: an experiment in farmer's fields
Master's thesis. Wageningen: Wageningen University. 96p.

Periodical articleLevy, Stephanie (2007)
See this publicationPublic Investment to Reverse Dutch Disease: The Case of Chad
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 16 #3. p. 439-484.

Periodical articleBertoncin, Marina; Pase, Andrea (2006)
Un gigante dai piedi d'argilla: la SEMRY di Yagoua (Camerun)
Abstract presentTerra d'Africa. p. 149-171.

BookCotula, Lorenzo (ed.) (2006)
Land and water rights in the Sahel: tenure challenges of improving access to water for agriculture
Abstract presentLondon: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Issues paper #139. 92p.

BookFtaïta, Toufik (2006)
Anthropologie de l'irrigation: les oasis de Tiznit, Maroc
Paris: L'Harmattan. Ressources renouvelables et sociétés en transition. 254p.

Periodical articleNdegwa, G.M.; Kamoche, P.G.; Mugedi, T.N. (2006)
Effects of irrigation on soil physical properties in an upland smallholder sprinkler irrigation scheme in Kenya
Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology. Volume 8 #2. p. 25-46.

Periodical articleShaghude, Y.W. (2006)
See this publicationReview of water resource exploitation and landuse pressure in the Pangani River Basin
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science. Volume 5 #2. July-December. p. 195-207.

Periodical articleStump, Daryl (2006)
See this publicationThe Development and Expansion of the Field and Irrigation Systems at Engaruka, Tanzania
Abstract presentAzania: Archaeological Research in Africa. Volume 41. p. 69-94.

Periodical articleAjav, E.A.; Burmamu, B.R. (2005)
See this publicationLevel of tractor utilization and irrigation schemes status in Adamawa State of Nigeria
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. Volume 8 #2. December. p. 126-132.

BookAw, Djibril (2005)
See this publicationMaking a large irrigation scheme work: a case study from Mali
Washington, DC: World Bank. Directions in development, Private sector development. 156p.

BookBotha, Lindie (ed.) (2005)
Can we get them there? A case of commercializing arable farming at Rust de Winter farms of Limpopo Province, South Africa
Wageningen: International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA). Working document series #124. 93p.

BookHe, Lixia (2005)
Improving irrigation water allocation efficiency: analysis of alternative policy options in Egypt and Morocco
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 140p.

BookLerise, Fred Simon (2005)
Politics in land and water use management
Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota. 199p.

Periodical articleManyatsi, A.M. (2005)
Process and approach for undertaking environmental impact assessment of sugarcane projects in Swaziland
UNISWA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 13. p. 5-15.

Periodical articleMutahi, W.T.; Thiong'o, F.W. (2005)
See this publicationPrevalence and intensity of schistosomiasis mansoni in irrigation and non-irrigation areas of Central Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 82 #11. November. p. 586-591.

Dissertation / thesisScholte, Paul (2005)
See this publicationFloodplain rehabilitation and the future of conservation & development: adaptive management of success in Waza-Logone, Cameroon
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #67. 342p.

Periodical articleSishuta, Babalwa (2005)
See this publicationSmall-Scale Irrigation Development for Sustainable Rural Development: A Case Study of the Tyhefu Irrigation Scheme
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 9 #2. p. 184-206.

Periodical articleSokile, C.S.; Mongula, B.; Van Koppen, B.; Merrey, D.; Mahoo, H. (2005)
Gender, poverty and participation: the case of smallholder irrigation in the Rufiji basin, Tanzania
Tanzanian Journal of Development Studies. Volume 6 #1. March. p. 87-100.

BookSokoni, Cosmas; Shechambo, Tamilwai (2005)
See this publicationChanges in the upland irrigation system and implications for rural poverty alleviation: a case of the Ndiwa irrigations system, west Usambara mountains, Tanzania
Abstract presentDar es Salaam: REPOA. REPOA research report #5. 44p.

BookSosovele, H.; Boesen, Jannik; Maganga, Faustin (eds.) (2005)
Social and environmental impact of irrigation farming in Tanzania: selected cases
Abstract presentDar es Salaam: Dar es Salaam University Press. 184p.

Dissertation / thesisBolding, Alex (2004)
In hot water: a study on sociotechnical intervention models and practices of water use in smallholder agriculture, Nyanyadzi catchment, Zimbabwe

BookDagobi, Abdoua Elhadji (2004)
See this publicationConflits fonciers et aménagements hydro-agricoles dans le canton de Dessa
Niamey: LASDEL. Études et travaux #29. 35p.

BookKariuki, Joseph; François, Alain; Fréon, Mathieu (2004)
Montagnes et ressources
Abstract presentNairobi: Institut français de recherche en Afrique. Les cahiers de l'IFRA #26. 86p.

BookKaswamila, Abiud L.; Masuruli, Baker M. (2004)
See this publicationThe role of traditional irrigation systems in poverty alleviation in semi-arid areas: the case of Chamazi in Lushoto District, Tanzania
Abstract presentDar es Salaam: REPOA. REPOA research report. 35p.

Periodical articleKebbeh, M.; Miezan, K.; Camara, M. (2004)
Developing technology options for rice integrated crop management in the Sahel Zone of West Africa: case of irrigated rice production the Senegal River Valley
Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Volume 9 #1, pt. 2. September. p. 425-431.

Dissertation / thesisKidanu, Selamyihun (2004)
Using eucalyptus for soil & water conservation on the highland Vertisols of Ethiopia
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #52. 197p.

Dissertation / thesisObeng-Asiedu, Patrick (2004)
Allocating water resources for agricultural and economic development in the Volta River Basin
Frankfurt am Main: Lang. Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 5, Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft Volume 3096. 164p.

BookWidgren, Mats; Sutton, John E.G. (eds.) (2004)
Islands of intensive agriculture in Eastern Africa: past & present
Abstract presentOxford: James Currey. Eastern African studies. 160p.

BookAbdellaoui, Zakia (ed.) (2003)
Reconvertir un système d'irrigation: le pari difficile du périmètre irrigué du Tadla - Maroc
Montpellier: ICRA, International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture. Working document series #114. 97p.

Periodical articleAmin, Khalid A. El (2003)
Drought and the evolution of well-irrigated wadi agriculture: implications for sustainable food security systems in Northern Darfur, Sudan
African Studies Bulletin. #65. p. 49-62.

Dissertation / thesisAsten, Piet J.A. van (2003)
Soil quality and rice productivity problems in Sahelian irrigation schemes
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #46. 143p.

BookBethemont, Jacques; Faggi, Pierpaolo (2003)
La vallée du Sourou (Burkina Faso): genèse d'un territoire hydraulique dans l'Afrique soudano-sahélienne
Paris: L'Harmattan. 230p.

Dissertation / thesisChidenga, Eric Eria (2003)
Leveraging water delivery: irrigation technology choices and operations and maintenance in smallholder systems in Zimbabwe

BookDekelver, Guy (2003)
Irrigation in Turkana: an assessment of natural resource use related conflicts and opportunities in and around 3 irrigation schemes in pastoralist areas, Turkana District, Kenya (conducted February to July 2001)
Nairobi: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, Kenya. 82p.

Periodical articleDevèze, Jean-Claude; Julien, Jean-François; Papazian, Vatche (2003)
Grands aménagements hydro-agricoles d'Afrique subsaharienne: poursuivre les évolutions institutionnelles
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #205. p. 193-203.

Periodical articleDosumu, O.O.; Salami, N.; Adekola, F.A. (2003)
See this publicationComparative study of trace element levels in some local vegetable varieties and irrigation waters from different locations in Ilorin, Nigeria
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia. Volume 17 #1. June. p. 107-112.

Periodical articleFisseha I.; Anderson, D.; Stahr, K. (2003)
See this publicationInfluence of soil type differences on the distribution of DTPA extractable heavy metals in soils irrigated with industrial effluents
Sinet. Volume 26 #1. June. p. 47-54.

Dissertation / thesisGnoumou, Yazon (2003)
Irrigation management transfer from the irrigation authority SAED to farmers at Kassack North in Senegal
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 183p.

Periodical articleKamoni, P.T.; Mburu, M.W.K.; Gachene, C.K.K. (2003)
See this publicationInfluence of irrigation and nitrogen fertilisers on maize growth, nitrogen uptake and yield in a semi-arid Kenyan environment
East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. Volume 69 #1-2. July-October. p. 99-108.

Dissertation / thesisMachiridza, Rose (2003)
'Come join the game, but the rules are fixed': gender and sprinkler irrigation management in Zimbabwe
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre, Irrigation and Water Engineering Group. 99p.

Dissertation / thesisMusiiwa, Tafataona Estella (2003)
Sustainability, indigenous agricultural knowledge and gender on smallholder irrigation schemes in Manicaland, 1928-1997: rethinking peasant agrarian history in Zimbabwe
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 222p.

BookNwa, Emem Ufot (2003)
History of irrigation, drainage and flood control in Nigeria from pre-colonial time to 1999
Abuja: Spectrum. 204p.

Periodical articleSenzanje, A.; Samakande, I.; Chidenga, E.; Mugutso, D. (2003)
See this publicationField irrigation practice and the performance of smallholder irrigation in Zimbabwe: case studies from Chakohwa and Mpudzi irrigation schemes
Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology. Volume 5 #1. p. 1-21.

Dissertation / thesisSpaan, Wim (2003)
Consuming the savings: water conservation in a vegetation barrier system at the Central Plateau in Burkina Faso
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #42. 207p.

Dissertation / thesisTesfaye Beshah (2003)
Understanding farmers: explaining soil and water conservation in Konso, Wolaita and Wello, Ethiopia
Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre. Tropical resource management papers #41. 245p.

BookArmecin, Romel B. (ed.) (2002)
Towards sustainable land and water use management: constraints and opportunities for research and development in the farming systems of Mankwe and Madikwe Districts, North West Province, South Africa
Wageningen: International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA). Working document series #103. 107p.

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