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Search: su=jurisdiction
Found: 68 Record 1-68

Periodical articleBanamba, Boniface (2017)
Droit Ohada et conflits de juridictions
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 127 #899. p. 125-148.

BookKuaté Tameghé, Sylvain Sorel (2016)
La justice, ses métiers, ses procédures: Ohada, Union Africaine, Nations Unies, Afrique Centrale, Afrique de l'Ouest, Cameroun
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines, Série droit. 735p.

Periodical articleSchaper, Ulrike (2016)
See this publicationDavid Meetom: Interpreting, Power and the Risks of Intermediation in the Initial Phase of German Colonial Rule in Cameroon
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 44 #5. p. 752-776.

BookAzé Kerté, Amoulgam (2015)
L'affaire Hissène Habré: une première tentative de mise en oeuvre de la compétence universelle en Afrique
Paris: L'Harmattan. 147p.

Periodical articleBeutter, Anne (2015)
See this publicationChurch discipline chronicled: a new source for Basel Mission historiography
Abstract presentHistory in Africa. Volume 42. p. 109-138.

Periodical articleMhango, Mtendeweka (2015)
See this publicationJudicial answer to the application of a market level adjuster and the broad construction of a complaint under the South African Pension Funds Act
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 59 #2. p. 317-328.

Periodical articleAwortwi, Nicholas; Helmsing, A.H.J. (Bert) (2014)
See this publicationBehind the façade of bringing services closer to people: the proclaimed and hidden intentions of the government of Uganda to create many new local government districts
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 48 #2. p. 297-314.

Periodical articleDiakhate, Meïssa (2014)
Les ambiguïtés de la juridiction constitutionelle dans les États de l'Afrique noire francophone
Annales africaines: revue de la Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (UCAD). Volume 2. p. 194-224.

Periodical articleEdiko, William (2014)
La protection des investisseurs étrangers par les Codes des investissements en Afrique francophone
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 124 #888. p. 388-405.

Periodical articleJain, Meetali; Meyersfeld, Bonita (2014)
See this publicationLessons from Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum Company: developing homegrown lawyering strategies around corporate accountability
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 30 #3. p. 430-457.

Periodical articleLawena, Sara (2013)
The human rights jurisdiction of the East African Court of Justice: challenges and prospects
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 6 #1. p. 119-190.

Periodical articleAcirokop, Prudence (2012)
A truth commission for Uganda? Opporunities and challenges
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #2. p. 417-447.

Periodical articleAloys, Mpessa (2012)
Le conseil de discipline budgétaire et financière à l'épreuve de la protection de la fortune publique au Cameroun
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #78. p. 129-156.

Periodical articleAmong, Hope (2012)
Challenges in prosecuting former child soldiers in Uganda's international crimes division
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 336-356.

Periodical articleEnabulele, Amos O. (2012)
Sailing against the tide: exhaustion of domestic remedies and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 56 #2. p. 268-295.

Periodical articleKasaija, Phillip Apuuli (2012)
Kenya's provisional warrant of arrest for President Omar al Bashir of the Republic of Sudan
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 12 #2. p. 623-640.

Periodical articleObuah, Emmanuel (2012)
See this publicationOutsourcing the prosecution of Somali pirates to Kenya: a failure of international law, or a response to domestic politics of states?
Abstract presentAfrican Security Review. Volume 21 #3. p. 40-61.

Periodical articleOlaniyan, H.A. (2012)
A critical appraisal of the Nigerian law and practice on choice of jurisdiction
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 18 #2. p. 415-436.

Periodical articleOndo, Télesphore (2012)
L'autorité des décisions des juridictions constitutionnelles en Afrique noire francophone
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 66 #4. p. 453-480.

Periodical articleSang, Brian (2012)
See this publicationImproving the protection of human and peoples' rights in Africa: reflections from the Yogogombaye case
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 20 #3. p. 341-364.

Periodical articleBulto, Takele Soboka (2011)
See this publicationPatching the 'legal black hole': the extraterritorial reach of States' human rights duties in the African human rights system
Abstract presentSouth African Journal on Human Rights. Volume 27 #2. p. 249-278.

Periodical articleBulto, Takele Soboka (2011)
See this publicationJudicial referral of constitutional disputes in Ethiopia: from practice to theory
African Journal of International and Comparative Law. Volume 19 #1. p. 99-123.

Periodical articleNtonga Bomba, Serge Vincent (2011)
1972-2010, trente-huit ans d'indécision et d'incertitude dans la répartition des compétences en matière administrative au Cameroun
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #76. p. 113-128.

Periodical articlePhanuel, Marwa Maridadi (2011)
The jurisdiction of the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration and the Labour Court in determining tortious matters arising in the course of employment in Tanzania
Abstract presentEast African Journal of Peace and Human Rights. Volume 17 #2. p. 480-495.

Periodical articleRoodt, Christa (2011)
Autonomy and due process in arbitration: recalibrating the balance
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 44 #3. p. 311-339.

Periodical articleSy, Papa Mamour (2011)
Entre l'unité et la dualité de juridiction: l'Afrique noire francophone à la quête d'un modèle d'organisation de la justice administrative
Nouvelles annales africaines. #2. p. 265-319.

Periodical articleTonnang, Edouard Gnimpieba; Nguena Djoufack, Arsène Landry (2011)
L'influence du droit communautaire de la Communauté Économique et Monétaire de l'Afrique Centrale (CEMAC) sur le domaine de compétence du juge administratif camerounais
Recht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 14 #2. p. 229-257.

Periodical articleBhoke, Chacha (2010)
Judgment in the first case before the African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights: a missed opportunity or a mockery of international law in Africa?
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 3 #1. p. 187-229.

Periodical articleCole, Rowland J.V. (2010)
The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights: will political stereotypes form an obstacle to the enforcement of its decisions?
Abstract presentThe Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa. Volume 43 #1. p. 23-45.

Periodical articleEbobrah, Solomon T. (2010)
Critical issues in the human rights mandate of the ECOWAS Court of Justice
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 54 #1. p. 1-25.

BookIbrahim, M.K. (2010)
See this publicationRepublic of Kenya in the High Court of Kenya at Mombasa: Misc. application no. 434 of 2009: judgement
Mombasa: High Court of Kenya. 31p.

Periodical articleMel, Privat Agnero (2010)
La compétence générale du conseil constitutionnel ivoirien en matière consultative
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique des états francophones. Volume 64 #4. p. 410-442.

Periodical articleOnoria, Henry (2010)
Botched-up elections, treaty amendments and judicial independence in the East African Community
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 54 #1. p. 74-94.

Periodical articleKobila, James Mouangue (2009)
L'Afrique et les jurisdictions internationales pénales
African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 17. p. 13-95.

Periodical articlePennell, C.R. (2009)
See this publicationTreaty law: the extent of consular jurisdiction in North Africa from the middle of the seventeenth to the middle of the nineteenth century
The Journal of North African Studies. Volume 14 #2. p. 235-256.

Periodical articleWeldehaimanot, Simon M. (2009)
Unlocking the African Court of Justice and Human Rights
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 2 #2. p. 167-209.

Periodical articleNnamuchi, Obiajulu (2008)
Kleptocracy and its many faces: the challenges of justiciability of the right to health care in Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 52 #1. p. 1-42.

Periodical articleOlatoye, K.A. (2008)
Laying the proper foundation for the determination of courts jurisdiction on land matters: hints to the Supreme Court of Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 17. p. 169-183.

Periodical articleBowman, Rebecca (2007)
Lubanga, the DRC and the African Court: lessons learned from the first International Criminal Court case
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 7 #2. p. 412-445.

Periodical articleEbobrah, Solomon T. (2007)
A rights-protection goldmine or a waiting volcanic eruption? Competence of, and access to, the human rights jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 7 #2. p. 307-329.

Periodical articleWood, Leonard (2007)
Shari'ah revivalist thought in the first years of the 'Shari'ah Lawyers' Bar Association Journal', 1929-31
Maghreb Review. Volume 32 #2-3. p. 196-217.

Periodical articleAgudo, B.S.; Adikin, E.; Githogori, A. (2006)
The reception of English law and its application in Uganda
Nkumba School of Law Journal. Volume 1 #1. p. 75-82.

Periodical articleKabuinji, Dibunda (2006)
Stratégies pouvant permettre l'application par les juridictions congolaises des dispositions des conventions relatives aux droits de l'homme directement applicables
Abstract presentRevue analytique de jurisprudence du Congo. Volume 11 #2. p. 23-37.

Periodical articleDu Plessis, Max (2005)
South Africa's response to American hostility towards the International Criminal Court
South African Yearbook of International Law. Volume 30. p. 112-127.

Periodical articleAraújo, F. (2004)
O tribunal penal internacional e o problema da jurisdição universal
Revista jurídica (Maputo, Mozambique). Volume 6. set.. p. 217-275.

Periodical articleCistac, G. (2004)
A questão do direito internacional no ordenamento jurídico da República de Moçambique
Revista jurídica (Maputo, Mozambique). Volume 6. set.. p. 10-57.

Periodical articleOba, Abdulmumini A. (2004)
The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and Ouster Clauses under the Military Regimes in Nigeria: Before and after September 11
Abstract presentAfrican Human Rights Law Journal. Volume 4 #2. p. 275-302.

Periodical articleZouaimia, Rachid (2004)
Les fonctions répréssives des autorités administratives indépendants statuant en matière économique
IDARA: revue de l'École nationale d'administration. Volume 14 #2. p. 123-165.

Periodical articleVan der Mei, A.P. (2002-2004)
Punish the wicked, constrain the righteous: some comments on the future of universal jurisdiction
University of Ghana Law Journal. Volume 22. p. 78-111.

Periodical articleBimpong-Buta, S.Y. (2002)
Power of the Ghana High Court to order stay of execution and payment of judgment debt by installments
Ghana School of Law Journal (2002). Volume 1. p. 151-164.

Periodical articleBondzi-Simpson, P.E. (2002)
Power of the Ghana High Court to order stay of execution and payment of judgment debt by installments: a rejoinder
Ghana School of Law Journal (2002). Volume 1. p. 165-167.

Periodical articleBooto W'Etumba, Sébastien (2000)
La compétence de la Cour suprême de Justice en matière de cassation des arrêts de la Cour d'Ordre militaire
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 40 #341. janvier. p. 8-30.

Periodical articleLetsika, Qhalehang (2000)
The inherent jurisdiction of the superior courts and urgent applications
Abstract presentLesotho Law Journal: A Journal of Law and Development. Volume 13 #1-2. p. 161-175.

Periodical articleVan Niekerk, Erma (2000)
S v Basson and the Legacy of Apartheid in South Africa
Abstract presentRecht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. #2. p. 173-187.

Periodical articleMudenda, F. (1999-2000)
The award of damages in employment cases in Zambia: a general overview
LAZ: Law Association of Zambia Journal. Volume 2. p. 53-78.

Periodical articleGbaguidi, Ahonagnon Noël (1999)
Les conflits de compétence nés de la présence d'actes administratifs dans des contestations de droit de propriété foncière entre particuliers
Abstract presentRecht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. p. 119-131.

Periodical articleHavugimana, D. (1991)
Aspects de la compétence internationale des juridictions civiles rwandaises
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 101 #807. p. 367-375.

Periodical articleAgyemang, A.A. (1989)
African courts, the settlement of investment disputes and the enforcement of awards
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 33 #1. p. 31-44.

Periodical articleIkhariale, M.A. (1984)
The Federal/State Courts' jurisdictional controversy: the law and the ideology
Abstract presentZambia Law Journal. Volume 16. p. 59-68.

Periodical articleOnya-Luseke (1984)
L'ampleur des compétences maternelle et personnelle attribuées aux juridictions militaires par l'ord'-loi no. 72-060 du 25 sept. 1972
Abstract presentRevue juridique du Zaïre: droit écrit et droit coutumier. Volume 60 #1-3. p. 34-42.

Periodical articleKom, Enoch D. (1983)
See this publicationDefences to an action for declaration of title to land
Abstract presentReview of Ghana Law. Volume 15. p. 152-169.

Periodical articleBimpong-Buta, S.Y. (1981)
See this publicationLegal effect of ouster clauses
Abstract presentReview of Ghana Law. Volume 13-14. p. 113-134.

Periodical articleNtampaka, Charles (1980)
Jurisprudence en matière d'état et de capacité des personnes
Abstract presentRevue juridique du Rwanda. Volume 4 #2. p. 295-299.

Periodical articleLampué, Pierre (1974)
Les questions de competence judiciaire dans les rapports franco-africains
Abstract presentPenant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 84 #743. p. 67-80.

Periodical articleDurand, Ph.P. (1969)
The doctrine of estoppel as applied in East Africa
Abstract presentEast African Law Journal. Volume 5 #3. p. 200-210.

Periodical articleAnonymous (1966)
Le régime juridique des édifices cultuels à Madagascar depuis l'indépendance: pouvoirs de la juridiction administrative en cas de litige concernant la jouissance desdits immeubles
Abstract presentAnnales de l'Université de Madagascar: Droit. Volume 3. p. 167-175.

Periodical articleDecheix, P. (1966)
Competence respective des tribunaux de droit moderne et des tribunaux de droit traditionnel en matière de responsabilité civile née d'une infraction pénale
Abstract presentRevue juridique et politique: indépendance et coopération. Volume 20 #1. p. 230-233.

Periodical articleSedler, R.A. (1964)
The chilot jurisdiction of the emperor of Ethiopia
Abstract presentJournal of African Law. Volume 8. p. 59-76.

Search: su=jurisdiction
Found: 68 Record 1-68

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