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Search: su=military history
Found: 78 Record 1-78

BookBoissoudy, Philippe de (2017)
Le camp des Saras: les premiers pas de la France libre en Afrique
Paris: Les impliqués éditeur. 124p.

Periodical articleMujere, Joseph; Sagiya, Munyaradzi Elton; Fontein, Joost (2017)
See this publication'Those who are not known, should be known by the country': patriotic history and the politics of recognition in southern Zimbabwe
Journal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 11 #1. p. 86-114.

BookSmith, Étienne (ed.) (2017)
Guerres africaines de la France: 1830-2017: l'empire des armées
Abstract presentParis: TM. Les temps modernes #693-694. 381p.

BookIhekwaba, Frank Nwabueze (2016)
The untold story of the British military expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930)
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. 187p.

BookJewell, Norman Parsons (2016)
On call in Africa: in war and peace, 1910-1932
Hove: Gillyflower Publishing. 318p.

Periodical articleOrosz, Kenneth J. (2016)
See this publicationThe Dwarf, the Goetzen and C. S. Forester's African Queen: A Reassessment of Naval Operations in First World War Africa
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. Volume 44 #4. p. 592-621.

Periodical articlePradines, Stéphane (2016)
See this publicationPortuguese Fortresses in East Africa
Fort. Volume 44. p. 50-75.

BookSteenkamp, Willem (2016)
The black beret: the history of South Africa's armoured forces
Solihull: Helion & Company Limited. 366p.

Periodical articleThornton, John K. (2016)
See this publicationThe Kingdom of Kongo and the Thirty Years' War
Journal of World History. Volume 27 #2. p. 189-213.

BookBinda, Alexandre (2015)
The Equus men: Rhodesia's mounted infantry: the grey's scouts 1896-1980
West Midlands: Helion & Company. 280p.

BookCissé, Mbaye (2015)
Opération Fodé Kaba II: des Jambaar dans le vent
Dakar: L'Harmattan-Sénégal. 140p.

BookMoghira, Mohamed Anouar (2015)
Les armées arabes et le pouvoir d'État: militaires du peuple ou du régime: XIXe-XXIe siècle
Paris: Karthala. Hommes et sociétés. 333p.

BookPrijac, Lukian (2015)
Le blocus de Djibouti: chronique d'une guerre décalée (1935-1943)
Paris: L'Harmattan. Chemins de la mémoire. 443p.

Periodical articlevan Wyk, Jo Ansie; van Wyk, Anna Mart (2015)
See this publicationFrom the nuclear 'laager' to the non-proliferation club: South Africa and the NPT
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. Volume 67 #1. p. 32-46.

Periodical articleWessels, André (2015)
See this publicationDie Suid-Afrikaanse vloot se sogenaamde omstrede nuwe fregatte: hulle eerste dekade van diens, 2004-2014: navorsings- en oorsigartikel
Abstract presentTydskrif vir geesteswetenskappe. Volume 55 #2. p. 270-288.

BookAyele, Fantahun (2014)
The Ethiopian Army: from victory to collapse, 1977-1991
Abstract presentEvanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. 309p.

BookEmerson, Stephen A. (2014)
The battle for Mozambique: the Frelimo-Renamo struggle, 1977-1992
Solihull: Helion & Company Limited. 240p.

Periodical articleGeyer, René (2014)
The Union Defence Force and the 1914 strike: the dynamics of the shadow of the burgher
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 59 #2. p. 136-151.

BookMbassi, Daniel (2014)
Vécu d'un pionnier de l'armée camerounaise
Paris: L'Harmattan. 150p.

Periodical articleMorton, Fred (2014)
The rise of a raiding state: Makaba II's Ngwaketse, c. 1780-1824
Abstract presentNew contree: a journal of historical and human sciences for Southern Africa. #71. p. 25-40.

BookNtilikina, Faustin (2014)
Rwanda: les forces armées: répondre à l'histoire
Bruxelles: Éditions Scribe. 361p.

BookRethman, Hugh (2014)
Friends and enemies: the Natal campaign in the South African war 1899-1902
East Sussex: Tattered Flag Press. 314p.

Periodical articleRoberts, R.S. (2014)
Major General Sir Frederick Carrington and his daughter Dorothy: an imperial frontiersman and a transient on the frontier of settlement
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #33. p. 5-18.

Periodical articleStapleton, Tim (2014)
Bush tracking and warfare in late twentieth-century east and southern Africa
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 59 #2. p. 229-251.

BookTouré, Abdoulaye (2014)
La Seconde Guerre mondiale vécue d'en bas au Sénégal: historisation populaire et connexions individuelles
Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal. Collection 'La librairie universitaire', Thèses & essais #1. 316p.

BookConstantine, Rodney James (ed.) (2013)
New perspectives on the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 = Nuwe perspektiewe op die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 1899-1902
Abstract presentBloemfontein: The War Museum of the Boer Republics. 274p.

BookLugan, Bernard (2013)
Les guerres d'Afrique: des origines à nos jours
Monaco: Rocher. Lignes de feu. 403p.

BookMaillat, Maurice (2013)
Les garnisons de Gorée: (1627-1960)
Gorée: Éditions du Musée Historique du Sénégal (Gorée). 244p.

BookMichel, Marc (2013)
L'Afrique dans l'engrenage de la Grande Guerre, 1914-1918
Paris: Karthala. 240p.

BookNtoma Mengome, Barthélémy (2013)
La bataille de Libreville: De Gaulle contre Pétain: 50 morts
Paris: L'Harmattan. Études africaines. 88p.

BookSiollun, Max (2013)
Soldiers of fortune: Nigerian politics under Buhari and Babangida (1983-1993)
Abuja: Cassava Republic Press. 336p.

Periodical articleWebb, Denver A. (2013)
See this publicationLords of all they surveyed? The Royal Engineers, surveying, mapping and development in South Africa's Eastern Cape
Abstract presentAfrican historical review. Volume 45 #1. p. 22-45.

BookAddae, Stephen Kojo (2012)
History of Ghana Armed Forces: military organizations and regiments
Accra: Eureka Foundation. Military histories #3. 339p.

BookAndurain, Julie d' (2012)
La Capture de Samory (1898), l'achèvement de la conquête de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Saint-Cloud: SOTECA. 208p.

Periodical articleBourhill, James; Pretorius, Fransjohan (2012)
How the story of the South African experience in the Italian campaign was recorded - and distorted
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 57 #2. p. 350-377.

BookMcGregor, Gordon (2012)
Murder at Angra Pequeña!: James Grey shot and killed!: 30 October 1863
Windhoek: Namibia Scientific Society. 56p.

BookThilmans, Guy; Rosière, Pierre (2012)
Les Sénégalais et la Grande Guerre: lettres de tirailleurs et recrutement (1912-1919)
Gorée: Éditions du Musée historique du Sénégal. 261p.

Periodical articleVan Wyk, Jo-Ansie (2012)
No nukes in Africa: South Africa, the denuclearisation of Africa and the Pelindaba Treaty
Historia: amptelike orgaan. Volume 57 #2. p. 263-297.

BookCocks, Chris (ed.) (2011)
The Cheetah: magazine of the Rhodesian light infantry
Johannesburg: Rhodesian Light Infantry. 72p.

Periodical articleNevin, Timothy D. (2011)
The uncontrollable force: a brief history of the Liberian Frontier Force, 1908-1944
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 44 #2. p. 275-297.

BookReno, William (2011)
Warfare in independent Africa
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. New approaches to African history #5. 271p.

BookTaithe, Bertrand (2011)
The killer trail: a colonial scandal in the heart of Africa
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 322p.

BookThom, William G. (2011)
African wars: a defense intelligence perspective
Calgary: University of Calgary Press. Africa: missing voices series/ ed. Donald I. Ray and Peter Shinnie #7. 257p.

Periodical articleBagodo, Obarè B.; N'Dah, Didier (2010)
Prospection archéologique sur les anciens sites de guerre de Bawura-bansu et de Gbêku-bansu (Bembéréké, Nord-Est du Bénin): résultats préliminaires
Abstract presentJournal of environment and culture. Volume 7 #1. p. 79-94.

Dissertation / thesisFaye, M. Lamine (2010)
See this publicationGuerre et art de la guerre au Sahara occidental et au Soudan d'après les sources arabes (IXe-XIIe siècles)

BookOmar, Musa Mohammad (2010)
Herrschaft und Armut in 'Äthiopien': 'Äthiopien': 'Supermacht' am Horn von Afrika: Untersuchung zur Dominanz von Stämmen, Herrschaft, Unterdruckung, Diskriminierung und Armut
Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin (WVB). 149p.

Periodical articleRoberts, Jonathan (2010)
See this publicationKorle and the mosquito: histories and memories of the anti-malaria campaign in Accra, 1942-5
Abstract presentThe Journal of African History. Volume 51 #3. p. 343-365.

Periodical articleSpiers, Edward M. (2010)
The learning curve in the South African War: soldiers' perspectives
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 55 #1. p. 1-17.

Periodical articleÉvrard, Camille (2010)
Quelle transmission du 'pouvoir militaire' en Afrique? L'indépendance mauritanienne vue par l'armée française
Abstract presentAfrique contemporaine. #235. p. 29-42.

Periodical articleFecitt, H. (2009)
See this publicationThe 'Foreign Service' half of 1 King's African Rifles - Nyasaland Askari in Britain & German East Africa. Pt. 2. February 1915 to March 1916
The Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 62 #1. p. 25-36.

BookMiller, Stephen M. (ed.) (2009)
Soldiers and settlers in Africa, 1850-1918
Abstract presentLeiden: Brill. History of warfare 56. 339p.

Periodical articleLaw, Robin (2008)
See this publicationThe Akani war of 1693-6
Abstract presentTransactions of the Historical Society of Ghana. #11. p. 89-111.

BookLaband, John (ed.) (2007)
Daily lives of civilians in wartime Africa: from slavery days to Rwandan genocide
Abstract presentWestport, CT: Greenwood Press. The Greenwood Press 'Daily life through history' series. 301p.

Periodical articleAnonymous (2005)
The story of Brig Shaban Opolot Uganda's first Army Commander
6th of February. Volume 18 #4. April. p. 25-30.

Periodical articleGuy, Jeff (2004)
Non-Combatants and War: Unexplored Factors in the Conquest of the Zulu Kingdom
Abstract presentJournal of Natal and Zulu History. Volume 22. p. 53-71.

Periodical articleVisser, Deon (2004)
Military history at the South African Military Academy
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 49 #2. p. 129-146.

Periodical articleVisser, Deon (2002)
See this publicationBritish Influence on Military Training and Education in South Africa: The Case of the South African Military Academy and its Predecessor
Abstract presentSouth African Historical Journal. #46. May. p. 63-82.

Periodical articleOfcansky, Thomas P. (2001)
Ethiopia: a selected military bibliography
Abstract presentAfrican Research and Documentation. #87. p. 29-65.

Periodical articleRainey, Timothy A. (1996)
Buffalo Soldiers in Africa: The U.S. Army and the Liberian Frontier Force, 1912-1927: An Overview
Abstract presentLiberian Studies Journal. Volume 21 #2. p. 203-238.

Periodical articleStepniewska-Holzer, B. (1991)
The army and external expansion in the power system in Egypt in the first half of the 19th century
Abstract presentAfricana Bulletin. #38. p. 7-21.

Periodical articleHutchful, Ebo (1987)
The development of the army officer corps in Ghana 1956-66
Abstract presentUniversitas. Volume 9. p. 32-55.

Periodical articleSforza, Arturo (1987)
See this publicationLa ricostruzione della flotta da guerra di Tunisi (1821-1836)
Abstract presentAfrica: rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione. Volume 42 #3. p. 417-436.

Periodical articleGayibor, Nicoué Lodjou (1984)
Elements de polemologie en pays Ewe
Abstract presentCultures et développement. Volume 16 #3-4. p. 511-536.

Periodical articleRivière, Claude (1984)
Sociologie des guerres au Fouta-Djalon precolonial
Abstract presentCultures et développement. Volume 16 #3-4. p. 553-581.

Periodical articleAregay, Merid W. (1980)
See this publicationA Reappraisal of the Impact of Firearms in the History of Warfare in Ethiopia (ca. 1500-1800)
Abstract presentJournal of Ethiopian Studies. Volume 14. p. 98-121.

Periodical articleKaké, Ibrahima Baba (1980)
Tradition guerriere en Afrique
Abstract presentRevue africaine de stratégie. #7. p. 24-29.

Periodical articlePipes, Daniel (1980)
See this publicationBlack Soldiers in Early Muslim Armies
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 13 #1. p. 87-94.

Periodical articleUkpabi, S.C. (1978)
Igbo warfare
Abstract presentBulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Série B: Sciences humaines. Volume 40 #2. p. 415-439.

Periodical articleAlpers, Edward A. (1977)
Madagascar and Mozambique in the Nineteenth Century: The Era of the Sakalava Raids (1800-1820)
Omaly sy anio: revue d'études historiques. #5-6. p. 37-53.

Periodical articleMeyers, Allan R. (1977)
See this publicationClass, Ethnicity, and Slavery: The Origins of the Moroccan 'Abid
Abstract presentInternational Journal of African Historical Studies. Volume 10 #3. p. 427-442.

Book chapterWeinstein, W. (1977)
Military continuities in the Rwanda State
Abstract presentIn: The Warrior Tradition in Modern Africa. p. 48-66.

Periodical articleWelch, Claude E. (1975)
See this publicationContinuity and Discontinuity in African Military Organization
Abstract presentJournal of Modern African Studies. Volume 13 #2. June. p. 229-248.

Periodical articleUkpabi, S.C. (1974)
The military in traditional African societies
Abstract presentAfrika Spectrum. Volume 9 #2. p. 200-217.

Periodical articleMatthies, Volker (1973)
Militär, Gesellschaft und Gewalt in Äthiopien
Abstract presentVierteljahresberichte Probleme der Entwicklungsländer. #54. p. 355-378.

Periodical articleHebga, J.-A. (1969)
Origines des armées africaines
Abstract presentÉtudes congolaises. Volume 12 #3. p. 71-82.

Periodical articleKirk-Greene, Anthony H.M. (1964)
A Preliminary Note on the Sources for Nigerian Military History
Abstract presentJournal of the Historical Society of Nigeria. Volume 3 #1. p. 129-147.

Periodical articleSummers, R. (1955)
The military doctrine of the Matabele
Abstract presentNada: The Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Department Annual. Volume 32. p. 7-15.

BookMangin, Charles (1930)
Lettres du Soudan
Paris: Les Éditions des Portiques. Entretiens sous les portiques. 253p.

Search: su=military history
Found: 78 Record 1-78

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