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Search: su=leprosy
Found: 42 Record 1-42

Periodical articleManton, John (2021)
See this publicationQua Iboe by motorcycle and launch: brokering public health coverage in 1960s Southeastern Nigeria
European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire. Volume 28 #5-6. p. 814-834.

BookBerthault, Christian (2013)
Samo le Diola: roman
Paris: L'Harmattan. 258p.

Periodical articleEbenso, Bassey (ed.) (2012)
See this publicationUsing indigenous proverbs to understand social knowledge and attitudes to leprosy among the Yoruba of southwest Nigeria
Abstract presentJournal of African Cultural Studies. Volume 24 #2. p. 208-222.

Periodical articleVongsathorn, Kathleen (2012)
See this publication'First and foremost the evangelist'? Mission and government priorities for the treatment of leprosy in Uganda, 1927-48
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 6 #3. p. 544-560.

Periodical articleDuncan, M.E.; Hansen, S.; Terefe T.; Bezuneh, E.; Yassin, M.A.; Assefa Z.; Abebe S.; Jamal, G.A.; Mesfin H.; Kazen, R.; Wondu W.; Challis, A.; Abraham A. (2007)
Peripheral nerves and nerve function in highland Ethiopians
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 45 #1 Supplement. October. p. 61-72.

Periodical articleDuncan, M.E.; Hansen, S.; Mesfin H.; Frommel, D.; Currie, h. (2007)
Facial burning in women with leprosy, physiological or pathological?
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 45 #1 Supplement. October. p. 35-41.

Periodical articleDuncan, M.E.; Hansen, S.; Terefe T.; Bezuneh, E.; Yassin, M.A.; Assefa Z.; Abebe S.; Jamal, G.A.; Mesfin H.; Kazen, R.; Wondu W.; Challis, A.; Abraham A. (2007)
Thermal threshold tester, a useful tool for detection of very early nerve damage: determination of normal values in a healthy population unexposed to mycobacterium leprae and its application in the A9 study
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 45 #1 Supplement. October. p. 25-33.

Periodical articleMazarire, Gerald Chikozho (2007)
See this publicationA 'little England' in Chishanga: the fate of a British Empire leprosarium at Ngomahuru, 1925-1946
Abstract presentAfrican Historical Review. Volume 39 #2. p. 1-24.

Periodical articleShankar, Shobana (2007)
See this publicationMedical Missionaries and Modernizing Emirs in Colonial Hausaland: Leprosy Control and Native Authority in the 1930s
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 48 #1. March. p. 45-68.

Periodical articleHorwitz, Simonne (2006)
See this publicationLeprosy in South Africa: a case study of Westfort Leper Institution, 1898-1948
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 65 #2. p. 271-295.

Periodical articleKisivuli, J.A.; Othieno, C.J.; Mburu, J.M.; Kathuku, D.M.; Obondo, A.; Nasokho, P.W. (2005)
See this publicationPsychiatric morbidity among leprosy patients in Teso and Busia Districts of Western Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 82 #9. September. p. 452-456.

Periodical articleBeyene, D.; Assefa A.; Harboe, M.; Kidane, D.; Macdolnald, M.; Klatser, P.R.; Bjune, G.A.; Smith, W.C.S. (2004)
Nasal carriage of mycobacterium leprae DNA in health individuals in Lega Robi Village
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 42 #supp. 1. April. p. 71-78.

Periodical articleChisi, J.E.; Nkhoma, A.; Zverev, Y.; Misiri, H.; Komolafe, O.O. (2003)
See this publicationLeprosy in Nkhotakota District Hospital
East African Medical Journal. Volume 80 #12. December. p. 635-639.

Periodical articleLockwood, D.N.J. (1999)
Kellersberger Memorial Lecture 1998: nerve damage in leprosy: a problem for patients, doctors and scientists
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 37 #2. April. p. 133-140.

Periodical articleMachobane, L.B.B.J. (1999)
Mutiny among the lepers: public health policy on the control of leprosy in Lesotho and poplar response, 1912-1930
South-South Journal of Culture and Development. Volume 1 #1. June. p. 114-131.

Periodical articleMengistu A.; Melesse W./D.; Mohammed A.; Timotiwos G.; Bereket M. (1999)
The involvement of the general health service staff in the management of leprosy in the southern region, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 13 #3. December. p. 187-193.

Periodical articleShannon, E.J. (1999)
24th Kellersberger Memorial Lecture, 1999: thalidomide: will the past overshadow a promising future?
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 37 #4. October. p. 275-280.

Periodical articleFall, Banda (1998)
See this publicationL'émergence de l'humanisme dans la représentation littéraire de l'exclusion
Africa Development: A Quarterly Journal of CODESRIA. Volume 23 #1. p. 113-126.

Periodical articleSesana, K. (1998)
The marginalised: today's lepers
Wajibu. Volume 13 #1. p. 2-3.

BookSilla, Eric (1998)
People are not the same: leprosy and identity in twentieth-century Mali
Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann. Social history of Africa. 220p.

Periodical articleSilla, Eric (1996)
See this publicationAfter Fish, Milk Do Not Wish: Recurring Ideas in a Global Culture
Abstract presentCahiers d'études africaines. Volume 36 #144. p. 613-624.

Periodical articleAdatu-Engwau, F.; Kawuma, H.J.S. (1995)
The National TB/Leprosy Programme (NTLP) in the battle against tuberculosis in Uganda
Makerere Medical Journal. #32. December-June 1996. p. 11-12.

Periodical articleFeyaerts, P.; Thaoubani, D.; Grillone, S.; Oumadi, A.; Molines, C.; Josse, R. (1995)
Epidémiologie de la lèpre en République fédérale islamique des Comores en 1995
Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar. Volume 62 #2. p. 118-121.

Periodical articleRakotomalala, Malanjaona M. (1995)
La lèpre vue à travers une esquisse comparative de trois jeux des enfants malgaches
Abstract presentÉtudes océan Indien. #19. p. 77-103.

Periodical articleKumaresan, J.A.; Maganu, E.T. (1994)
Knowledge and attitude of health workers towards leprosy in north-western Botswana
East African Medical Journal. Volume 71 #6. June. p. 366-367.

BookSilla, Eric (1994)
Dealing with stigma and difference, the case of leprosy in Mali
Toronto: African Studies Association.

Periodical articleLaissone, I. (1993)
A trágica sombra dos leprosos
Tempo. #1160. 14 fev.. p. 17-21.

Periodical articleWekesa, M. (1993)
Sports therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy patients
Medicus (Nairobi, Kenya). Volume 12 #4. April. p. 107-111.

Periodical articleUbah, C.N. (1992)
See this publicationHope for the Despondent: A Colonial Health Care Scheme at Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria
Abstract presentTransafrican Journal of History. Volume 21. p. 51-68.

Periodical articleChalli J. (1991)
The prevalence of leprosy among different ethnic groups in the Blue Nile Valley of western Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 5 #2. November. p. 67-69.

Periodical articleGrosch, Edmund (1991)
Der Kampf gegen die Lepra in Senegal: die Arbeit des Deutschen Aussätzigen-Hilfswerk e.V. (DAHW) in Afrika am Beispiel Senegals
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 27 #1. p. 91-98.

Periodical articleNoordeen, S.K. (1989)
Technology for leprosy control: progress and prospects
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 27 #3. July. p. 161-180.

Periodical articleRamatlapeng, T.; Makong, P. (1989)
Leprosy control in Lesotho, 1982 - September 1989
Lesotho Epidemiological Bulletin. Volume 4 #3. 3rd quarter. p. 38-43.

Periodical articleTadele T. (1989)
Epidemiological survey of leprosy control in Bichena District, Gojjam Administrative Region, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 3 #2. December. p. 105-114.

Periodical articleBloom, B.R. (1988)
A view of a vaccine against leprosy and a reflection on appropriate science and the third world
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 26 #1. January. p. 45-57.

Periodical articlePares, Yvette (1982)
La lutte anti-lepreuse au Sénégal: médecine européenne et médecine africaine
Abstract presentPrésence africaine. #124. p. 76-96.

Periodical articleAquina, Mary (1969)
See this publicationA Sociological Analysis of Ngomahuru Isolation Hospital
Abstract presentZambezia. Volume 1 #1. January. p. 69-85.

Periodical articleMolesworth, B.D. (1968)
See this publicationMalawi leprosy control project
Abstract presentThe Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 21 #1. p. 58-69.

Periodical articleRowe, E.A. (1960)
Leprosy control in Western Nigeria
Abstract presentCorona. Volume 12 #5. p. 166-168.

Periodical articleFollereau, R. (1955)
La bataille de la lepre en A.E.F.
Abstract presentComptes rendus mensuels des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences Coloniales. Volume 15 #8. p. 438-456.

Periodical articleKivits, M. (1955)
La lutte contra la lepre au Congo Belge
Abstract presentBulletin bimestriel. Volume 54 #168. p. 891-896.

Periodical articleSaqui, J. (1955)
Assault on leprosy
Abstract presentWest-African Review. Volume 26 #328. p. 23-24.

Search: su=leprosy
Found: 42 Record 1-42

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