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Search: su=Jesus Christ
Found: 46 Record 1-46

BookMaseno-Ouma, Loreen Iminza (2014)
How Abanyole African widows understand Christ: explaining redemption through the propagation of lineage
Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. 280p.

Periodical issueKlinken, Adriaan S. van (ed.) (2013)
See this publicationJesus traditions and masculinities in world Christianity
Abstract presentExchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context. Volume 42 #1. 106p.

BookQuayesi-Amakye, Joseph (2013)
Christology and evil in Ghana: towards a pentecostal public theology
Amsterdam: Rodopi. Currents of encounter 49. 363p.

Periodical articleAtowoju, Ayodele A. (2012)
The fourth gospel's resurrection appearances in Jerusalem (John 20:11-29) in the context of 'Ehin-iwa' in selected Yoruba towns
African Journal of Biblical Studies. Volume 30 #1-2. p. 75-103.

BookMabera, Hussaini Yusuf (2010)
Jesus in the Qur'an and Bible
Sokoto: Dakwah Corner Bookstore (M). 60p.

Dissertation / thesisMafikiri, Severian Alex (2010)
Christ as the 'Mangi': ideal king of Christian transformation for a deeper evangelisation: a Christology from the Chagga perspective
Nairobi: CUEA Press. 247p.

Periodical articleAzuawusiefe, C. (2008)
An African quest to appropriate Jesus
Hekima Review. #39. December. p. 71-80.

BookAmadji, Firmin (2007)
Le Christ révélé au sein des cultures et traditions africaines? Osons engager le débat!: témoignages et réponses scientifiques des traditions Fa, Dogon, Malinké, Kotoko
Cotonou: Éditions de l'École Spirituelle d'Afrique. Collection Regard de l'universel sur les religions #1. 338p.

Periodical articleVan Den Toren, B. (2007)
The political significance of Jesus: Christian involvement for the democratisation of Africa
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 26 #1. p. 65-88.

Periodical articleAkrong, Abraham (2006)
Jesus with the face of an ancestor
Abstract presentThe Ghana Bulletin of Theology. Volume 1 #1. July. p. 20-36.

Periodical articleBidzogo, G.R. (2006)
Jesus, the way to the father in John 14: 1-14: a link with the African situation today
Hekima Review. #35. May. p. 33-45.

Periodical articleMartey, Emmanuel (2006)
Christological foundations of the New Testament and contemporary African Christology
Abstract presentThe Ghana Bulletin of Theology. Volume 1 #1. July. p. 83-94.

Periodical articleAzumah, J. (2005)
Islamic Christology: a case of reverential disavowal and its implications for Christian witness
Journal of African Christian Thought. Volume 8 #1. June. p. 50-60.

Periodical articleMaruhukiro, D. (2004)
Esquisse théologico-biblique pour une guérison possible des blessures intérieures
Au coeur de l'Afrique. Volume 70 #3-4. juil.-déc.. p. 208-247.

Periodical articleBéré, P. (2002)
What wonderful stones!: a historical grounding of Mk 13: 1-2
Hekima Review. #28. December. p. 35-49.

Periodical articleFisseha Tadesse (2002)
See this publicationThe Representation of Jesus: Reflecting Attitudes of Masculinity in the Ethiopian Theological Tradition
Journal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 35 #1. June. p. 67-87.

Periodical articleJe'Adayibe, G.D. (2002)
The challenge of the Jesus seminar to biblical scholarship in Africa
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 21 #1. p. 77-87.

Periodical articleMaganda, F.F. (2002)
Contextualizing Jesus 'the only mediator' for the Sukuma people of Tanzania
Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology. Volume 21 #2. p. 147-164.

Periodical articleNkulu K.K. (2001-2002)
Une relecture intégriste du quatrième évangile
Revue congolaise de théologie protestante. Volume 14-15 #14-15. p. 107-142.

Periodical articleGoergen, D.J. (2001)
The quest for the Christ of Africa
African Christian Studies. Volume 17 #1. March. p. 5-41.

Periodical articleMuoneme, M.L. (2001)
The terrestrial Jesus and the celestial Christ: our forerunner of salvation in Hebrews
Hekima Review. #25. May. p. 71-83.

Periodical articleAlana, O.E. (2000)
The challenge of being Jesus' disciple today
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 114-119.

Periodical articleAlana, O.E. (2000)
Jesus' healing miracles: a sign of his loving compassion for humanity
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 106-113.

Periodical articleChibuko, P.C. (2000)
Celebrating Christ's paschal mystery: an African response
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 163-178.

Periodical articleDouglas, J.M. (2000)
Reflections on divine revelation and personal encounter with the Lord
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 151-155.

Periodical articleKealy, S.P. (2000)
A call to build a Jesus-centred post-millennial civilization
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 142-150.

Periodical articleKealy, S.P. (2000)
Jesus: the divine teacher
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 133-141.

Periodical articleKowalski, W. (2000)
The call to discipleship: a challenge to personal commitment
AFER. Volume 42 #3-4. June-Aug.. p. 120-132.

Periodical articleMaviiri, J.C. (2000)
Reaction to the declaration 'Dominus Iesus' on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
African Christian Studies. Volume 16 #3. September. p. 36-38.

Periodical articleKealy, S.P. (1999)
Jesus's approach to mission
AFER. Volume 41 #2-3. April-June. p. 66-78.

Periodical articleAbogunrin, S.O. (1998)
The Passion of Jesus according to Luke: the Redeemer from an African perspective
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 30 #1-2. p. 41-64.

Periodical articleNtloedibe-Kuswani, G.S. (1998)
Religious pluralism: a case of Jesus and Krsna
UNISWA Research Journal. Volume 12. December. p. 33-42.

Periodical articleOshitelu, Gideon (1998)
Experimentation in African Christology: a critical review
Abstract presentOrita: Ibadan Journal of Religious Studies. Volume 30 #1-2. p. 94-108.

Periodical articleDe Saint Moulin, L. (1997)
La perception du salut et de la libération à Kinshasa
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 21 #42. October. p. 203-233.

Periodical articleElenga, Y.C. (1997)
Jésus-Christ et les récits mythiques
Hekima Review. #17. June. p. 19-25.

Periodical articleRoss, Kenneth R. (1997)
See this publicationCurrent Christological Trends in Northern Malawi
Abstract presentJournal of Religion in Africa. Volume 27 #2. p. 160-176.

Periodical articleGomez, D. (1996)
Giorgio Bongiovanni à Bosquet: 'Ma mission est d'établir un lien entre le message évangélique de Jésus et la présence sur terre des êtres venus d'autres planètes'
Bosquet. Volume 4 #21. 4. trimestre. p. 50-53.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1994)
A propos d'un livre qui fait beaucoup de bruit... Jésus le non-juif
Bosquet. Volume 1 #7-8. juin-juillet. p. 25-26.

BookHampâté Bâ, Amadou (1994)
Jésus vu par un musulman
Paris: Stock. 125p.

Periodical articleSimon, T. (1994)
Le mystère Jésus et les origines égyptiennes du christianisme
Bosquet. Volume 2 #12-13. November-déc.. p. 32-35.

Periodical articleSimon, T. (1994)
Un descendant des pharaons parle !: le mystère Jésus et les origines égyptiennes du christianisme. Pt. 3
Bosquet. Volume 1 #9, 10 et 11. août-sept.-oct.. p. 34-41.

Periodical articleSimon, T. (1994)
Un descendant des pharaons parle !: le mystère-Jésus et les origines égyptiennes du christianisme. Pt. 2
Bosquet. Volume 1 #4-5-6. mars-avril-mai. p. 21-26.

Periodical articleSimon, T. (1994)
Un descendant des pharaons parle!: le mystère-Jésus et les origines égyptiennes du christianisme. Pt. 1
Bosquet. Volume 1 #3. févr.. p. 23-25.

Periodical articleNyamiti, C. (1991)
The Church as organ of Christ's ancestral mediation: an essay on African ecclesiology
Revue africaine de théologie. Volume 15 #30. October. p. 195-212.

Periodical articleBalembo, B. (1988)
A la découverte du Père de Jésus-Christ
Cahiers bibliques africains. Volume 1 #3. janv.-juil.. p. 18-26.

Periodical articleBalembo, B. (1987)
Le Dieu de Jésus-Christ en qui nous croyons
Cahiers bibliques africains. #2. September. p. 32-35.

Search: su=Jesus Christ
Found: 46 Record 1-46

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