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Search: su=malaria
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Periodical articleAdewoyin, Yemi (2018)
See this publicationPolitical ecology of malaria prevalence in urban Nigeria
Tanzania Journal of Development Studies. Volume 16 #2. p. 74-86.

Periodical articleJimoh, Oluwasegun Mufutau (2017)
See this publicationThe British mosquito eradication campaign in colonial Lagos, 1902-1950
Canadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 51 #2. p. 217-236.

BookKenya. Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. Division of Malaria Control (2016)
See this publicationKenya malaria indicator survey 2015
Nairobi: Division of Malaria Control, Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation. 148p.

Periodical articlePackard, Randall (2016)
See this publicationIndexing immunity to malaria in South Africa in the 1920s and 1930s
Abstract presentAnthropology Southern Africa. Volume 39 #2. p. 116-130.

Periodical articlePoleykett, Branwyn; Mangesho, Peter (2016)
See this publicationLabour politics and Africanization at a Tanzanian scientific research institute, 1949-66
Abstract presentAfrica: Journal of the International African Institute. Volume 86 #1. p. 142-161.

BookInstitut national de la statistique et de la démographie (2015)
See this publicationEnquête sur les indicateurs du paludisme (EIPBF) 2014: Burkina Faso
Ouagadougou: Institut national de la statistique et de la démographie. 152p.

Periodical articleLegrand Fosso, Albert (2015)
Une politique de santé globale dans l'arène locale: la délivrance des antipaludéens à Bandjoun au Cameroun
Anthropologie & développement: revue de l'APAD. #42-43. p. 161-195.

BookOkpako, David T. (2015)
Science interrogating belief: bridging the old and new traditions of medicine in Africa
Ibadan: BookBuilders Editions Africa. 371p.

Periodical articleSequeira, Ana Rita (2015)
See this publicationThe introduction of rapid diagnostic test for malaria in Mozambique: local appropriation and complementary therapeutics
Australasian Review of African Studies. Volume 36 #1. p. 114-128.

Conference paperCharbit, Yves; Mishima, Teiko (eds.) (2014)
Questions de migrations et de santé en Afrique sub-saharienne: recherches interdisciplinaires en France et au Japon
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Collection populations. 235p.

Periodical issueGraboyes, Melissa (ed.) (2014)
Special issue: Incorporating medical research into the history of medicine in East Africa
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 47 #3. p. 379-505.

Periodical articleMusumba, Mark; Egbendewe-Mondzozo, Aklesso; McCarl, Bruce A. (2014)
See this publicationAnalysis of the cost of malaria in children and use of insecticide-treated bednets in Africa
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 26 #1. p. 74-87.

Periodical articleAbdullahi, Ali Arazeem; Van Zyl-Schalekamp, Cecilia; Seneka, Anton (2013)
See this publicationPerceived threat of malaria and the use of insecticide treated bed nets in Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 17 #1. p. 25-44.

Periodical articleAlao, Olatunji E. (2013)
Britain and the civilizing mission in Nigeria: revisiting anti-malaria policy in Lagos metropolis during the colonial era, 1861-1960
Abstract presentLagos Historical Review. Volume 13. p. 85-106.

Periodical articleDu Preez, Iwanette; Mumbengegwi, Davis (2012)
Phytochemical investigation on Namibian plants for anti-malaria compounds
Abstract presentJournal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Volume 1 #1. p. 147-158.

Periodical articleFaye, Sylvain Landry (2012)
Responsabiliser les relais communautaires pour le traitement préventif intermittent saisonnier du paludisme (TPI) au Sénégal: enjeux, modalités, défis
Abstract presentAutrepart. #60. p. 129-146.

BookNational Population Commission (2012)
See this publicationNigeria malaria indicator survey 2010: final report
Abuja: National Malaria Control Programme Federal Republic of Nigeria. 123p.

Periodical articleOmona, Julius (2012)
Social marketing and the fight against malaria in Uganda using insecticide treated nets
OSSREA Bulletin. Volume 9 #2. p. 5-21.

BookAnshan, Li (2011)
See this publicationChinese medical cooperation in Africa: with special emphasis on the medical teams and anti-malaria campaign
Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Discussion paper #52. 27p.

BookKpatchavi, Codjo Adolphe (2011)
Savoirs, maladie et thérapie en Afrique de l'Ouest: pour une anthropologie du paludisme chez les Fon et Waci du Bénin
Cotonou: Editions Ablodè. 355p.

BookTchauque, Francisco (2011)
Contribuição dos 'mass media' na mudança de comportamento e atitude da população rural em Moçambique
Maputo: Publifix. 132p.

Periodical articleBakajika, Olivier Roger Kabatuakuidi (2010)
Décès dus au paludisme chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans à Kananga
Abstract presentJournal of Oriental and African Studies. Volume 19. p. 329-338.

Periodical articleBoampong, J.N.; Acquah, S.; Sam-Awortwi, E.N.; Ofori, M.F. (2010)
See this publicationA preliminary study of association of erythrocyte sedimentation rate with malaria specific immunoglobulin G and malaria-induced anemia
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 12 #1. June. p. 89-98.

Periodical articleBrice, B.K.; William, Y.; Lacina, O.; Félix, Y.; Hugues, A.; Léonardo, B.; André, M.; Josephi, D. (2010)
See this publicationIn vitro susceptibility of plasmodium falciparum isolates from Abijan, Côte d'Ivoire, to artemisinin, chloroquine, dihydroartemisinin and pyronaridine
Tanzania Journal of Health Research. Volume 12 #1. January. p. 73-79.

Periodical articleFaye, Sylvain Landry (2010)
Pourquoi les populations nigériennes n'utilisent pas les Moustiquaires Imprégnées Longue Durée (MILD) qu'elles possèdent à domicile?
Across disciplinary boundaries: humanities, social sciences and Anglophone literature. #1. p. 205-224.

Periodical articleMeier zu Biesen, Caroline (2010)
See this publicationThe rise to prominence of Artemisia annua L.: the transformation of a Chinese plant to a global pharmaceutical
Abstract presentAfrican Sociological Review. Volume 14 #2. p. 24-46.

Periodical articleMsyamboza, K.; Ngwira, B.; Banda, R.; Mkwanda, S.; Brabin, B. (2010)
See this publicationSentinel surveillance of lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, soil transmitted helminths and malaria in rural Southern Malawi
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 22 #1. March. p. 12-14.

Book chapterOmbongi, Kenneth; Rutten, Marcel (2010)
See this publicationDashed hopes and missed opportunities: malaria control policies in Kenya (1896-2009)
Abstract presentIn: Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa. p. 109-143.

Periodical articleRoberts, Jonathan (2010)
See this publicationKorle and the mosquito: histories and memories of the anti-malaria campaign in Accra, 1942-5
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 51 #3. p. 343-365.

Periodical articleTeshale S.; Mao, P.; Pinchouk, N.; Jobira A.; Hailubeza A.; Ermias D. (2010)
Artemether-lumefantrin (Coartem®) and artesunate with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria at Gilgel Gibe II (GGII) Southwestern Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 48 #4. October. p. 285-291.

Periodical issueAjakaiye, Olu (ed.) (2009)
See this publicationSpecial issue on AERC-Cornell symposium on 'Risk, knowledge and health in Africa'
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 21 #1. 208p.

Periodical articleBhattacharyya, Sambit (2009)
See this publicationRoot causes of African underdevelopment
Abstract presentJournal of African Economies. Volume 18 #5. p. 745-780.

Periodical articleBisika, T. (2009)
See this publicationA pilot study to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of local terminology for Malaria screening among children in rural Malawi
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 21 #2. June. p. 59-61.

Periodical articleFekadu D.; Amha K.; Techalew S.; Beyene P. (2009)
Assessment of public health implication of malaria geo-helminth co-infection with an emphasis on hookworm-malaria anemia among suspected malaria patients in Asendabo, Southwest Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 47 #2. January [i.e. Apr.]. p. 153-158.

Periodical articleKaatano, G.M.; Mashauri, F.M.; Kinung'hi, S.M.; Mwanga, J.R.; Malima, R.C.; Kishamawe, C.; Nnko, S.E.; Magesa, S.M.; Mboera, L.E.G. (2009)
See this publicationPatterns of malaria related mortality based on verbal autopsy in Muleba District, Northwestern Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Health Research. Volume 11 #4. October. p. 210-218.

Periodical articleMalebo, H.M.; Tanja, W.; Cal, M.; Swaleh, S.A.M.; Omolo, M.O.; Hassanali, A.; Séquin, U.; Hamburger, M.; Brun, R.; Ndiege, I.O. (2009)
See this publicationAntiplasmodial, anti-trypanosomal, anti-leishmanial and cytotoxicity activity of selected Tanzanian medicinal plants
Tanzania Journal of Health Research. Volume 11 #4. October. p. 226-234.

BookNational Malaria Control Program, Monrovia (2009)
See this publicationLiberia malaria indicator survey 2009
Monrovia: National Malaria Control Program. 121p.

Periodical articleNjau, R.J.A.; Mosha, F.W.; De Savigny, D. (2009)
See this publicationCase studies in public private partnership in health with focus of enhancing the accessibility of health interventions
Tanzania Journal of Health Research. Volume 11 #4. October. p. 235-249.

Periodical articleTwinomugisha, Ben K. (2009)
Taking human life seriously: protection of the right of access to malaria treatment in Uganda
Abstract presentJournal of African and international law. Volume 2 #1. p. 161-200.

Periodical articleBaye G.; Yohannes M. (2008)
See this publicationThe prevalence of HBV, HCV and malaria parasites among blood donors in Amhara and Tigray regional states
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 22 #1. p. 3-7.

Periodical articleFessahaye A.; Ayalew T.; Abraham H.; Wondwossen K. (2008)
See this publicationCaregivers' knowledge about childhood malaria in Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, Southwest Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 22 #1. p. 49-54.

Periodical articleFessahaye A.; Ayalew T.; Abraham H.; Wondwossen K. (2008)
Caregivers' child malaria treatment practice in Gilgel Gibe Field Research Center, South West Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 46 #2. April. p. 113-122.

Periodical articleKalusa, W.T. (2008)
Malaria and public health discourse in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), 1910-1953
The Journal of Humanities (Lusaka). Volume 8. p. 1-22.

Periodical articleKisinza, W.N.; Kisoka, W.J.; Mutalemwa, P.; Njau, J.; Tenu, F.; Nkya, T.; Kilima, S.P.; Magesa, S.M. (2008)
See this publicationCommunity directed interventions for malaria, tuberculosis and vitamin A in onchocerciasis endemic districts in Tanzania
Tanzania Journal of Health Research. Volume 10 #4. October. p. 232-239.

Periodical articleMwenechanya, R.; Chitambo, H.; Chongo, K.; Konde, V. (2008)
In vivo and molecular characterisation of drug resistant plasmodium falciparum isolates at Solwezi urban clinic in Zambia
Journal of Science and Technology (Lusaka, Zambia). Volume 12 #2. December. p. 47-53.

Periodical articleNjogu, J.; Akhwale, W.; Hamer, D.H.; Zurovac, D. (2008)
See this publicationHealth facility and health worker readiness to deliver new national treatment policy for malaria in Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 85 #5. May. p. 213-221.

Periodical articleNkuo-Akenji, Theresa (2008)
See this publicationHigh prevalence of HIV and malaria co-infection in urban Douala, Cameroon
Abstract presentAfrican Journal of AIDS Research. Volume 7 #2. p. 229-235.

Periodical articleNyamongo, Isaac K. (2008)
Tracking malaria trends in Gusii using participatory rural appraisal
Abstract presentMila: a Journal of the Institute of African Studies. Volume 9. p. 55-64.

Periodical articleAdamu A.; Fikre E.; Wakgari D. (2007)
Malaria and HIV co-infection in Hadya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 45 #1. January. p. 9-17.

Periodical articleAnyanwu, John C. (2007)
See this publicationDemand for Health Care Institutions' Services: Evidence from Malaria Fever Treatment in Nigeria
Abstract presentAfrican Development Review. Volume 19 #2. September. p. 304-334.

Periodical articleChanda, P.; Chipeta, J.; Chimutete, M.; Kango, M.; Ndhlovu, M.; Kabalo, A.; Msiska, C.; Hamainza, B.; Kennedy, A.C.; Wamulume, P. (2007)
An assessment of the management of severe malaria in Zambian health facilities
Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 34 #2. April-June. p. 92-97.

Periodical articleChanda, P.; Moonga, H.B.; Chanda, E.; Chizema-Kawesha, E. (2007)
The capacity of community health workers and caretakers in rendering home management of malaria in Zambia
Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 34 #2. April-June. p. 71-76.

Periodical articleChanda, P.; Hawela, M.; Mharakurwa, S.; Shinondo, C.; Roper, C.; Pota, H. (2007)
Frequency of plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase and synthase resistance markers in six districts in Zambia
Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 34 #2. April-June. p. 58-61.

Periodical articleChipeta, J.; Kankasa, C.; Chimyama, M.S.; Mazimba, C.; Shinondo, C.; Sipilanyambe, N.; Mudenda, V.; Hviid, L. (2007)
Prevalence of pregnancy associated malaria (PAM) in Zambian women attending antenatal clinic and women presenting with adverse pregnancy outcomes: a report of pilot studies on the impact of HIV infection on acquisition and maintenance of protective immunity to P. falciparum
Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 34 #2. April-June. p. 77-80.

BookFosu, Augustin Kwasi; Mwabu, Germano (eds.) (2007)
Malaria & poverty in Africa
Abstract presentNairobi: University of Nairobi Press (UONP). 183p.

Periodical articleHenry, Marie-Claire (2007)
Contribution à l'épidémiologie de la malaria et à son contrôle en Côte-d'Ivoire
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 53 #2. p. 149-163.

Periodical articleKigadye, E.S.P. (2007)
Prevalence of human biting mosquitoes in Rufiji District, Tanzania
Huria. Volume 7 #1. June. p. 130-141.

Periodical articleMba, Chuks J.; Aboh, Irene K. (2007)
Prevalence and management of malaria in Ghana: a case study of Volta Region
Abstract presentAfrican Population Studies. Volume 22 #1. p. 145-180.

Periodical articleMsyamboza, K.; Amanor, A.; Kazembe, P.; Brabin, B.J.; Meshnick, S.; Mwapasa, V. (2007)
See this publicationIn-vivo parasitological response to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in pregnant women in Southern Malawi
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 19 #1. March. p. 11-13.

Periodical articleNkhoma, S. (2007)
Is sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) still useful as the first-line antimalarial drug in Malawi or it must be quickly withdrawn from the antimalarial repertoire?
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 19 #1. March. p. 37-38.

Periodical articleNsimba, S.E.D. (2007)
Assessing the impact of educational intervention for improving management of malaria and other childhood illnesses in Kibaha District-Tanzania
East African Journal of Public Health. Volume 4 #1. April. p. 5-11.

Periodical articleOrwa, J.A.; Mwitari, P.G.; Matu, E.N.; Rukunga, G.M. (2007)
See this publicationTraditional healers and the management of malaria in Kisumu District, Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 84 #2. February. p. 51-55.

Periodical articleSiso, Jared Maaka (2007)
Malaria focused ethnographic study of community perceptions and practices in Rigoma division, Nyamira district, Kenya
Abstract presentMila: a Journal of the Institute of African Studies. Volume 8. p. 17-26.

Periodical articleTesfaye T.; Wakgari D. (2007)
Prevalence of urban malaria and associated factors in Gondar Town Northwest Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 45 #2. April. p. 151-158.

Periodical articleVan Dijk, J.; Hachaambwa, L.; Mulenga, M.; Mharakurwa, S.; Thuma, P. (2007)
Response of haemoglobin concentration to oral supplemental iron in children living in a malaria endemic area of Zambia
Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 34 #2. April-June. p. 86-91.

Periodical articleAnisa, A.O. (2006)
See this publicationAn open label, randomised and parallel-group clinical trial on assessment of anti-malarial efficacy and safety of Cotecxin® (dihydroartemisinin) suspension compared to amodiaquine suspension in the treatment of children with acute, uncomplicated malaria in Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 83 #11. November supplement. p. 29-56.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2006)
Severe malaria
African Journal of Medical Practice. Volume 13 #1. January-February. p. 5-10.

Periodical articleBhatt, K.M.; Samia, B.M.; Bhatt, S.M.; Wasunna, K.M. (2006)
See this publicationEfficacy and safety of an artesunate/mefloquine combination, (artequin) in the treatment of uncomplicated p. falciparum malaria in Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 83 #5. May. p. 236-242.

Periodical articleGetahun M.; Ermias D. (2006)
See this publicationTreatment outcome of severe malaria in adults with emphasis on neurological manifestation at Gondar University Hospital, northwest Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 20 #2. p. 106-111.

Periodical articleGetahun M.; Ermias D.; Afework K. (2006)
Outcomes of pregnancy in severe malaria with emphasis on neurological manifestations in Gondar Hospital Northwest Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 44 #4. October. p. 321-330.

Periodical articleGruénais, Marc-Eric; Ndoye, Tidiane; Bado, Jean-Paul (2006)
Le paludisme, maladie mal soignée
Géopolitique africaine. #21. p. 139-149.

Periodical articleIdowu, O.A.; Mafiana, C.F.; Dapo, S. (2006)
Malaria among pregnant women in Abeokuta, Nigeria
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 28-31.

Periodical articleKaatano, G.M.; Muro, A.I.S.; Medard, M. (2006)
Caretaker's perceptions, attitudes and practices regarding childhood febrile illness and diarrhoeal diseases among riparian communities of Lake Victoria, Tanzania
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 155-161.

Periodical articleKamau, E.M. (2006)
See this publicationRoll back malaria and the new partnership for Africa's development: is there potential for synergistic collaboration in partnerships?
African Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 13 #1-2. January-June. p. 22-27.

Periodical articleKimbi, H.K.; Nformi, D.; Patchong, A.M.; Ndamukong, K.J.N. (2006)
See this publicationInfluence of urbanisation on asymptomatic malaria in school children in Molyko, South West Cameroon
East African Medical Journal. Volume 83 #11. November. p. 602-609.

Periodical articleKong'ong'o, Maurice (2006)
The burden of childhood malaria: an anthropological insight into a major medical problem
Abstract presentResearch Review. Volume 22 #1. p. 15-22.

Periodical articleMaegga, B.T.A.; Kalinga, A.K.; Chacha, S.W.; Kibona, M.; Mwayawale, J.; Jangson, K. (2006)
Malaria in Bulambya, Ileje District, South-west Tanzania
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 17-21.

Periodical articleMagesa, S.M.; Kamugisha, M.L. (2006)
Evaluation of the bio-efficacy of three brands of repellents against wild populations of anthropophilic mosquitoes
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 145-148.

Periodical articleMathanga, D.; Bowie, C. (2006)
See this publicationMalaria control in Malawi: are the poor being served?
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 18 #1. March. p. 28-31.

Periodical articleMboera, L.E.G.; Magesa, S.M.; Molteni, F. (2006)
Indoors man-biting mosquitoes and their implication on malaria transmission in Mpwapwa and Iringa Districts, Tanzania
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #3. September. p. 141-144.

Periodical articleMboera, L.E.G.; Kamugisha, M.L.; Rumisha, S.F.; Msangeni, H.A.; Barongo, V.; Molteni, F.; Kitua, A.Y. (2006)
The relationship between malaria parasitaemia and availability of healthcare facility in Mpwapwa District, Central Tanzania
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 8 #1. January. p. 22-27.

Periodical articleMnyika, K.S.; Kabalimu, T.K.; Mbaruku, G. (2006)
Determinants of utilisation of mosquito bednets for malaria prevention among pregnant women in Kigoma Urban District, Western Tanzania
East African Journal of Public Health. Volume 3 #2. October. p. 31-34.

Periodical articleMnyika, K.S.; Kabalimu, T.K.; Mbaruku, G. (2006)
Asymptomatic parasitaemia and placental malaria infection among pregnant women in Kigoma Urban District, Western Tanzania
East African Journal of Public Health. Volume 3 #2. October. p. 14-18.

Periodical articleMoyo, D.Z.; Chigara, N.; Nyandoro, T. (2006)
A survey of schistosoma and plasmodium infections in Gweru area
Midlands State University Journal of Science, Agriculture, and Technology. Volume 1 #1. p. 90-94.

Periodical articleMujinja, P.G.M. (2006)
Exploring determinants of consumer preferences and willingness to pay for insecticides treated bednets before intervention in a poor rural Tanzania
East African Journal of Public Health. Volume 3 #1. April. p. 17-23.

Periodical articleNgemenya, M.N.; Akam, T.M.; Yong, J.N.; Tane, P.; Fanso-Free, S.N.Y.; Berzins, K.; Titanji, V.P.K. (2006)
See this publicationAntiplasmodial activities of some products from turreanthus africanus (meliaceae)
African Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 13 #1-2. January-June. p. 33-39.

Periodical articleNkuo-Akenji, T.; Ntonifor, N.N.; Ndukum, M.B.; Kimbi, H.K.; Abongwa, E.L.; Nkwescheu, A.; Anong, D.N.; Songmbe, M.; Boyo, M.G.; Ndamukong, K.J.N.; Titanji, V.P.K. (2006)
See this publicationEnvironmental factors affecting malaria parasite prevalence in rural Bolifamba, South-West Cameroon
African Journal of Health Sciences. Volume 13 #1-2. January-June. p. 40-46.

Periodical articleOcran, M.H.; Akpabey, F. (2006)
See this publicationThe use of two biological formulations of bacillus thuringiensis and bacillus sphaericus in the control of mosquito vectors of malaria in drains and rice fields
Ghana Journal of Science. Volume 46. p. 37-45.

Periodical articleOsero, J.S.O.; Otieno, M.F.; Orago, A.S.S. (2006)
See this publicationMothers' knowledge on malaria and vector management strategies in Nyamira District, Kenya
East African Medical Journal. Volume 83 #9. September. p. 507-514.

Periodical articleOyier, P.J. (2006)
Malaria: getting our act together
Wajibu. Volume 21 #2. July-August. p. 3-4.

Periodical articleRodrigues, F.K.; Bharwaj, G.P.; Fobil, J. (2006)
Evidence of plasmid-mediated trimethoprim resistance in two districts in Ethiopia
Journal of the Ghana Science Association. Volume 8 #1. p. 1-7.

Periodical articleSimwaka, B.N.; Makwiza, I.; Sanudi, L.; Nkhonjera, P.; Theobald, S. (2006)
See this publicationVulnerability, access to health services and impact: a gender lens on TB, HIV and malaria in Malawi
Malawi Medical Journal. Volume 18 #2. June. p. 80-83.

Periodical articleStokes, Catherine; Steyn, Francois (2006)
Participatory Malaria Prevention in Rural Zimbabwe
Africa Insight. Volume 36 #3-4. p. 115-125.

Periodical articleTarimo, D.S.; Manyilizu, W.B. (2006)
Clients' perception on sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) use as the first line drug and alternative drugs for the treatments of uncomplicated malaria in Kibaha District, Tanzania
East African Journal of Public Health. Volume 3 #1. April. p. 12-16.

Periodical articleWorkeabeba A. (2006)
Therapeutic efficacy of sulfadoxin/pyrimethamine in the treatment of uncomplicated plasmodium falciparum malaria in Enseno, Meskan Woreda, Gurage zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Medical Journal. Volume 44 #2. April. p. 133-138.

Periodical articleAchidi, E.A.; Ajua, A.; Kimbi, H.K.; Sinju, C.M. (2005)
See this publicationIn vivo efficacy study of Quinine sulphate in the treatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in patients from Southwestern Cameroon
East African Medical Journal. Volume 82 #4. April. p. 181-185.

Periodical articleDaddi J.; Gezahegn T.; Wakgari D.; Adugna W.; Daniel K.; Desta A. (2005)
See this publicationBaseline survey for the implementation of insecticide treated mosquito nets in malaria control in Ethiopia
Ethiopian Journal of Health Development. Volume 19 #1. p. 16-23.

Periodical articleEboh, E.C.; Okeibunor, J.C. (2005)
Malaria prevalence and impact on farm household labor use and productivity in the irrigated rice production system of Omor community, Nigeria
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin. Volume 7 #1. January. p. 7-15.

Periodical articleJima D.; Tesfaye G.; Medhin A.; Kebede A.; Argaw D.; Babaniyi O. (2005)
See this publicationEfficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Ethiopia
East African Medical Journal. Volume 82 #8. August. p. 391-395.

Periodical articleJima D.; Tesfaye G.; Medhin A.; Kebede A.; Argaw D.; Babaniyi O. (2005)
See this publicationSafety and efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Ethiopia
East African Medical Journal. Volume 82 #8. August. p. 387-390.

Search: su=malaria
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