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Search: su=mineral resources
Found: 45 Record 1-45

Periodical articleDe Putter, Thierry (2019)
See this publication'Cobalt Means Conflict' - Congolese Cobalt, a Critical Element in Lithium-ion Batteries
Bulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 65. p. 97-110.

Periodical articleAmbe-Uva, Terhemba (2017)
See this publicationWhither the state? Mining codes and mineral resource governance in Africa
Abstract presentCanadian Journal of African Studies. Volume 51 #1. p. 81-101.

BookDiaby, Fodé (2017)
Regard sur le secteur minier guinéen
Paris: L'Harmattan. 273p.

BookTrefon, Theodore; De Putter, Thierry (eds.) (2017)
Ressources naturelles et développement: le paradoxe congolais
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan. Cahiers africains #90. 195p.

BookAmnesty International (2016)
See this publicationThis is what we die for: human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo power the global trade in cobalt
Abstract presentLondon: Amnesty International Publications. 90p.

BookAzizi, Jamal; Giraud, Pierre-Noël; Ollivier, Timothée (eds.) (2016)
Richesses de la nature et pauvreté des nations: essai sur la malédiction de la rente minière et pétrolière en Afrique
Paris: Mines. Collection économie et gestion. 250p.

BookCurtis, Mark (2016)
See this publicationNew colonialism: Britain's scramble for Africa's energy and mineral resources
London: War on Want. 69p.

BookN'Diaye, Ibrahima Sory (2015)
Le scandale géologique guinéen
Paris: L'Harmattan. 133p.

Periodical articleFey, Peter (2014)
The Geological Survey: the period 1930-1949
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #33. p. 35-44.

BookGlaser, Antoine (2014)
Africafrance: quand les dirigeants africains deviennent les maîtres de jeu
Paris: Fayard. 230p.

Periodical articleHarvey, Ross (2014)
See this publicationNatural resource rents and elite bargains in Africa: exploring avenues for future research
Abstract presentSouth African Journal of International Affairs. Volume 21 #2. p. 213-233.

Periodical articleMostert, Hanri (2014)
See this publicationThe 'Thing' Called 'Mineral Right' Re-examining the nature, content and scope of a rather confounding concept in South African law
Abstract presentRecht in Afrika = Law in Africa = Droit en Afrique. Volume 17 #1. p. 28-51.

BookSimmons, Gary L. (ed.) (2014)
Conflict minerals: responsible sourcing issues and factors impacting SEC rule
Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science. Geology and mineralogy research developments. 110p.

Periodical articleBatty, Fodei (2013)
See this publicationEnacting the Mines and Minerals Act (2009) of Sierra Leone: actors, interests and outcomes
Abstract presentAfrican Studies. Volume 72 #3. p. 353-374.

Periodical articleBroderick, Tim (2013)
An historical account of the mining of Muscovite Mica in Zimbabwe
Heritage of Zimbabwe. #32. p. 85-96.

Periodical articlePerks, Rachel (2013)
See this publicationDigging into the past: critical reflections on Rwanda's pursuit for a domestic mineral economy
Abstract presentJournal of Eastern African Studies. Volume 7 #4. p. 732-750.

Periodical articleDelamarche, Myrtille (2012)
Dossier mines: le mercato minier est ouvert
Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens. Volume 67 #3273. p. 5-17.

Periodical articleKabamba, Patience (2012)
See this publicationExternal economic exploitation in the DRC: 1990-2005
African Studies Review. Volume 55 #1. p. 123-130.

BookMarysse, Stefaan; Omasombo, Jean (eds.) (2012)
Conjonctures congolaises: chroniques et analyses de la RD Congo en 2011
Abstract presentParis: L'Harmattan;. Cahiers africains #80. 264p.

BookHaglund, Dan (2011)
See this publicationBlessing or curse? The rise of mineral dependence among low- and middle-income countries
Oxford: Oxford Policy Management. 42p.

BookKoning, Ruben de (2011)
See this publicationConflict minerals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: aligning trade and security interventions
Solna, Sweden: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. SIPRI policy papers #27. 42p.

Periodical articleMeger, Sara (2011)
See this publicationRape in contemporary warfare: the role of globalization in wartime sexual violence
Abstract presentAfrican Conflict and Peacebuilding Review. Volume 1 #1. p. 100-132.

Dissertation / thesisOrmel, Dirk (2011)
See this publicationNe pas tuer la poule aux oeufs d'or: can and should the illegal exploitation of natural resources in East-DRC be prosecuted as a war crime by the International Criminal Court?

BookUnited Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Publications and Conference Management Section, Addis Ababa (2011)
See this publicationMinerals and Africa's Development: The International Study Group Report on Africa's Mineral Regimes
Addis Ababa: Economic Commission for Africa. 210p.

BookCouncil of Churches in Zambia (2010)
Prosperity unto death: is Zambia ready for uranium mining?
The Council of Churches in Zambia. 84p.

BookCuvelier, Jeroen (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationThe complexity of resource governance in a context of State fragility: the case of eastern DRC
Abstract presentLondon: International Alert. 76p.

BookGhana. Minerals Commission (2010)
Minerals Commission Ghana: 25 years of existence - 1984-2009
Accra: The Commission. 83p.

BookKabwe (Central Province, Zambia). Municipal Council (2010)
Kabwe district state of environment outlook report
Kabwe: Kabwe Municipal Council. 54p.

BookSpittaels, Steven (ed.) (2010)
See this publicationThe complexity of resource governance in a context of State fragility: an analysis of the mining sector in the Kivu hinterlands
Abstract presentLondon: International Alert. 64p.

BookCusters, Raf; Matthysen, Ken (2009)
See this publicationAfrica's natural resources in a global context
Antwerpen: IPIS. 88p.

BookCusters, Raf; Cuvelier, Jeroen; Verbruggen, Didier (2009)
See this publicationCulprits or Scapegoats? Revisiting the role of Belgian mineral traders in eastern DRC
Antwerpen: IPIS. 27p.

BookKliem, Andreas (2009)
Die Kongoverbrechen: Geschichte und Allgegenwart räuberischer Ausbeutungspraxis
Frankfurt am Main: Nomen. BCC-Buch. 271p.

BookKoning, Ruben de (2009)
See this publicationArtisinal mining and post-conflict reconstruction in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Solna, Sweden: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. SIPRI background paper. 19p.

Periodical articleMshali, Rodney (2009)
See this publicationMineral resources of Malawi and mining potential
Abstract presentThe Society of Malawi Journal. Volume 62 #2. p. 27-35.

BookOmeje, Kenneth C. (ed.) (2008)
Extractive economies and conflicts in the global South: multi-regional perspectives on rentier politics
Abstract presentAldershot: Ashgate. 251p.

Periodical articleTrapido, Stanley (2008)
Imperialism, settler identities and colonial capitalism: the hundred year origins of the 1899 South African War
Abstract presentHistoria: amptelike orgaan. Volume 53 #1. p. 46-75.

Periodical articleGoossens, Pierre (2007)
Phoenix rising in an uncertain world: new mining activities in Katanga
Abstract presentBulletin des séances = Mededelingen der zittingen. Volume 53 #3. p. 361-385.

Periodical issueMinani Bihuzo, Rigobert (ed.) (2007)
Rapport Lutundula et contrat de gouvernance du Programme du gouvernement de la R.D.C.: CEPAS: journées sociales 12-14 juin 2007
Abstract presentCongo-Afrique: économie, culture, vie sociale. Volume 47 #417. p. 498-576.

Periodical articleOkogu, Bright (2007)
Management of Nigeria's natural resources and the national security
Abstract presentNigerian Journal of International Affairs. Volume 33 #1. p. 45-63.

Periodical articleAgundu, Prince Umor C. (2005)
Solid minerals development-oriented investments and Nigeria's economic diversification: a strategic cross sectional diagnosis
Abstract presentAfrican Administrative Studies. #65. p. 107-115.

Dissertation / thesisSnyder, Kossouth (2005)
Mining and mineral industries in post-apartheid South Africa
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI. 180p.

Dissertation / thesisNest, Michael Wallace (2003)
The evolution of a fragmented state: the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services. 352p.

Periodical articleFeustel, Sandy (1978)
African Minerals and American Foreign Policy
Abstract presentAfrica Report. Volume 23 #5. September-October. p. 12-17.

Periodical articleSies, Walter (1978)
Afrika als Teil der Weltrohstoffwirtschaft
Abstract presentInternationales Afrikaforum. Volume 14 #3. p. 254-260.

Periodical articleMckinnon, D. (1963)
Minerals, the key to progress in Africa
Abstract presentOptima. Volume 13 #2. p. 73-86.

Search: su=mineral resources
Found: 45 Record 1-45

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