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Found: 68 | Record 1-68 |
Banamba, Boniface (2017) | |
Droit Ohada et conflits de juridictions | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 127 #899. p. 125-148. |
Kuaté Tameghé, Sylvain Sorel (2016) | |
La justice, ses métiers, ses procédures: Ohada, Union Africaine, Nations Unies, Afrique Centrale, Afrique de l'Ouest, Cameroun | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série droit. 735p. |
Schaper, Ulrike (2016) | |
David Meetom: Interpreting, Power and the Risks of Intermediation in the Initial Phase of German Colonial Rule in Cameroon | |
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 44 #5. p. 752-776. |
Azé Kerté, Amoulgam (2015) | |
L'affaire Hissène Habré: une première tentative de mise en oeuvre de la compétence universelle en Afrique | |
Paris: L'Harmattan. 147p. |
Beutter, Anne (2015) | |
Church discipline chronicled: a new source for Basel Mission historiography | |
History in Africa. Volume 42. p. 109-138. |
Mhango, Mtendeweka (2015) | |
Judicial answer to the application of a market level adjuster and the broad construction of a complaint under the South African Pension Funds Act | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 59 #2. p. 317-328. |
Awortwi, Nicholas; Helmsing, A.H.J. (Bert) (2014) | |
Behind the façade of bringing services closer to people: the proclaimed and hidden intentions of the government of Uganda to create many new local government districts | |
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 48 #2. p. 297-314. |
Diakhate, Meïssa (2014) | |
Les ambiguïtés de la juridiction constitutionelle dans les États de l'Afrique noire francophone | |
Annales africaines: revue de la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (UCAD). Volume 2. p. 194-224. |
Ediko, William (2014) | |
La protection des investisseurs étrangers par les Codes des investissements en Afrique francophone | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 124 #888. p. 388-405. |
Jain, Meetali; Meyersfeld, Bonita (2014) | |
Lessons from Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum Company: developing homegrown lawyering strategies around corporate accountability | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 30 #3. p. 430-457. |
Lawena, Sara (2013) | |
The human rights jurisdiction of the East African Court of Justice: challenges and prospects | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 6 #1. p. 119-190. |
Acirokop, Prudence (2012) | |
A truth commission for Uganda? Opporunities and challenges | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #2. p. 417-447. |
Aloys, Mpessa (2012) | |
Le conseil de discipline budgétaire et financière à l'épreuve de la protection de la fortune publique au Cameroun | |
African Administrative Studies. #78. p. 129-156. |
Among, Hope (2012) | |
Challenges in prosecuting former child soldiers in Uganda's international crimes division | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 336-356. |
Enabulele, Amos O. (2012) | |
Sailing against the tide: exhaustion of domestic remedies and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 56 #2. p. 268-295. |
Kasaija, Phillip Apuuli (2012) | |
Kenya's provisional warrant of arrest for President Omar al Bashir of the Republic of Sudan | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #2. p. 623-640. |
Obuah, Emmanuel (2012) | |
Outsourcing the prosecution of Somali pirates to Kenya: a failure of international law, or a response to domestic politics of states? | |
African Security Review. Volume 21 #3. p. 40-61. |
Olaniyan, H.A. (2012) | |
A critical appraisal of the Nigerian law and practice on choice of jurisdiction | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 415-436. |
Ondo, Télesphore (2012) | |
L'autorité des décisions des juridictions constitutionnelles en Afrique noire francophone | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 66 #4. p. 453-480. |
Sang, Brian (2012) | |
Improving the protection of human and peoples' rights in Africa: reflections from the Yogogombaye case | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #3. p. 341-364. |
Bulto, Takele Soboka (2011) | |
Patching the 'legal black hole': the extraterritorial reach of States' human rights duties in the African human rights system | |
South African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 27 #2. p. 249-278. |
Bulto, Takele Soboka (2011) | |
Judicial referral of constitutional disputes in Ethiopia: from practice to theory | |
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 19 #1. p. 99-123. |
Ntonga Bomba, Serge Vincent (2011) | |
1972-2010, trente-huit ans d'indécision et d'incertitude dans la répartition des compétences en matière administrative au Cameroun | |
African Administrative Studies. #76. p. 113-128. |
Phanuel, Marwa Maridadi (2011) | |
The jurisdiction of the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration and the Labour Court in determining tortious matters arising in the course of employment in Tanzania | |
East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 17 #2. p. 480-495. |
Roodt, Christa (2011) | |
Autonomy and due process in arbitration: recalibrating the balance | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 44 #3. p. 311-339. |
Sy, Papa Mamour (2011) | |
Entre l'unité et la dualité de juridiction: l'Afrique noire francophone à la quête d'un modèle d'organisation de la justice administrative | |
Nouvelles annales africaines. #2. p. 265-319. |
Tonnang, Edouard Gnimpieba; Nguena Djoufack, Arsène Landry (2011) | |
L'influence du droit communautaire de la Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) sur le domaine de compétence du juge administratif camerounais | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 14 #2. p. 229-257. |
Bhoke, Chacha (2010) | |
Judgment in the first case before the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights: a missed opportunity or a mockery of international law in Africa? | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 3 #1. p. 187-229. |
Cole, Rowland J.V. (2010) | |
The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights: will political stereotypes form an obstacle to the enforcement of its decisions? | |
The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 43 #1. p. 23-45. |
Ebobrah, Solomon T. (2010) | |
Critical issues in the human rights mandate of the ECOWAS Court of Justice | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 54 #1. p. 1-25. |
Ibrahim, M.K. (2010) | |
Republic of Kenya in the High Court of Kenya at Mombasa: Misc. application no. 434 of 2009: judgement | |
Mombasa: High Court of Kenya. 31p. |
Mel, Privat Agnero (2010) | |
La compétence générale du conseil constitutionnel ivoirien en matière consultative | |
Revue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 64 #4. p. 410-442. |
Onoria, Henry (2010) | |
Botched-up elections, treaty amendments and judicial independence in the East African Community | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 54 #1. p. 74-94. |
Kobila, James Mouangue (2009) | |
L'Afrique et les jurisdictions internationales pénales | |
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 17. p. 13-95. |
Pennell, C.R. (2009) | |
Treaty law: the extent of consular jurisdiction in North Africa from the middle of the seventeenth to the middle of the nineteenth century | |
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 235-256. |
Weldehaimanot, Simon M. (2009) | |
Unlocking the African Court of Justice and Human Rights | |
Journal of African and international law. Volume 2 #2. p. 167-209. |
Nnamuchi, Obiajulu (2008) | |
Kleptocracy and its many faces: the challenges of justiciability of the right to health care in Nigeria | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 52 #1. p. 1-42. |
Olatoye, K.A. (2008) | |
Laying the proper foundation for the determination of courts jurisdiction on land matters: hints to the Supreme Court of Nigeria | |
Journal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 17. p. 169-183. |
Bowman, Rebecca (2007) | |
Lubanga, the DRC and the African Court: lessons learned from the first International Criminal Court case | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 7 #2. p. 412-445. |
Ebobrah, Solomon T. (2007) | |
A rights-protection goldmine or a waiting volcanic eruption? Competence of, and access to, the human rights jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 7 #2. p. 307-329. |
Wood, Leonard (2007) | |
Shari'ah revivalist thought in the first years of the 'Shari'ah Lawyers' Bar Association Journal', 1929-31 | |
Maghreb Review. Volume 32 #2-3. p. 196-217. |
Agudo, B.S.; Adikin, E.; Githogori, A. (2006) | |
The reception of English law and its application in Uganda | |
Nkumba School of Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. p. 75-82. |
Kabuinji, Dibunda (2006) | |
Stratégies pouvant permettre l'application par les juridictions congolaises des dispositions des conventions relatives aux droits de l'homme directement applicables | |
Revue analytique de jurisprudence du Congo. Volume 11 #2. p. 23-37. |
Du Plessis, Max (2005) | |
South Africa's response to American hostility towards the International Criminal Court | |
South African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 30. p. 112-127. |
Araújo, F. (2004) | |
O tribunal penal internacional e o problema da jurisdição universal | |
Revista jurídica (Maputo, Mozambique). Volume 6. set.. p. 217-275. |
Cistac, G. (2004) | |
A questão do direito internacional no ordenamento jurídico da República de Moçambique | |
Revista jurídica (Maputo, Mozambique). Volume 6. set.. p. 10-57. |
Oba, Abdulmumini A. (2004) | |
The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and Ouster Clauses under the Military Regimes in Nigeria: Before and after September 11 | |
African Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 4 #2. p. 275-302. |
Zouaimia, Rachid (2004) | |
Les fonctions répréssives des autorités administratives indépendants statuant en matière économique | |
IDARA: revue de l'École nationale d'administration. Volume 14 #2. p. 123-165. |
Van der Mei, A.P. (2002-2004) | |
Punish the wicked, constrain the righteous: some comments on the future of universal jurisdiction | |
University of Ghana Law Journal. Volume 22. p. 78-111. |
Bimpong-Buta, S.Y. (2002) | |
Power of the Ghana High Court to order stay of execution and payment of judgment debt by installments | |
Ghana School of Law Journal (2002). Volume 1. p. 151-164. |
Bondzi-Simpson, P.E. (2002) | |
Power of the Ghana High Court to order stay of execution and payment of judgment debt by installments: a rejoinder | |
Ghana School of Law Journal (2002). Volume 1. p. 165-167. |
Booto W'Etumba, Sébastien (2000) | |
La compétence de la Cour suprême de Justice en matière de cassation des arrêts de la Cour d'Ordre militaire | |
Congo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 40 #341. janvier. p. 8-30. |
Letsika, Qhalehang (2000) | |
The inherent jurisdiction of the superior courts and urgent applications | |
Lesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 161-175. |
Van Niekerk, Erma (2000) | |
S v Basson and the Legacy of Apartheid in South Africa | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. #2. p. 173-187. |
Mudenda, F. (1999-2000) | |
The award of damages in employment cases in Zambia: a general overview | |
LAZ: Law Association of Zambia Journal. Volume 2. p. 53-78. |
Gbaguidi, Ahonagnon Noël (1999) | |
Les conflits de compétence nés de la présence d'actes administratifs dans des contestations de droit de propriété foncière entre particuliers | |
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. p. 119-131. |
Havugimana, D. (1991) | |
Aspects de la compétence internationale des juridictions civiles rwandaises | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 101 #807. p. 367-375. |
Agyemang, A.A. (1989) | |
African courts, the settlement of investment disputes and the enforcement of awards | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 33 #1. p. 31-44. |
Ikhariale, M.A. (1984) | |
The Federal/State Courts' jurisdictional controversy: the law and the ideology | |
Zambia Law Journal. Volume 16. p. 59-68. |
Onya-Luseke (1984) | |
L'ampleur des compétences maternelle et personnelle attribuées aux juridictions militaires par l'ord'-loi no. 72-060 du 25 sept. 1972 | |
Revue juridique du Zaïre: droit écrit et droit coutumier. Volume 60 #1-3. p. 34-42. |
Kom, Enoch D. (1983) | |
Defences to an action for declaration of title to land | |
Review of Ghana Law. Volume 15. p. 152-169. |
Bimpong-Buta, S.Y. (1981) | |
Legal effect of ouster clauses | |
Review of Ghana Law. Volume 13-14. p. 113-134. |
Ntampaka, Charles (1980) | |
Jurisprudence en matière d'état et de capacité des personnes | |
Revue juridique du Rwanda. Volume 4 #2. p. 295-299. |
Lampué, Pierre (1974) | |
Les questions de competence judiciaire dans les rapports franco-africains | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 84 #743. p. 67-80. |
Durand, Ph.P. (1969) | |
The doctrine of estoppel as applied in East Africa | |
East African Law Journal. Volume 5 #3. p. 200-210. |
Anonymous (1966) | |
Le régime juridique des édifices cultuels à Madagascar depuis l'indépendance: pouvoirs de la juridiction administrative en cas de litige concernant la jouissance desdits immeubles | |
Annales de l'Université de Madagascar: Droit. Volume 3. p. 167-175. |
Decheix, P. (1966) | |
Competence respective des tribunaux de droit moderne et des tribunaux de droit traditionnel en matière de responsabilité civile née d'une infraction pénale | |
Revue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 20 #1. p. 230-233. |
Sedler, R.A. (1964) | |
The chilot jurisdiction of the emperor of Ethiopia | |
Journal of African Law. Volume 8. p. 59-76. |
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