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Search: su=land use | ||||||||
Found: 764 | Record 701-764 |
Ojany, F.F. (1982) | |
Desertification and land use in Kenya | |
The Kenyan Geographer. Volume 4 #1-2. p. 1-12. |
Saunders, Margaret Overholt (1982) | |
Changing land use patterns in Mirria County (Niger Republic) | |
Los Angeles, Cal.: African studies association. 23p. |
Sule, R.A. Olu (1982) | |
Land use planning and environmental impact analysis in nigeria: an introductory note | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 25 #1-2. p. 119-131. |
Babiker, Ahmed A.A. (1981) | |
The Land Rotation Cultivation System and its Effect on Woody Vegetation Suppression in the Jabal Marra Area of the Sudan | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 62. p. 108-122. |
Chaleard, Jean-Louis (1981) | |
Occupation du sol et immigration en pays abe (Département d'Agboville - Côte d'Ivoire) | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 18 #3. p. 271-293. |
Igbozurike, Uzo M. (1981) | |
Implementing nigeria's new land use policy | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 24 #1-2. p. 105-118. |
Mburugu, E.K.; Ayiemba, Elias H.O.; Adu Bobie, Gemma J. (1981) | |
Integrated Project in Arid Lands | |
Nairobi: UNEP-MAP. IPAL technical report #2. 161p. |
Papy, F.; Oussible, M.; Jouve, P. (1981) | |
Les contraintes pédoclimatiques à l'exploitation agricole des zones semi-aride et aride du Maroc-occidental: (suivant un gradient climatique de la Chaouia à la Bahira | |
Revue de géographie du Maroc. #5. p. 121-133. |
Bindzi-Tsala, J. (1980) | |
Caracteristiques principales des vertisols du Nord Cameroun: problèmes agronomiques de leur mise en valeur | |
Revue science et technique. Volume 1 #4. p. 41-49. |
Brain, James L. (1980) | |
The Uluguru Land Usage Scheme: Success and Failure | |
Journal of Developing Areas. Volume 14 #2. January. p. 175-190. |
Kika Mavunda (1980) | |
Propriete foncière traditionnelle et utilisation des terres et de savanes chez les Suku du Zaïre | |
Cahiers économiques et sociaux. Volume 18 #3-4. p. 345-352. |
Adeniyi, P.O. (1979) | |
Some fundamental issues in land and land use planning in nigeria | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 22 #1. p. 59-76. |
Reining, Priscilla (1979) | |
Challenging desertification in West Africa: insights from Landsat into carrying capacity, cultivation, and settlement sites in Upper Volta and Niger | |
Athens: Ohio University, Center for International Studies. Papers in international studies, Africa series #39. 165p. |
Scott, Earl P. (1979) | |
Land Use Change in the 'Harsh Lands' of West Africa | |
African Studies Review. Volume 22 #1. April. p. 1-24. |
Maro, Paul S. (1978) | |
Land: Our Basic Resource for Socio-Economic Development | |
Tanzania Notes and Records. Volume 83. p. 31-38. |
Bein, F.L. (1977) | |
Land Use Patterns along the Nile | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 58. p. 180-189. |
Marchal, J.Y. (1977) | |
Evolution des systèmes agraires: l'example du Yatenga (Haute-Volta) | |
Environment in Africa. Volume 2 #1. p. 75-88. |
Norman, David W. (1977) | |
La rationalisation des cultures associees | |
Environment in Africa. Volume 2 #4. p. 99-112. |
O'Keefe, Phil; Wisner, Ben (eds.) (1977) | |
Landuse and development | |
London: International African Institute in association with the Environment Training Programme. African environment, Special report #5. 232p. |
Swift, J. (1977) | |
Desertification and man in the Sahel | |
In: Landuse and development. p. 171-178. |
Taylor, T. Ajibola (1977) | |
Les associations culturales, moyen de lutte contre les parasites des plantes en Afrique tropicale | |
Environment in Africa. Volume 2 #4. p. 113-130. |
Lapaire, Jean-Pierre (1976) | |
L'évolution récente des 'baiboho' du nord-ouest (région de Mampikony - Port-Berge) | |
Madagascar: revue de géographie. #29. p. 117-154. |
Vaissière, P. de la (1976) | |
Typologie des exploitations agricoles en zone forestiere de Cote d'Ivoire - premiers resultats | |
Cahiers ivoiriens de recherche économique et sociale. #9. p. 59-84. |
Forde, Enid R.A. (1974) | |
State Policy and Land Use in Sierra Leone | |
Rural Africana. #23. Winter. p. 15-38. |
Hammons, V. Alvin (1974) | |
Land Use: A Select Bibliography | |
Rural Africana. #23. Winter. p. 91-96. |
Hammons, V. Alvin (1974) | |
Land Use in Dama Chiefdom, Sierra Leone | |
Rural Africana. #23. Winter. p. 39-46. |
Mbagwu, Theo C. (1974) | |
Agricultural enterprise combination in Ngwaland | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 17 #2. p. 127-142. |
Tribillon, J.-F. (1974) | |
Sénégal: pour une politique urbaine, urbanisation et développement | |
Penant: revue de droit des pays d'Afrique. Volume 84 #745. p. 333-362. |
Wenger, Edith (1974) | |
Environnement et tiers monde africain | |
Revue française d'études politiques africaines. Volume 9 #102. p. 53-62. |
Benneh, G. (1973) | |
Land tenure amd farming systems in a Sissala village in Northern Ghana | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 35 #2. p. 361-379. |
Ogunfowora, O.; Heady, E.O. (1973) | |
Integrating short-term farm enterprises with perennial tree crops: an application of recursive programming to a tree crop farm settlement in Western Nigeria | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 15 #1. p. 81-94. |
Arnaud, J.C. (1971) | |
L'occupation du sol en pays Dogon: région comprise entre Bandiagara et Sanga | |
Bulletin de liaison. #2. p. 85-93. |
Mortimore, Michael J. (1971) | |
Population densities and systems of agricultural land-use in Northern Nigeria | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 14 #1. p. 3-15. |
Wheeler, P.T. (1971) | |
Some fieldwork exercises for schools: I. Farm interviews and rural land-use transects | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 14 #1. p. 89-104. |
Badenhorst, J.J. (1970) | |
Survey of the Cape Midlands and Karroo regions | |
Grahamstown: Rhodes University, Institute of Social & Economic Research. 118p. |
Barral, H. (1970) | |
Utilisation de l'espace et peuplement autour de la mare de Bangao (Haute-Volta) | |
Études rurales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, géographie, sociologie et économie des campagnes. #37-38. p. 65-84. |
Boulet, J. (1970) | |
Un terroir de montagne en pays Mafa Magoumaz (Cameroun du Nord) | |
Études rurales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, géographie, sociologie et économie des campagnes. #37-38. p. 198-211. |
Fukui, Katsuyoshi (1970) | |
Migration and settlement of the Iraqw in hanang area: ecological observations on an agrico-pastoral tribe | |
Kyoto University African Studies. Volume 5. p. 101-124. |
Hallaire, Antoinette (1970) | |
Les montagnards en bordure de plaine Hodogway (Cameroun du Nord) | |
Études rurales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, géographie, sociologie et économie des campagnes. #37-39. p. 212-231. |
Hurault, J. (1970) | |
L'organisation du terroir dans les groupements Bamileke | |
Études rurales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, géographie, sociologie et économie des campagnes. #37-39. p. 232-256. |
Remy, G. (1970) | |
Une carte de l'occupation du sol en Haute-Volta: note méthodologique et descriptive | |
Cahiers ORSTOM: Sciences humaines. Volume 7 #2. p. 3-14. |
Sada, P.O. (1970) | |
The rural-urban fringe of Lagos: population and land-use | |
The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies. Volume 12 #2. p. 225-241. |
Stetkiewicz, Lidia (1970) | |
Genese et devenir d'un terroir subpeuple Kansérégé (Rwanda) | |
Études rurales: revue trimestrielle d'histoire, géographie, sociologie et économie des campagnes. #37-38. p. 257-265. |
Gleave, M.B.; Thomas, M.F. (1968) | |
The Bagango valley: an example of land utilisation and agricultural practice in the Bamenda Highlands | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 30 #2. p. 655-681. |
Brasseur, G. (1967) | |
L'utilisation du sol dans l'ouest africain et sa cartographie à l'échelle du 1/5 000 000e | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 29 #1-2. p. 453-457. |
MacMaster, D.N. (1966) | |
Changes in the extent and the distribution of cultivation in Uganda, 1952-1958 | |
Uganda Journal. Volume 30 #1. p. 63-74. |
Russell, E.W. (1966) | |
The Bearing of Ecology on Land Use | |
African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society. Volume 65 #261. October. p. 299-306. |
Bullock, R.A. (1965) | |
Landscape Change in Kiambu | |
East African Geographical Review. #3. April. p. 37-46. |
Temple, P.H. (1965) | |
Physical Factors Affecting Land Use in Coastal Sukumaland | |
East African Geographical Review. #3. April. p. 17-26. |
Hamilton, P. (1964) | |
Population Pressure and Land Use in Chiweshe Reserve | |
Rhodes-Livingstone Journal. #36. December. p. 40-58. |
Jordon, J.D. (1964) | |
Zimutu Reserve: A Land-Use Appreciation | |
Rhodes-Livingstone Journal. #36. December. p. 59-81. |
Barbour, K.M. (1961) | |
Population, land and water in central Sudan | |
In: Essays on African population. p. 137-156. |
Seymour, L.F. (1961) | |
Legislation affecting Africans in urban areas in Southern Rhodesia | |
The Rhodesia and Nyasaland Law Journal. March. p. 103-117. |
Haddon, E.A. (1960) | |
A new deal in the land? | |
The Central African Examiner. #7. p. 12-14. |
Hilton, T.E. (1960) | |
Frafa resettlement and the population problem in Zuarungu | |
Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 22 #3. p. 426-442. |
Vaillant, P. (1960) | |
La Sahamaloto - Etude d'un périmètre aménagé | |
Bulletin de Madagascar. Volume 10 #173. p. 885-891. |
Floyd, Barry N. (1959) | |
Changing Patterns of African Land Usage in Southern Rhodesia | |
Rhodes-Livingstone Journal. Volume 25. March. p. 20-39. |
Moss, R.P. (1959) | |
Land use mapping in tropical Africa | |
The Nigerian Geographical Journal. Volume 3 #1. p. 8-17. |
Worrall, G.A. (1958) | |
Soils and Land Use in the Vicinity of the Three Towns | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 39. p. 2-10. |
De Schlippe, P. (1955) | |
Hedge Strip Farming: A Plan for Zanderland | |
Sudan Notes and Records. Volume 36. p. 7-33. |
Pendered, A.; Memerty, W. von (1955) | |
Native land husbandry act of Southern Rhodesia | |
Journal of African Administration. Volume 7 #3. p. 99-109. |
Anonymous (1954) | |
De besluiten en aanbevelingen van de interafrikaanse bodemconferentie | |
Kongolese actualiteit: Uitgave B. #146. |
Ferguson, H. (1952) | |
The Gezira scheme | |
World Crops: The Journal of International Agriculture. Volume 4 #1. p. 1-15. |
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Found: 764 | Record 701-764 |
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